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Detailed Legislative Reports - Bill Status Report: All Bills (2023-24)

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Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
HI 2081 Docs f Parental rights/schools C 4 L 24 03/05/2024 People of the State of Washington
HI 2109 Docs f Capital gains tax repeal H Finance 01/24/2024 People of the State of Washington
HI 2111 Docs f# Taxes on personal income C 5 L 24 03/05/2024 People of the State of Washington
HI 2113 Docs f# Police vehicular pursuits C 6 L 24 03/05/2024 People of the State of Washington
HI 2117 Docs f Carbon tax credit trading H Env & Energy 01/17/2024 People of the State of Washington
HI 2124 Docs f Long-term care opt-out H HC/Wellness 01/29/2024 People of the State of Washington
SI 2081 Docs f Parental rights/schools C 4 L 24 03/05/2024 People of the State of Washington
SI 2109 Docs f Capital gains tax repeal S Ways & Means 01/24/2024 People of the State of Washington
SI 2111 Docs f# Taxes on personal income C 5 L 24 03/05/2024 People of the State of Washington
SI 2113 Docs f# Police vehicular pursuits C 6 L 24 03/05/2024 People of the State of Washington
SI 2117 Docs f Carbon tax credit trading S Environment, E 01/17/2024 People of the State of Washington
SI 2124 Docs f Long-term care opt-out S Labor & Comm 01/29/2024 People of the State of Washington
2E2SHB 1541 Docs f Lived experience C 283 L 24 03/26/2024 Farivar SB 5616(S State Govt & E)
2E2SSB 5536 Docs f# Controlled substances C 1 L 23 E1 05/16/2023 Robinson
2E2SSB 5580 Docs af Maternal health outcomes C 213 L 24 03/19/2024 Muzzall
2EHB 1757 Docs f# Farmers/sales tax remittance C 222 L 24 03/25/2024 Corry
2ESHB 1282 Docs afd Public building materials C 344 L 24 03/28/2024 Duerr SB 5322(S Ways & Means)
2ESHB 1362 Docs fd Reports H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Stearns
2ESHB 1371 Docs f# Freight railroad infra. H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Barkis SB 5494(S Ways & Means)
2ESHB 1377 Docs af Continuing education/K-12 C 221 L 24 03/25/2024 Santos
2ESHB 1508 Docs f Health care cost board C 80 L 24 03/14/2024 Macri SB 5519(S Health & Long)
2ESSB 5150 Docs af Beef commission C 155 L 24 03/18/2024 Shewmake
2ESSB 5284 Docs fo Campaign finance disclosure S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Nguyen
2ESSB 5546 Docs f Cannabis commission S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Shewmake HB 1581(H Reg Subst & Ga)
2SHB 1009 Docs af Military spouse employment C 165 L 23 04/25/2023 Leavitt
2SHB 1010 Docs f Shellfish sanitary control H Rules X 02/20/2024 Chapman
2SHB 1013 Docs f Regional apprenticeship prgs C 128 L 23 04/20/2023 Maycumber
2SHB 1025 Docs Police/private actions H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 Thai
2SHB 1028 Docs af# Crime victims & witnesses C 197 L 23 05/01/2023 Orwall
2SHB 1032 Docs f# Wildfires/electric utilities C 132 L 23 04/20/2023 Dent SB 5039(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 1039 Docs af Intramuscular needling C 198 L 23 05/01/2023 Macri SB 5288(S Health & Long)
2SHB 1062 Docs f# Law enf. officers/deception H Rules X 02/20/2024 Peterson SB 6293(S Law & Justice)
2SHB 1078 Docs f# Urban forest management H Rules X 02/20/2024 Duerr
2SHB 1122 Docs f WMS bargaining C 136 L 23 04/20/2023 Doglio SB 5141(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 1131 Docs f# Solid waste management H Rules X 01/08/2024 Berry SB 5154(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 1151 Docs f Fertility services coverage H Rules X 02/20/2024 Stonier SB 5204(S Health & Long)
2SHB 1168 Docs af Prenatal substance exposure C 288 L 23 05/04/2023 Simmons
2SHB 1176 Docs fe Climate-ready communities C 231 L 23 05/03/2023 Slatter SB 5247(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 1186 Docs d Child welfare housing H Rules X 01/08/2024 Rule SB 5256(S subst for)
2SHB 1204 Docs fd Family connections program C 138 L 23 04/20/2023 Callan SB 5426(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 1205 Docs af# Service by pub./dependency C 312 L 24 03/28/2024 Taylor
2SHB 1229 Docs d Voter registration H Rules X 01/08/2024 Simmons SB 5112(S subst for)
2SHB 1278 Docs d Nonrelative kin placement H Rules X 01/08/2024 Ortiz-Self SB 5124(S subst for)
2SHB 1299 Docs Beverage alcohol/workforce H Rules X 02/20/2024 Chambers
2SHB 1305 Docs f Students with disabilities H Rules X 02/20/2024 Pollet
2SHB 1316 Docs af Dual credit program access C 350 L 23 05/09/2023 Paul
2SHB 1322 Docs f#d Walla Walla water 2050 plan C 239 L 23 05/04/2023 Rude SB 5384(S Ag/Water/Natur)
2SHB 1365 Docs f# Puget Sound water quality H Rules X 02/20/2024 Dye
2SHB 1389 Docs f Residential rent increases H Rules X 01/08/2024 Ramel SB 5435(S Housing)
2SHB 1390 Docs af# District energy systems C 291 L 23 05/04/2023 Ramel
2SHB 1391 Docs f Energy in buildings H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Ramel
2SHB 1405 Docs f Public benefit payments/DCYF H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Alvarado SB 5397(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 1425 Docs f# Municipal annexations C 351 L 23 05/09/2023 Berg
2SHB 1439 Docs Child exposure to violence H Rules X 02/20/2024 Goodman
2SHB 1445 Docs f# Law enf. misconduct H Rules X 02/20/2024 Hansen
2SHB 1447 Docs a Assistance programs C 418 L 23 05/11/2023 Peterson
2SHB 1450 Docs f Biomarker testing coverage H Approps 01/31/2024 Stonier SB 5074(S Health & Long)
2SHB 1452 Docs f Medical reserve corps C 210 L 23 05/01/2023 Timmons
2SHB 1470 Docs af# Private detention facilities C 419 L 23 05/11/2023 Ortiz-Self
2SHB 1474 Docs af# Covenant homeownership prg. C 340 L 23 05/08/2023 Taylor SB 5496(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 1477 Docs f Working families' tax credit C 456 L 23 05/15/2023 Thai
2SHB 1491 Docs af Employee personal vehicles C 252 L 23 05/04/2023 Orcutt
2SHB 1492 Docs f# State v. Blake relief H Rules X 01/08/2024 Simmons
2SHB 1522 Docs f Sexual misconduct/assocs. C 79 L 23 04/13/2023 Pollet
2SHB 1525 Docs af Apprenticeships/child care C 294 L 23 05/04/2023 Fosse
2SHB 1534 Docs af Construction consumers C 213 L 23 05/01/2023 Orwall
2SHB 1550 Docs af Transition to kindergarten C 420 L 23 05/11/2023 Santos
2SHB 1551 Docs af Lead in cookware C 340 L 24 03/28/2024 Pollet SB 5605(S Environment, E)
2SHB 1559 Docs af Postsecondary student needs C 421 L 23 05/11/2023 Entenman SB 5566(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 1578 Docs ad Wildland fire safety C 385 L 23 05/09/2023 Springer SB 5611(S Ag/Water/Natur)
2SHB 1580 Docs f# Children in crisis C 423 L 23 PV 05/11/2023 Callan
2SHB 1586 Docs f Vehicular pursuits work grp. H Rules X 01/08/2024 Goodman
2SHB 1628 Docs Real estate excise tax H Rules X 01/08/2024 Chopp
2SHB 1639 Docs afd Billy Frank Jr. statue C 387 L 23 05/09/2023 Lekanoff
2SHB 1681 Docs f Problem gambling H Rules X 01/08/2024 Stearns SB 5634(S subst for)
2SHB 1685 Docs Resource & assess. centers H Rules X 02/20/2024 Rule ESB 5691(S Rules X)
2SHB 1724 Docs af Behavioral health workforce C 425 L 23 05/11/2023 Bateman
2SHB 1728 Docs f Statewide resiliency program C 157 L 23 04/20/2023 Donaghy
2SHB 1745 Docs af Diversity in clinical trials C 426 L 23 05/11/2023 Thai
2SHB 1746 Docs f# State broadband map H Rules X 01/08/2024 Ryu SB 5718(S Environment, E)
2SHB 1762 Docs af Warehouse employees C 306 L 23 05/04/2023 Doglio
2SHB 1798 Docs fd Earned release time H Rules X 02/20/2024 Doglio
2SHB 1877 Docs a Behavioral health/tribes C 209 L 24 03/19/2024 Lekanoff
2SHB 1929 Docs Postinpatient housing C 175 L 24 03/19/2024 Cortes SB 6050(S Human Services)
2SHB 1934 Docs fd AI task force H Rules X 02/20/2024 Couture SB 5838(S subst for)
2SHB 1941 Docs Health home serv./children C 177 L 24 03/19/2024 Couture
2SHB 2001 Docs f# Sentence modification H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Simmons SB 6037(S Law & Justice)
2SHB 2014 Docs d Definition of veteran C 146 L 24 03/18/2024 Volz SB 5871(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 2022 Docs af# Construction crane safety C 311 L 24 03/28/2024 Reed SB 5900(S Labor & Comm)
2SHB 2049 Docs f# Solid waste management H Rules X 02/20/2024 Berry SB 6005(S Environment, E)
2SHB 2071 Docs af# Residential housing C 183 L 24 03/19/2024 Duerr
2SHB 2073 Docs f Greenhouse gas other sources H Rules X 02/20/2024 Slatter
2SHB 2084 Docs f Construction training/DOC C 355 L 24 03/28/2024 Fosse
2SHB 2109 Docs f Permanent cosmetics H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ryu
2SHB 2112 Docs f Higher ed. opioid prevention C 211 L 24 03/19/2024 Nance
2SHB 2113 Docs GMA housing element H Rules X 02/20/2024 Bateman
2SHB 2124 Docs af Child care prg. eligibility C 282 L 24 03/26/2024 Eslick
2SHB 2151 Docs fd Cannabis lab. accreditation C 69 L 24 03/13/2024 Reeves
2SHB 2166 Docs f POLST access H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Paul
2SHB 2201 Docs fd Carbon market linkage H Rules X 02/20/2024 Doglio SB 6058(S subst for)
2SHB 2214 Docs fo College grant/public assist. C 116 L 24 03/15/2024 Slatter SB 6300(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 2239 Docs Social-emotional instruction H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Timmons
2SHB 2270 Docs Department of housing H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Morgan
2SHB 2308 Docs f# Existing structures/housing H Rules X 02/20/2024 Walen SB 6175(S subst for)
2SHB 2313 Docs Digital equity H Rules X 02/20/2024 Gregerson
2SHB 2319 Docs Substance use treatment H Rules X 02/20/2024 Davis
2SHB 2320 Docs af High THC cannabis products C 360 L 24 03/29/2024 Davis SB 6220(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 2325 Docs Legislative employees H Rules X 02/20/2024 Fitzgibbon SB 6194(S subst for)
2SHB 2447 Docs f# Children and families H Rules X 02/20/2024 Senn
2SSB 5002 Docs f# Alcohol concentration/DUI S Rules X 02/15/2024 Lovick
2SSB 5046 Docs f# Postconviction counsel C 261 L 23 05/04/2023 SaldaƱa
2SSB 5048 Docs af College in high school fees C 314 L 23 05/04/2023 Mullet
2SSB 5071 Docs Purple star designation S Rules X 03/10/2023 Nobles HB 1346(H subst for)
2SSB 5091 Docs f Hydrogen fuel products S Business, Fin 01/08/2024 King
2SSB 5103 Docs af# Medicaid patients/discharge C 315 L 23 05/04/2023 Muzzall
2SSB 5120 Docs f# Crisis relief centers C 433 L 23 05/11/2023 Dhingra
2SSB 5128 Docs afo Jury diversity C 316 L 23 05/04/2023 Trudeau HB 1598(H Civil R & Judi)
2SSB 5134 Docs f Reentry services & supports C 467 L 23 PV 05/15/2023 Wilson, C.
2SSB 5225 Docs f Working conn. child care C 222 L 23 05/01/2023 Wilson, C.
2SSB 5254 Docs f Leasing of state lands S Rules X 03/10/2023 Van De Wege
2SSB 5263 Docs af# Psilocybin C 364 L 23 PV 05/09/2023 Salomon
2SSB 5268 Docs af# Public works procurement C 395 L 23 05/09/2023 Hasegawa HB 1306(H Rules X)
2SSB 5269 Docs af Manufacturing C 322 L 23 PV 05/04/2023 Shewmake
2SSB 5290 Docs af#e Local permit review C 338 L 23 05/08/2023 Mullet HB 1296(H Approps)
2SSB 5383 Docs Pedestrians/roadways S Rules X 02/15/2024 SaldaƱa HB 1428(H Transportation)
2SSB 5393 Docs f Health provider contracting S Rules X 03/10/2023 Robinson HB 1379(H HC/Wellness)
2SSB 5412 Docs a Land use permitting/local C 368 L 23 05/09/2023 Salomon
2SSB 5425 Docs af Fire sprinkler contractors C 329 L 23 05/04/2023 Salomon
2SSB 5444 Docs af# Firearms/certain premises C 285 L 24 03/26/2024 Valdez
2SSB 5454 Docs af RN PTSD/industrial insurance C 370 L 23 05/09/2023 Cleveland HB 1593(H Rules X)
2SSB 5477 Docs f# Murdered indigenous women S Rules X 01/08/2024 Torres
2SSB 5502 Docs af Sub. use disorder treatment C 405 L 23 05/09/2023 Gildon
2SSB 5518 Docs f Cybersecurity C 124 L 23 04/20/2023 Boehnke HB 1464(H State Govt & T)
2SSB 5532 Docs af Small rural hospital payment C 443 L 23 PV 05/11/2023 King HB 1748(H HC/Wellness)
2SSB 5555 Docs af Certified peer specialists C 469 L 23 PV 05/15/2023 Randall
2SSB 5591 Docs f Dependent youth financial ed S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Nobles
2SSB 5593 Docs af Student data transfer C 406 L 23 05/09/2023 Liias
2SSB 5598 Docs f Horses/funding S Rules X 02/15/2024 Mullet
2SSB 5600 Docs Universal communications prg S Rules X 02/15/2024 Wellman
2SSB 5660 Docs f# Mental health adv directives C 374 L 24 03/29/2024 Boehnke
2SSB 5663 Docs f# Abandoned vehicle auctions S Rules 2 02/26/2024 Warnick
2SSB 5689 Docs f# Internet projects/tribes S Rules X 04/17/2023 Stanford HB 1711(H subst for)
2SSB 5730 Docs f# Vehicle residences/impound S Housing 01/08/2024 Fortunato
2SSB 5736 Docs f Workforce shortages S Rules X 02/15/2024 Nobles
2SSB 5780 Docs f Public defense & prosecution C 293 L 24 03/26/2024 Torres
2SSB 5784 Docs afd Deer & elk crop damage C 264 L 24 PV 03/26/2024 Van De Wege
2SSB 5825 Docs af Guardianship C 267 L 24 03/26/2024 Pedersen
2SSB 5851 Docs Holocaust and genocide edu. S Rules X 02/15/2024 Braun HB 2037(H subst for)
2SSB 5882 Docs af Prototypical school staffing C 191 L 24 03/19/2024 Stanford HB 1960(H Rules X)
2SSB 5893 Docs Gate money/DOC C 32 L 24 03/13/2024 Wilson, C. HB 1995(H Community Safe)
2SSB 5943 Docs Resource data tool S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Gildon
2SSB 6006 Docs af# Victims of human trafficking C 298 L 24 03/26/2024 Dhingra
2SSB 6187 Docs DOC body scanner pilot S Rules 3 03/07/2024 SaldaƱa
2SSB 6228 Docs af Substance use treatment C 366 L 24 03/29/2024 Dhingra
3SHB 1228 Docs fo Dual & tribal language edu. C 202 L 24 03/19/2024 Ortiz-Self
3SHB 1338 Docs DOC ed. and vocational prgs. H Rules X 02/20/2024 Reeves
3SHB 1565 Docs Prof. education workforce H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ortiz-Self
3SHB 1579 Docs f# Independent prosecutions H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Stonier
3SHB 1648 Docs f Ticket sales H Rules X 02/20/2024 Reeves
3SSB 5438 Docs f Supportive relationships S Rules X 02/15/2024 Warnick
E2SHB 1110 Docs af# Middle housing C 332 L 23 05/08/2023 Bateman SB 5190(S Ways & Means)
E2SHB 1134 Docs af# 988 system C 454 L 23 05/15/2023 Orwall
E2SHB 1143 Docs af#e Firearms/purchase & transfer C 161 L 23 04/25/2023 Berry SB 5211(S Law & Justice)
E2SHB 1167 Docs f# Residential housing H Housing 01/08/2024 Duerr
E2SHB 1170 Docs af#d Climate response strategy C 169 L 23 04/25/2023 Street SB 5093(S Rules X)
E2SHB 1181 Docs af#e Climate change/planning C 228 L 23 05/03/2023 Duerr SB 5203(S Ways & Means)
E2SHB 1185 Docs af# Lighting products C 339 L 24 03/28/2024 Hackney
E2SHB 1188 Docs af Child welfare services/DD C 345 L 23 05/09/2023 Senn
E2SHB 1189 Docs f# Total confinement release H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Hackney
E2SHB 1216 Docs af#e Clean energy siting C 230 L 23 05/03/2023 Fitzgibbon SB 5380(S Ways & Means)
E2SHB 1238 Docs afo Free school meals C 379 L 23 05/09/2023 Riccelli SB 5339(S Ways & Means)
E2SHB 1272 Docs af# Voters' pamphlets C 78 L 24 03/14/2024 Bergquist
E2SHB 1320 Docs f# Personnel records H Rules X 02/20/2024 Reed SB 5061(S Ways & Means)
E2SHB 1332 Docs f Tribes/K-12 instruction H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Lekanoff
E2SHB 1357 Docs af Prior authorization/health C 382 L 23 05/09/2023 Simmons
E2SHB 1368 Docs af Zero emission school buses C 345 L 24 03/28/2024 Senn SB 5431(S EL/K-12)
E2SHB 1392 Docs f Electronics repair H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Gregerson SB 5464(S Environment, E)
E2SHB 1515 Docs af# Behavioral health contracts C 292 L 23 05/04/2023 Macri
E2SHB 1618 Docs f# Childhood sexual abuse/SOL C 253 L 24 03/26/2024 Farivar
E2SHB 1692 Docs f Student advisory groups H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Bergquist
E2SHB 1694 Docs af Home care workforce shortage C 424 L 23 05/11/2023 Alvarado
E2SHB 1715 Docs af Domestic violence C 462 L 23 05/15/2023 Davis
E2SHB 1899 Docs af# Wildfire reconstruction C 143 L 24 03/18/2024 Volz
E2SHB 1956 Docs afe Substance use prevention ed. C 201 L 24 03/19/2024 Leavitt SB 5923(S Ways & Means)
E2SHB 2000 Docs af International leadership C 336 L 24 PV 03/28/2024 Mena SB 6168(S Rules X)
E2SHB 2065 Docs f# Offender score recalc. H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Stearns SB 5971(S Law & Justice)
E2SHB 2099 Docs af# State custody/ID cards C 315 L 24 03/28/2024 Farivar
E2SHB 2128 Docs f Certificate of need program H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Schmick
E2SHB 2160 Docs f#e Housing development H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Reed SB 6024(S Loc Gov, Land)
E2SHB 2245 Docs Co-response services H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Bronoske
E2SHB 2247 Docs af Behavioral health providers C 371 L 24 03/29/2024 Bateman
E2SHB 2301 Docs af# Waste material management C 341 L 24 03/28/2024 Doglio SB 6180(S Ways & Means)
E2SHB 2311 Docs f# First responder wellness C 295 L 24 03/26/2024 Davis
E2SHB 2354 Docs af# Tax increment areas C 236 L 24 03/25/2024 Street SB 6230(S Loc Gov, Land)
E2SHB 2401 Docs f Refrigerant gases H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Duerr
E2SSB 5001 Docs af# Public facility districts C 218 L 23 05/01/2023 Hawkins
E2SSB 5045 Docs af# ADU rental/property tax C 335 L 23 05/08/2023 Kuderer
E2SSB 5080 Docs af#o Cannabis social equity C 220 L 23 05/01/2023 SaldaƱa
E2SSB 5112 Docs af#d Voter registration C 466 L 23 05/15/2023 Hunt HB 1229(H Rules X)
E2SSB 5144 Docs af# Batteries/environment C 434 L 23 05/11/2023 Stanford
E2SSB 5174 Docs fo Student transportation S Rules X 01/08/2024 Wellman
E2SSB 5198 Docs Mobile home community sales C 40 L 23 04/06/2023 Frame HB 1129(H Rules X)
E2SSB 5199 Docs f#d Newspaper publishers/tax C 286 L 23 05/04/2023 Mullet HB 1206(H Finance)
E2SSB 5213 Docs af Health care benefit managers C 242 L 24 03/25/2024 Kuderer HB 1253(H HC/Wellness)
E2SSB 5236 Docs f# Hospital staffing standards C 114 L 23 04/20/2023 Robinson
E2SSB 5243 Docs afo High school and beyond plans C 271 L 23 05/04/2023 Wellman HB 1273(H Approps)
E2SSB 5258 Docs af# Condos and townhouses C 337 L 23 05/08/2023 Shewmake HB 1298(H Civil R & Judi)
E2SSB 5278 Docs af Home care aide certification C 323 L 23 05/04/2023 Wilson, L.
E2SSB 5311 Docs fd Special education funding S Rules X 01/08/2024 Wellman HB 1211(H Approps)
E2SSB 5315 Docs afo Special education/nonpublic C 436 L 23 05/11/2023 Wilson, C.
E2SSB 5367 Docs afo Products containing THC C 365 L 23 05/09/2023 Robinson HB 1612(H Reg Subst & Ga)
E2SSB 5440 Docs f#e Competency evaluations C 453 L 23 05/15/2023 Dhingra
E2SSB 5582 Docs f# Nurse supply C 126 L 23 04/20/2023 Holy
E2SSB 5634 Docs f Problem gambling C 284 L 23 05/04/2023 Conway HB 1681(H subst for)
E2SSB 5635 Docs f# Victims' rights S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Braun
E2SSB 5670 Docs f Running start/rising juniors C 159 L 24 03/18/2024 Hawkins
E2SSB 5838 Docs afd AI task force C 163 L 24 03/18/2024 Nguyen HB 1934(H Rules X)
E2SSB 5849 Docs Computer science/graduation S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Wellman
E2SSB 5853 Docs f Behav crisis services/minors C 367 L 24 03/29/2024 Dhingra
E2SSB 5908 Docs af Extended foster care C 192 L 24 03/19/2024 Wilson, C. HB 2218(H Human Svc, You)
E2SSB 5937 Docs f# Crime victims & witnesses C 297 L 24 03/26/2024 Dhingra
E2SSB 5955 Docs f# Large port districts C 194 L 24 03/19/2024 Keiser HB 2103(H Local Govt)
E2SSB 6058 Docs afd Carbon market linkage C 352 L 24 03/28/2024 Nguyen HB 2201(H Rules X)
E2SSB 6068 Docs af Dependency outcome reporting C 326 L 24 03/28/2024 Boehnke
E2SSB 6092 Docs f Greenhouse gas disclosures S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Shewmake
E2SSB 6109 Docs af Children and families C 328 L 24 03/28/2024 Wilson, C.
E2SSB 6175 Docs af# Existing structures/tax C 332 L 24 03/28/2024 Trudeau HB 2308(H Rules X)
E2SSB 6194 Docs af Legislative employees C 333 L 24 03/28/2024 Stanford HB 2325(H Rules X)
E2SSB 6251 Docs af# Behavioral crisis coord. C 368 L 24 03/29/2024 Dhingra
E3SHB 1433 Docs f# Energy labeling/residential H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Duerr
E4SHB 1239 Docs a Educator ethics & complaints C 219 L 24 03/25/2024 Santos
E4SHB 1479 Docs o Student restraint, isolation H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Callan SB 5559(S EL/K-12)
EHB 1086 Docs a Community org. contracts C 238 L 23 05/04/2023 Shavers
EHB 1209 Docs f# Controlled substance equip. C 66 L 23 04/13/2023 Leavitt
EHB 1210 Docs f School board recordings C 67 L 23 04/13/2023 Rude
EHB 1274 Docs f Child malnutrition guide C 70 L 23 04/13/2023 Couture
EHB 1324 Docs af# Prior juvenile offenses C 415 L 23 05/11/2023 Hackney SB 5475(S Law & Justice)
EHB 1336 Docs f#o Vol. firefighter pensions C 73 L 23 04/13/2023 Stokesbary SB 5567(S Ways & Means)
EHB 1337 Docs af# Accessory dwelling units C 334 L 23 PV 05/08/2023 Gregerson
EHB 1468 Docs f# Impact fee deferrals H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Goehner
EHB 1478 Docs f Student rights H Rules X 02/20/2024 Timmons
EHB 1636 Docs a Foreclosure/common interest C 214 L 23 05/01/2023 Orwall
EHB 1663 Docs af# Consolidated port districts C 215 L 23 05/01/2023 Goehner
EHB 1714 Docs f Financial literacy grants H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Stonier
EHB 1782 Docs af Wahkiakum county ferry C 428 L 23 05/11/2023 McEntire SB 5750(S Rules X)
EHB 1797 Docs af Real estate appraisers C 464 L 23 05/15/2023 Cheney
EHB 1812 Docs f Medicaid/B&O tax deductions C 313 L 23 05/04/2023 Springer
EHB 1823 Docs af WA student loan program C 389 L 23 05/09/2023 Timmons
EHB 1846 Docs af Ferry vessel procurement C 429 L 23 PV 05/11/2023 Fey SB 5760(S Transportation)
EHB 1964 Docs fd Prorate & fuel tax collect. C 1 L 24 02/21/2024 Ramos SB 5847(S Rules X)
EHB 2088 Docs f#o Crisis teams/liability C 370 L 24 03/29/2024 Orwall
EHB 2164 Docs f Postsecondary ed protections H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Pollet
EHB 2199 Docs f# CCA tax exemptions C 115 L 24 03/15/2024 Orcutt
EHB 2255 Docs f Cannabis inversion/diversion H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Waters
EHB 2266 Docs af Construction/sanitary cond. C 258 L 24 03/26/2024 Stonier SB 6107(S Labor & Comm)
EHB 2372 Docs f# Tribes/health facilities H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Lekanoff
ESB 5015 Docs f Productivity board C 106 L 23 04/20/2023 Fortunato
ESB 5022 Docs Drug testing equipment S Rules X 01/08/2024 Muzzall
ESB 5032 Docs f# Impaired driving S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Padden
ESB 5130 Docs f# Assisted outpatient treat. S Rules X 02/15/2024 Frame
ESB 5175 Docs af School principal contracts C 362 L 23 05/09/2023 Wellman
ESB 5241 Docs f Health care marketplace S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Randall HB 1263(H Civil R & Judi)
ESB 5309 Docs f Petroleum transportation/tax S Ways & Means 01/08/2024 Lovelett
ESB 5336 Docs f# Main street trust fund C 96 L 23 04/14/2023 Cleveland
ESB 5340 Docs f Retail cannabis products S Rules 3 03/07/2024 King HB 1249(H subst for)
ESB 5341 Docs fd WA food & ag. products C 276 L 23 05/04/2023 Muzzall
ESB 5344 Docs f School modernization loans S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Schoesler
ESB 5352 Docs af# Vehicular pursuits C 235 L 23 05/03/2023 Lovick HB 1363(H Rules X)
ESB 5355 Docs af Sex trafficking prev. ed. C 328 L 23 05/04/2023 Wilson, C.
ESB 5363 Docs f Cannabis advertising S Rules 3 03/07/2024 MacEwen
ESB 5462 Docs af Inclusive learning standards C 157 L 24 03/18/2024 Liias
ESB 5534 Docs f Workforce investment board C 282 L 23 05/04/2023 Randall
ESB 5590 Docs f Mt. St. Helens license plate S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Wilson, L. HB 1489(H Transportation)
ESB 5592 Docs af Defibrillators/fitness C 186 L 24 03/19/2024 Hunt
ESB 5623 Docs f# Hate crimes C 52 L 23 04/06/2023 Dhingra
ESB 5629 Docs f Hepatitis B and C S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Conway
ESB 5632 Docs af Labor disputes/health care C 263 L 24 03/26/2024 Keiser
ESB 5650 Docs f K-12 inflationary increases C 50 L 23 04/06/2023 Rolfes
ESB 5691 Docs Resource & assess. centers S Rules X 02/15/2024 Warnick HB 1685(H Rules X)
ESB 5790 Docs af Medical equipment in schools C 365 L 24 03/29/2024 Dhingra
ESB 5816 Docs f Alcohol server permits C 265 L 24 03/26/2024 Van De Wege
ESB 5824 Docs af#d Dissolution of libraries C 266 L 24 03/26/2024 Hunt
ESB 5856 Docs f# Voter reg. challenges S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Hunt
ESB 5906 Docs af Drug overdose prevention C 216 L 24 03/19/2024 Wilson, L.
ESB 5997 Docs f Plumbing hours reporting C 97 L 24 03/14/2024 King HB 2412(H Labor & Workpl)
ESB 6072 Docs f LTSS commission recs. S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Keiser
ESB 6087 Docs fd Fire srv. training account C 279 L 24 03/26/2024 King HB 2402(H Approps)
ESB 6089 Docs f#d Electrical inspector reqs. C 196 L 24 03/19/2024 King
ESB 6095 Docs f#d Secretary of health orders C 100 L 24 03/14/2024 Robinson
ESB 6098 Docs afd Accounts C 168 L 24 03/18/2024 Robinson HB 2200(H Approps)
ESB 6120 Docs af# Wildland urban interface C 133 L 24 03/15/2024 Van De Wege
ESB 6151 Docs af Ultrasound C 329 L 24 03/28/2024 Randall
ESB 6167 Docs # Local government procurement S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Hasegawa
ESB 6246 Docs af# Firearm info./mental health C 290 L 24 03/26/2024 Dhingra
ESB 6296 Docs f Retail industry work group C 43 L 24 03/13/2024 Boehnke
ESHB 1019 Docs af Pesticide advisory board C 378 L 23 05/09/2023 Dent
ESHB 1033 Docs af Compostable product usage C 236 L 23 05/04/2023 Walen
ESHB 1037 Docs Family burial grounds H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Walsh
ESHB 1042 Docs af# Use of existing buildings C 285 L 23 05/04/2023 Walen
ESHB 1048 Docs Voting rights act C 56 L 23 04/13/2023 Mena SB 5047(S Rules X)
ESHB 1050 Docs af# Apprenticeship utilization C 342 L 23 05/09/2023 Riccelli
ESHB 1051 Docs fd Robocalls & telephone scams C 103 L 23 04/20/2023 Leavitt
ESHB 1057 Docs fo PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase H Rules X 01/08/2024 Stokesbary SB 5350(C 397 L 23)
ESHB 1073 Docs f Medical assistants C 134 L 23 04/20/2023 Harris
ESHB 1097 Docs f# Cosmetics tested on animals C 107 L 24 03/15/2024 Walen
ESHB 1106 Docs af Unemployment/voluntary C 240 L 23 05/04/2023 Fosse
ESHB 1113 Docs f Prof. educator reprimands H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Harris
ESHB 1125 Docs ad Transportation budget C 472 L 23 PV 05/16/2023 Fey SB 5162(S Rules X)
ESHB 1148 Docs d State gen. obligation bonds C 473 L 23 05/16/2023 Tharinger SB 5201(S Rules X)
ESHB 1155 Docs afd Consumer health data C 191 L 23 04/27/2023 Slatter SB 5351(S Law & Justice)
ESHB 1169 Docs af# Legal financial obligations C 449 L 23 05/15/2023 Simmons
ESHB 1173 Docs af# Light pollution C 344 L 23 PV 05/09/2023 Connors
ESHB 1175 Docs fo Petroleum storage tanks C 170 L 23 04/25/2023 Doglio SB 5233(S Environment, E)
ESHB 1187 Docs a Employee-union privilege C 202 L 23 05/01/2023 Hackney SB 5706(S Law & Justice)
ESHB 1203 Docs d Accounts H Rules X 01/08/2024 Ormsby SB 5293(S subst for)
ESHB 1222 Docs af Hearing instruments coverage C 245 L 23 05/04/2023 Orwall
ESHB 1235 Docs f WDFW licensing H Rules X 02/20/2024 Chapman
ESHB 1245 Docs # Lot splitting H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Barkis SB 5364(S Rules X)
ESHB 1248 Docs af Pupil transportation C 313 L 24 03/28/2024 Stonier
ESHB 1251 Docs f# Water system notices C 140 L 23 04/20/2023 Stonier SB 5215(S Health & Long)
ESHB 1260 Docs afd Work-limiting disability C 289 L 23 05/04/2023 Alvarado SB 5480(S Ways & Means)
ESHB 1277 Docs afo Paraeducator course of study C 173 L 24 03/19/2024 Donaghy
ESHB 1293 Docs af# Development regulations C 333 L 23 05/08/2023 Klicker
ESHB 1300 Docs af# Assisted reproduction fraud C 220 L 24 03/25/2024 Orwall
ESHB 1304 Docs Electric security alarms H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Hackney
ESHB 1311 Docs f# Credit repair services C 144 L 23 04/20/2023 Reeves
ESHB 1329 Docs f#d Utility shutoffs/heat C 105 L 23 04/20/2023 Mena SB 5366(S Rules X)
ESHB 1335 Docs af Personal identifying info. C 381 L 23 05/09/2023 Hansen SB 5321(S Law & Justice)
ESHB 1340 Docs a Health professions/conduct C 192 L 23 04/27/2023 Riccelli SB 5400(S Health & Long)
ESHB 1361 Docs d State employment C 148 L 23 04/20/2023 Abbarno
ESHB 1369 Docs a Fish and wildlife officers C 250 L 23 05/04/2023 Griffey SB 5382(S Rules X)
ESHB 1387 Docs f# Law enf. applicant pool H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Ramos
ESHB 1394 Docs f# Sexual offenses by youth C 150 L 23 04/20/2023 Senn SB 5543(S Human Services)
ESHB 1424 Docs af# Dogs and cats/consumers C 208 L 23 05/01/2023 Berg
ESHB 1436 Docs afo Special education funding C 417 L 23 PV 05/11/2023 Pollet
ESHB 1466 Docs af Dental auxiliaries C 211 L 23 05/01/2023 Riccelli
ESHB 1469 Docs f Health care services/access C 193 L 23 04/27/2023 Hansen SB 5489(S Rules X)
ESHB 1493 Docs af# Impaired driving C 306 L 24 03/26/2024 Goodman
ESHB 1498 Docs af# Aviation assurance funding C 457 L 23 05/15/2023 Dye
ESHB 1503 Docs af Health care licenses/info. C 353 L 23 05/09/2023 Riccelli
ESHB 1510 Docs f# Community preservation auth. H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Santos
ESHB 1533 Docs a PRA/employee information C 458 L 23 05/15/2023 Mena SB 5746(S State Govt & E)
ESHB 1547 Docs f# Out-of-state health prov. H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Caldier
ESHB 1554 Docs f# Lead impacts H Rules X 02/20/2024 Doglio
ESHB 1555 Docs Indian tribes/extradition H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Lekanoff SB 5642(S Law & Justice)
ESHB 1568 Docs f Long-term care professionals H Rules X 01/08/2024 Chambers
ESHB 1576 Docs af Dentist compact C 297 L 23 05/04/2023 Caldier
ESHB 1584 Docs f Nuclear reactor technology H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Barnard
ESHB 1589 Docs af Clean energy C 351 L 24 03/28/2024 Doglio SB 5562(S Ways & Means)
ESHB 1600 Docs ad Firearms/juvenile records C 180 L 23 04/25/2023 Goodman
ESHB 1608 Docs f Anaphylaxis meds./schools C 81 L 24 03/14/2024 Bronoske
ESHB 1637 Docs Unclaimed property fees H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Orwall
ESHB 1652 Docs af Child support pass through C 174 L 24 03/19/2024 Taylor
ESHB 1678 Docs f Dental therapists C 460 L 23 05/15/2023 Riccelli
ESHB 1705 Docs Stormwater facilities/county H Rules X 02/20/2024 Griffey SB 5645(S Loc Gov, Land)
ESHB 1731 Docs af Short-term rentals/liquor C 257 L 23 05/04/2023 Waters
ESHB 1732 Docs K-12 inflation adjustments H Rules X 01/08/2024 Bergquist
ESHB 1736 Docs af# Vehicle odometer readings Gov vetoed V 05/15/2023 Cortes
ESHB 1744 Docs af Charter school oversight C 356 L 23 05/09/2023 Rude
ESHB 1758 Docs af# Hatchery maintenance permits C 305 L 23 05/04/2023 Mena
ESHB 1766 Docs af Protection orders/hope cards C 308 L 23 05/04/2023 Griffey
ESHB 1789 Docs fd Ecosystem services H Ag&Nr 01/08/2024 Reeves
ESHB 1791 Docs a Commercial aviation services C 463 L 23 PV 05/15/2023 Fey
ESHB 1835 Docs Frontier counties C 47 L 24 03/13/2024 Kretz
ESHB 1838 Docs a Transp. revenue forecast C 390 L 23 05/09/2023 Fey SB 5757(S Transportation)
ESHB 1853 Docs af# Transportation resources C 431 L 23 05/11/2023 Fey
ESHB 1862 Docs f# Disabled veteran assist./tax C 141 L 24 03/18/2024 Leavitt
ESHB 1893 Docs f Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Doglio SB 5777(S Rules X)
ESHB 1906 Docs f Vessel length/nonresident H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Chapman
ESHB 1932 Docs f# Even-numbered year elections H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Gregerson
ESHB 1957 Docs af Preventive service coverage C 314 L 24 03/28/2024 Riccelli
ESHB 1998 Docs a Co-living housing C 180 L 24 03/19/2024 Gregerson SB 5901(S Rules X)
ESHB 2003 Docs fd Housing/public lands leases C 59 L 24 03/13/2024 Connors SB 5967(S Ways & Means)
ESHB 2019 Docs f Native American apprentices C 203 L 24 03/19/2024 Stearns
ESHB 2021 Docs f# Firearm disposition C 287 L 24 03/26/2024 Senn SB 6001(S Law & Justice)
ESHB 2037 Docs Holocaust and genocide edu. H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Couture SB 5851(S Rules X)
ESHB 2039 Docs af Env. & land use appeals C 347 L 24 03/28/2024 Fitzgibbon
ESHB 2041 Docs f Physician assistant practice C 62 L 24 03/13/2024 Riccelli
ESHB 2079 Docs f# Schools/threats H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Schmidt
ESHB 2114 Docs f# Residential tenants H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Alvarado SB 5961(S Housing)
ESHB 2115 Docs a Prescription labels/abortion C 257 L 24 03/26/2024 Thai SB 5960(S Rules X)
ESHB 2118 Docs af# Firearms dealers C 288 L 24 03/26/2024 Walen SB 6266(S Law & Justice)
ESHB 2131 Docs af# Thermal energy networks C 348 L 24 03/28/2024 Ramel SB 6138(S Environment, E)
ESHB 2134 Docs ad Transportation budget, supp. C 310 L 24 PV 03/28/2024 Fey SB 5947(S Rules 2)
ESHB 2153 Docs af# Catalytic converter theft C 301 L 24 03/26/2024 Ryu
ESHB 2191 Docs PTBA governing body members H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Timmons SB 6185(S Transportation)
ESHB 2207 Docs af# Solid waste dumping C 231 L 24 03/25/2024 Ramos
ESHB 2236 Docs a Tech. ed. core plus programs C 234 L 24 03/25/2024 Shavers
ESHB 2256 Docs f Children behavioral health C 372 L 24 03/29/2024 Callan
ESHB 2303 Docs f Community custody conditions C 118 L 24 03/15/2024 Goodman
ESHB 2306 Docs f# Main street tax credits C 93 L 24 03/14/2024 Steele
ESHB 2321 Docs af# Middle housing requirements C 152 L 24 03/18/2024 Bateman
ESHB 2330 Docs f Wildfire protection H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Reeves
ESHB 2331 Docs a Public school materials C 316 L 24 03/28/2024 Stonier SB 6208(S EL/K-12)
ESHB 2356 Docs Speed safety cameras H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Fey SB 6115(S subst for)
ESHB 2361 Docs f Standardized health plans H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Riccelli SB 6258(S Health & Long)
ESHB 2384 Docs af# Traffic safety cameras C 307 L 24 03/26/2024 Donaghy SB 5959(S Transportation)
ESHB 2441 Docs af College in the HS fees C 240 L 24 03/25/2024 Corry
ESHB 2474 Docs f# Transitional housing siting H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Peterson
ESHB 2482 Docs af# Semiconductor tax incentives C 261 L 24 03/26/2024 Harris SB 6137(S Ways & Means)
ESHB 2494 Docs af School operating costs C 262 L 24 03/26/2024 Bergquist
ESJM 8005 Docs De-risking/financial inst. S Filed Sec/St 03/07/2024 Hasegawa
ESJM 8006 Docs Universal health care S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Hasegawa
ESR 8601 Docs Senate permanent rules S Adopted 01/09/2023 Pedersen
ESSB 5010 Docs f# Synthetic opioids/endanger. S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Wilson, L.
ESSB 5050 Docs Breast implant surgery S Rules X 02/15/2024 Wellman
ESSB 5082 Docs f# Advisory votes C 109 L 23 04/20/2023 Kuderer HB 1158(H State Govt & T)
ESSB 5102 Docs f School library info and tech S Rules X 02/15/2024 Wellman
ESSB 5111 Docs af Sick leave/construction C 267 L 23 05/04/2023 Keiser
ESSB 5123 Docs af Cannabis/employment C 359 L 23 05/09/2023 Keiser
ESSB 5124 Docs fd Nonrelative kin placement C 221 L 23 05/01/2023 Trudeau HB 1278(H Rules X)
ESSB 5142 Docs d HIV medication rebate rev. C 12 L 23 03/30/2023 Liias HB 1408(H Rules X)
ESSB 5143 Docs Pesticide registration comm. C 37 L 23 04/06/2023 Torres
ESSB 5152 Docs ad Synthetic media C 360 L 23 05/09/2023 Valdez HB 1442(H Rules X)
ESSB 5173 Docs af# Property exempt from exec. C 393 L 23 05/09/2023 Stanford HB 1400(H Civil R & Judi)
ESSB 5179 Docs Death with dignity act C 38 L 23 04/06/2023 Pedersen HB 1281(H Rules X)
ESSB 5186 Docs af Contracting/discrimination C 468 L 23 05/15/2023 Liias
ESSB 5187 Docs ad Operating budget C 475 L 23 PV 05/16/2023 Rolfes HB 1140(H Rules X)
ESSB 5197 Docs af Eviction processes C 336 L 23 05/08/2023 Kuderer
ESSB 5200 Docs ad Capital budget C 474 L 23 PV 05/16/2023 Mullet HB 1147(H Rules X)
ESSB 5207 Docs Controlled entities S Rules X 02/15/2024 Billig HB 1426(H Rules X)
ESSB 5217 Docs f Musculoskeletal injuries/L&I C 112 L 23 04/20/2023 Dhingra
ESSB 5231 Docs a Emergency DV orders C 320 L 23 05/04/2023 Salomon
ESSB 5257 Docs af Elementary school recess C 272 L 23 05/04/2023 Nobles HB 1504(H subst for)
ESSB 5267 Docs f# Railroad workers S Rules X 01/08/2024 Kuderer HB 1548(H Rules X)
ESSB 5271 Docs fd DOH facilities/enforcement C 121 L 24 03/15/2024 Cleveland HB 1434(H HC/Wellness)
ESSB 5272 Docs af#d Speed safety cameras C 17 L 23 04/04/2023 Liias
ESSB 5293 Docs ad Accounts C 435 L 23 05/11/2023 Rolfes HB 1203(H subst for)
ESSB 5294 Docs fd Retirement system funding C 396 L 23 05/09/2023 Rolfes HB 1201(H Rules X)
ESSB 5299 Docs f# Law enf. officer protection S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Braun
ESSB 5301 Docs ad Commerce housing programs C 275 L 23 05/04/2023 Mullet HB 1709(H Rules X)
ESSB 5320 Docs f Journey level electricians C 95 L 23 04/14/2023 SaldaƱa HB 1462(H Labor & Workpl)
ESSB 5326 Docs f# Vehicle insurance verif. S Rules X 02/15/2024 Lovick
ESSB 5334 Docs f# Affordable housing funding S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Lovelett
ESSB 5365 Docs a Vapor and tobacco/minors C 398 L 23 05/09/2023 SaldaƱa
ESSB 5368 Docs f Stay-at-work program S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Keiser
ESSB 5371 Docs af Orca vessel protection C 452 L 23 PV 05/15/2023 Lovelett HB 1145(H Ag&Nr)
ESSB 5424 Docs af# Flexible work/peace officers C 319 L 24 03/28/2024 Lovick HB 1413(H Approps)
ESSB 5447 Docs af Alternative jet fuel C 232 L 23 05/03/2023 Billig HB 1505(H Env & Energy)
ESSB 5466 Docs f#e Transit-oriented development S Rules X 01/08/2024 Liias HB 1517(H Housing)
ESSB 5481 Docs afo Uniform telehealth act C 212 L 24 03/19/2024 Cleveland
ESSB 5512 Docs f Higher ed. financial reports C 98 L 23 04/14/2023 Holy
ESSB 5515 Docs af Child abuse and neglect C 441 L 23 05/11/2023 Dhingra
ESSB 5528 Docs a Construction retainage C 373 L 23 05/09/2023 Stanford HB 1524(H Labor & Workpl)
ESSB 5576 Docs f# Sexual assault procedures S Rules X 01/08/2024 Dhingra
ESSB 5583 Docs af Young driver safety C 445 L 23 05/11/2023 Liias
ESSB 5589 Docs Probate C 20 L 24 03/13/2024 Stanford
ESSB 5599 Docs a Protected health care/youth C 408 L 23 05/09/2023 Liias
ESSB 5614 Docs f# Adult entertainment S Rules X 01/08/2024 SaldaƱa
ESSB 5640 Docs f Independent living residents S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Hunt
ESSB 5657 Docs f# Kit home permitting S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Wilson, J.
ESSB 5690 Docs fd Conditional release teams S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Dhingra
ESSB 5702 Docs af Student homelessness pilot C 339 L 23 05/08/2023 Trudeau HB 1693(H Rules X)
ESSB 5716 Docs f In-home services surveys S Rules X 02/15/2024 Rivers
ESSB 5726 Docs f Prevailing wage/public works S Rules X 02/15/2024 King
ESSB 5778 Docs f# Employer political speech C 357 L 24 03/28/2024 Keiser HB 1940(H Rules X)
ESSB 5788 Docs f# Service animal training C 161 L 24 03/18/2024 Pedersen
ESSB 5793 Docs f Paid sick leave C 356 L 24 03/28/2024 SaldaƱa HB 1991(H Rules X)
ESSB 5796 Docs o Common interest communities C 321 L 24 03/28/2024 Pedersen
ESSB 5801 Docs o Special deposits C 23 L 24 03/13/2024 Dozier
ESSB 5828 Docs af#o Water rights commissioners C 268 L 24 03/26/2024 Shewmake HB 1993(H Civil R & Judi)
ESSB 5850 Docs Chronically absent students S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Braun HB 2146(H Education)
ESSB 5890 Docs af# Ballot rejection C 269 L 24 03/26/2024 Valdez
ESSB 5891 Docs af# School bus trespass C 302 L 24 03/26/2024 Boehnke HB 2133(H Community Safe)
ESSB 5949 Docs ad Capital budget, supplemental C 375 L 24 03/29/2024 Mullet HB 2089(H Rules R)
ESSB 5950 Docs ad Operating budget, supp. C 376 L 24 PV 03/29/2024 Robinson HB 2104(H Rules R)
ESSB 5968 Docs Home equity sharing S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Stanford HB 2081(H Rules X)
ESSB 5973 Docs f# Heat pumps/CICs C 128 L 24 03/15/2024 Liias
ESSB 5974 Docs f# Unenforceable LFOs C 38 L 24 03/13/2024 Frame HB 2251(H Human Svc, You)
ESSB 5983 Docs af# Syphilis treatment C 248 L 24 03/25/2024 Liias
ESSB 5985 Docs afd Firearms background checks C 289 L 24 03/26/2024 Hansen
ESSB 5995 Docs f Interpreters and translators S Rules 3 03/07/2024 SaldaƱa
ESSB 6007 Docs f# Grocery workers C 129 L 24 03/15/2024 Conway
ESSB 6009 Docs af# Hog-tying C 291 L 24 03/26/2024 Trudeau HB 2414(H Community Safe)
ESSB 6031 Docs f Student transp. allocation S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Braun
ESSB 6038 Docs af Child care tax preference C 195 L 24 03/19/2024 Wilson, C.
ESSB 6039 Docs af Geothermal energy resources C 350 L 24 03/28/2024 Lovelett HB 2129(H Env & Energy)
ESSB 6040 Docs af# Public works payments C 276 L 24 03/26/2024 Valdez
ESSB 6061 Docs f# Housing development/SEPA S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Lovelett
ESSB 6069 Docs afd Retirement savings C 327 L 24 03/28/2024 Mullet HB 2244(H ConsPro&Bus)
ESSB 6101 Docs f# Hospital at-home services S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Cleveland HB 2295(H subst for)
ESSB 6105 Docs af Adult entertainment workers C 250 L 24 03/25/2024 SaldaƱa
ESSB 6110 Docs f# Child fatalities S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Keiser
ESSB 6127 Docs af HIV prophylaxis C 251 L 24 03/25/2024 Liias
ESSB 6179 Docs f Liquor biometric age verif. S Rules 3 03/07/2024 MacEwen
ESSB 6264 Docs f Competency-based education S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Wellman
ESSB 6286 Docs f Nurse anesthetist workforce C 363 L 24 03/29/2024 Rivers HB 2462(H HC/Wellness)
ESSB 6291 Docs f# State building code council C 170 L 24 03/18/2024 Wilson, L. HB 2465(H Rules X)
HB 1000 Docs f Working families' tax credit H Finance 01/09/2023 Stokesbary
HB 1001 Docs f Audiology & speech compact C 53 L 23 04/13/2023 Leavitt SB 5021(S Health & Long)
HB 1002 Docs af# Hazing penalty C 196 L 23 05/01/2023 Leavitt
HB 1004 Docs f# Bridge jumping signs C 54 L 23 04/13/2023 Abbarno SB 5478(S Rules X)
HB 1005 Docs f Military/employer tax incen. H Rules C 04/23/2023 Abbarno
HB 1006 Docs Drug testing equipment H Rules X 01/08/2024 Orwall
HB 1008 Docs f Plan 2 members/insurance C 164 L 23 04/25/2023 Bronoske SB 5420(S Ways & Means)
HB 1011 Docs Long-term care/repeal H HC/Wellness 01/09/2023 Abbarno
HB 1014 Docs f# Fire protection projects H Cap Budget 01/09/2023 Abbarno
HB 1016 Docs f Wine retailer shippers H Reg Subst & Ga 01/09/2023 Chapman SB 5007(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1017 Docs f Cosmetologists, etc/licenses C 55 L 23 04/13/2023 Ryu SB 5307(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1018 Docs f Hog fuel/tax exemption C 341 L 23 05/09/2023 Tharinger SB 5030(S Ways & Means)
HB 1020 Docs a State dinosaur C 330 L 23 05/04/2023 Morgan
HB 1021 Docs f Social worker licensing H Rules X 01/08/2024 Thai SB 5354(S Health & Long)
HB 1022 Docs f# Support & services levies H Rules X 02/20/2024 Chapman
HB 1023 Docs fo Wire tap reports/courts C 129 L 23 04/20/2023 Walen
HB 1027 Docs f Audio-only telemedicine H Rules X 01/08/2024 Riccelli SB 5036(C 8 L 23)
HB 1029 Docs Vaccine mandate reemployment H Labor & Workpl 01/09/2023 Jacobsen
HB 1030 Docs f Applied doctorate degrees C 130 L 23 04/20/2023 Leavitt
HB 1031 Docs Medal of valor award C 131 L 23 04/20/2023 Low
HB 1034 Docs Fur farming H Ag&Nr 01/09/2023 Walen SB 5161(S Ag/Water/Natur)
HB 1035 Docs f Health care restrictions H HC/Wellness 01/09/2023 Walen
HB 1036 Docs Clergy/child abuse reporting H Human Svc, You 01/09/2023 Walen
HB 1038 Docs f Anesthesiologist assistants H HC/Wellness 01/09/2023 Taylor SB 5184(C 362 L 24)
HB 1040 Docs f Aviation & aerospace cmte. H Innov, Comm & 01/09/2023 Dent
HB 1041 Docs f Prescribing psychologists H HC/Wellness 01/09/2023 Bateman
HB 1046 Docs Housing dev. income limits C 133 L 23 04/20/2023 Walen
HB 1049 Docs ad County district boundaries C 237 L 23 05/04/2023 Doglio SB 5106(S subst for)
HB 1052 Docs f# Nonprofit housing/tax ex. H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Ramel
HB 1053 Docs Vehicular pursuits H Community Safe 01/09/2023 Robertson
HB 1054 Docs a Occupancy limits C 139 L 24 03/18/2024 Walen
HB 1055 Docs f#o Pub safety telecommunicators C 199 L 23 05/01/2023 Stokesbary SB 5328(S Rules X)
HB 1058 Docs fd Commercial driver's licenses C 57 L 23 04/13/2023 Paul SB 5251(S Rules X)
HB 1061 Docs f Insurance producer education C 21 L 23 04/06/2023 Ryu SB 5026(S Business, Fin)
HB 1063 Docs Motorcycles on laned roads H Transportation 01/09/2023 Corry SB 5401(S Transportation)
HB 1064 Docs f School safety capital grants H Cap Budget 01/09/2023 Jacobsen
HB 1065 Docs Online marketplaces H ConsPro&Bus 01/09/2023 Ryu
HB 1066 Docs ao Technical corrections C 470 L 23 PV 05/16/2023 Goodman
HB 1071 Docs f School resource officers H Education 01/09/2023 Walsh
HB 1072 Docs f Motor vehicle length H Transportation 01/09/2023 Klicker
HB 1076 Docs f# Salmon voluntary stewardship H Env & Energy 01/09/2023 Klicker
HB 1081 Docs fd Derelict vessel appeals H Ag&Nr 01/09/2023 Simmons SB 5192(C 39 L 23)
HB 1082 Docs PT & OT service corporations C 60 L 23 04/13/2023 Simmons SB 5044(S Health & Long)
HB 1083 Docs f Cannabis retailer payments H Reg Subst & Ga 01/09/2023 Robertson
HB 1089 Docs f# Sex trafficking H Approps 01/31/2023 Orwall SB 5114(S subst for)
HB 1090 Docs d Defects and omissions H Civil R & Judi 01/09/2023 Orwall SB 5087(S subst for)
HB 1091 Docs Tax increases/voter approval H State Govt & T 01/09/2023 Walsh
HB 1092 Docs State property tax/valuation H Finance 01/09/2023 Walsh
HB 1093 Docs K-12 scholarship program H Education 01/09/2023 Walsh
HB 1096 Docs Amateur sports officials H Community Safe 01/09/2023 Low SB 5731(S Law & Justice)
HB 1099 Docs f Public works wages H Cap Budget 01/24/2023 Berry
HB 1100 Docs Dispo. of remains/indigent C 62 L 23 04/13/2023 Schmick
HB 1102 Docs fo Judge pro tempore compen. C 24 L 23 04/06/2023 Taylor
HB 1107 Docs d "Master" and "servant" terms C 25 L 23 04/06/2023 Fosse
HB 1112 Docs af# Negligent driving C 471 L 23 05/16/2023 Harris
HB 1114 Docs af Sentencing comm'n members C 241 L 23 05/04/2023 Mosbrucker
HB 1115 Docs Abortion cost sharing H HC/Wellness 01/09/2023 Bateman SB 5242(C 194 L 23)
HB 1116 Docs Juveniles/controlled subst. H Human Svc, You 01/09/2023 Mosbrucker
HB 1119 Docs Health care oversight cmte. H HC/Wellness 01/09/2023 Riccelli SB 5121(S subst for)
HB 1120 Docs f Annuity transactions C 64 L 23 04/13/2023 Reeves
HB 1123 Docs Clean energy facility siting H Env & Energy 01/09/2023 Dye
HB 1126 Docs d Transportation budget, supp. H Transportation 01/09/2023 Fey SB 5164(S Transportation)
HB 1127 Docs d Adult protective services H Human Svc, You 01/09/2023 Bateman
HB 1128 Docs fd Personal needs allowance C 201 L 23 05/01/2023 Bateman SB 5183(S Ways & Means)
HB 1130 Docs d Firearm industry duties H Civil R & Judi 01/09/2023 Hackney SB 5078(S subst for)
HB 1135 Docs f# Impact fee use H Rules X 01/08/2024 Slatter SB 5452(C 121 L 23)
HB 1137 Docs f Return-to-work opportunities H Labor & Workpl 01/09/2023 Mosbrucker
HB 1139 Docs Harassment/election official H Community Safe 01/09/2023 Leavitt
HB 1141 Docs d Operating budget, supp. H Approps 01/09/2023 Ormsby SB 5188(S Ways & Means)
HB 1144 Docs f# Firearms/purchase & transfer H Civil R & Judi 01/09/2023 Berry SB 5232(S Ways & Means)
HB 1145 Docs f Orca vessel protection H Ag&Nr 01/09/2023 Berry SB 5371(S subst for)
HB 1146 Docs f Dual credit program notice C 44 L 24 03/13/2024 Paul
HB 1149 Docs fd Housing/capital expenditures H Cap Budget 01/09/2023 Tharinger SB 5202(S Ways & Means)
HB 1150 Docs f# Unlawful branding of person H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Mosbrucker
HB 1152 Docs f Consumer products/gender H ConsPro&Bus 01/09/2023 Mena SB 5171(S subst for)
HB 1153 Docs Octopus farming C 45 L 24 03/13/2024 Peterson
HB 1154 Docs Religious institutions H State Govt & T 01/09/2023 Walsh
HB 1156 Docs fo College grant eligibility H Approps 01/20/2023 Slatter SB 5711(S Rules X)
HB 1157 Docs Wild and exotic animals H Ag&Nr 01/09/2023 Leavitt SB 5148(S Ag/Water/Natur)
HB 1158 Docs f# Advisory votes H State Govt & T 01/09/2023 Walen SB 5082(S subst for)
HB 1161 Docs Firearm enhancements H Community Safe 01/09/2023 Graham
HB 1162 Docs Controlled substances H Community Safe 01/09/2023 Graham
HB 1164 Docs f Appliance management H Env & Energy 01/09/2023 Doglio
HB 1166 Docs f Water quality trading prog. H Env & Energy 01/09/2023 Dye
HB 1172 Docs f Working fam. fiscal impacts H Approps 01/09/2023 McEntire
HB 1178 Docs Firearms/local government H Civil R & Judi 01/09/2023 Hackney SB 5446(S Law & Justice)
HB 1179 Docs f#d Nonconviction data/auditor C 26 L 23 04/06/2023 Ramos SB 5119(S Law & Justice)
HB 1180 Docs d Firearms/assault weapons H Civil R & Judi 01/09/2023 Peterson SB 5193(S Law & Justice)
HB 1183 Docs Vehicle emissions standards H Env & Energy 01/09/2023 Dye
HB 1184 Docs fd Used vehicle warranties H ConsPro&Bus 01/09/2023 Hackney
HB 1190 Docs Climate funding/outdoor rec. H Env & Energy 01/09/2023 Dye
HB 1191 Docs f Cooperative finance org. B&O H Rules X 01/08/2024 Springer SB 5166(C 317 L 23)
HB 1193 Docs Greenhouse gas/building code H Env & Energy 01/10/2023 Dye
HB 1194 Docs f# Renewable energy workforce H Postsec Ed & W 01/10/2023 Klicker
HB 1195 Docs f# Weapons/parks & hospitals H Civil R & Judi 01/10/2023 Senn
HB 1196 Docs Criminal plea negotiation H Community Safe 01/10/2023 Mosbrucker
HB 1197 Docs fd Workers' comp. providers C 171 L 23 04/25/2023 Bronoske SB 5310(S Rules X)
HB 1198 Docs PTBA/limited law enforcement H Community Safe 01/10/2023 Bronoske SB 5402(S Law & Justice)
HB 1199 Docs a Child care/communities C 203 L 23 05/01/2023 Senn
HB 1201 Docs fd Retirement system funding H Rules X 01/08/2024 Ormsby SB 5294(S subst for)
HB 1202 Docs fd Eliminating accounts H Rules X 01/08/2024 Ormsby SB 5295(C 41 L 23)
HB 1206 Docs f#d Newspaper publishers/tax H Finance 01/10/2023 Pollet SB 5199(S subst for)
HB 1208 Docs f Pet insurance H Rules X 01/08/2024 Walen SB 5319(C 42 L 23)
HB 1211 Docs d Special education funding H Approps 01/10/2023 Bergquist SB 5311(S subst for)
HB 1212 Docs Outdoor recreation fees H Innov, Comm & 01/10/2023 Dye
HB 1214 Docs Gender transition/minors H HC/Wellness 01/10/2023 Walsh
HB 1215 Docs fe Riparian areas H Ag&Nr 01/10/2023 Chapman SB 5266(S Ag/Water/Natur)
HB 1218 Docs fd Caseload forecast/tax credit C 244 L 23 05/04/2023 Bergquist SB 5285(S Rules X)
HB 1219 Docs PTBA governing bodies H Transportation 01/13/2023 Pollet SB 5575(S Transportation)
HB 1220 Docs Universal civic duty voting H State Govt & T 01/10/2023 Mena SB 5209(S Transportation)
HB 1221 Docs fo Lottery players/PRA C 346 L 23 05/09/2023 Stearns SB 5432(S Rules X)
HB 1223 Docs Emissions limits/use H Env & Energy 01/11/2023 McEntire
HB 1224 Docs Environmental permitting H Env & Energy 01/11/2023 McEntire
HB 1225 Docs f#d Hatchery maint. permitting H Env & Energy 01/11/2023 Chapman
HB 1226 Docs afd Smelt, crawfish, and carp C 77 L 24 03/14/2024 Chapman SB 5854(S Ag/Water/Natur)
HB 1227 Docs Employer health care funding H Labor & Workpl 01/11/2023 Reeves
HB 1230 Docs f School websites/drug info. C 173 L 23 04/25/2023 Callan
HB 1232 Docs f College bound scholarship C 174 L 23 04/25/2023 Bergquist
HB 1233 Docs Housing of inmates H Community Safe 01/11/2023 Jacobsen
HB 1237 Docs f VIN inspection fee C 139 L 23 04/20/2023 Robertson
HB 1243 Docs a# Muni. airport commissions C 247 L 23 05/04/2023 Dent
HB 1244 Docs f Enrichment levy authority H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ramel SB 5692(S EL/K-12)
HB 1246 Docs f Health benefits/SEBB H Approps 01/12/2023 Ortiz-Self
HB 1252 Docs f# Impact fee deferrals H Housing 01/08/2024 Bateman
HB 1253 Docs f Pharmacy benefit managers H HC/Wellness 01/12/2023 Stonier SB 5213(S subst for)
HB 1256 Docs f Higher ed. matching grants H Cap Budget 01/12/2023 Steele
HB 1257 Docs af# Cargo and passenger ports C 347 L 23 05/09/2023 Hackney
HB 1259 Docs d Secretary of state exec team C 142 L 23 PV 04/20/2023 Abbarno
HB 1262 Docs fd Lump sum reporting system C 248 L 23 05/04/2023 Walen SB 5255(S Law & Justice)
HB 1263 Docs f Health care marketplace H Civil R & Judi 01/12/2023 Simmons ESB 5241(S Rules 3)
HB 1264 Docs f# Solid waste customers/rates H Env & Energy 01/12/2023 Walen
HB 1265 Docs f Adult family homes/prop. tax C 69 L 23 04/13/2023 Ramos SB 5302(S Rules X)
HB 1269 Docs fo Rx drug affordability board H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Riccelli
HB 1270 Docs Commission on boys and men H State Govt & T 01/12/2023 Dye SB 5830(S State Govt & E)
HB 1276 Docs f# Accessory dwelling units H Housing 01/12/2023 Pollet SB 5235(S subst for)
HB 1279 Docs f# Firefighters/LEOFF H Approps 01/12/2023 Griffey SB 5468(S Rules X)
HB 1280 Docs f Open vehicle safety recalls H Transportation 01/12/2023 Wylie SB 5504(S subst for)
HB 1283 Docs Self-directed investments H Approps 01/13/2023 Duerr
HB 1286 Docs f# Reprod. health/employers H Labor & Workpl 01/13/2023 Berry SB 5260(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1287 Docs f Dental hygienists C 71 L 23 04/13/2023 Thai
HB 1290 Docs fd Tribal police training C 72 L 23 04/13/2023 Lekanoff SB 5086(S Rules X)
HB 1294 Docs Plan 1 retiree COLAs H Approps 01/13/2023 Steele
HB 1296 Docs f#e Local permit review H Approps 01/31/2023 Peterson SB 5290(S subst for)
HB 1297 Docs fd Geoduck task force H Approps 02/01/2023 Reeves SB 5410(S Ag/Water/Natur)
HB 1298 Docs Condos and townhouses H Civil R & Judi 01/13/2023 Hutchins SB 5258(S subst for)
HB 1301 Docs af License review and reporting C 412 L 23 05/11/2023 McClintock
HB 1303 Docs f#d Property tax administration C 28 L 23 04/06/2023 Street SB 5407(S Ways & Means)
HB 1307 Docs f Physician bargaining H Approps 02/07/2023 Fosse
HB 1308 Docs afo Graduation pathway options C 349 L 23 05/09/2023 Stonier
HB 1309 Docs fd Contractor registration H Rules X 01/08/2024 Fosse SB 5088(C 88 L 23)
HB 1310 Docs f Physician assistant collab. H HC/Wellness 01/13/2023 Riccelli SB 5633(S Health & Long)
HB 1312 Docs af Jury service C 205 L 23 05/01/2023 Rude
HB 1314 Docs Polychlorinated biphenyls H Env & Energy 01/13/2023 Ormsby SB 5369(C 399 L 23)
HB 1315 Docs Legal newspapers H Civil R & Judi 01/13/2023 Schmick
HB 1317 Docs ao Grass roots lobbying C 413 L 23 05/11/2023 Pollet
HB 1319 Docs f# Collisions/driver reexam C 29 L 23 04/06/2023 Reed SB 5216(S Rules X)
HB 1321 Docs f Ambulance transport fund H Rules X 01/08/2024 Donaghy SB 5122(C 11 L 23)
HB 1325 Docs f Long sentences review H Community Safe 01/16/2023 Hackney SB 5451(S Law & Justice)
HB 1327 Docs fd Dental school faculty H Rules X 01/08/2024 Caldier SB 5113(C 89 L 23)
HB 1328 Docs Schools & families/funding H Approps 01/16/2023 Stokesbary
HB 1330 Docs f Campaigns/foreign nationals H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Christian
HB 1331 Docs Public use airport dev./tax H Finance 01/16/2023 Christian
HB 1334 Docs f# PTBA aquatic lands access C 146 L 23 04/20/2023 Hutchins SB 5292(S Rules X)
HB 1339 Docs f Insurance premium tax rate H ConsPro&Bus 01/16/2023 Schmick
HB 1341 Docs f Cannabis license ownership H Reg Subst & Ga 01/16/2023 Wylie SB 5377(S Rules X)
HB 1342 Docs f Embodied carbon reductions H Cap Budget 01/16/2023 Steele
HB 1343 Docs f# Rent relief & housing H Housing 01/16/2023 Kloba
HB 1344 Docs f Low-proof beverages/tax H Reg Subst & Ga 01/16/2023 Chapman SB 5375(S Ways & Means)
HB 1345 Docs afd DOC/costs of privileges C 177 L 23 04/25/2023 Farivar
HB 1347 Docs f Comm.-based health assess. H Env & Energy 01/16/2023 Pollet
HB 1348 Docs f Behavioral health support H HC/Wellness 01/16/2023 Callan SB 5189(S subst for)
HB 1349 Docs af Foreclosure protections C 206 L 23 05/01/2023 Orwall
HB 1350 Docs f# Multifamily unit conversion H Housing 01/16/2023 Walen
HB 1353 Docs School district elections H Education 01/16/2023 Stonier
HB 1354 Docs f School volunteers/conviction H Education 01/16/2023 Stonier
HB 1356 Docs f Biosimilar medicines H HC/Wellness 01/16/2023 Reeves
HB 1358 Docs f Prof. licensing review H ConsPro&Bus 01/16/2023 Cheney
HB 1359 Docs f Prof. licenses/new residents H ConsPro&Bus 01/16/2023 Cheney
HB 1364 Docs f Nautical NW license plate H Transportation 01/08/2024 Paul
HB 1366 Docs First-time home buyers H Cap Budget 01/17/2023 Donaghy
HB 1367 Docs f# Homeless funding H Rules X 01/08/2024 Donaghy
HB 1370 Docs fo Securities whistleblowers C 149 L 23 04/20/2023 Reeves
HB 1372 Docs Electrification/gas emission H State Govt & T 01/17/2023 Dye
HB 1373 Docs Illegal encampment removal H Housing 01/17/2023 Stokesbary
HB 1374 Docs fe Office of career connect WA H Postsec Ed & W 01/17/2023 Slatter SB 5305(S Ways & Means)
HB 1376 Docs School practice standards H Education 01/17/2023 Santos
HB 1379 Docs Health provider contracting H HC/Wellness 01/17/2023 Macri SB 5393(S Rules X)
HB 1380 Docs f# Law enf. officer funding H Approps 01/31/2023 Stokesbary
HB 1382 Docs Comm. transition services H Human Svc, You 01/17/2023 Hackney
HB 1383 Docs f Early release petitions/juv. H Community Safe 01/17/2023 Hackney
HB 1393 Docs f Journey level electricians H Labor & Workpl 01/17/2023 Schmidt SB 5545(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1395 Docs f Aircraft fuel tax distrib. H Transportation 01/18/2023 Dent
HB 1397 Docs f Dependency H Human Svc, You 01/18/2023 Walsh SB 5525(S Human Services)
HB 1398 Docs Economic development info. H Labor & Workpl 01/18/2023 Chapman
HB 1400 Docs Property exempt from exec. H Civil R & Judi 01/18/2023 Peterson SB 5173(S subst for)
HB 1401 Docs f# Housing permit process H Housing 01/08/2024 Jacobsen
HB 1402 Docs f# Urban growth boundaries H Local Govt 01/18/2023 Jacobsen
HB 1403 Docs f# Water & sewage system access H Local Govt 01/18/2023 Goehner
HB 1404 Docs f State building code council H Local Govt 01/18/2023 Goehner SB 5117(S State Govt & E)
HB 1407 Docs f Dev. disability/eligibility C 207 L 23 05/01/2023 Taylor
HB 1409 Docs f Building code classif. H Local Govt 01/18/2023 Abbarno SB 5416(S State Govt & E)
HB 1410 Docs Hate crimes & bias incidents H Civil R & Judi 01/18/2023 Hansen SB 5427(S subst for)
HB 1411 Docs f Cross-sector prof. dev. H Approps 02/10/2023 Ortiz-Self
HB 1412 Docs f Ag. land/foreign ownership H Civil R & Judi 01/18/2023 Shavers
HB 1415 Docs Controlled sub. possession H Community Safe 01/18/2023 Maycumber
HB 1416 Docs f#d Consumer-owned utilities C 233 L 23 05/03/2023 Doglio
HB 1418 Docs f Charter schools/enrichment H Approps 01/18/2023 Springer SB 5442(S EL/K-12)
HB 1419 Docs f# County treasurer duties C 75 L 23 04/13/2023 Chapman
HB 1420 Docs Lien priority/mortgages C 76 L 23 04/13/2023 Hackney SB 5443(S Law & Justice)
HB 1421 Docs f# Voluntary stewardship prog. H Rules X 01/08/2024 Chambers
HB 1422 Docs f# Reusable packing materials H Finance 01/08/2024 Springer
HB 1423 Docs d Trust land transfer program H Cap Budget 01/18/2023 Hackney SB 5372(S Ways & Means)
HB 1428 Docs f# Pedestrians/roadways H Transportation 01/18/2023 Alvarado SB 5383(S Rules X)
HB 1429 Docs Educational employee strikes H Labor & Workpl 01/18/2023 Stokesbary
HB 1432 Docs f# Juvenile justice H Human Svc, You 01/18/2023 Farivar SB 5474(S Ways & Means)
HB 1434 Docs d DOH facilities/enforcement H HC/Wellness 01/18/2023 Thai SB 5271(S subst for)
HB 1437 Docs f Interstate massage compact H Postsec Ed & W 01/18/2023 Kloba
HB 1438 Docs f Shooting sports contests H Reg Subst & Ga 01/19/2023 Eslick
HB 1440 Docs f# Juvenile court jurisdiction H Human Svc, You 01/19/2023 Thai SB 5434(S Ways & Means)
HB 1441 Docs Automatic renewal/contracts H ConsPro&Bus 01/19/2023 Chambers
HB 1444 Docs fo Common school trust revenue H Cap Budget 01/19/2023 McEntire SB 5126(S subst for)
HB 1446 Docs f# Law enf. officers/increase H Local Govt 01/19/2023 Stokesbary SB 5361(S Ways & Means)
HB 1448 Docs fd Motor carrier safety H Rules X 01/08/2024 Hackney SB 5041(C 35 L 23)
HB 1454 Docs f Competitive telecomm. H Innov, Comm & 01/19/2023 Ryu SB 5455(S Environment, E)
HB 1455 Docs f# Child marriage C 10 L 24 03/07/2024 Stonier SB 5695(S Law & Justice)
HB 1456 Docs Definition of theft H Community Safe 01/19/2023 Griffey
HB 1459 Docs f PERS & TRS plan 1 adjustment H Approps 01/19/2023 Stokesbary
HB 1461 Docs Eastern WA law enf. training H Community Safe 01/19/2023 Maycumber
HB 1462 Docs f Journey level electricians H Labor & Workpl 01/19/2023 Doglio SB 5320(S subst for)
HB 1463 Docs State employee transport. H State Govt & T 01/19/2023 Caldier
HB 1464 Docs f Ransomware/state H State Govt & T 01/20/2023 Hackney SB 5518(S subst for)
HB 1465 Docs f Prescription cost-sharing H HC/Wellness 01/20/2023 Riccelli SB 5445(S Health & Long)
HB 1467 Docs f# Property infill/GMA H Local Govt 01/20/2023 Barkis
HB 1471 Docs ad State procurement procedures C 140 L 24 03/18/2024 Stearns SB 5428(S Rules X)
HB 1472 Docs f Motor vehicle sales tax H Approps 01/20/2023 Barkis
HB 1473 Docs f# Wealth/property tax H Finance 01/20/2023 Thai SB 5486(S Ways & Means)
HB 1475 Docs f# Online ballot portal H State Govt & T 01/20/2023 Farivar
HB 1476 Docs # Impact fees/law enforcement H Local Govt 01/20/2023 Shavers SB 5289(S Loc Gov, Land)
HB 1480 Docs fd All-hazard emergency manage. H Approps 02/07/2023 Donaghy
HB 1481 Docs f Tribal peace officers/LEOFF C 77 L 23 04/13/2023 Cortes
HB 1482 Docs f# Property tax exemptions H Finance 01/20/2023 Orcutt
HB 1483 Docs State school levies H Finance 01/20/2023 Orcutt
HB 1484 Docs f Estate tax exclusion amount H Finance 01/20/2023 Orcutt
HB 1485 Docs f Roadside safety measures H Rules X 01/08/2024 Orcutt SB 5023(C 33 L 23)
HB 1486 Docs f# Military surplus vehicles H Transportation 01/20/2023 Orcutt
HB 1487 Docs f Right shoulder/motorcycles H Transportation 01/20/2023 Orcutt
HB 1488 Docs f Working forest license plate H Transportation 01/08/2024 Orcutt
HB 1489 Docs f Mt. St. Helens license plate H Transportation 01/08/2024 Orcutt ESB 5590(S Rules 3)
HB 1490 Docs Direct sales of milk H Ag&Nr 01/20/2023 Orcutt
HB 1495 Docs ARNP, PA, & MD reimbursement H HC/Wellness 01/23/2023 Simmons SB 5373(S Ways & Means)
HB 1496 Docs Naselle Youth Camp property H State Govt & T 01/23/2023 Walsh SB 5556(S State Govt & E)
HB 1497 Docs f# Vapor and tobacco/minors H Reg Subst & Ga 01/23/2023 Harris
HB 1502 Docs PFML job protection study H Labor & Workpl 01/23/2023 Berry
HB 1505 Docs f Alternative jet fuel H Env & Energy 01/23/2023 Slatter SB 5447(S subst for)
HB 1507 Docs Fair housing training H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Entenman
HB 1509 Docs f# Community solar H Env & Energy 01/23/2023 Hackney
HB 1511 Docs f Income/child care programs H Approps 02/14/2023 Reeves
HB 1512 Docs f# Missing persons C 212 L 23 05/01/2023 Mosbrucker
HB 1514 Docs f RV & park trailers/insignia C 78 L 23 04/13/2023 Robertson SB 5521(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1517 Docs f#e Transit-oriented development H Housing 01/23/2023 Reed SB 5466(S subst for)
HB 1518 Docs fd Parking at rest areas H Transportation 01/08/2024 Barkis SB 5487(S Rules X)
HB 1519 Docs f# Local project review H Rules X 01/08/2024 Barkis
HB 1520 Docs Fentanyl H Community Safe 01/23/2023 Mosbrucker
HB 1523 Docs Agricultural overtime H Labor & Workpl 01/23/2023 Goehner SB 5476(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1524 Docs Prime contractor retainage H Labor & Workpl 01/23/2023 Bronoske SB 5528(S subst for)
HB 1527 Docs af#d Tax increment financing C 354 L 23 05/09/2023 Wylie SB 5539(S Ways & Means)
HB 1528 Docs d Adult protective services H Human Svc, You 01/24/2023 Bateman SB 5370(C 44 L 23)
HB 1529 Docs f Horse racing/funding H Approps 01/24/2023 Stearns
HB 1530 Docs f# Law enf. employ. eligibility C 11 L 24 03/07/2024 Cortes
HB 1532 Docs f# Turn signal in roundabouts H Transportation 01/24/2023 Doglio
HB 1535 Docs Gubernatorial proclamations H State Govt & T 01/24/2023 Corry
HB 1536 Docs f H.S. diplomas/withholding C 384 L 23 05/09/2023 Timmons
HB 1537 Docs f Child care licensing H Human Svc, You 01/24/2023 Couture
HB 1538 Docs Special district malfeasance H Community Safe 01/24/2023 Griffey
HB 1539 Docs f Private vocational licenses H Postsec Ed & W 01/24/2023 Senn
HB 1540 Docs f Driver training/large veh. C 32 L 23 04/06/2023 Hutchins SB 5603(S Rules X)
HB 1542 Docs af# AEDs/high voltage work C 253 L 23 05/04/2023 Bronoske
HB 1543 Docs f# Horse program/Coyote Ridge H Rules X 01/08/2024 Dye
HB 1544 Docs f# Shoreline program review C 80 L 23 04/13/2023 Alvarado SB 5159(S Rules X)
HB 1545 Docs Vaccination/online students H Postsec Ed & W 01/24/2023 Caldier
HB 1546 Docs Chronic pain/good faith H HC/Wellness 01/24/2023 Caldier
HB 1549 Docs AP course options H Education 01/24/2023 Stonier
HB 1552 Docs f Urban agriculture study C 178 L 23 04/25/2023 Reeves
HB 1553 Docs f Batteries/environment H Env & Energy 01/24/2023 Street
HB 1556 Docs f# Property tax rebates H Finance 01/24/2023 Berg SB 5495(S Ways & Means)
HB 1557 Docs f# Digital processing services H Finance 01/24/2023 Santos SB 5483(S Ways & Means)
HB 1558 Docs fd Self-insured pensions/fund H Approps 02/16/2023 Cheney SB 5084(C 110 L 23)
HB 1560 Docs f# Property tax exemptions H Finance 01/24/2023 Shavers
HB 1563 Docs Medical use of cannabis C 254 L 23 05/04/2023 Kloba SB 5608(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1564 Docs af OTC sexual assault kits C 296 L 23 05/04/2023 Mosbrucker
HB 1566 Docs f Vacation leave accrual H Labor & Workpl 01/08/2024 Bateman
HB 1569 Docs f Common interest communities H Approps 02/13/2023 Leavitt
HB 1571 Docs f Nursing facility rates H Approps 01/25/2023 Tharinger SB 5526(S Ways & Means)
HB 1573 Docs f Dairy, etc. tax preferences C 422 L 23 05/11/2023 Rule SB 5277(S Rules X)
HB 1574 Docs f# Methane/agriculture H Approps 01/31/2024 Rule
HB 1575 Docs f# Cultural access programs/tax C 179 L 23 04/25/2023 Reed SB 5612(S Loc Gov, Land)
HB 1581 Docs f Cannabis commission H Reg Subst & Ga 01/25/2023 Wylie SB 5546(S subst for)
HB 1582 Docs f# Right turns H Transportation 01/25/2023 Ryu SB 5514(S Transportation)
HB 1583 Docs f Certified peer specialists H HC/Wellness 01/25/2023 Eslick
HB 1585 Docs f# Local infra. project areas H Finance 02/14/2023 Cortes
HB 1587 Docs f Spirit tax/veterans' orgs. H Reg Subst & Ga 01/25/2023 Shavers
HB 1592 Docs Ranked choice pres. primary H State Govt & T 01/25/2023 Mena
HB 1594 Docs Residential electrician cert H Labor & Workpl 01/25/2023 Goehner
HB 1595 Docs f Cannabis excise tax H Reg Subst & Ga 01/25/2023 Chambers
HB 1597 Docs Public records act requests H State Govt & T 01/26/2023 Springer SB 5571(S State Govt & E)
HB 1598 Docs o Jury diversity H Civil R & Judi 01/26/2023 Hackney SB 5128(S subst for)
HB 1599 Docs ad Firearm background checks C 298 L 23 05/04/2023 Goodman
HB 1601 Docs Parental rights H Civil R & Judi 01/26/2023 Graham
HB 1602 Docs Communications/criminal H Community Safe 01/26/2023 Graham
HB 1603 Docs fd Agricultural products promo. H Ag&Nr 01/26/2023 Morgan
HB 1604 Docs f Custom farming/B&O tax H Finance 01/26/2023 Corry
HB 1605 Docs Small districts/skill center H Approps 02/07/2023 Rule SB 5668(S Ways & Means)
HB 1606 Docs Electronic commerce H ConsPro&Bus 01/26/2023 Ryu
HB 1607 Docs Juvenile statements H Human Svc, You 01/26/2023 Hackney
HB 1610 Docs Public health/consumers H State Govt & T 01/26/2023 Walsh SB 5596(S Health & Long)
HB 1611 Docs f# Local government permitting H Finance 02/09/2023 Reed
HB 1612 Docs fo Products containing THC H Reg Subst & Ga 01/26/2023 Kloba SB 5367(S subst for)
HB 1613 Docs Controlled sub. possession H Community Safe 01/26/2023 Rule SB 5467(S Law & Justice)
HB 1614 Docs f# Home cultivation of cannabis H Approps 02/17/2023 Kloba
HB 1615 Docs f Education savings accounts H Education 01/26/2023 Eslick
HB 1616 Docs Personal data rights charter H Civil R & Judi 01/26/2023 Kloba SB 5643(S Environment, E)
HB 1617 Docs f Universal services program H Innov, Comm & 01/26/2023 Ryu
HB 1619 Docs f Renewable energy resources H Env & Energy 01/26/2023 Fey
HB 1622 Docs af Students/homelessness C 386 L 23 05/09/2023 Fey
HB 1623 Docs f Regional economic dev. H Approps 02/07/2023 Volz
HB 1624 Docs f ESD election administration C 83 L 23 04/13/2023 Ybarra
HB 1625 Docs Rent controls/local gov. H Housing 01/26/2023 Pollet SB 5615(S Loc Gov, Land)
HB 1626 Docs f Colorectal screening tests C 299 L 23 05/04/2023 Bronoske
HB 1627 Docs Family vlogs H Civil R & Judi 01/26/2023 Reeves
HB 1629 Docs Firearm transfers to museums H Civil R & Judi 01/26/2023 Wylie SB 5436(S subst for)
HB 1630 Docs f Sports wagering H Reg Subst & Ga 01/26/2023 Walen SB 5587(S Business, Fin)
HB 1631 Docs f# Illegal racing H Civil R & Judi 01/27/2023 Hackney SB 5606(C 283 L 23)
HB 1632 Docs f Retirement options study H ConsPro&Bus 01/27/2023 Reeves
HB 1634 Docs f Residential insurance H ConsPro&Bus 01/27/2023 Reeves
HB 1635 Docs af# Police dogs/liability C 305 L 24 03/26/2024 Mosbrucker SB 6023(S Law & Justice)
HB 1640 Docs f Pardons and commutations H Rules X 02/20/2024 Street
HB 1641 Docs f High-potency cannabis H Reg Subst & Ga 01/27/2023 Davis
HB 1642 Docs f Cannabis concentrates H Reg Subst & Ga 01/27/2023 Davis
HB 1643 Docs f Nurse student loan repayment H Postsec Ed & W 01/27/2023 Riccelli SB 5498(S Ways & Means)
HB 1644 Docs f Margin tax H Finance 01/27/2023 Walen SB 5482(S Business, Fin)
HB 1645 Docs County legislative meetings C 84 L 23 04/13/2023 Barnard SB 5067(S Rules X)
HB 1646 Docs f Variable insurance tax rate H ConsPro&Bus 01/27/2023 Schmick
HB 1649 Docs Prejudgment interest H Civil R & Judi 01/27/2023 Hackney
HB 1651 Docs f# Infraction debt H Transportation 01/30/2023 Reeves
HB 1653 Docs f# Animal adoption fees/tax H Finance 01/30/2023 Caldier
HB 1654 Docs Behavior support homes H Human Svc, You 01/30/2023 Harris SB 5506(S Ways & Means)
HB 1656 Docs fd Unemployment ins. appeals C 85 L 23 04/13/2023 Schmidt SB 5240(S Rules X)
HB 1657 Docs Marriages by federal judges C 86 L 23 04/13/2023 Street
HB 1659 Docs Carbon market prices H Env & Energy 01/30/2023 Dye
HB 1660 Docs f RV auctions minimum bid H Transportation 01/08/2024 Christian
HB 1661 Docs f# Mobile crisis intervention H Approps 02/14/2023 Maycumber
HB 1662 Docs f# Sole community hospitals H Approps 01/30/2023 Tharinger
HB 1664 Docs Env. justice council/rural H Env & Energy 01/30/2023 Goehner
HB 1665 Docs Pharmacist treatment H HC/Wellness 01/30/2023 Stonier
HB 1666 Docs f Fee and debt collection H ConsPro&Bus 01/30/2023 Reeves
HB 1667 Docs Prevailing wage H Labor & Workpl 01/30/2023 Schmidt SB 5563(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1669 Docs Auto theft authority account H Approps 01/30/2023 Chambers
HB 1670 Docs f# Property tax limit factor H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ormsby
HB 1671 Docs Military service/false claim H State Govt & T 01/30/2023 Couture
HB 1672 Docs Veterans' org./spirits tax H Reg Subst & Ga 01/30/2023 Couture
HB 1673 Docs Child welfare workers H Human Svc, You 01/30/2023 McEntire
HB 1674 Docs f# Roadway users/trucks & SUVs H Transportation 01/30/2023 Ramel
HB 1675 Docs School safety dashboard H Education 01/30/2023 McEntire
HB 1679 Docs f Student homelessness group C 300 L 23 05/04/2023 Rule SB 5719(S Ways & Means)
HB 1680 Docs Rural library districts H Finance 01/31/2023 Kretz
HB 1684 Docs f Tribes/job title reporting C 256 L 23 05/04/2023 Slatter
HB 1687 Docs f# Vehicle service fees H Transportation 01/31/2023 Eslick SB 5548(S Transportation)
HB 1688 Docs f Tow truck payments/indigent H Rules X 02/20/2024 Hackney
HB 1689 Docs Forest practices in cities H Ag&Nr 01/31/2023 Doglio SB 5636(S Loc Gov, Land)
HB 1690 Docs f Kidney disease centers H HC/Wellness 01/31/2023 Reeves
HB 1691 Docs Eluding a police vehicle H Community Safe 01/31/2023 Connors
HB 1695 Docs Surplus property/housing C 301 L 23 05/04/2023 Alvarado SB 5674(S Rules X)
HB 1696 Docs af# Stalking-related offenses C 461 L 23 05/15/2023 Davis
HB 1697 Docs Early achievers, voluntary H Human Svc, You 01/31/2023 Walsh
HB 1702 Docs f# Senior citizens local tax H Local Govt 02/01/2023 Orcutt SB 5686(S Loc Gov, Land)
HB 1703 Docs Local property tax levies H Local Govt 02/01/2023 Orcutt
HB 1704 Docs Sales and use tax rate H Finance 02/01/2023 Orcutt
HB 1707 Docs f Bingo C 155 L 23 04/20/2023 Kloba
HB 1708 Docs Ballots/online portal H State Govt & T 02/01/2023 Volz
HB 1710 Docs Tutoring & extended learning H Approps 02/01/2023 Rude SB 5248(S Ways & Means)
HB 1712 Docs f Finfish worker displacement C 156 L 23 04/20/2023 Schmick SB 5621(S Rules X)
HB 1713 Docs f Health care/rural areas H HC/Wellness 02/01/2023 Maycumber
HB 1716 Docs f Child care B&O credit H Finance 02/01/2023 Rule
HB 1718 Docs Parks/health & wellness H HC/Wellness 02/01/2023 Rule SB 5095(S Ways & Means)
HB 1719 Docs f I-405 express & HOV lanes H Transportation 02/01/2023 Walsh
HB 1721 Docs Skill center class size H Approps 02/02/2023 Paul
HB 1722 Docs f# Tow truck operator comp. H Transportation 02/02/2023 Doglio SB 5652(S subst for)
HB 1723 Docs f# GMA/equity and env. justice H Local Govt 02/02/2023 Duerr SB 5651(S Ways & Means)
HB 1726 Docs f#d Fire service training C 46 L 24 03/13/2024 Bronoske SB 5724(S State Govt & E)
HB 1727 Docs Transaction fees H ConsPro&Bus 02/02/2023 Chapman
HB 1730 Docs Youth employment/21+ estab. C 158 L 23 PV 04/20/2023 Waters
HB 1733 Docs f Nursing degrees H Postsec Ed & W 02/02/2023 Paul
HB 1734 Docs Alt. placement contracting H Community Safe 02/02/2023 Couture SB 5544(S Human Services)
HB 1737 Docs f Reconciliation account H Rules X 02/20/2024 Morgan
HB 1738 Docs f Universal comm. services H Approps 02/14/2023 Ryu
HB 1739 Docs f Child care prov. instruction H Human Svc, You 02/02/2023 Dent
HB 1740 Docs f Forestry riparian easements H Cap Budget 02/17/2023 Orcutt SB 5667(S subst for)
HB 1741 Docs o Prototypical school formulas H Approps 02/03/2023 Rule
HB 1742 Docs fd Nontax statutes/DOR C 258 L 23 05/04/2023 Wylie
HB 1747 Docs Seismic safety/schools H Cap Budget 02/03/2023 Chapman SB 5680(S EL/K-12)
HB 1748 Docs Small rural hospital payment H HC/Wellness 02/03/2023 Mosbrucker SB 5532(S subst for)
HB 1749 Docs Filipino Americans/schools H Education 02/03/2023 Chandler
HB 1750 Docs f Water safety education C 181 L 23 04/25/2023 Berg
HB 1751 Docs Sex offender facility siting H Community Safe 02/03/2023 Couture
HB 1752 Docs f Water/consumptive quality C 108 L 24 03/15/2024 Dye
HB 1754 Docs DCYF child welfare eval. H Human Svc, You 02/03/2023 Dent
HB 1755 Docs Democracy voucher program H State Govt & T 02/03/2023 Farivar
HB 1759 Docs Chinese American month H State Govt & T 02/06/2023 Santos
HB 1760 Docs Disability/civil actions H Civil R & Judi 02/06/2023 Barnard
HB 1763 Docs f Conditional scholarships C 159 L 23 04/20/2023 Eslick
HB 1769 Docs Juvenile records H Human Svc, You 02/06/2023 Cortes SB 5644(S Human Services)
HB 1770 Docs Unlawful firearm possession H Civil R & Judi 02/06/2023 Cheney
HB 1771 Docs af Relocation assistance C 259 L 23 05/04/2023 Donaghy
HB 1772 Docs f Tetrahydrocannabinol & alc. C 217 L 23 05/01/2023 Waters
HB 1773 Docs Apprenticeship objections H Labor & Workpl 02/06/2023 Schmidt
HB 1774 Docs f Public empl. salary surveys H State Govt & T 02/06/2023 Gregerson SB 5694(S Ways & Means)
HB 1775 Docs a Salmon recovery/liability C 260 L 23 05/04/2023 Lekanoff SB 5693(S Ag/Water/Natur)
HB 1777 Docs af# Energy contracting C 309 L 23 05/04/2023 Doglio
HB 1780 Docs Climate comm. act/fuel use H Env & Energy 02/07/2023 Schmick
HB 1781 Docs f Boater safety and education H Innov, Comm & 02/07/2023 Donaghy SB 5597(S Ag/Water/Natur)
HB 1785 Docs f COVID-19/occupational H Labor & Workpl 02/07/2023 Berry
HB 1786 Docs f Milk product haulers H Transportation 02/07/2023 Rule SB 5531(C 281 L 23)
HB 1787 Docs f# Transport and delivery H Local Govt 02/07/2023 Sandlin
HB 1788 Docs Health care/minors H HC/Wellness 02/07/2023 Walsh
HB 1790 Docs f Cannabis social equity H Reg Subst & Ga 02/07/2023 Entenman
HB 1792 Docs f Water rights procedures C 160 L 23 04/20/2023 Timmons
HB 1793 Docs f Wireless devices tax H Finance 02/08/2023 Gregerson
HB 1794 Docs f# Research and development H Finance 02/08/2023 Waters
HB 1795 Docs f Estate tax H Finance 02/08/2023 Street
HB 1796 Docs Mobile homes/prop. tax ex. H Finance 02/08/2023 Ybarra
HB 1799 Docs f Data brokers H ConsPro&Bus 02/09/2023 Kloba
HB 1801 Docs COVID-19 vaccine/state empl. H Labor & Workpl 02/09/2023 Jacobsen
HB 1802 Docs Minors in possession H Community Safe 02/09/2023 Cheney
HB 1803 Docs f Specialty shop endorsement H Reg Subst & Ga 02/09/2023 Steele
HB 1805 Docs Robbery in the second degree H Community Safe 02/09/2023 Graham
HB 1806 Docs f# Exclave small businesses H Approps 02/16/2023 Rule
HB 1808 Docs f Parentage/sexual assault H Civil R & Judi 02/10/2023 Doglio
HB 1809 Docs f# Definition of food H Finance 02/10/2023 Wylie
HB 1810 Docs f Mobile home rental assist. H Housing 02/10/2023 Orcutt
HB 1811 Docs f Insurance/credit exceptions H Rules X 02/20/2024 Hackney
HB 1813 Docs Community transition facs. H Community Safe 02/10/2023 Griffey
HB 1814 Docs Vaccine mandate/reemployment H Labor & Workpl 02/10/2023 Corry
HB 1815 Docs f Payment card processing/tax H Finance 02/10/2023 Berg SB 5733(S Ways & Means)
HB 1816 Docs Ballot forwarding H State Govt & T 02/10/2023 Cheney
HB 1817 Docs f# Housing gap voucher pilot H Housing 02/10/2023 Rule SB 5741(S Housing)
HB 1819 Docs K-12 music instruction H Education 02/13/2023 Reed
HB 1820 Docs Local sales tax uses H Local Govt 02/13/2023 Walsh
HB 1824 Docs f Shooting sweepstakes H Rules X 02/20/2024 Eslick
HB 1825 Docs f Teacher comp./state schools H Approps 02/14/2023 Harris
HB 1826 Docs Party preferences H State Govt & T 02/14/2023 Rude
HB 1827 Docs Vaccination status H Civil R & Judi 02/14/2023 Walsh
HB 1828 Docs Juveniles/decline hearings H Human Svc, You 02/15/2023 Bronoske
HB 1830 Docs f Nonhighway vehicles H Transportation 02/15/2023 Klicker SB 5751(S Rules X)
HB 1831 Docs f Ferries/workforce shortages H Transportation 02/16/2023 Ramos
HB 1832 Docs f Vehicle per mile charge H Transportation 02/16/2023 Fey
HB 1834 Docs f Reconciliation returns H Approps 03/23/2023 Walen
HB 1836 Docs Waste heat H Env & Energy 02/17/2023 Hackney
HB 1837 Docs Contraception vend. machines H Postsec Ed & W 02/17/2023 Pollet
HB 1839 Docs f Train length H Rules X 02/20/2024 Santos
HB 1840 Docs Catalytic converter theft H Community Safe 02/21/2023 Cheney
HB 1841 Docs Ferries/workforce shortages H Transportation 02/21/2023 Ramos
HB 1842 Docs Ferry system salary comps. H Labor & Workpl 02/22/2023 Fey
HB 1843 Docs f School district elections H Education 02/23/2023 Harris
HB 1844 Docs Right of action/officials H Civil R & Judi 02/28/2023 Graham
HB 1845 Docs Crime victims ombuds H State Govt & T 03/15/2023 Graham
HB 1847 Docs f# Community authority/tax H Rules X 02/20/2024 Santos
HB 1848 Docs f# Broadband equipment/tax H Finance 03/23/2023 Walen SB 5761(S Environment, E)
HB 1849 Docs f Elk management program H Ag&Nr 03/24/2023 Lekanoff
HB 1852 Docs I-5 bridge tolling H Transportation 03/29/2023 Wylie SB 5765(C 377 L 23)
HB 1854 Docs f DOC/abortion medications H Approps 04/05/2023 Bateman SB 5768(C 195 L 23)
HB 1855 Docs Preventative health care H HC/Wellness 04/11/2023 Riccelli
HB 1856 Docs Transparency ombuds study H State Govt & T 04/14/2023 Abbarno
HB 1857 Docs Low-risk pesticides/B&O tax H Finance 04/19/2023 Shavers
HB 1858 Docs f# Naval Academy license plates H Transportation 04/21/2023 Shavers
HB 1859 Docs f Long-term care residents H HC/Wellness 04/21/2023 Simmons
HB 1860 Docs f# Stay-to-play H ConsPro&Bus 04/22/2023 Volz
HB 1861 Docs Elections/language assist. H State Govt & T 04/23/2023 Shavers
HB 1863 Docs f Aquatic land surveys/payment H Ag&Nr 01/08/2024 Christian
HB 1864 Docs Ignition interlock assist. H Transportation 01/08/2024 Christian
HB 1865 Docs Motor vehicle fiscal resp. H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Christian
HB 1866 Docs Seasonal farmworker children H Education 01/08/2024 Ortiz-Self
HB 1867 Docs f Estate tax filing/residences C 82 L 24 03/14/2024 Walen
HB 1868 Docs Power equipment emissions H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Walen
HB 1869 Docs f National guard recruitment H Approps 01/18/2024 Leavitt
HB 1871 Docs Ferry empl./COVID-19 vaccine H Transportation 01/08/2024 Walsh
HB 1872 Docs Homeless housing grants H Approps 01/08/2024 Graham
HB 1873 Docs f Social service workers/OPD H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Ortiz-Self
HB 1874 Docs f Predatory loans H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Walen SB 6025(S subst for)
HB 1875 Docs Child welfare workers H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Couture
HB 1876 Docs d Confidential fisheries info. C 48 L 24 03/13/2024 Springer
HB 1878 Docs State employee seniority H Labor & Workpl 01/08/2024 Low
HB 1879 Docs f Tribal curriculum/John McCoy C 200 L 24 03/19/2024 Lekanoff
HB 1881 Docs Audio-only telemedicine H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Harris SB 5821(C 215 L 24)
HB 1882 Docs Even-numbered year elections H State Govt & T 01/08/2024 Farivar SB 5723(S Rules X)
HB 1883 Docs f# Juror service wages/tax H Finance 01/08/2024 Walen
HB 1884 Docs f Cancer drugs coverage H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Harris SB 5814(S Health & Long)
HB 1885 Docs f Campaign finance/foreign H State Govt & T 01/08/2024 Mena SB 5832(S State Govt & E)
HB 1886 Docs Prearrang. funeral services H Rules X 02/20/2024 Walen
HB 1887 Docs Climate cmit. act/consumers H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Chapman SB 5783(S Environment, E)
HB 1888 Docs Newborn safe transfer H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Mosbrucker SB 6224(S Human Services)
HB 1890 Docs # Housing authorities C 12 L 24 03/07/2024 Alvarado SB 5807(S Rules X)
HB 1891 Docs f Parent substance use H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Eslick
HB 1894 Docs f#d Business licensing service H Rules X 02/20/2024 Walen SB 5897(C 270 L 24)
HB 1895 Docs fd Working families' tax credit C 3 L 24 02/28/2024 Thai SB 5839(S Ways & Means)
HB 1896 Docs fd Tourism marketing funding H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ryu SB 6080(C 130 L 24)
HB 1897 Docs f Charter schools/enrichment H Approps 01/08/2024 Springer SB 5809(S Ways & Means)
HB 1898 Docs fd Unempl. benefit charging C 51 L 24 03/13/2024 Schmidt
HB 1900 Docs f# Recycling rates H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Fey
HB 1901 Docs fd Unempl. voluntary program C 52 L 24 03/13/2024 Springer
HB 1902 Docs f# Firearms/purchase & transfer H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 Berry SB 6004(S Law & Justice)
HB 1904 Docs Hybrid electric ferries H Approps 01/08/2024 Walsh
HB 1907 Docs f# Medical assistant-EMT cert. H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Tharinger SB 5940(S subst for)
HB 1908 Docs f Utility project assistance H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Barnard
HB 1913 Docs f# International services/tax H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Cortes
HB 1917 Docs f Physician assistant compact C 53 L 24 03/13/2024 Leavitt
HB 1918 Docs f Payday lending H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Ryu
HB 1920 Docs f Public accountancy act C 13 L 24 03/07/2024 Robertson SB 5887(S Rules 3)
HB 1921 Docs f Food/certain substances H Ag&Nr 01/08/2024 Duerr
HB 1922 Docs f Vape detectors/schools H Approps 01/31/2024 Couture
HB 1923 Docs Special education funding H Education 01/08/2024 Couture
HB 1927 Docs f Temporary total disability C 144 L 24 03/18/2024 Bronoske SB 5932(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1930 Docs o Office of indep. investig. H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Entenman
HB 1931 Docs f Incarcerated students H Postsec Ed & W 01/08/2024 Leavitt
HB 1933 Docs f Digital electronics/repair H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Gregerson SB 6276(S Environment, E)
HB 1935 Docs f Schools/resource conserv. H Rules X 02/20/2024 Bergquist
HB 1937 Docs Trafficking/health providers H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Shavers
HB 1938 Docs Academic reengagement H Education 01/08/2024 Shavers
HB 1943 Docs af National guard ed. grants C 178 L 24 03/19/2024 Leavitt
HB 1944 Docs Running start for the trades H Education 01/08/2024 Orwall
HB 1946 Docs f Behav. health scholarship C 369 L 24 03/29/2024 Eslick
HB 1948 Docs f# Electric load calculation C 278 L 24 03/26/2024 Ybarra
HB 1949 Docs fd DSHS competency rest./PSERS H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Leavitt SB 6106(S subst for)
HB 1950 Docs fd Student loans/PSLF C 2 L 24 02/28/2024 Slatter SB 6035(S Rules X)
HB 1951 Docs f Algorithmic discrimination H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Shavers
HB 1954 Docs Health care/certain services C 14 L 24 03/07/2024 Riccelli
HB 1955 Docs f#d Greenhouse gas disclosures C 83 L 24 03/14/2024 Barnard
HB 1958 Docs f Sexually protective devices C 254 L 24 03/26/2024 Berry
HB 1961 Docs f# Animal cruelty/seriousness C 55 L 24 03/13/2024 Low SB 6214(S Law & Justice)
HB 1962 Docs f#d Voter address changes C 56 L 24 03/13/2024 Low
HB 1963 Docs f# License plate covers C 84 L 24 03/14/2024 Ramos
HB 1965 Docs CCA allowance allocation H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Chapman SB 5918(S Environment, E)
HB 1966 Docs f Manufacturing machinery/REET H Finance 01/08/2024 Walen
HB 1967 Docs f# Hit & run/first-time waiver H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Jacobsen
HB 1968 Docs Fitness center defibrill. H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Bateman
HB 1969 Docs fd Individual providers/family H Rules X 02/20/2024 Alvarado SB 5811(C 322 L 24)
HB 1972 Docs f Physicians health prg. fees C 15 L 24 03/07/2024 Simmons SB 5822(S Health & Long)
HB 1973 Docs Special education safety net H Education 01/08/2024 Abbarno SB 5852(C 127 L 24)
HB 1975 Docs fd Unemployment overpayments C 8 L 24 03/07/2024 Ortiz-Self SB 6028(S Rules 3)
HB 1976 Docs fd Incentives/energy upgrades C 85 L 24 03/14/2024 Fosse
HB 1977 Docs State rock H State Govt & T 01/08/2024 Abbarno
HB 1978 Docs f#d Intrastate mutual aid system C 16 L 24 03/07/2024 Rule
HB 1980 Docs f Ground EMT services H Approps 01/08/2024 Reed
HB 1981 Docs f# Nuclear energy manufacturing H Finance 01/08/2024 Barnard
HB 1982 Docs f# Broadband loans & grants C 86 L 24 03/14/2024 Waters
HB 1983 Docs f# Criminal justice trtmnt acct C 179 L 24 03/19/2024 Simmons
HB 1984 Docs State clam H State Govt & T 01/08/2024 McEntire
HB 1986 Docs fd Firefighter safety funding H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Abbarno SB 5886(C 31 L 24)
HB 1987 Docs f# Public facilities tax use C 58 L 24 03/13/2024 Low
HB 1988 Docs fd Customer voice council H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Simmons SB 5889(S Rules 3)
HB 1992 Docs fo Superior court/Whatcom C 112 L 24 03/15/2024 Timmons SB 5827(S Rules X)
HB 1993 Docs o Water rights commissioners H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 Timmons SB 5828(S subst for)
HB 1995 Docs Gate money/early release H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Simmons SB 5893(S subst for)
HB 2002 Docs Public use of fentanyl, meth H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Low
HB 2004 Docs f Military student early reg. C 89 L 24 03/14/2024 McEntire
HB 2005 Docs f Weighted grade point average H Education 01/08/2024 McClintock
HB 2010 Docs Family violence H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 Rule
HB 2011 Docs f Automobile insurance H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Peterson SB 6252(S Business, Fin)
HB 2013 Docs fo Retirement benefits/death H Approps 01/08/2024 Volz
HB 2016 Docs Minors/contracts for housing H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 McClintock
HB 2017 Docs f Schools/aged facilities H Cap Budget 01/08/2024 McClintock
HB 2018 Docs f Schools/mobile device use H Approps 01/31/2024 McClintock
HB 2023 Docs f# Elections/language assist. H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Shavers
HB 2024 Docs LEOFF 2 flexible work H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Shavers
HB 2027 Docs f# Law enf. certification H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Doglio SB 5905(S Law & Justice)
HB 2028 Docs Vehicle dealers H Rules X 02/20/2024 Santos SB 5945(S Rules X)
HB 2029 Docs Opioid overdose/high schools H Education 01/08/2024 Rule SB 5804(S subst for)
HB 2030 Docs f# Voting rights/convictions H State Govt & T 01/08/2024 Simmons
HB 2031 Docs f PTSD/coroners & examiners H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Abbarno
HB 2032 Docs a Yard sign disclosures/size C 148 L 24 03/18/2024 Cheney
HB 2033 Docs Rent relief incentive prg. H Housing 01/08/2024 Cheney
HB 2034 Docs o Court reorganization notices C 61 L 24 03/13/2024 Cheney SB 5833(S Law & Justice)
HB 2035 Docs f Work restrictions/age 16, 17 H Labor & Workpl 01/08/2024 McClintock
HB 2040 Docs Carbon auction rebates H Transportation 01/08/2024 Connors
HB 2042 Docs Water supply/energy sites H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Corry SB 5992(S Environment, E)
HB 2044 Docs f# Voter-approved property tax C 114 L 24 03/15/2024 Duerr
HB 2046 Docs f Child care alternative reqs. H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Dent
HB 2047 Docs Cannabis use/SUD employees H Labor & Workpl 01/08/2024 Dent
HB 2050 Docs Fuel pump price information H Transportation 01/08/2024 Goehner
HB 2051 Docs f# Small off-road engines H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Walen
HB 2053 Docs f Ninth grade success grants H Approps 01/08/2024 Stonier
HB 2054 Docs f# Firearm bulk purchases H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 Farivar
HB 2057 Docs Incarcerated veterans H Innov, Comm & 01/08/2024 Ryu
HB 2058 Docs Free school meals H Approps 01/22/2024 Riccelli SB 5964(S EL/K-12)
HB 2059 Docs f Sale of halal foods H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Stearns SB 5799(C 245 L 24)
HB 2060 Docs f Liquor/private club licenses H Reg Subst & Ga 01/08/2024 Couture
HB 2062 Docs fd DSHS civil service H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Schmidt
HB 2063 Docs f Homebuyers/REET exemption H Finance 01/08/2024 Wylie
HB 2064 Docs f Homebuyers/REET exemption H Finance 01/08/2024 Wylie
HB 2066 Docs f# Health provider contracting H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Riccelli SB 5948(S Health & Long)
HB 2067 Docs Congenital cytomegalovirus H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Riccelli SB 5829(S subst for)
HB 2068 Docs f Fashion/environmental impact H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Mena SB 5965(S Environment, E)
HB 2074 Docs f Landowner's lessee/penalties H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Dye SB 6260(S Ag/Water/Natur)
HB 2077 Docs f Guaranteed admissions prg. H Postsec Ed & W 01/11/2024 Reed
HB 2078 Docs Higher education/threats H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Schmidt
HB 2080 Docs f Day habilitation services H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Leavitt
HB 2083 Docs f Payday lending/small loans H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Ryu
HB 2085 Docs fd Habitat recovery pilot prg. H Ag&Nr 01/08/2024 Nance SB 5922(S Ag/Water/Natur)
HB 2087 Docs f Apprenticeship objections H Labor & Workpl 01/08/2024 Schmidt
HB 2090 Docs f# Local boards of health H Rules X 02/20/2024 Bateman SB 5970(C 37 L 24)
HB 2092 Docs f School construction funding H Cap Budget 01/08/2024 Callan
HB 2093 Docs Sexually violent predators H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Griffey
HB 2094 Docs Gift certificates H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Alvarado
HB 2095 Docs f Gift certificates/unclaimed H Finance 01/08/2024 Alvarado SB 5988(S Ways & Means)
HB 2096 Docs Local communities/LRAP H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Leavitt
HB 2101 Docs f Child care licensing fees H Approps 01/17/2024 Rule
HB 2103 Docs f# Large port districts H Local Govt 01/08/2024 Orwall SB 5955(S subst for)
HB 2105 Docs f Instream resources H Ag&Nr 01/08/2024 Fitzgibbon
HB 2106 Docs f# Library district annexation H Local Govt 01/08/2024 Schmick
HB 2107 Docs f Hunting/tribal members H Ag&Nr 01/08/2024 Maycumber
HB 2108 Docs fd Smokey Bear license plates H Transportation 01/08/2024 Donaghy SB 5910(S Transportation)
HB 2110 Docs High school graduation C 66 L 24 03/13/2024 Nance
HB 2111 Docs f Subsidized child care C 67 L 24 03/13/2024 Nance SB 5941(S Rules X)
HB 2116 Docs f Pharmacist prescriptive auth H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Thai SB 6019(S Health & Long)
HB 2119 Docs f# Medical debt garnishment H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 Riccelli
HB 2120 Docs f# Clean energy manufacturers H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Barnard
HB 2121 Docs Special education hearings H Education 01/08/2024 Taylor SB 5883(C 29 L 24)
HB 2122 Docs Physician wellness programs H Rules X 02/20/2024 Thai SB 6165(S Health & Long)
HB 2123 Docs Running start for the trades H Education 01/08/2024 Orwall
HB 2125 Docs f Contingent faculty benefits H Approps 01/22/2024 Ortiz-Self
HB 2126 Docs f# Rural area ADUs H Rules X 02/20/2024 Low
HB 2129 Docs f Geothermal energy resources H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Ramel SB 6039(S subst for)
HB 2132 Docs f# Coroner training costs H Local Govt 01/08/2024 Schmick
HB 2133 Docs f# School bus trespass H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Klicker SB 5891(S subst for)
HB 2135 Docs afd Emergency worker prg./tribes C 205 L 24 03/19/2024 Stearns
HB 2137 Docs f# Tourism promotion exemptions C 68 L 24 03/13/2024 Berg SB 6202(S Rules 3)
HB 2139 Docs Self-service storage rental H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Ramos SB 6203(S Housing)
HB 2140 Docs f# Adverse possession H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 Griffey
HB 2141 Docs f# Housing in unincorp. areas H Finance 01/19/2024 Donaghy
HB 2142 Docs Reading coaches grants H Education 01/08/2024 Corry
HB 2143 Docs Oil exporters/human rights H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Ramel SB 6071(S Higher Ed & Wo)
HB 2145 Docs f Health plans/mental health H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Simmons
HB 2146 Docs Chronically absent students H Education 01/08/2024 Rule SB 5850(S subst for)
HB 2148 Docs Public school staff wages H Education 01/08/2024 Reeves
HB 2149 Docs f Consumer personal info. H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Reeves
HB 2150 Docs Candidate disqualification H State Govt & T 01/08/2024 Reeves
HB 2154 Docs Persistent offenders H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Reeves SB 6063(S Rules X)
HB 2155 Docs f Credential registry H Approps 01/22/2024 Reeves
HB 2157 Docs fd Vaccine definition H Rules X 02/20/2024 Harris SB 5982(C 41 L 24)
HB 2158 Docs f# Urban growth area boundaries H Housing 01/08/2024 Connors
HB 2159 Docs Journey level electricians H Labor & Workpl 01/08/2024 Eslick
HB 2161 Docs Landlord-tenant enforcement H Housing 01/08/2024 Peterson
HB 2162 Docs LTSS exemption/military H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Chambers
HB 2163 Docs f Liquor licensee advertising H Rules X 02/20/2024 Steele
HB 2167 Docs LEOFF 2 rehiring H Approps 01/08/2024 Paul
HB 2168 Docs f Industrial insurance/duties H Labor & Workpl 01/08/2024 Alvarado SB 5991(S Labor & Comm)
HB 2169 Docs f DOC healthy env. pilot H Approps 01/31/2024 Mosbrucker
HB 2174 Docs o Funded special education H Education 01/08/2024 Pollet
HB 2175 Docs Special education limits H Approps 01/08/2024 Caldier
HB 2176 Docs f Preventive dental care H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Caldier
HB 2177 Docs f# Sex offender policy board H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Simmons
HB 2179 Docs f# Child care local licensing H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Couture
HB 2181 Docs f Pipe tobacco excise tax rate H Finance 01/08/2024 Waters
HB 2183 Docs Lawsuit remittances/names H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 Walsh
HB 2186 Docs f# Juv. deferred adjudications H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Senn
HB 2187 Docs f Water/family farms H Ag&Nr 01/08/2024 Dent
HB 2188 Docs f#d Health subsidy/retirees H Approps 01/08/2024 Bronoske SB 6139(S Ways & Means)
HB 2189 Docs Transp. electrification fee H Transportation 01/08/2024 Kloba
HB 2190 Docs Public records act study H State Govt & T 01/08/2024 Walen
HB 2192 Docs o National voter reg. day H Education 01/08/2024 Farivar
HB 2193 Docs f Env. restoration accelerator H Ag&Nr 01/08/2024 Sandlin
HB 2196 Docs f# Alcohol concentration/DUI H Community Safe 01/09/2024 Donaghy
HB 2198 Docs School facility temperatures H Education 01/09/2024 Reeves
HB 2200 Docs fd Accounts H Approps 01/09/2024 Macri ESB 6098(C 168 L 24)
HB 2202 Docs Local public defense costs H Approps 01/09/2024 Couture
HB 2204 Docs f Emergency liquor permits C 91 L 24 03/14/2024 Waters
HB 2205 Docs Signature gathering/protests H State Govt & T 01/09/2024 Cheney
HB 2206 Docs f Voter registration database H State Govt & T 01/09/2024 Cheney
HB 2208 Docs fd Nursing rate calculation H Approps 01/09/2024 Harris SB 5802(S subst for)
HB 2209 Docs f Lunar new year C 76 L 24 03/13/2024 Thai
HB 2210 Docs f# DOC wild horse program H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Dye
HB 2211 Docs f# Criminal justice local tax H Local Govt 01/09/2024 Stearns SB 6076(S Ways & Means)
HB 2212 Docs School admin. allocations H Approps 01/09/2024 Rule
HB 2213 Docs a Defects and omissions C 232 L 24 03/25/2024 Cheney
HB 2215 Docs f#o Enrichment levies limit H Approps 01/09/2024 Slatter
HB 2218 Docs f Extended foster care H Human Svc, You 01/09/2024 Cortes SB 5908(S subst for)
HB 2219 Docs f# Affordable housing/tax ex. H Finance 01/09/2024 Hackney
HB 2220 Docs Violent offenses H Community Safe 01/09/2024 Rule
HB 2222 Docs Controlled sub. endangerment H Community Safe 01/09/2024 Hackney
HB 2223 Docs Librarians in public schools H Approps 01/09/2024 Rule
HB 2225 Docs Licensing/criminal records H ConsPro&Bus 01/09/2024 Thai
HB 2227 Docs DUI conviction vacation H Community Safe 01/09/2024 Ortiz-Self
HB 2228 Docs Middle housing density H Housing 01/09/2024 Christian
HB 2229 Docs Homeless services H Housing 01/09/2024 Christian
HB 2231 Docs f# Law enforcement funding H Local Govt 01/09/2024 Walen
HB 2232 Docs e Petroleum product supply H Env & Energy 01/09/2024 Doglio SB 6052(S Ways & Means)
HB 2233 Docs Controlled sub./children H Human Svc, You 01/09/2024 Couture
HB 2234 Docs f# Low-income energy assistance H Env & Energy 01/09/2024 Ybarra
HB 2235 Docs f Water quality data/salmon H Env & Energy 01/09/2024 Dye
HB 2238 Docs f Ammunition tax H Finance 01/09/2024 Thai
HB 2240 Docs Void covenant redaction H Civil R & Judi 01/09/2024 Taylor
HB 2241 Docs Gender/health providers H HC/Wellness 01/09/2024 Jacobsen
HB 2244 Docs fd Retirement savings H ConsPro&Bus 01/09/2024 Reeves SB 6069(S subst for)
HB 2246 Docs f Vacation leave accrual C 151 L 24 03/18/2024 Bateman
HB 2249 Docs f CCA market impacts H Env & Energy 01/09/2024 Dye
HB 2251 Docs f# Unenforceable LFOs H Human Svc, You 01/09/2024 Cortes SB 5974(S subst for)
HB 2253 Docs f# Community solar H Env & Energy 01/09/2024 Hackney SB 6113(S Environment, E)
HB 2257 Docs f# Back country search & rescue H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Goehner
HB 2259 Docs Threats of harm to children H Human Svc, You 01/10/2024 Rule
HB 2260 Docs fo Alcohol sale to minors/civil C 71 L 24 03/13/2024 Waters SB 6201(S Rules X)
HB 2261 Docs Employee student loans/tax H Finance 01/10/2024 Reeves
HB 2262 Docs f# Tire rolling resistance H Transportation 01/10/2024 Street
HB 2263 Docs f Assisted living facilities H HC/Wellness 01/10/2024 Stonier
HB 2264 Docs Family home-based child care H Human Svc, You 01/10/2024 Caldier
HB 2268 Docs f I-5 Columbia river tolls H Transportation 01/10/2024 Cheney
HB 2269 Docs Clay targets tax exemption H Finance 01/10/2024 Cheney
HB 2272 Docs f LTSS commission recs. H HC/Wellness 01/10/2024 Macri
HB 2277 Docs f Data brokering H ConsPro&Bus 01/10/2024 Kloba
HB 2278 Docs fd Capital gains tax H Finance 01/10/2024 Thai SB 6248(S Ways & Means)
HB 2280 Docs o Student mental health net. H Education 01/10/2024 Rule SB 6216(S Ways & Means)
HB 2281 Docs Psilocybin services H HC/Wellness 01/10/2024 Macri SB 5977(S Health & Long)
HB 2282 Docs African American studies H Education 01/10/2024 Morgan SB 6275(S EL/K-12)
HB 2284 Docs Reading and writing literacy H Education 01/10/2024 Pollet
HB 2285 Docs Out-of-network health costs H HC/Wellness 01/10/2024 Riccelli SB 5986(S subst for)
HB 2286 Docs f# Salmon rec. capital grants H Cap Budget 01/31/2024 Wilcox
HB 2288 Docs Agriculture/water pollution H Env & Energy 01/10/2024 Schmick
HB 2289 Docs f# Salmon recovery projects/tax H Finance 01/10/2024 Wilcox
HB 2290 Docs f# Untreated sewage discharges H Env & Energy 01/10/2024 Dye
HB 2291 Docs Riparian programs review H Ag&Nr 01/10/2024 Wilcox
HB 2292 Docs Hatchery improvement H Ag&Nr 01/10/2024 Dent
HB 2294 Docs Salmon recovery account H Approps 01/10/2024 Wilcox
HB 2297 Docs f Solar energy systems/schools H Cap Budget 01/11/2024 Orwall
HB 2298 Docs Climate equity campus H Postsec Ed & W 01/11/2024 Reeves
HB 2299 Docs fd DNR trust asset leasing H Cap Budget 01/11/2024 Street SB 6062(S Rules X)
HB 2300 Docs Child care qualifications H Human Svc, You 01/11/2024 Dent
HB 2302 Docs f Pesticide application comm. H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Dent SB 6166(S Rules 3)
HB 2304 Docs UW primate research center H Postsec Ed & W 01/11/2024 Pollet SB 6221(S Ways & Means)
HB 2305 Docs Tribal warrants H Community Safe 01/11/2024 Lekanoff SB 6146(S subst for)
HB 2307 Docs f Public records reviews H State Govt & T 01/11/2024 Schmick
HB 2310 Docs f State park heritage center H Cap Budget 01/11/2024 McEntire
HB 2312 Docs fd Tribal interlocal agreements H Ag&Nr 01/11/2024 Nance SB 6011(S Ag/Water/Natur)
HB 2314 Docs Health care/confinement H HC/Wellness 01/11/2024 Thai SB 5888(S Ways & Means)
HB 2315 Docs High school CPR & AED instr. H Education 01/11/2024 Caldier
HB 2316 Docs fo PERS/certain bus drivers H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Couture SB 5881(C 247 L 24)
HB 2317 Docs f# Unlicensed bingo, etc. H Reg Subst & Ga 01/11/2024 Orcutt
HB 2318 Docs f State route number 501 C 73 L 24 03/13/2024 Orcutt
HB 2323 Docs f Rent payments/credit reports H Rules X 02/20/2024 Peterson SB 6212(S Rules X)
HB 2324 Docs Narcotics enforcement H Community Safe 01/12/2024 Maycumber
HB 2326 Docs High school/AP, IB, CIE exam H Approps 01/12/2024 Doglio SB 6239(S EL/K-12)
HB 2327 Docs f Digital equity/revenue H Finance 01/12/2024 Gregerson
HB 2328 Docs Small fire districts/leave H Labor & Workpl 01/12/2024 Low SB 6145(S Labor & Comm)
HB 2332 Docs Firearm recovery rewards H Community Safe 01/12/2024 Couture
HB 2334 Docs Cannabis/dept of agriculture H Reg Subst & Ga 01/12/2024 Reeves
HB 2337 Docs o LEOFF 2 board employees H Approps 01/12/2024 Stonier SB 6198(S subst for)
HB 2338 Docs fo LEOFF plan 2 H Approps 01/12/2024 Bergquist SB 6197(S subst for)
HB 2340 Docs Military service/DOL fees H Transportation 01/12/2024 Harris
HB 2341 Docs f Offshore wind dev. study H Ag&Nr 01/12/2024 Springer
HB 2342 Docs f Dependent youth financial ed H Human Svc, You 01/12/2024 Stonier
HB 2343 Docs # Property owners/projects H Local Govt 01/12/2024 Donaghy
HB 2345 Docs Landlord-tenant task force H Housing 01/12/2024 Barkis
HB 2346 Docs fo Health disparities council H Rules X 02/20/2024 Santos
HB 2349 Docs Job posting wage disclosures H Labor & Workpl 01/12/2024 Stonier SB 6241(S Labor & Comm)
HB 2350 Docs f Birth doulas H HC/Wellness 01/12/2024 Simmons SB 6172(S Health & Long)
HB 2351 Docs Essential worker health care H HC/Wellness 01/12/2024 Riccelli
HB 2352 Docs f College athletes H Postsec Ed & W 01/12/2024 Berg
HB 2353 Docs f# Residential targeted areas H Housing 01/12/2024 Nance
HB 2358 Docs Obstructing highways H Community Safe 01/15/2024 Barkis
HB 2359 Docs f# Vehicle impounds H Transportation 01/15/2024 Peterson
HB 2360 Docs f Digital workforce H Approps 01/29/2024 Slatter
HB 2362 Docs fb JLARC studies H Rules X 02/20/2024 Orcutt SB 6213(S State Govt & E)
HB 2364 Docs Baseball players/employment H Labor & Workpl 01/15/2024 Fey SB 6088(C 132 L 24)
HB 2365 Docs f Respite care H Approps 01/31/2024 Barnard SB 6126(S Ways & Means)
HB 2366 Docs Spring blade knives H Civil R & Judi 01/15/2024 Chambers
HB 2367 Docs Control. subst. endangerment H Community Safe 01/15/2024 Dye
HB 2369 Docs f Private club liquor permit H Reg Subst & Ga 01/15/2024 Couture
HB 2370 Docs Traffic safety ed./rural H Education 01/15/2024 Schmick
HB 2371 Docs Political advert. removal H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Cheney
HB 2374 Docs f Washington promise program H Postsec Ed & W 01/15/2024 Pollet
HB 2375 Docs f# Senior property tax ex./ADUs C 119 L 24 03/15/2024 Goehner
HB 2376 Docs f# CCA public entity oblig. H Env & Energy 01/15/2024 Robertson
HB 2377 Docs Laser hair removal H HC/Wellness 01/15/2024 Stonier
HB 2378 Docs f# Health care facility fees H HC/Wellness 01/15/2024 Tharinger
HB 2380 Docs fo Paraeducator compensation H Approps 01/16/2024 Shavers SB 6082(S EL/K-12)
HB 2386 Docs WSP off-duty traffic control H Rules X 02/20/2024 Hutchins
HB 2387 Docs Schools/classified alloc. H Approps 01/16/2024 Rude
HB 2388 Docs d Clean energy fund H Cap Budget 01/16/2024 Hackney
HB 2392 Docs Kimchi day H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ryu SB 6149(S State Govt & E)
HB 2393 Docs f# Unleaded aircraft fuel/tax H Transportation 01/16/2024 Dent
HB 2394 Docs f# SEPA/trails and paths H Local Govt 01/16/2024 Duerr
HB 2395 Docs f# Strangulation & suffocation H Community Safe 01/16/2024 Griffey
HB 2397 Docs f Assisted living/housing prov H HC/Wellness 01/16/2024 Stonier SB 6255(S Health & Long)
HB 2399 Docs School library complaints H Education 01/16/2024 Walsh
HB 2400 Docs f Adopt-a-waterway program H Approps 01/29/2024 Orcutt
HB 2402 Docs fd Fire srv. training account H Approps 01/16/2024 Dent ESB 6087(C 279 L 24)
HB 2403 Docs Kennel fire safety standards H Local Govt 01/16/2024 Farivar
HB 2404 Docs f Learning recovery programs H Approps 01/17/2024 Rule
HB 2405 Docs f WSIB sustainability factors H Approps 01/17/2024 Duerr
HB 2406 Docs 16&17 y/o employ. work group H Labor & Workpl 01/17/2024 Connors SB 6289(S Labor & Comm)
HB 2407 Docs f# Child welfare workers H Rules X 02/20/2024 Couture
HB 2410 Docs f Jet fuel tax preferences H Finance 01/17/2024 Ybarra SB 6240(S Ways & Means)
HB 2412 Docs Plumbing hours reporting H Labor & Workpl 01/17/2024 Schmidt ESB 5997(C 97 L 24)
HB 2413 Docs Housing sales tax/use H Local Govt 01/17/2024 Walen SB 6173(C 136 L 24)
HB 2414 Docs Hog-tying H Community Safe 01/17/2024 Mena SB 6009(S subst for)
HB 2415 Docs f Economic assistance/TANF C 154 L 24 03/18/2024 Cortes
HB 2416 Docs afo ARNP legal title C 239 L 24 03/25/2024 Graham
HB 2417 Docs f Renewable energy loans H Cap Budget 01/18/2024 Barnard
HB 2418 Docs f Working families/prop. tax H Finance 01/18/2024 Berg SB 6250(S Ways & Means)
HB 2419 Docs f# Homeowner property tax ex. H Finance 01/18/2024 Berg
HB 2420 Docs Law enforcement training H Community Safe 01/18/2024 Donaghy
HB 2421 Docs Mobile home community sales H Housing 01/18/2024 Gregerson SB 6059(S subst for)
HB 2422 Docs f# Affordable housing/rural H Finance 01/18/2024 Corry
HB 2423 Docs f# Gray wolf management H Ag&Nr 01/18/2024 Kretz
HB 2425 Docs f# Rental support program H Housing 01/18/2024 Rule
HB 2426 Docs Salmon purse seine fishing H Ag&Nr 01/18/2024 Rule SB 6147(S Ag/Water/Natur)
HB 2427 Docs Walla Walla historical soc. H State Govt & T 01/18/2024 Klicker
HB 2429 Docs f Energy facility eval process H Env & Energy 01/18/2024 Ramel
HB 2430 Docs f Business licensing fees H Rules X 02/20/2024 Springer
HB 2431 Docs Transit conduct/ferries H Community Safe 01/18/2024 Ramos
HB 2432 Docs Facility district taxing H Local Govt 01/19/2024 Walsh
HB 2433 Docs # Southwest WA fair admin. C 75 L 24 03/13/2024 Orcutt
HB 2434 Docs f Fish and wildlife commission H Ag&Nr 01/19/2024 Wilcox
HB 2435 Docs TikTok ban H ConsPro&Bus 01/19/2024 Walsh
HB 2436 Docs Local sales and use tax H Local Govt 01/19/2024 Corry
HB 2438 Docs Dashboard camera recordings H Civil R & Judi 01/19/2024 Dent
HB 2439 Docs Personal income taxes H Finance 01/19/2024 Volz
HB 2440 Docs fd Board of tax appeals admin. H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Springer
HB 2442 Docs f Law enforcement memorial H Cap Budget 01/22/2024 Hutchins SB 6305(S State Govt & E)
HB 2443 Docs o Education data sharing H Postsec Ed & W 01/22/2024 Nance SB 6053(S subst for)
HB 2444 Docs Automated vehicles H Civil R & Judi 01/22/2024 Kloba
HB 2445 Docs f Leasing/state parks comm. H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ryu
HB 2448 Docs Public school grant assist. H Approps 01/22/2024 Mosbrucker
HB 2449 Docs f Cannabis revenue/health care H Approps 01/22/2024 Hutchins
HB 2450 Docs Use of impact fees H Local Govt 01/22/2024 Hutchins SB 6285(S Ways & Means)
HB 2451 Docs f# Impact fees H Local Govt 01/22/2024 Hutchins SB 6284(S Ways & Means)
HB 2452 Docs f Manuf housing/building codes H Rules X 02/20/2024 Barkis
HB 2453 Docs Housing gap voucher program H Housing 01/23/2024 Hutchins
HB 2454 Docs af Ag. crop products/tax ex. C 241 L 24 03/25/2024 Ybarra SB 5915(S Rules 3)
HB 2457 Docs f# Domestic violence/housing H Housing 01/23/2024 Davis
HB 2459 Docs f Alt. measure disclosures H Rules X 02/20/2024 Gregerson
HB 2460 Docs Tenants/eviction after sale H Housing 01/23/2024 Connors
HB 2461 Docs Organic agriculture H Ag&Nr 01/23/2024 Morgan
HB 2462 Docs Nurse anesthetist workforce H HC/Wellness 01/23/2024 Taylor SB 6286(S subst for)
HB 2463 Docs f Salmon planning review H Approps 01/31/2024 Lekanoff
HB 2464 Docs f# New manuf. & mobile homes H Rules X 02/20/2024 Connors
HB 2466 Docs f# Ambulance wait times H HC/Wellness 01/23/2024 Fosse
HB 2468 Docs # Child care facility siting H Local Govt 01/23/2024 Jacobsen
HB 2469 Docs f Involuntary treatment H Civil R & Judi 01/23/2024 Davis
HB 2470 Docs f# Gender-based violence tax H Local Govt 01/23/2024 Davis
HB 2471 Docs Defined benefit accrual H Approps 01/23/2024 Kloba
HB 2472 Docs Mental health/matching funds H Approps 01/24/2024 Hutchins
HB 2473 Docs Jail system H Community Safe 01/24/2024 Farivar SB 6083(S Human Services)
HB 2475 Docs Basic law enf. academy H Community Safe 01/25/2024 Lekanoff SB 6301(S subst for)
HB 2476 Docs f Covered lives assessment H Approps 01/25/2024 Macri SB 6309(S Ways & Means)
HB 2477 Docs Controlled subst. violations H Community Safe 01/25/2024 Walsh
HB 2478 Docs Postconviction review H Community Safe 01/25/2024 Hackney
HB 2479 Docs Home visiting H Human Svc, You 01/25/2024 Rule
HB 2480 Docs Recreational use liability H Civil R & Judi 01/25/2024 Klicker
HB 2481 Docs f PEBB/month of death C 185 L 24 03/19/2024 Volz
HB 2483 Docs f# Biochar production H Env & Energy 01/26/2024 Chapman SB 6121(S subst for)
HB 2484 Docs Legislative employees/ethics H State Govt & T 01/26/2024 Fitzgibbon
HB 2485 Docs f Speed safety camera pilot H Rules X 02/20/2024 Barkis
HB 2486 Docs Commute trip tax credit H Finance 01/29/2024 Wylie
HB 2487 Docs Displaced farmworkers H Postsec Ed & W 01/30/2024 Lekanoff
HB 2488 Docs Gub. proclamations/religion H State Govt & T 01/31/2024 Dent
HB 2490 Docs f Sounders FC license plate H Rules X 02/20/2024 Hackney
HB 2492 Docs f Ferries 75 commission H Transportation 02/01/2024 Nance
HB 2493 Docs f Ready-to-serve alcoholic bev H Reg Subst & Ga 02/02/2024 Caldier
HB 2495 Docs Liquor/clothing and conduct H Reg Subst & Ga 02/07/2024 Rude
HB 2496 Docs Ferry captains H Transportation 02/08/2024 Nance
HB 2497 Docs f Ferries 75 work group H Transportation 02/10/2024 Nance
HB 2498 Docs Ferry system emergency decl. H Transportation 02/12/2024 Barkis
HB 2499 Docs Agricultural land H Env & Energy 02/12/2024 Dye
HB 2500 Docs Assisted reproductive serv. H HC/Wellness 03/05/2024 Rule
HB 2501 Docs Electric vehicle batteries H Env & Energy 03/05/2024 Street SB 6319(S Environment, E)
HB 2502 Docs Contraceptive access H HC/Wellness 03/05/2024 Rule
HB 2503 Docs Child care H Human Svc, You 03/06/2024 Pollet
HB 2504 Docs Felony sentencing H Community Safe 03/07/2024 Goodman
HB 2505 Docs Personal injury defenses Graham
HCR 4400 Docs Joint session/state of state H Filed Sec/St 01/10/2023 Fitzgibbon
HCR 4401 Docs Legislature joint rules H Filed Sec/St 01/10/2023 Fitzgibbon
HCR 4402 Docs f Jennifer Belcher Building H Rules X 02/20/2024 Doglio
HCR 4403 Docs Bills/to house of origin H Filed Sec/St 04/23/2023 Fitzgibbon
HCR 4404 Docs Adjourning SINE DIE H Rules R 04/23/2023 Fitzgibbon
HCR 4405 Docs New Newhouse Building naming H Rules X 02/20/2024 Sandlin
HCR 4406 Docs Joint session/state of state H Filed Sec/St 01/09/2024 Fitzgibbon
HCR 4407 Docs Cutoff dates H Filed Sec/St 01/09/2024 Fitzgibbon
HCR 4408 Docs Bill status for 2024 session H Rules X 02/20/2024 Fitzgibbon
HCR 4409 Docs Bills/to house of origin H Filed Sec/St 03/07/2024 Fitzgibbon
HCR 4410 Docs Adjourning SINE DIE H Rules R 03/07/2024 Fitzgibbon
HJM 4000 Docs Year of the salmon H Rules X 02/20/2024 Lekanoff
HJM 4002 Docs Constitutional convention H State Govt & T 01/23/2023 Harris SJM 8004(S State Govt & E)
HJM 4003 Docs Fossil fuel nonproliferation H Env & Energy 01/10/2024 Street
HJM 4004 Docs DC statehood H State Govt & T 01/10/2024 Street
HJM 4005 Docs AI bill of rights blueprint H Rules X 02/20/2024 Reeves
HJM 4006 Docs SR 6/Justin R. Schaffer H Rules X 02/20/2024 McEntire
HJR 4200 Docs Owner-occupied property/tax H Finance 01/09/2023 Walsh
HJR 4201 Docs e Reproductive freedom H HC/Wellness 01/11/2023 Gregerson SJR 8202(S Rules X)
HJR 4202 Docs Tax referendums H State Govt & T 01/13/2023 Volz
HJR 4203 Docs School district bonds H Education 01/16/2023 Stonier
HJR 4204 Docs d Investments/persist. poverty H Rules X 02/20/2024 Volz SJR 8205(S Ways & Means)
HJR 4205 Docs f# Property tax rebates H Finance 01/24/2023 Berg SJR 8206(S Ways & Means)
HJR 4206 Docs f# Personal property taxation H Rules X 02/20/2024 Leavitt
HJR 4207 Docs f School district bond voting H Education 02/23/2023 Harris
HJR 4208 Docs Gendered terms/Constitution H State Govt & T 01/08/2024 Ramos
HJR 4209 Docs f Residential ex./property tax H Finance 01/18/2024 Berg SJR 8209(S Ways & Means)
HJR 4210 Docs Natural resources H Env & Energy 01/22/2024 Lekanoff
HJR 4211 Docs Line item vetoes H State Govt & T 01/22/2024 Hutchins
HJR 4212 Docs Right to hunt and fish H Ag&Nr 01/24/2024 Maycumber SJR 8208(S Rules X)
HR 4600 Docs House organized, ready H Adopted 01/09/2023 Fitzgibbon
HR 4601 Docs Temporary rules H Adopted 01/09/2023 Fitzgibbon
HR 4602 Docs Jamie Walsh H Adopted 01/12/2023 Jinkins
HR 4603 Docs Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. H Adopted 01/16/2023 Jinkins
HR 4604 Docs Lunar New Year H Adopted 01/20/2023 Thai
HR 4605 Docs Presidents' Day H Adopted 02/20/2023 Jinkins
HR 4606 Docs Lourdes E. Alvarado-Ramos H Adopted 01/25/2023 Leavitt
HR 4607 Docs Digital privacy day H Adopted 01/27/2023 Kloba
HR 4608 Docs Keenan Konopaski H Adopted 02/03/2023 Pollet
HR 4609 Docs Fire Marshal Michael Jackson H Adopted 02/03/2023 McClintock
HR 4610 Docs Washington National Guard H Adopted 02/01/2023 Jinkins
HR 4611 Docs Cindy Arnold H Adopted 02/03/2023 McClintock
HR 4612 Docs Sheriff Casey Salisbury H Adopted 02/03/2023 Couture
HR 4613 Docs Chelan H.S. volleyball H Adopted 02/10/2023 Steele
HR 4614 Docs Wenatchee H.S. football H Adopted 02/10/2023 Goehner
HR 4615 Docs Japanese American internment H Adopted 02/16/2023 Jinkins
HR 4616 Docs Children's day H Adopted 02/20/2023 Jinkins
HR 4617 Docs House rules, permanent H Adopted 02/23/2023 Fitzgibbon
HR 4618 Docs Turner syndrome H Adopted 02/24/2023 Low
HR 4619 Docs Black history month H Adopted 02/27/2023 Hackney
HR 4620 Docs Daffodil festival H Adopted 03/10/2023 Chambers
HR 4621 Docs Bill Russell H Adopted 04/06/2023 Riccelli
HR 4622 Docs Fumiko Kimura H Adopted 03/07/2023 Bronoske
HR 4623 Docs Prairie H.S. wrestling H Adopted 03/10/2023 McClintock
HR 4624 Docs Deborah Senn H Adopted 03/08/2023 Senn
HR 4625 Docs Billy Frank Jr. H Adopted 03/09/2023 Wilcox
HR 4626 Docs Survivors of crimes H Adopted 03/10/2023 Graham
HR 4627 Docs Dean Atkinson, Jr. H Adopted 03/21/2023 Klicker
HR 4628 Docs Feast of Saint Patrick H Adopted 03/17/2023 Fitzgibbon
HR 4629 Docs Nowruz H Adopted 03/24/2023 Farivar
HR 4630 Docs Apple blossom festival court H Adopted 03/22/2023 Goehner
HR 4631 Docs Hezekiah Hewes H Adopted 03/29/2023 McClintock
HR 4632 Docs Developmental disabilities H Adopted 03/30/2023 Taylor
HR 4633 Docs Rep. Jim Moeller H Adopted 03/31/2023 Stonier
HR 4634 Docs Curtis H.S. basketball team H Adopted 04/12/2023 Leavitt
HR 4635 Docs Curtis H.S. bowling team H Adopted 04/12/2023 Leavitt
HR 4636 Docs Tahoma H.S./We the People H Adopted 04/03/2023 Ramos
HR 4637 Docs National donate life month H Adopted 04/05/2023 Taylor
HR 4638 Docs William D. Hyslop H Adopted 04/07/2023 Corry
HR 4639 Docs Burton Stoltz H Adopted 04/07/2023 Couture
HR 4640 Docs Sandra Bedrosian Sermone H Adopted 04/10/2023 McClintock
HR 4641 Docs Nooksack Valley basketball H Adopted 04/14/2023 Rule
HR 4642 Docs Holocaust remembrance day H Adopted 04/17/2023 Senn
HR 4643 Docs Taiwan H Adopted 04/13/2023 Mosbrucker
HR 4644 Docs Office of Program Research H Adopted 04/21/2023 Jinkins
HR 4645 Docs Bellingham swimming & diving H Adopted 04/14/2023 Rule
HR 4646 Docs Aeronautics and military H Adopted 04/19/2023 Wilcox
HR 4647 Docs Squalicum H.S. wrestling H Adopted 04/18/2023 Rule
HR 4648 Docs Lynden Christian basketball H Adopted 04/18/2023 Rule
HR 4649 Docs Lynden H.S. basketball H Adopted 04/18/2023 Rule
HR 4650 Docs House/interim periods H Adopted 04/23/2023 Fitzgibbon
HR 4651 Docs Amending House rules H Adopted 05/16/2023 Fitzgibbon
HR 4652 Docs House organized and ready H Adopted 01/08/2024 Fitzgibbon
HR 4653 Docs Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. H Adopted 01/15/2024 Jinkins
HR 4654 Docs NCSL H Adopted 01/30/2024 Ortiz-Self
HR 4655 Docs Dee Simon H Adopted 01/19/2024 Senn
HR 4656 Docs Heart health month H Adopted 02/01/2024 Thai
HR 4657 Docs Harvey J. Drahos H Adopted 01/19/2024 Couture
HR 4658 Docs Glenn Johnson H Adopted 01/19/2024 Schmick
HR 4659 Docs Victims of stalking H Adopted 01/19/2024 Kretz
HR 4660 Docs Lunar New Year H Adopted 02/05/2024 Thai
HR 4661 Docs Washington National Guard H Adopted 01/24/2024 Jinkins
HR 4662 Docs Daffodil festival H Adopted 02/02/2024 Chambers
HR 4663 Docs Colleen O'Neal H Adopted 02/01/2024 McClintock
HR 4664 Docs Wear Red Day H Adopted 02/01/2024 Maycumber
HR 4665 Docs Taiwan and Washington H Adopted 02/01/2024 Walen
HR 4666 Docs Burke Museum H Adopted 02/16/2024 Stearns
HR 4667 Docs Black history month H Adopted 02/15/2024 Donaghy
HR 4668 Docs Tahoma H.S. We the People H Adopted 02/14/2024 Ramos
HR 4669 Docs Terry Cochran H Adopted 02/16/2024 Schmick
HR 4670 Docs Dick Nelms H Adopted 02/16/2024 Corry
HR 4671 Docs Presidents' day H Adopted 02/19/2024 Jinkins
HR 4672 Docs Japanese-Americans/WWII H Adopted 02/19/2024 Shavers
HR 4673 Docs Barbara Harrer H Adopted 02/16/2024 Corry
HR 4674 Docs Derek Kilmer H Adopted 02/20/2024 Jinkins
HR 4675 Docs Rocky Futrell H Adopted 02/20/2024 McClintock
HR 4676 Docs Filipino hall H Adopted 02/20/2024 Chandler
HR 4677 Docs Maritime industry/disasters H Adopted 02/23/2024 Donaghy
HR 4678 Docs Nowruz H Adopted 02/26/2024 Farivar
HR 4679 Docs Kimchi day. H Adopted 02/23/2024 Ryu
HR 4680 Docs Oasis youth center H Adopted 02/23/2024 Jinkins
HR 4681 Docs James A. Delissio H Adopted 02/23/2024 Eslick
HR 4682 Docs John McCoy H Adopted 02/23/2024 Santos
HR 4683 Docs Girl Scouts H Adopted 02/26/2024 Taylor
HR 4684 Docs Sydney Frost H Adopted 02/26/2024 Schmidt
HR 4685 Docs Manson H.S. cross country H Adopted 02/26/2024 Goehner
HR 4686 Docs Faith Tarrant H Adopted 02/26/2024 McClintock
HR 4687 Docs Around the world flight H Adopted 02/26/2024 Dent
HR 4688 Docs Libby Roberts H Adopted 02/26/2024 Schmidt
HR 4689 Docs Ridgeline H.S. volleyball H Adopted 02/26/2024 Schmidt
HR 4690 Docs Manson H.S. volleyball H Adopted 02/26/2024 Goehner
HR 4691 Docs Cathy McMorris Rodgers H Adopted 02/26/2024 Maycumber
HR 4692 Docs University H.S. wrestling H Adopted 02/26/2024 Schmidt
HR 4693 Docs University H.S. slowpitch H Adopted 02/26/2024 Schmidt
HR 4694 Docs CAPAA H Adopted 02/26/2024 Thai
HR 4695 Docs Chelan H.S. volleyball H Adopted 02/26/2024 Goehner
HR 4696 Docs House/interim periods H Adopted 03/07/2024 Fitzgibbon
HR 4697 Docs Maureen Mueller H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4698 Docs Patty Moore H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4699 Docs Lisa Fenton H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4700 Docs Joel Kretz H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4701 Docs J.T. Wilcox H Adopted 03/07/2024 Jinkins
SB 5000 Docs a Americans of Chinese descent C 357 L 23 05/09/2023 Wagoner
SB 5003 Docs fo Snohomish county judges C 5 L 23 03/30/2023 Lovick
SB 5004 Docs ao Business corporations C 432 L 23 05/11/2023 Pedersen
SB 5007 Docs f Wine retailer shippers S Labor & Comm 01/09/2023 Short HB 1016(H Reg Subst & Ga)
SB 5008 Docs K-12 instr. materials/access S EL/K-12 01/09/2023 McCune
SB 5009 Docs Sex ed./parent approval S EL/K-12 01/09/2023 McCune
SB 5011 Docs Persistent offenders/robbery S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5012 Docs Columbia river third bridge S Transportation 01/09/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5014 Docs Emergency rules/approval S State Govt & E 01/09/2023 Fortunato
SB 5016 Docs Homelessness S Housing 01/09/2023 Fortunato
SB 5017 Docs f Motor vehicles sales tax use S Ways & Means 01/09/2023 Fortunato
SB 5018 Docs Sales tax/transp. projects S Transportation 01/09/2023 Fortunato
SB 5019 Docs f School safety staff S Rules X 01/08/2024 Wellman
SB 5020 Docs f Education at 6 years of age S Ways & Means 01/20/2023 Wellman
SB 5021 Docs f Audiology & speech compact S Health & Long 01/09/2023 Wagoner HB 1001(C 53 L 23)
SB 5023 Docs Roadside safety measures C 33 L 23 04/06/2023 Wilson, J. HB 1485(H Rules X)
SB 5024 Docs f K-12 education/parent rights S EL/K-12 01/09/2023 Dozier
SB 5026 Docs f Insurance producer education S Business, Fin 01/09/2023 Mullet HB 1061(C 21 L 23)
SB 5027 Docs f# American dream homes S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Fortunato
SB 5029 Docs School district boards S EL/K-12 01/09/2023 Short
SB 5030 Docs f Hog fuel/tax exemption S Ways & Means 01/09/2023 Van De Wege HB 1018(C 341 L 23)
SB 5031 Docs f Special ed safety net awards S Ways & Means 01/08/2024 Wellman
SB 5034 Docs Vehicular pursuits S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Padden
SB 5035 Docs f# Controlled sub. possession S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Padden
SB 5036 Docs f Audio-only telemedicine C 8 L 23 03/30/2023 Muzzall HB 1027(H Rules X)
SB 5037 Docs Natural gas/energy code S Environment, E 01/09/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5038 Docs f K-12 empl. notice deadlines S EL/K-12 01/09/2023 Mullet
SB 5040 Docs Enhanced docs/citizenship S Transportation 01/09/2023 Wilson, J.
SB 5041 Docs fd Motor carrier safety C 35 L 23 04/06/2023 Lovick HB 1448(H Rules X)
SB 5042 Docs Vascular neck restraints S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Padden
SB 5043 Docs Power plant long-term policy S Environment, E 01/09/2023 Short
SB 5044 Docs PT & OT service corporations S Health & Long 01/09/2023 Muzzall HB 1082(C 60 L 23)
SB 5049 Docs Firearm theft S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5053 Docs f Insurance sublimits S Business, Fin 01/08/2024 Wellman
SB 5055 Docs Private prison contracting S Human Services 01/09/2023 Padden
SB 5058 Docs Multiunit res. buildings C 263 L 23 05/04/2023 Padden
SB 5059 Docs f# Prejudgment interest S Ways & Means 01/27/2023 Kuderer
SB 5062 Docs Online marketplaces S Environment, E 01/09/2023 Lovick
SB 5063 Docs Gubernatorial emergencies S State Govt & E 01/09/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5064 Docs f Special ed. excess costs S EL/K-12 01/09/2023 Wellman
SB 5065 Docs af Bone marrow donation/schools C 219 L 23 05/01/2023 Short
SB 5066 Docs f Health care benefit managers C 107 L 23 PV 04/20/2023 Short
SB 5067 Docs County legislative meetings S Rules X 01/17/2024 Dozier HB 1645(C 84 L 23)
SB 5068 Docs f Motor vehicle sales tax S Ways & Means 01/09/2023 MacEwen
SB 5069 Docs af Interstate cannabis agrmts. C 264 L 23 05/04/2023 Rivers
SB 5070 Docs f Nonfatal strangulation C 108 L 23 04/20/2023 Nobles
SB 5073 Docs Three branches/admin. rules S State Govt & E 01/09/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5074 Docs f Biomarker testing coverage S Health & Long 01/09/2023 Wilson, L. HB 1450(H Approps)
SB 5075 Docs Judicial sentencing database S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5076 Docs Domestic violence arrests S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5079 Docs f Tuition establishment date C 9 L 23 03/30/2023 Braun
SB 5083 Docs Conservation easements S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Wagoner
SB 5084 Docs fd Self-insured pensions/fund C 110 L 23 04/20/2023 Braun HB 1558(H Approps)
SB 5086 Docs fd Tribal police training S Rules X 03/10/2023 Lovick HB 1290(C 72 L 23)
SB 5088 Docs fd Contractor registration C 88 L 23 04/14/2023 Keiser HB 1309(H Rules X)
SB 5089 Docs f#d Factory assembled structures C 36 L 23 04/06/2023 King
SB 5090 Docs f Torts S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Padden
SB 5092 Docs f Hybrid vehicles/tax ex. S Ways & Means 01/09/2023 King
SB 5097 Docs f Rare diseases adv. council S Ways & Means 02/10/2023 Holy
SB 5098 Docs Down syndrome/abortion S Health & Long 01/09/2023 Padden
SB 5099 Docs f Estate tax/extraordinary rev S Ways & Means 01/09/2023 Braun
SB 5100 Docs f Breast & chest wall surgery S Health & Long 01/09/2023 Wellman
SB 5104 Docs af Marine shoreline habitat C 465 L 23 05/15/2023 Salomon
SB 5105 Docs f Digital driver's licenses S Transportation 01/09/2023 Mullet
SB 5107 Docs f Cottage food sales cap S Ag/Water/Natur 01/09/2023 Shewmake HB 1500(H subst for)
SB 5108 Docs Law enf. training/regional S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Padden
SB 5113 Docs fd Dental school faculty C 89 L 23 04/14/2023 Warnick HB 1327(H Rules X)
SB 5115 Docs f Vuln. adults/mental abuse S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Hunt
SB 5116 Docs Bail fund oversight S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Padden
SB 5117 Docs State building code council S State Govt & E 01/09/2023 Wilson, L. HB 1404(H Local Govt)
SB 5119 Docs d Nonconviction data/auditor S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Dhingra HB 1179(C 26 L 23)
SB 5122 Docs f Ambulance transport fund C 11 L 23 03/30/2023 Cleveland HB 1321(H Rules X)
SB 5129 Docs f Nuclear reactor technology S Rules X 02/15/2024 MacEwen
SB 5131 Docs f Commissary funds C 111 L 23 04/20/2023 Wilson, C.
SB 5132 Docs Assaulting law enf. officers S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 McCune
SB 5135 Docs f# Solitary confinement S Human Services 01/09/2023 Wilson, C. HB 1087(H Approps)
SB 5136 Docs f# Sales and use tax exemptions S Ways & Means 01/09/2023 Fortunato
SB 5137 Docs d Indigenous women S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Dhingra HB 1177(H subst for)
SB 5138 Docs Vehicles as homestead S Housing 01/09/2023 Fortunato
SB 5139 Docs Vaccination refusal S Health & Long 01/09/2023 Fortunato
SB 5140 Docs f Election security testing S State Govt & E 01/09/2023 Fortunato
SB 5146 Docs Hydropower S Environment, E 01/09/2023 Short
SB 5148 Docs Wild and exotic animals S Ag/Water/Natur 01/09/2023 Liias HB 1157(H Ag&Nr)
SB 5149 Docs Death penalty S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Wagoner
SB 5153 Docs af# Future voters/records C 361 L 23 05/09/2023 Valdez
SB 5155 Docs o Court of appeals C 184 L 23 04/25/2023 Wagoner
SB 5157 Docs Water infra. projects S Ag/Water/Natur 01/09/2023 Torres
SB 5159 Docs Shoreline program review S Rules X 03/10/2023 Torres HB 1544(C 80 L 23)
SB 5160 Docs f# Organized retail theft S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Torres
SB 5161 Docs Fur farming S Ag/Water/Natur 01/09/2023 Liias HB 1034(H Ag&Nr)
SB 5163 Docs fd Medicaid fraud false claims C 90 L 23 04/14/2023 Rivers
SB 5164 Docs d Transportation budget, supp. S Transportation 01/09/2023 Liias HB 1126(H Transportation)
SB 5166 Docs f Cooperative finance org. B&O C 317 L 23 05/04/2023 Boehnke HB 1191(H Rules X)
SB 5167 Docs EFSEC/alt. energy processing S Environment, E 01/09/2023 Boehnke
SB 5168 Docs f Energy independence act S Environment, E 01/09/2023 Boehnke
SB 5172 Docs Abortion safety S Health & Long 01/09/2023 Fortunato
SB 5180 Docs af Out-of-state teachers C 317 L 24 03/28/2024 Hunt
SB 5183 Docs fd Personal needs allowance S Ways & Means 01/27/2023 Liias HB 1128(C 201 L 23)
SB 5184 Docs af Anesthesiologist assistants C 362 L 24 03/29/2024 Rivers HB 1038(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5185 Docs Abortion S Health & Long 01/09/2023 Fortunato
SB 5188 Docs d Operating budget, supp. S Ways & Means 01/09/2023 Rolfes HB 1141(H Approps)
SB 5192 Docs fd Derelict vessel appeals C 39 L 23 04/06/2023 Shewmake HB 1081(H Ag&Nr)
SB 5193 Docs d Firearms/assault weapons S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Kuderer HB 1180(H Civil R & Judi)
SB 5194 Docs f Insurance commissioner S State Govt & E 01/09/2023 Mullet
SB 5195 Docs f Fuel price transparency S Transportation 01/09/2023 Hunt
SB 5196 Docs f OL Reign license plate S Transportation 01/09/2023 Nobles
SB 5204 Docs f Fertility services coverage S Health & Long 01/09/2023 Frame HB 1151(H subst for)
SB 5206 Docs f Intercollegiate athletics S Higher Ed & Wo 01/09/2023 MacEwen
SB 5209 Docs f# Universal civic duty voting S Transportation 01/31/2024 Hunt HB 1220(H State Govt & T)
SB 5211 Docs f#e Firearms/purchase & transfer S Law & Justice 01/09/2023 Liias HB 1143(H subst for)
SB 5212 Docs f Injured worker medical exams S Labor & Comm 01/10/2023 Stanford HB 1068(H subst for)
SB 5214 Docs f Music therapists S Rules X 03/10/2023 Frame HB 1247(H subst for)
SB 5215 Docs Water system notices S Health & Long 01/10/2023 Robinson HB 1251(H subst for)
SB 5216 Docs f# Collisions/driver reexam S Rules X 03/10/2023 Frame HB 1319(C 29 L 23)
SB 5219 Docs f Counseling compact S Health & Long 01/10/2023 Muzzall
SB 5222 Docs f Litter control program S Environment, E 01/10/2023 Wilson, J.
SB 5223 Docs Sexual exploitation/minors S Law & Justice 01/10/2023 Wilson, C. HB 1059(H Rules X)
SB 5224 Docs f# Homelessness services/perf. S Housing 01/10/2023 Wilson, J.
SB 5227 Docs Sex-selection abortions S Health & Long 01/10/2023 Short
SB 5228 Docs f Behavioral health OT C 113 L 23 04/20/2023 Dhingra
SB 5232 Docs f# Firearms/purchase & transfer S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Salomon HB 1144(H Civil R & Judi)
SB 5233 Docs fo Petroleum storage tanks S Environment, E 01/10/2023 Wellman HB 1175(H subst for)
SB 5234 Docs f Lien claimants S Labor & Comm 01/10/2023 Shewmake
SB 5239 Docs f Vapor & tobacco products S Health & Long 01/10/2023 Kuderer
SB 5240 Docs fd Unemployment ins. appeals S Rules X 01/17/2024 Braun HB 1656(C 85 L 23)
SB 5242 Docs f Abortion cost sharing C 194 L 23 04/27/2023 Cleveland HB 1115(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5244 Docs Second amendment/legislators S State Govt & E 01/11/2023 Fortunato
SB 5246 Docs Supreme court fiscal notes S Law & Justice 01/11/2023 Holy
SB 5247 Docs fe Climate-ready communities S Ways & Means 02/02/2023 Nobles HB 1176(H subst for)
SB 5249 Docs f Working families' tax credit S Ways & Means 01/11/2023 Shewmake HB 1075(H Approps)
SB 5250 Docs f# Property tax exemptions S Ways & Means 01/11/2023 Shewmake
SB 5251 Docs fd Commercial driver's licenses S Rules X 03/10/2023 Valdez HB 1058(C 57 L 23)
SB 5252 Docs ad FBI criminal history records C 223 L 23 05/01/2023 Valdez HB 1292(H Rules X)
SB 5253 Docs f Fire-resistant materials S Labor & Comm 01/11/2023 Van De Wege HB 1323(H subst for)
SB 5255 Docs fd Lump sum reporting system S Law & Justice 01/11/2023 Kuderer HB 1262(C 248 L 23)
SB 5260 Docs f# Reprod. health/employers S Labor & Comm 01/11/2023 Keiser HB 1286(H Labor & Workpl)
SB 5262 Docs f# Cemetery district filings S Loc Gov, Land 01/16/2023 Braun
SB 5264 Docs fo Paraeducator requirements S EL/K-12 01/11/2023 Wellman HB 1015(H subst for)
SB 5265 Docs d Firearms/assault weapons S Law & Justice 01/11/2023 Kuderer HB 1240(H subst for)
SB 5266 Docs e Riparian areas S Ag/Water/Natur 01/11/2023 Shewmake HB 1215(H Ag&Nr)
SB 5270 Docs f DOC/immigration assistance S Human Services 01/11/2023 SaldaƱa
SB 5273 Docs f Employee information/unions S Labor & Comm 01/11/2023 Valdez HB 1200(H subst for)
SB 5274 Docs Public employ. eligibility S Rules X 02/15/2024 Valdez
SB 5276 Docs f Capital vessel rep. account S Transportation 01/11/2023 King HB 1103(H subst for)
SB 5277 Docs f Dairy, etc. tax preferences S Rules X 01/08/2024 Wilson, L. HB 1573(C 422 L 23)
SB 5279 Docs f# Housing equity property S Ways & Means 02/03/2023 Wilson, J.
SB 5280 Docs Clergy/child abuse reporting S Human Services 01/08/2024 Frame HB 1098(H Human Svc, You)
SB 5281 Docs f Aircraft fuel excise tax S Transportation 01/11/2023 SaldaƱa
SB 5282 Docs af Vehicle reports of sale C 273 L 23 05/04/2023 Valdez
SB 5283 Docs afd Engineer comity applicants C 274 L 23 05/04/2023 Van De Wege
SB 5285 Docs fd Caseload forecast/tax credit S Rules X 03/10/2023 Nguyen HB 1218(C 244 L 23)
SB 5287 Docs af Wind turbine blade recycling C 324 L 23 05/04/2023 Wilson, J.
SB 5288 Docs Intramuscular needling S Health & Long 01/11/2023 Robinson HB 1039(H subst for)
SB 5289 Docs Impact fees/law enforcement S Loc Gov, Land 01/11/2023 Shewmake HB 1476(H Local Govt)
SB 5292 Docs f# PTBA aquatic lands access S Rules X 01/08/2024 Randall HB 1334(C 146 L 23)
SB 5295 Docs d Eliminating accounts C 41 L 23 04/06/2023 Wilson, L. HB 1202(H Rules X)
SB 5296 Docs fo Military service credit S Rules X 01/08/2024 Nobles HB 1007(H subst for)
SB 5297 Docs fe Commercial salmon fisheries S Ag/Water/Natur 01/11/2023 Van De Wege
SB 5298 Docs Corrections ombuds/DSHS S Human Services 01/12/2023 Wagoner
SB 5302 Docs f Adult family homes/prop. tax S Rules X 03/10/2023 Mullet HB 1265(C 69 L 23)
SB 5307 Docs f Cosmetologists, etc/licenses S Labor & Comm 01/12/2023 Torres HB 1017(C 55 L 23)
SB 5310 Docs fd Workers' comp. providers S Rules X 03/10/2023 Lovelett HB 1197(C 171 L 23)
SB 5312 Docs f# Clean energy/residential S Loc Gov, Land 01/12/2023 Lovelett
SB 5313 Docs Murder in the first degree S Law & Justice 01/12/2023 MacEwen
SB 5314 Docs f Electric bicycle use S Transportation 01/12/2023 Wilson, J.
SB 5316 Docs af DCYF background check fees C 437 L 23 05/11/2023 Wilson, C.
SB 5319 Docs f Pet insurance C 42 L 23 04/06/2023 Stanford HB 1208(H Rules X)
SB 5321 Docs Personal identifying info. S Law & Justice 01/12/2023 Valdez HB 1335(H subst for)
SB 5323 Docs fd Dept. of veterans affairs C 327 L 23 05/04/2023 MacEwen HB 1288(H subst for)
SB 5324 Docs afd Defense compatibility acct. C 438 L 23 05/11/2023 Conway
SB 5325 Docs f# Clean fuel/public transport. S Environment, E 01/12/2023 Shewmake
SB 5327 Docs f# Intern wages S Labor & Comm 01/12/2023 Keiser
SB 5328 Docs f#o Pub safety telecommunicators S Rules X 03/10/2023 Van De Wege HB 1055(C 199 L 23)
SB 5329 Docs f Higher ed. fees/campuses S Higher Ed & Wo 01/12/2023 Liias
SB 5330 Docs fd Pesticide application C 186 L 23 04/25/2023 Torres
SB 5331 Docs fd Job search requirements/UI C 117 L 23 04/20/2023 Conway
SB 5332 Docs Homeless camps/schools, etc. S Loc Gov, Land 01/12/2023 King
SB 5333 Docs f Sport special license plate S Transportation 01/08/2024 Lovick
SB 5335 Docs Washington health trust S Health & Long 01/12/2023 Hasegawa
SB 5337 Docs f Property sale and leaseback S Housing 01/12/2023 Cleveland
SB 5342 Docs # Transit interlocal agree. C 43 L 23 04/06/2023 Kauffman
SB 5343 Docs f School construction costs S EL/K-12 01/12/2023 Schoesler
SB 5345 Docs School buildings/energy S Environment, E 01/12/2023 Schoesler
SB 5346 Docs Student art/school const. S EL/K-12 01/12/2023 Schoesler
SB 5347 Docs f Abstract driving records C 118 L 23 04/20/2023 Wagoner
SB 5349 Docs f#o Postretirement employment S Rules X 03/10/2023 Conway HB 1056(H subst for)
SB 5350 Docs fo PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase C 397 L 23 05/09/2023 Conway HB 1057(H subst for)
SB 5351 Docs d Consumer health data S Law & Justice 01/12/2023 Dhingra HB 1155(H subst for)
SB 5354 Docs Social worker licensing S Health & Long 01/13/2023 Trudeau HB 1021(H Rules X)
SB 5356 Docs f Procurement/automated system S Environment, E 01/13/2023 Hasegawa
SB 5357 Docs Detached ADUs S Loc Gov, Land 01/13/2023 Gildon HB 1133(H Housing)
SB 5359 Docs f State spending limit S Ways & Means 01/13/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5360 Docs f Vehicle combinations S Transportation 01/13/2023 MacEwen
SB 5362 Docs f Clean fuels program report S Environment, E 01/13/2023 MacEwen
SB 5369 Docs af Polychlorinated biphenyls C 399 L 23 05/09/2023 Billig HB 1314(H Env & Energy)
SB 5370 Docs fd Adult protective services C 44 L 23 04/06/2023 Wagoner HB 1528(H Human Svc, You)
SB 5373 Docs f ARNP, PA, & MD reimbursement S Ways & Means 02/15/2023 Randall HB 1495(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5379 Docs f Associate development orgs. S Ways & Means 01/08/2024 Frame HB 1717(H subst for)
SB 5384 Docs d Walla Walla water 2050 plan S Ag/Water/Natur 01/16/2023 Dozier HB 1322(H subst for)
SB 5385 Docs f Higher ed./work C 97 L 23 04/14/2023 Liias
SB 5387 Docs f# Property tax/homestead S Ways & Means 01/16/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5390 Docs f Forestlands/safe harbor C 119 L 23 04/20/2023 Shewmake
SB 5391 Docs f Embodied carbon reductions S Environment, E 01/16/2023 Van De Wege
SB 5392 Docs f# Overpayments/courts C 278 L 23 05/04/2023 Schoesler
SB 5394 Docs f Medical graduate supervisors C 14 L 23 03/30/2023 Randall
SB 5395 Docs f# Real estate technology fee S Ways & Means 01/16/2023 Lovick
SB 5400 Docs Health professions/conduct S Health & Long 01/16/2023 Salomon HB 1340(H subst for)
SB 5401 Docs Motorcycles on laned roads S Transportation 01/16/2023 Randall HB 1063(H Transportation)
SB 5402 Docs # PTBA/limited law enforcement S Law & Justice 01/16/2023 Randall HB 1198(H Community Safe)
SB 5403 Docs af School depreciation subfunds C 402 L 23 05/09/2023 Schoesler
SB 5404 Docs f# Cannabis revenue/local gov. S Ways & Means 01/18/2024 Wagoner
SB 5406 Docs fd Periodic adjustments/DOR S Ways & Means 01/16/2023 Robinson HB 1254(H subst for)
SB 5407 Docs f#d Property tax administration S Ways & Means 01/16/2023 Robinson HB 1303(C 28 L 23)
SB 5408 Docs f Ninth grade success grants S Ways & Means 02/09/2023 Liias
SB 5409 Docs f Voter identifier numbers S State Govt & E 01/17/2023 Fortunato
SB 5410 Docs d Geoduck task force S Ag/Water/Natur 01/17/2023 Stanford HB 1297(H Approps)
SB 5411 Docs Naturopathic physician scope S Health & Long 01/17/2023 Short
SB 5413 Docs f Housing for essential needs S Human Services 01/17/2023 Wilson, C.
SB 5414 Docs f# Elections law violation info S State Govt & E 01/17/2023 Wilson, J.
SB 5416 Docs Building code classif. S State Govt & E 01/17/2023 Braun HB 1409(H Local Govt)
SB 5418 Docs f# Definition of public work S State Govt & E 01/17/2023 Conway
SB 5419 Docs WSIPP outcome evaluation C 156 L 24 03/18/2024 Gildon
SB 5420 Docs f Plan 2 members/insurance S Ways & Means 01/17/2023 Conway HB 1008(C 164 L 23)
SB 5421 Docs Benefit enrollment info. C 45 L 23 04/06/2023 Conway
SB 5422 Docs Behavioral health/schools S Health & Long 01/17/2023 Wilson, J.
SB 5426 Docs fd Family connections program S Ways & Means 02/08/2023 Kauffman HB 1204(H subst for)
SB 5428 Docs fd State procurement procedures S Rules X 03/10/2023 Valdez HB 1471(C 140 L 24)
SB 5430 Docs f Driver training/low-income S Transportation 01/18/2023 Shewmake
SB 5431 Docs f Zero emission school buses S EL/K-12 01/18/2023 Shewmake HB 1368(H subst for)
SB 5432 Docs o Lottery players/PRA S Rules X 03/10/2023 Hunt HB 1221(C 346 L 23)
SB 5435 Docs f Residential rent increases S Housing 01/18/2023 Trudeau HB 1389(H Rules X)
SB 5442 Docs f Charter schools/enrichment S EL/K-12 01/18/2023 Mullet HB 1418(H Approps)
SB 5443 Docs Lien priority/mortgages S Law & Justice 01/18/2023 Dozier HB 1420(C 76 L 23)
SB 5445 Docs f Prescription cost-sharing S Health & Long 01/18/2023 Rivers HB 1465(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5446 Docs Firearms/local government S Law & Justice 01/18/2023 Nguyen HB 1178(H Civil R & Judi)
SB 5449 Docs School buses/other use S Transportation 01/18/2023 Warnick
SB 5450 Docs Parenting plans S Law & Justice 01/18/2023 Warnick
SB 5451 Docs f Long sentences review S Law & Justice 01/18/2023 Frame HB 1325(H Community Safe)
SB 5452 Docs Impact fee use C 121 L 23 04/20/2023 Shewmake HB 1135(H Rules X)
SB 5455 Docs f Competitive telecomm. S Environment, E 01/18/2023 Mullet HB 1454(H Innov, Comm &)
SB 5456 Docs f# Minimum parking requirements S Loc Gov, Land 01/19/2023 Frame HB 1351(H Local Govt)
SB 5457 Docs f# Small cities/GMA C 280 L 23 05/04/2023 Short
SB 5458 Docs Port district public works S Loc Gov, Land 01/19/2023 Kauffman
SB 5459 Docs f# Election info. requests C 404 L 23 05/09/2023 Hunt
SB 5461 Docs WSDOT graffiti removal order S Law & Justice 01/19/2023 Fortunato
SB 5463 Docs Juvenile access to attorney S Human Services 01/19/2023 Lovick
SB 5464 Docs f Electronics repair S Environment, E 01/19/2023 Stanford HB 1392(H subst for)
SB 5465 Docs f Tourism marketing S Ways & Means 01/27/2023 Stanford HB 1258(H subst for)
SB 5467 Docs f# Controlled sub. possession S Law & Justice 01/19/2023 Salomon HB 1613(H Community Safe)
SB 5468 Docs f# Firefighters/LEOFF S Rules X 03/10/2023 Van De Wege HB 1279(H Approps)
SB 5469 Docs f# Covenant homeownership prg. S Housing 01/19/2023 Lovick
SB 5472 Docs Hard-to-place job seekers S Labor & Comm 01/19/2023 Gildon
SB 5473 Docs f# Project permit timelines S Loc Gov, Land 01/19/2023 Gildon
SB 5475 Docs Prior juvenile offenses S Law & Justice 01/19/2023 SaldaƱa EHB 1324(C 415 L 23)
SB 5476 Docs f Agricultural overtime S Labor & Comm 01/19/2023 King HB 1523(H Labor & Workpl)
SB 5478 Docs f# Bridge jumping signs S Rules X 03/10/2023 Braun HB 1004(C 54 L 23)
SB 5479 Docs Long-term care/referendum S Labor & Comm 01/19/2023 Schoesler
SB 5482 Docs f Margin tax S Business, Fin 01/19/2023 Frame HB 1644(H Finance)
SB 5483 Docs f# Digital processing services S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Stanford HB 1557(H Finance)
SB 5484 Docs f# Food/environmental steward. S Ag/Water/Natur 01/20/2023 Shewmake
SB 5485 Docs f# Public employees/child care S Ways & Means 02/13/2023 Shewmake
SB 5486 Docs f# Wealth/property tax S Ways & Means 01/20/2023 Frame HB 1473(H Finance)
SB 5487 Docs fd Parking at rest areas S Rules X 01/08/2024 King HB 1518(H Transportation)
SB 5488 Docs f Food fish excise tax revenue S Ag/Water/Natur 01/20/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5489 Docs f Health care services/access S Rules X 03/10/2023 Trudeau HB 1469(H subst for)
SB 5492 Docs Health care afford./medicare S Health & Long 01/20/2023 Cleveland HB 1313(H Approps)
SB 5495 Docs f# Property tax rebates S Ways & Means 01/20/2023 Kuderer HB 1556(H Finance)
SB 5497 Docs af Medicaid expenditures C 439 L 23 05/11/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5500 Docs f# Aircraft maintenance/tax S Ways & Means 01/20/2023 Billig HB 1318(H subst for)
SB 5501 Docs f Stillbirth S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Keiser
SB 5505 Docs f School year expansion S EL/K-12 01/23/2023 Hawkins
SB 5507 Docs f Tenure-track faculty S Higher Ed & Wo 01/23/2023 Liias
SB 5508 Docs Greenhouses C 19 L 24 03/13/2024 Short
SB 5509 Docs f# Public infrastructure bank S Business, Fin 01/23/2023 Kuderer
SB 5510 Docs Vehicle inspection backlog S Transportation 01/23/2023 Braun
SB 5511 Docs K-12 education funding S EL/K-12 01/23/2023 Braun
SB 5513 Docs f CTC mental health counseling S Ways & Means 02/02/2023 Liias
SB 5514 Docs f# Right turns S Transportation 01/23/2023 Lovick HB 1582(H Transportation)
SB 5519 Docs f Health care cost board S Health & Long 01/23/2023 Robinson HB 1508(H subst for)
SB 5520 Docs f Fire service policy board S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Liias
SB 5521 Docs f RV & park trailers/insignia S Labor & Comm 01/23/2023 Conway HB 1514(C 78 L 23)
SB 5522 Docs f College grant prg. stipend S Higher Ed & Wo 01/23/2023 Liias
SB 5525 Docs f Dependency S Human Services 01/23/2023 MacEwen HB 1397(H Human Svc, You)
SB 5527 Docs f Graduation pathway options S Rules X 03/10/2023 Mullet
SB 5529 Docs Domestic workers S Labor & Comm 01/23/2023 Trudeau
SB 5530 Docs f Digital experience S Environment, E 01/23/2023 Gildon
SB 5531 Docs f Milk product haulers C 281 L 23 05/04/2023 King HB 1786(H Transportation)
SB 5535 Docs f Air pollution/human health S Environment, E 01/23/2023 Stanford
SB 5537 Docs f# Hospital staffing collab. S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Cleveland
SB 5539 Docs f#d Tax increment financing S Ways & Means 02/03/2023 Cleveland HB 1527(C 354 L 23)
SB 5540 Docs Medicaid reprocurement S Health & Long 01/23/2023 Cleveland
SB 5543 Docs f# Sexual offenses by youth S Human Services 01/24/2023 Frame HB 1394(H subst for)
SB 5544 Docs Alt. placement contracting S Human Services 01/24/2023 MacEwen HB 1734(H Community Safe)
SB 5545 Docs Journey level electricians S Labor & Comm 01/24/2023 MacEwen HB 1393(H Labor & Workpl)
SB 5548 Docs f# Vehicle service fees S Transportation 01/24/2023 Wilson, J. HB 1687(H Transportation)
SB 5549 Docs Electric security alarms S Loc Gov, Land 01/25/2023 Rivers
SB 5550 Docs f Ferry workforce development C 188 L 23 04/25/2023 Liias
SB 5551 Docs f# Methane capture S Ag/Water/Natur 01/25/2023 Shewmake
SB 5552 Docs Military exercises/parks S Ag/Water/Natur 01/25/2023 Fortunato
SB 5553 Docs f# Temporary emergency shelters C 47 L 23 04/06/2023 Lovelett
SB 5554 Docs f College grant award amounts S Ways & Means 02/16/2023 Nguyen
SB 5556 Docs Naselle Youth Camp property S State Govt & E 01/25/2023 Wilson, J. HB 1496(H State Govt & T)
SB 5558 Docs Rights of parents S EL/K-12 01/25/2023 McCune
SB 5559 Docs fo Student restraint, isolation S EL/K-12 01/25/2023 Wilson, C. HB 1479(H subst for)
SB 5560 Docs f Older driver safety S Transportation 01/25/2023 Hunt
SB 5563 Docs f Prevailing wage S Labor & Comm 01/25/2023 King HB 1667(H Labor & Workpl)
SB 5564 Docs f Missing persons reward prg. S Law & Justice 01/25/2023 Wagoner
SB 5566 Docs f Postsecondary student needs S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Shewmake HB 1559(H subst for)
SB 5567 Docs f#o Vol. firefighter pensions S Ways & Means 01/25/2023 Lovelett EHB 1336(C 73 L 23)
SB 5568 Docs f# Liquor revenue/local gov. S Ways & Means 01/18/2024 Wagoner
SB 5571 Docs Public records act requests S State Govt & E 01/26/2023 Rivers HB 1597(H State Govt & T)
SB 5572 Docs f# Traffic safety S Transportation 01/26/2023 Valdez HB 1513(H Rules X)
SB 5573 Docs f# Vehicle licensing options S Transportation 01/26/2023 Fortunato
SB 5574 Docs f# Pay per mile fee system S Transportation 01/26/2023 Fortunato
SB 5575 Docs PTBA governing bodies S Transportation 02/03/2023 Liias HB 1219(H Transportation)
SB 5577 Docs f# Capital broadband program S Environment, E 01/26/2023 Torres
SB 5578 Docs Tax appeals/service S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Padden
SB 5584 Docs SR 520 tolls S Transportation 01/26/2023 Mullet
SB 5585 Docs f Mental health professionals S Health & Long 01/26/2023 Braun
SB 5587 Docs Sports wagering S Business, Fin 01/26/2023 King HB 1630(H Reg Subst & Ga)
SB 5594 Docs f# Fully autonomous vehicles S Transportation 01/27/2023 Boehnke
SB 5595 Docs f State nickname S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Wilson, J.
SB 5596 Docs Public health/consumers S Health & Long 01/27/2023 Wilson, J. HB 1610(H State Govt & T)
SB 5597 Docs f Boater safety and education S Ag/Water/Natur 01/27/2023 Van De Wege HB 1781(H Innov, Comm &)
SB 5602 Docs Hearing examiners/counties S Rules X 02/15/2024 Torres
SB 5603 Docs f Driver training/large veh. S Rules X 03/10/2023 Valdez HB 1540(C 32 L 23)
SB 5605 Docs f Lead in cookware S Environment, E 01/27/2023 Robinson HB 1551(H subst for)
SB 5606 Docs f# Illegal racing C 283 L 23 05/04/2023 Lovick HB 1631(H Civil R & Judi)
SB 5607 Docs f Fashion/env. policies S Environment, E 01/27/2023 Nguyen
SB 5608 Docs Medical use of cannabis S Labor & Comm 01/27/2023 Kuderer HB 1563(C 254 L 23)
SB 5611 Docs f#d Wildland fire safety S Ag/Water/Natur 01/27/2023 Wagoner HB 1578(H subst for)
SB 5612 Docs f# Cultural access programs/tax S Loc Gov, Land 01/30/2023 Lovelett HB 1575(C 179 L 23)
SB 5615 Docs Rent controls/local gov. S Loc Gov, Land 01/30/2023 Valdez HB 1625(H Housing)
SB 5616 Docs f Lived experience S State Govt & E 01/30/2023 Valdez HB 1541(H subst for)
SB 5618 Docs f# Local property tax limit S Loc Gov, Land 01/30/2023 Kuderer
SB 5619 Docs f Cybersecurity governance S Environment, E 01/30/2023 Liias
SB 5620 Docs f EV charging/line extensions S Transportation 01/30/2023 Liias
SB 5621 Docs f Finfish worker displacement S Rules X 01/17/2024 Muzzall HB 1712(C 156 L 23)
SB 5622 Docs f# Municipal water supply S Ag/Water/Natur 01/30/2023 Torres
SB 5624 Docs f# Substance use recovery serv. S Law & Justice 01/30/2023 Dhingra
SB 5625 Docs f Public employee retirees S Ways & Means 01/30/2023 Liias
SB 5628 Docs Water right transfers S Ag/Water/Natur 01/30/2023 Torres
SB 5630 Docs f Residential services rate S Ways & Means 02/01/2023 Lovick
SB 5631 Docs DACA/state agency acceptance S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Torres
SB 5633 Docs Physician assistant collab. S Health & Long 01/30/2023 Conway HB 1310(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5636 Docs f# Forest practices in cities S Loc Gov, Land 01/31/2023 Hunt HB 1689(H Ag&Nr)
SB 5637 Docs f Graduated rental rates S Housing 01/31/2023 Fortunato
SB 5638 Docs Lake and beach districts S Loc Gov, Land 01/31/2023 Braun
SB 5639 Docs LTSS trust exemptions/recert S Labor & Comm 01/31/2023 Muzzall
SB 5641 Docs African heritage week S State Govt & E 01/31/2023 Fortunato
SB 5642 Docs f# Indian tribes/extradition S Law & Justice 01/31/2023 Rolfes HB 1555(H subst for)
SB 5643 Docs Personal data rights charter S Environment, E 01/31/2023 Hasegawa HB 1616(H Civil R & Judi)
SB 5644 Docs f Juvenile records S Human Services 01/31/2023 Frame HB 1769(H Human Svc, You)
SB 5645 Docs Stormwater facilities/county S Loc Gov, Land 01/31/2023 MacEwen HB 1705(H subst for)
SB 5646 Docs Unattended children/vehicle S Law & Justice 01/31/2023 Muzzall
SB 5647 Docs f School safety/temp employees C 21 L 24 03/13/2024 Torres
SB 5653 Docs Minors & parents/rights S EL/K-12 02/01/2023 Fortunato
SB 5654 Docs Fur products S Ag/Water/Natur 02/01/2023 Stanford
SB 5656 Docs School security grants S EL/K-12 02/01/2023 Torres
SB 5658 Docs Higher ed. comp. bidding S Higher Ed & Wo 02/01/2023 Hunt
SB 5659 Docs f# Gas companies/renewable res. S Environment, E 02/01/2023 Boehnke
SB 5661 Docs Skill center class sizes S EL/K-12 02/01/2023 Boehnke
SB 5662 Docs f Cannabis employees S Rules X 02/15/2024 SaldaƱa
SB 5664 Docs f Salmon labeling S Ag/Water/Natur 02/01/2023 McCune
SB 5665 Docs Hospitals/guardianship S Law & Justice 02/01/2023 Wagoner
SB 5666 Docs f CTC student housing pilot S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Randall
SB 5669 Docs Firearms/individual right S Law & Justice 02/02/2023 Fortunato
SB 5671 Docs f K-12 experience factors S EL/K-12 02/02/2023 MacEwen
SB 5673 Docs Forest practices board S Ag/Water/Natur 02/02/2023 Short
SB 5674 Docs Surplus property/housing S Rules X 03/10/2023 Frame HB 1695(C 301 L 23)
SB 5675 Docs Fish and wildlife commission S Ag/Water/Natur 02/02/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5676 Docs Behavioral health siting S Health & Long 02/02/2023 Short
SB 5677 Docs Walla Walla sweet onion day S Rules X 02/15/2024 Dozier
SB 5678 Docs Firearms safety/K-12 S EL/K-12 02/02/2023 Wagoner
SB 5679 Docs Property tax exem./income S Ways & Means 02/02/2023 Fortunato
SB 5680 Docs Seismic safety/schools S EL/K-12 02/02/2023 Schoesler HB 1747(H Cap Budget)
SB 5681 Docs Senior property tax/medicare S Ways & Means 02/02/2023 Fortunato
SB 5682 Docs State hospitals/police costs S Law & Justice 02/02/2023 Holy
SB 5683 Docs f Foster care/Indian children C 127 L 23 04/20/2023 Kauffman
SB 5685 Docs f Dental therapy S Health & Long 02/03/2023 Randall
SB 5686 Docs f# Senior citizens local tax S Loc Gov, Land 02/03/2023 Braun HB 1702(H Local Govt)
SB 5688 Docs f#d Public lands/carbon seq. S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Lovelett
SB 5692 Docs Enrichment levy authority S EL/K-12 02/03/2023 Lovelett HB 1244(H Rules X)
SB 5693 Docs Salmon recovery/liability S Ag/Water/Natur 02/03/2023 Van De Wege HB 1775(C 260 L 23)
SB 5694 Docs f Public empl. salary surveys S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Hunt HB 1774(H State Govt & T)
SB 5695 Docs Child marriage S Law & Justice 02/03/2023 Stanford HB 1455(C 10 L 24)
SB 5698 Docs State cactus S State Govt & E 02/03/2023 Warnick
SB 5699 Docs f Fish and wildlife commission S Ag/Water/Natur 02/03/2023 Van De Wege
SB 5700 Docs fo Health care authority C 51 L 23 04/06/2023 Van De Wege
SB 5701 Docs f# Designated forestland S Ag/Water/Natur 02/03/2023 King
SB 5704 Docs Fund-raising activities S Business, Fin 02/06/2023 Rivers
SB 5705 Docs Economic dev. committee S Business, Fin 01/08/2024 Stanford
SB 5706 Docs Employee-union privilege S Law & Justice 02/06/2023 Frame HB 1187(H subst for)
SB 5707 Docs f Housing court pilot program S Law & Justice 02/06/2023 Kuderer
SB 5708 Docs f# Microenterprise home kitchen S Ag/Water/Natur 02/06/2023 Frame HB 1706(H Approps)
SB 5710 Docs f Behavioral health/youth S Ways & Means 02/14/2023 Torres
SB 5711 Docs fo College grant eligibility S Rules X 02/15/2024 Nobles HB 1156(H Approps)
SB 5712 Docs College grant/promise prg. S Higher Ed & Wo 02/07/2023 Liias
SB 5713 Docs Certain schools/reg. factors S EL/K-12 02/07/2023 Wagoner
SB 5715 Docs Senior citizens/prop. taxes S Ways & Means 02/07/2023 Fortunato
SB 5717 Docs Industrial ins. compliance S Labor & Comm 02/07/2023 Stanford
SB 5718 Docs f# State broadband map S Environment, E 02/07/2023 Wellman HB 1746(H subst for)
SB 5719 Docs f Student homelessness group S Ways & Means 02/15/2023 Hunt HB 1679(C 300 L 23)
SB 5721 Docs f Advanced aerospace training S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Boehnke
SB 5724 Docs d Fire service training S State Govt & E 02/08/2023 Van De Wege HB 1726(C 46 L 24)
SB 5725 Docs f Airline cabin crews S Rules X 01/08/2024 Keiser
SB 5727 Docs f Common int. comms./consumers S Law & Justice 02/08/2023 Trudeau
SB 5728 Docs Fuels/climate commit. act S Environment, E 02/08/2023 Dozier
SB 5731 Docs Amateur sports officials S Law & Justice 02/09/2023 Lovick HB 1096(H Community Safe)
SB 5732 Docs f# Property tax exemptions S Rules X 01/08/2024 Randall
SB 5733 Docs f Payment card processing/tax S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Mullet HB 1815(H Finance)
SB 5734 Docs f ABLE accounts S Ways & Means 02/09/2023 Braun
SB 5735 Docs f Impounded vehicles/military S Transportation 02/09/2023 Wagoner
SB 5737 Docs f Vehicle residences/impound S Housing 02/09/2023 Kuderer
SB 5739 Docs Sex. violent predator notice S Human Services 02/13/2023 Fortunato
SB 5741 Docs f# Housing gap voucher pilot S Housing 02/13/2023 Braun HB 1817(H Housing)
SB 5744 Docs Plumbing supervision S Labor & Comm 02/15/2023 Valdez
SB 5745 Docs Use of a stolen firearm S Law & Justice 02/15/2023 Rivers
SB 5746 Docs PRA/employee information S State Govt & E 02/16/2023 Trudeau HB 1533(H subst for)
SB 5747 Docs Projectile stun guns S Law & Justice 02/16/2023 Lovick
SB 5749 Docs f# Rail safety governance/UTC S Transportation 02/17/2023 Liias
SB 5751 Docs f Nonhighway vehicles S Rules X 02/15/2024 Lovick HB 1830(H Transportation)
SB 5752 Docs Procurement/jt. op. agencies S Environment, E 02/20/2023 Boehnke
SB 5754 Docs Agricultural real estate S Law & Justice 02/22/2023 Boehnke
SB 5755 Docs f# Unmanned aircraft/government S Law & Justice 02/22/2023 Boehnke
SB 5756 Docs Fuel tax suspension S Transportation 02/23/2023 Muzzall
SB 5757 Docs Transp. revenue forecast S Transportation 02/24/2023 Shewmake HB 1838(H subst for)
SB 5758 Docs Electromagnetic attacks S Environment, E 03/03/2023 McCune
SB 5759 Docs Renewable energy loans S Environment, E 03/13/2023 MacEwen
SB 5760 Docs f Ferry vessel procurement S Transportation 03/17/2023 Liias EHB 1846(C 429 L 23)
SB 5761 Docs Broadband equipment/tax S Environment, E 03/22/2023 Boehnke HB 1848(H Finance)
SB 5762 Docs State berry, blueberry S State Govt & E 03/23/2023 Boehnke
SB 5763 Docs Connecting WA bonds S Transportation 01/08/2024 Liias
SB 5765 Docs af I-5 bridge tolling C 377 L 23 05/09/2023 Liias HB 1852(H Transportation)
SB 5766 Docs f Emissions exemptions S Ways & Means 04/03/2023 Mullet
SB 5767 Docs f# Hospital exec. excise tax S Ways & Means 04/04/2023 Randall
SB 5768 Docs f DOC/abortion medications C 195 L 23 04/27/2023 Keiser HB 1854(H Approps)
SB 5769 Docs Climate act price ceiling S Environment, E 04/07/2023 Mullet
SB 5771 Docs Vehicle fees S Transportation 04/21/2023 Mullet
SB 5772 Docs Energy code/federal law S State Govt & E 04/21/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5773 Docs Public defense services S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Torres
SB 5775 Docs f Epinephrine autoinjectors S Health & Long 01/08/2024 Keiser
SB 5777 Docs f Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts S Rules X 02/15/2024 Keiser HB 1893(H subst for)
SB 5781 Docs f Law student rural PD program S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Torres
SB 5782 Docs Right to counsel services S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Torres
SB 5783 Docs Climate cmit. act/consumers S Environment, E 01/08/2024 Mullet HB 1887(H Env & Energy)
SB 5789 Docs f School projects/sales tax S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Mullet
SB 5792 Docs f# Multiunit res./definition C 122 L 24 03/15/2024 Padden
SB 5795 Docs f# Year-round Pacific std. time S State Govt & E 01/08/2024 Padden
SB 5797 Docs f Authorized insurer fines S Business, Fin 01/08/2024 Kuderer
SB 5799 Docs f Sale of halal foods C 245 L 24 03/25/2024 Wilson, C. HB 2059(H Rules 3C)
SB 5800 Docs afd Dept. of licensing documents C 162 L 24 03/18/2024 Wilson, C. HB 1953(H Rules X)
SB 5805 Docs f Dependency/attorney appt. C 25 L 24 03/13/2024 Frame
SB 5807 Docs Housing authorities S Rules X 02/15/2024 Frame HB 1890(C 12 L 24)
SB 5811 Docs afd Individual providers/family C 322 L 24 03/28/2024 Kauffman HB 1969(H Rules X)
SB 5813 Docs Agricultural instruction S EL/K-12 01/08/2024 Dozier
SB 5814 Docs f Cancer drugs coverage S Health & Long 01/08/2024 Muzzall HB 1884(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5817 Docs f Economic development info. S Business, Fin 01/08/2024 Van De Wege HB 1912(H Approps)
SB 5818 Docs f Seashore conserv. exemption S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Van De Wege
SB 5819 Docs fd Financial education S EL/K-12 01/08/2024 Valdez HB 1915(H subst for)
SB 5820 Docs Signature gathering/protests S State Govt & E 01/08/2024 Wilson, J.
SB 5821 Docs f Audio-only telemedicine C 215 L 24 03/19/2024 Muzzall HB 1881(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5822 Docs f Physicians health prg. fees S Health & Long 01/08/2024 Muzzall HB 1972(C 15 L 24)
SB 5823 Docs o School district elections S Ways & Means 01/15/2024 Hunt
SB 5826 Docs f Utility bills/CCA charges S Environment, E 01/08/2024 MacEwen
SB 5827 Docs fo Superior court/Whatcom S Rules X 02/15/2024 Shewmake HB 1992(C 112 L 24)
SB 5830 Docs Commission on boys and men S State Govt & E 01/08/2024 Lovick HB 1270(H State Govt & T)
SB 5831 Docs f# Vintage snowmobiles S Transportation 01/08/2024 Hawkins
SB 5832 Docs Campaign finance/foreign S State Govt & E 01/08/2024 Nguyen HB 1885(H State Govt & T)
SB 5833 Docs o Court reorganization notices S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Torres HB 2034(C 61 L 24)
SB 5836 Docs fo Clark county superior court C 125 L 24 03/15/2024 Wilson, L.
SB 5837 Docs f# State election database S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Valdez
SB 5839 Docs fd Working families' tax credit S Ways & Means 01/08/2024 Nguyen HB 1895(C 3 L 24)
SB 5842 Docs f Child support/SSN use C 126 L 24 03/15/2024 Kuderer
SB 5843 Docs f#d Election security breaches C 28 L 24 03/13/2024 Nguyen
SB 5844 Docs f# Dilapidated RV disposal S Environment, E 01/08/2024 Muzzall
SB 5845 Docs f# Military housing taxation S Ways & Means 01/08/2024 Muzzall
SB 5847 Docs fd Prorate & fuel tax collect. S Rules X 02/15/2024 Liias EHB 1964(C 1 L 24)
SB 5848 Docs o Supreme court bailiffs S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Lovick HB 2056(H subst for)
SB 5852 Docs f Special education safety net C 127 L 24 03/15/2024 Braun HB 1973(H Education)
SB 5854 Docs Smelt, crawfish, and carp S Ag/Water/Natur 01/08/2024 Salomon HB 1226(C 77 L 24)
SB 5855 Docs f User agreement summaries S Environment, E 01/08/2024 MacEwen
SB 5859 Docs Separate judges/divorce S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 5860 Docs Spring blade knives S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Fortunato
SB 5861 Docs Civil actions/domestic rel. S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 5862 Docs f Hunting licenses/students S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Fortunato
SB 5863 Docs Credit reporting/divorce S Business, Fin 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 5865 Docs Domestic violence/custody S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 5866 Docs Teletherapy S Health & Long 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 5867 Docs f Banquets S Labor & Comm 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 5868 Docs Family court conduct reports S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 5870 Docs f Early learning programs S EL/K-12 01/08/2024 Wilson, C.
SB 5872 Docs f Autonomous vehicles S Transportation 01/08/2024 Lovick
SB 5874 Docs Unauthorized persons/removal S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 5875 Docs Energy code/residential S Environment, E 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 5876 Docs f Ecosystem investment grants S Ag/Water/Natur 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 5877 Docs CCA cost information S Environment, E 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 5878 Docs Litter tax funds S Ways & Means 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 5879 Docs Child abuse & DV/standards S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 5881 Docs fo PERS/certain bus drivers C 247 L 24 03/25/2024 MacEwen HB 2316(H Rules 3C)
SB 5883 Docs Special education hearings C 29 L 24 03/13/2024 Trudeau HB 2121(H Education)
SB 5884 Docs f Restitution/env. crimes C 342 L 24 03/28/2024 Trudeau
SB 5885 Docs f#d Certificates of annexation C 30 L 24 03/13/2024 Torres
SB 5886 Docs fd Firefighter safety funding C 31 L 24 03/13/2024 Braun HB 1986(H Rules 3C)
SB 5887 Docs f Public accountancy act S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Stanford HB 1920(C 13 L 24)
SB 5889 Docs fd Customer voice council S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Kauffman HB 1988(H Human Svc, You)
SB 5892 Docs f Diseased elk S Ag/Water/Natur 01/08/2024 Wagoner
SB 5895 Docs f Academic employee bargaining S Ways & Means 01/24/2024 Nobles
SB 5896 Docs Financial aid terms S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024 Nobles
SB 5897 Docs f#d Business licensing service C 270 L 24 03/26/2024 Mullet HB 1894(H Rules X)
SB 5898 Docs fd Long-term care providers S Labor & Comm 01/08/2024 Van De Wege HB 1942(H subst for)
SB 5899 Docs Rental agreement provisions S Housing 01/08/2024 Pedersen
SB 5900 Docs f# Construction crane safety S Labor & Comm 01/08/2024 Frame HB 2022(H subst for)
SB 5903 Docs fo Educators/PESB membership S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Wilson, C.
SB 5904 Docs afo Financial aid terms C 323 L 24 03/28/2024 Nobles
SB 5905 Docs Law enf. certification S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Lovick HB 2027(H Community Safe)
SB 5907 Docs f Rec. licensing/species S Ag/Water/Natur 01/08/2024 Salomon
SB 5909 Docs f Electric vehicle impoundment S Transportation 01/08/2024 Wilson, J.
SB 5910 Docs fd Smokey Bear license plates S Transportation 01/08/2024 Nobles HB 2108(H Transportation)
SB 5913 Docs Student athlete NIL/ethics C 33 L 24 03/13/2024 Valdez
SB 5914 Docs fo Office of public defense S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Torres HB 1911(H subst for)
SB 5915 Docs f Ag. crop products/tax ex. S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Torres HB 2454(C 241 L 24)
SB 5916 Docs f# Indigent defense task force S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Torres
SB 5918 Docs CCA allowance allocation S Environment, E 01/08/2024 Van De Wege HB 1965(H Env & Energy)
SB 5921 Docs o Tribal rep./conserv. comm'n S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Stanford
SB 5922 Docs fd Habitat recovery pilot prg. S Ag/Water/Natur 01/08/2024 Stanford HB 2085(H Ag&Nr)
SB 5926 Docs Medicaid/continuous coverage S Health & Long 01/08/2024 Muzzall
SB 5927 Docs Tear gas authorization S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Padden
SB 5928 Docs Coercive control study S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Padden
SB 5929 Docs Fentanyl/endangerment S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Padden
SB 5930 Docs Payday lending/small loans S Business, Fin 01/08/2024 Stanford
SB 5932 Docs f Temporary total disability S Labor & Comm 01/08/2024 Stanford HB 1927(C 144 L 24)
SB 5933 Docs fd Infants and toddlers program S EL/K-12 01/08/2024 Frame HB 1916(H subst for)
SB 5938 Docs f Community parenting alt./DOC C 193 L 24 03/19/2024 Wilson, C.
SB 5939 Docs f Livestock wolf predation S Ag/Water/Natur 01/08/2024 Wagoner
SB 5941 Docs f Subsidized child care S Rules X 02/15/2024 Wilson, C. HB 2111(C 67 L 24)
SB 5942 Docs f Lead testing/Medicaid S Health & Long 01/08/2024 Muzzall
SB 5944 Docs # Prosecutorial filing S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Gildon
SB 5945 Docs Vehicle dealers S Rules X 02/15/2024 Conway HB 2028(H Rules X)
SB 5948 Docs Health provider contracting S Health & Long 01/08/2024 Robinson HB 2066(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5951 Docs EV charging/state expense S State Govt & E 01/08/2024 Schoesler
SB 5952 Docs fd Boiler inspector credentials C 167 L 24 03/18/2024 Schoesler
SB 5954 Docs Aerial imagery program S State Govt & E 01/08/2024 Lovick HB 1990(H Approps)
SB 5957 Docs f AI use guidelines S Environment, E 01/08/2024 Boehnke
SB 5958 Docs f Career skills grant program S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024 Boehnke
SB 5959 Docs f#o Traffic safety cameras S Transportation 01/08/2024 Liias HB 2384(H subst for)
SB 5960 Docs f Prescription labels/abortion S Rules X 02/15/2024 Frame HB 2115(H subst for)
SB 5961 Docs f Residential tenants S Housing 01/08/2024 Trudeau HB 2114(H subst for)
SB 5962 Docs Fabricated intimate images S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Mullet HB 1999(H subst for)
SB 5963 Docs f Deadly weapons insurance S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Kuderer
SB 5964 Docs Free school meals S EL/K-12 01/08/2024 Nobles HB 2058(H Approps)
SB 5965 Docs f Fashion/environmental impact S Environment, E 01/08/2024 Nguyen HB 2068(H Env & Energy)
SB 5966 Docs Student restraint, isolation S EL/K-12 01/08/2024 Wilson, C.
SB 5967 Docs fd Housing/public lands leases S Ways & Means 01/25/2024 Frame HB 2003(H subst for)
SB 5970 Docs Local boards of health C 37 L 24 03/13/2024 Hunt HB 2090(H Rules X)
SB 5971 Docs f# Offender score recalc. S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Kauffman HB 2065(H subst for)
SB 5975 Docs f# Social housing S Housing 01/08/2024 Hasegawa
SB 5976 Docs Dogs at large S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Short
SB 5977 Docs Psilocybin services S Health & Long 01/08/2024 Salomon HB 2281(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5978 Docs f# School district-county loans S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Robinson
SB 5979 Docs f Construction worker leave C 39 L 24 03/13/2024 Keiser
SB 5981 Docs f Early release petitions S Ways & Means 01/19/2024 Frame
SB 5982 Docs fd Vaccine definition C 41 L 24 03/13/2024 Cleveland HB 2157(H Rules X)
SB 5984 Docs Higher ed. nonresidents S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024 Schoesler
SB 5987 Docs Gift certificates S Business, Fin 01/08/2024 Trudeau
SB 5988 Docs f Gift certificates/unclaimed S Ways & Means 01/08/2024 Trudeau HB 2095(H Finance)
SB 5989 Docs Short-term rentals/ownership S Rules X 02/15/2024 Gildon
SB 5990 Docs f# Env. justice/SEPA projects S Environment, E 01/08/2024 Lovelett HB 2070(H Approps)
SB 5991 Docs f Industrial insurance/duties S Labor & Comm 01/08/2024 Lovelett HB 2168(H Labor & Workpl)
SB 5992 Docs f Water supply/energy sites S Environment, E 01/08/2024 Warnick HB 2042(H Env & Energy)
SB 5993 Docs f#d Voter education S Rules X 02/15/2024 Hasegawa
SB 5994 Docs d Antitrust penalties S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Trudeau HB 2072(H subst for)
SB 5999 Docs f Financial aid eligibility S Ways & Means 01/18/2024 Hansen
SB 6000 Docs f Military service credit S Ways & Means 01/08/2024 Hunt
SB 6001 Docs Firearm disposition S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Lovick HB 2021(H subst for)
SB 6002 Docs PESB transfer to OSPI S EL/K-12 01/08/2024 Hunt
SB 6003 Docs Board of education/OSPI S EL/K-12 01/08/2024 Hunt
SB 6004 Docs f# Firearms/purchase & transfer S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Liias HB 1902(H Civil R & Judi)
SB 6005 Docs f# Solid waste management S Environment, E 01/08/2024 Lovelett HB 2049(H Rules X)
SB 6008 Docs f Criminal insanity terms S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Trudeau HB 2152(H Rules X)
SB 6011 Docs fd Tribal interlocal agreements S Ag/Water/Natur 01/08/2024 Shewmake HB 2312(H Ag&Nr)
SB 6013 Docs f# Homeownership dev. tax ex. C 273 L 24 03/26/2024 Shewmake
SB 6014 Docs fd Special education cap S Ways & Means 01/19/2024 Wellman HB 2180(H subst for)
SB 6017 Docs f# Border area fuel tax use C 275 L 24 03/26/2024 Shewmake
SB 6018 Docs f Early learning coordinators S Ways & Means 01/26/2024 Wilson, C.
SB 6019 Docs Pharmacist prescriptive auth S Health & Long 01/08/2024 Muzzall HB 2116(H HC/Wellness)
SB 6022 Docs Law enf. medical trust plans S Ways & Means 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SB 6023 Docs Police dogs/liability S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Van De Wege HB 1635(C 305 L 24)
SB 6024 Docs f#e Housing development S Loc Gov, Land 01/08/2024 Trudeau HB 2160(H subst for)
SB 6026 Docs Student given names S EL/K-12 01/08/2024 Padden
SB 6027 Docs o Insurance holding companies C 42 L 24 03/13/2024 Stanford
SB 6028 Docs fd Unemployment overpayments S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Braun HB 1975(C 8 L 24)
SB 6030 Docs f# ADU tax exemptions S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Braun
SB 6033 Docs Ceremonial open carry S Rules X 02/15/2024 Braun
SB 6034 Docs f# Document fees/excise tax S Business, Fin 01/08/2024 Schoesler
SB 6035 Docs fd Student loans/PSLF S Rules X 02/15/2024 Liias HB 1950(C 2 L 24)
SB 6037 Docs Sentence modification S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Frame HB 2001(H subst for)
SB 6041 Docs False information/ethics S State Govt & E 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6042 Docs f Juvenile detention release S Human Services 01/09/2024 Trudeau
SB 6043 Docs fd Recreational use fees S Ag/Water/Natur 01/09/2024 Salomon HB 2165(H subst for)
SB 6044 Docs f# Juvenile access to attorney S Human Services 01/09/2024 Fortunato
SB 6045 Docs School district efficiencies S EL/K-12 01/09/2024 Hunt
SB 6046 Docs Sexual abuse claims S Law & Justice 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6048 Docs f Special education ombuds S Ways & Means 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6049 Docs Learning recovery S EL/K-12 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6050 Docs f Postinpatient housing S Human Services 01/09/2024 Dhingra HB 1929(H subst for)
SB 6051 Docs Manslaughter/substances S Law & Justice 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6054 Docs Definition of theft S Law & Justice 01/09/2024 Torres
SB 6055 Docs Natural resource indus. dev. S Loc Gov, Land 01/09/2024 Torres
SB 6057 Docs Human trafficking crimes S Law & Justice 01/09/2024 Torres HB 2076(H Rules X)
SB 6063 Docs f Persistent offenders S Rules X 02/15/2024 Frame HB 2154(H Community Safe)
SB 6064 Docs Pet fees, deposits S Housing 01/09/2024 Hansen
SB 6065 Docs f# Housing/property tax ex. S Housing 01/09/2024 SaldaƱa
SB 6066 Docs Death with dignity act S Health & Long 01/09/2024 Padden
SB 6067 Docs f Questions of representation S Labor & Comm 01/09/2024 Padden
SB 6070 Docs Most serious offenses S Law & Justice 01/09/2024 Short
SB 6071 Docs f Oil exporters/human rights S Higher Ed & Wo 01/09/2024 Salomon HB 2143(H Env & Energy)
SB 6073 Docs AI use in court filings S Law & Justice 01/09/2024 Padden
SB 6074 Docs f TNC driver death benefits S Labor & Comm 01/09/2024 SaldaƱa HB 2382(H subst for)
SB 6075 Docs Health provider sanctions S Law & Justice 01/09/2024 Padden
SB 6076 Docs f# Criminal justice local tax S Ways & Means 01/09/2024 Keiser HB 2211(H Local Govt)
SB 6077 Docs f Hemp in food S Ag/Water/Natur 01/09/2024 Hasegawa
SB 6078 Docs f Enforcement action moneys S State Govt & E 01/09/2024 Mullet
SB 6079 Docs f# Juv. detention/health recs. C 99 L 24 03/14/2024 Boehnke
SB 6080 Docs d Tourism marketing funding C 130 L 24 03/15/2024 Boehnke HB 1896(H Rules X)
SB 6081 Docs f Consumer contracts S Law & Justice 01/09/2024 Kuderer
SB 6082 Docs fo Paraeducator compensation S EL/K-12 01/09/2024 Nobles HB 2380(H Approps)
SB 6083 Docs f# Jail system S Human Services 01/09/2024 Boehnke HB 2473(H Community Safe)
SB 6084 Docs f Collector vehicles/trailers C 131 L 24 03/15/2024 Wagoner
SB 6085 Docs f Underground economy S Ways & Means 01/30/2024 Conway
SB 6086 Docs Supervision compliance S Human Services 01/09/2024 MacEwen HB 1926(H Rules X)
SB 6088 Docs f Baseball players/employment C 132 L 24 03/15/2024 Conway HB 2364(H Labor & Workpl)
SB 6090 Docs f# Law enf. hiring grants S Ways & Means 01/26/2024 Holy
SB 6091 Docs f Law enf. safety act/retired S Law & Justice 01/09/2024 Wilson, L.
SB 6093 Docs College admission criteria S Higher Ed & Wo 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6094 Docs fo Retired health subsidy/PEBB C 197 L 24 03/19/2024 Robinson
SB 6096 Docs Schools/state funding assist S EL/K-12 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6097 Docs f Dental services contracts S Health & Long 01/09/2024 Cleveland
SB 6102 Docs In-state resident enrollment S Higher Ed & Wo 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6103 Docs Free speech info./higher ed. S Higher Ed & Wo 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6104 Docs Free speech policy/higher ed S Higher Ed & Wo 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6107 Docs f Construction/sanitary cond. S Labor & Comm 01/10/2024 Cleveland EHB 2266(C 258 L 24)
SB 6111 Docs fd Prevailing wage sanctions S Labor & Comm 01/10/2024 Conway HB 2136(H subst for)
SB 6112 Docs f Donated food items/B&O tax S Ways & Means 01/10/2024 Lovick
SB 6113 Docs f# Community solar S Environment, E 01/10/2024 Lovick HB 2253(H Env & Energy)
SB 6116 Docs Interscholastic athletics S EL/K-12 01/10/2024 Fortunato
SB 6117 Docs State stone S State Govt & E 01/10/2024 Fortunato
SB 6119 Docs Law enforcement use of force S Law & Justice 01/10/2024 Holy
SB 6122 Docs f Alcohol delivery S Labor & Comm 01/10/2024 Conway
SB 6123 Docs f Classified school employees S Ways & Means 01/30/2024 Wellman
SB 6124 Docs f Shared leave/disasters S State Govt & E 01/10/2024 Holy HB 2283(H subst for)
SB 6128 Docs Traveling animal acts S Law & Justice 01/10/2024 Liias
SB 6129 Docs f DCFY trafficking assessments S Human Services 01/10/2024 McCune
SB 6130 Docs Human trafficking/CJTC S Law & Justice 01/10/2024 McCune
SB 6131 Docs Definition of employee S Labor & Comm 01/10/2024 McCune
SB 6132 Docs Human trafficking reporting S Law & Justice 01/10/2024 McCune
SB 6133 Docs f# Cannabis retail robberies S Rules 3 03/07/2024 McCune
SB 6137 Docs f# Semiconductor tax incentives S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Cleveland HB 2482(H subst for)
SB 6138 Docs f# Thermal energy networks S Environment, E 01/10/2024 Shewmake HB 2131(H subst for)
SB 6139 Docs f#d Health subsidy/retirees S Ways & Means 01/10/2024 Conway HB 2188(H Approps)
SB 6141 Docs fd Public infra. assistance prg S State Govt & E 01/10/2024 Boehnke
SB 6142 Docs Public defense funding S Law & Justice 01/10/2024 MacEwen
SB 6143 Docs f# Salmon habitat planning S Ag/Water/Natur 01/10/2024 Salomon
SB 6144 Docs f Prescribing psychologists S Health & Long 01/10/2024 Randall
SB 6145 Docs Small fire districts/leave S Labor & Comm 01/10/2024 Van De Wege HB 2328(H Labor & Workpl)
SB 6147 Docs f Salmon purse seine fishing S Ag/Water/Natur 01/10/2024 Shewmake HB 2426(H Ag&Nr)
SB 6148 Docs f Quality of care metrics S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Rivers
SB 6149 Docs Kimchi day S State Govt & E 01/10/2024 Wilson, J. HB 2392(H Rules X)
SB 6153 Docs Peace officer hiring & cert. S Law & Justice 01/11/2024 Kuderer
SB 6155 Docs Camping on public property S Law & Justice 01/11/2024 Wagoner
SB 6156 Docs Local elections S State Govt & E 01/11/2024 Nobles HB 2250(H Rules X)
SB 6159 Docs o Superintendent/task forces S EL/K-12 01/11/2024 Nobles
SB 6160 Docs Obstructing traffic S Law & Justice 01/11/2024 MacEwen
SB 6161 Docs f Provider contract comp. S Health & Long 01/11/2024 Cleveland
SB 6165 Docs Physician wellness programs S Health & Long 01/11/2024 Cleveland HB 2122(H Rules X)
SB 6166 Docs f Pesticide application comm. S Rules 3 03/07/2024 SaldaƱa HB 2302(H Rules 3C)
SB 6169 Docs Law enf. & military/firearms S Law & Justice 01/11/2024 Wilson, L.
SB 6170 Docs Enforcement action moneys S State Govt & E 01/11/2024 Wilson, L.
SB 6172 Docs f Birth doulas S Health & Long 01/11/2024 Nobles HB 2350(H HC/Wellness)
SB 6173 Docs f# Housing sales tax/use C 136 L 24 03/15/2024 Nobles HB 2413(H Local Govt)
SB 6174 Docs f# Highways/mowing & litter S Transportation 01/11/2024 Wilson, J.
SB 6176 Docs Payments/state enf. actions S State Govt & E 01/11/2024 Wagoner
SB 6177 Docs PFML benefits/health info. S Health & Long 01/11/2024 Stanford HB 2102(H subst for)
SB 6178 Docs f Midwives/prescriptive auth. C 102 L 24 03/14/2024 Randall
SB 6181 Docs Law enf. officer definition S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Liias
SB 6182 Docs f Obesity Rx coverage S Health & Long 01/11/2024 Rivers
SB 6183 Docs Fund-raising events S Business, Fin 01/11/2024 Rivers
SB 6184 Docs Deepfake AI material/minors S Law & Justice 01/11/2024 Rivers
SB 6185 Docs # PTBA governing body members S Transportation 01/11/2024 Lovelett HB 2191(H subst for)
SB 6188 Docs Aerial firefighting/permits S Environment, E 01/19/2024 Boehnke HB 2117(H Rules X)
SB 6190 Docs f Fund-raising activities S Business, Fin 01/11/2024 Rivers
SB 6191 Docs f Housing/taxes S Ways & Means 01/11/2024 Frame HB 2276(H Rules R)
SB 6193 Docs Rangeland fire pilot S Ag/Water/Natur 01/12/2024 Salomon HB 1971(H Approps)
SB 6196 Docs Basic income pilot program S Human Services 01/12/2024 Kauffman
SB 6199 Docs # Housing authority notices S Housing 01/12/2024 Dozier
SB 6200 Docs f# Eluding & resisting arrest S Law & Justice 01/12/2024 Lovick HB 2390(H Approps)
SB 6201 Docs fo Alcohol sale to minors/civil S Rules X 02/15/2024 King HB 2260(C 71 L 24)
SB 6202 Docs f# Tourism promotion exemptions S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Kauffman HB 2137(C 68 L 24)
SB 6203 Docs f Self-service storage rental S Housing 01/12/2024 Mullet HB 2139(H ConsPro&Bus)
SB 6204 Docs Curriculum establishment S EL/K-12 01/12/2024 McCune
SB 6206 Docs Water system receivership S Loc Gov, Land 01/12/2024 Short
SB 6207 Docs o Office of indep. invest. S Law & Justice 01/12/2024 Dhingra HB 2086(H subst for)
SB 6208 Docs f Public school materials S EL/K-12 01/12/2024 Nobles HB 2331(H subst for)
SB 6209 Docs Hemp consumable products S Ag/Water/Natur 01/12/2024 Rivers
SB 6210 Docs f# Unlawful detainer actions S Housing 01/12/2024 Mullet
SB 6211 Docs Mobile home rent increases S Rules X 02/15/2024 McCune
SB 6212 Docs f Rent payments/credit reports S Rules X 02/15/2024 Shewmake HB 2323(H Rules X)
SB 6213 Docs b JLARC studies S State Govt & E 01/15/2024 Mullet HB 2362(H Rules X)
SB 6214 Docs Animal cruelty/seriousness S Law & Justice 01/15/2024 Rivers HB 1961(C 55 L 24)
SB 6215 Docs f# Tax and revenue laws C 252 L 24 03/25/2024 Schoesler
SB 6216 Docs fo Student mental health net. S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Nobles HB 2280(H Education)
SB 6217 Docs Retail robberies S Law & Justice 01/15/2024 McCune
SB 6218 Docs f Dental only plans S Health & Long 01/15/2024 Van De Wege
SB 6219 Docs f# Agritourism S Loc Gov, Land 01/15/2024 Warnick
SB 6222 Docs f# District court judges C 103 L 24 03/14/2024 Wagoner
SB 6223 Docs fo School director compensation S EL/K-12 01/15/2024 Nguyen
SB 6224 Docs Newborn safe transfer S Human Services 01/15/2024 Fortunato HB 1888(H Human Svc, You)
SB 6225 Docs Wind energy siting/military S Environment, E 01/15/2024 Boehnke
SB 6226 Docs f DSHS fraud office reporting S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Trudeau
SB 6229 Docs Green transp. grants/match C 104 L 24 03/14/2024 Shewmake
SB 6230 Docs f# Tax increment areas S Loc Gov, Land 01/15/2024 Rivers HB 2354(H subst for)
SB 6231 Docs Hostile architecture S Loc Gov, Land 01/15/2024 Lovelett
SB 6233 Docs Energy code amendments S Environment, E 01/15/2024 Wilson, L.
SB 6234 Docs f Newborn screening for BCKDK C 105 L 24 03/14/2024 Wilson, L.
SB 6235 Docs Criminal justice assistance S Ways & Means 01/15/2024 Wilson, L.
SB 6236 Docs f Home-based instruction decl. S EL/K-12 01/15/2024 Wellman
SB 6238 Docs af# Property tax/veteran widows C 334 L 24 03/28/2024 Dozier
SB 6239 Docs High school/AP, IB, CIE exam S EL/K-12 01/15/2024 Hunt HB 2326(H Approps)
SB 6240 Docs f Jet fuel tax preferences S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Warnick HB 2410(H Finance)
SB 6241 Docs Job posting wage disclosures S Labor & Comm 01/15/2024 Randall HB 2349(H Labor & Workpl)
SB 6242 Docs f# Law enforcement training S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Mullet
SB 6243 Docs f Technology manuf./B&O tax S Business, Fin 01/16/2024 Mullet
SB 6244 Docs Pain medications S Health & Long 01/16/2024 Rivers
SB 6247 Docs f PERS 2/labor org. officers S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Hunt
SB 6248 Docs fd Capital gains tax S Ways & Means 01/16/2024 Robinson HB 2278(H Finance)
SB 6249 Docs f# Homeowner property tax ex. S Ways & Means 01/16/2024 Robinson
SB 6250 Docs Working families/prop. tax S Ways & Means 01/16/2024 Robinson HB 2418(H Finance)
SB 6252 Docs f Automobile insurance S Business, Fin 01/17/2024 Stanford HB 2011(H ConsPro&Bus)
SB 6253 Docs Learning assistance program S EL/K-12 01/17/2024 Nobles
SB 6255 Docs f Assisted living/housing prov S Health & Long 01/17/2024 Cleveland HB 2397(H HC/Wellness)
SB 6257 Docs f# Hospital charity/residency S Health & Long 01/17/2024 Cleveland
SB 6258 Docs f Standardized health plans S Health & Long 01/17/2024 Cleveland HB 2361(H subst for)
SB 6259 Docs Livestock market sales S Ag/Water/Natur 01/17/2024 Warnick
SB 6260 Docs Landowner's lessee/penalties S Ag/Water/Natur 01/17/2024 Warnick HB 2074(H Rules 3C)
SB 6262 Docs State park heritage center S State Govt & E 01/17/2024 Wilson, J.
SB 6263 Docs f# Firefighter death benefits C 169 L 24 03/18/2024 Wilson, L.
SB 6266 Docs Firearms dealers S Law & Justice 01/17/2024 Pedersen HB 2118(H subst for)
SB 6267 Docs f DD parental caregivers S Human Services 01/17/2024 Randall HB 2184(H Approps)
SB 6268 Docs Agency comms font size S State Govt & E 01/17/2024 Wagoner
SB 6270 Docs K-12 computer science S EL/K-12 01/17/2024 MacEwen
SB 6271 Docs f Cannabis excise tax/THC S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Keiser
SB 6272 Docs f# Cannabis excise tax revenue S Ways & Means 01/24/2024 Mullet
SB 6274 Docs School resource officers S EL/K-12 01/18/2024 Torres
SB 6275 Docs African American studies S EL/K-12 01/18/2024 Nobles HB 2282(H Education)
SB 6276 Docs f Digital electronics/repair S Environment, E 01/19/2024 Stanford HB 1933(H ConsPro&Bus)
SB 6279 Docs Ultrasounds/abortion S Health & Long 01/19/2024 Fortunato
SB 6280 Docs f Veteran parking privileges S Transportation 01/19/2024 Braun
SB 6282 Docs Seizure and forfeiture S Law & Justice 01/19/2024 Salomon
SB 6283 Docs Connecting communities prg. C 106 L 24 03/14/2024 Nobles
SB 6284 Docs Impact fees S Ways & Means 01/22/2024 Braun HB 2451(H Local Govt)
SB 6285 Docs f# Use of impact fees S Ways & Means 01/22/2024 Braun HB 2450(H Local Govt)
SB 6287 Docs Veterans benefits advising S Law & Justice 01/22/2024 Gildon
SB 6288 Docs Headlight use at all times S Transportation 01/22/2024 Lovick
SB 6289 Docs 16&17 y/o employ. work group S Labor & Comm 01/22/2024 Boehnke HB 2406(H Labor & Workpl)
SB 6290 Docs Agricultural real estate S Law & Justice 01/22/2024 Wagoner
SB 6292 Docs Eid al-Fitr and Hannukah S State Govt & E 01/22/2024 Trudeau
SB 6293 Docs Law enf. officers/deception S Law & Justice 01/22/2024 Trudeau HB 1062(H Rules X)
SB 6294 Docs Fur products S Business, Fin 01/23/2024 Stanford
SB 6297 Docs Direct transfer to treatment S Law & Justice 01/23/2024 Gildon
SB 6298 Docs Clergy/child abuse reporting S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Frame
SB 6305 Docs Law enforcement memorial S State Govt & E 01/25/2024 Randall HB 2442(H Cap Budget)
SB 6306 Docs Abortion malpractice insur. S Health & Long 01/29/2024 Fortunato
SB 6307 Docs Dental benefits/noncontract S Health & Long 01/29/2024 Fortunato
SB 6308 Docs af 988 system timeline C 364 L 24 03/29/2024 Dhingra
SB 6309 Docs f Covered lives assessment S Ways & Means 01/29/2024 Randall HB 2476(H Approps)
SB 6310 Docs Uniformed services S State Govt & E 01/29/2024 Lovick
SB 6311 Docs Pension returns/transp. S Ways & Means 01/30/2024 Mullet
SB 6312 Docs Federal candidate removal S State Govt & E 01/31/2024 Fortunato
SB 6313 Docs Sounders FC license plate S Transportation 02/02/2024 Torres
SB 6314 Docs Social studies instruction S EL/K-12 02/02/2024 Nobles
SB 6315 Docs f Retiree benefits S Ways & Means 02/02/2024 Robinson
SB 6317 Docs American dream homes S Loc Gov, Land 02/19/2024 Fortunato
SB 6318 Docs Child sexual abuse S Human Services 03/01/2024 Fortunato
SB 6319 Docs Electric vehicle batteries S Environment, E 03/04/2024 Stanford HB 2501(H Env & Energy)
SB 6320 Docs Immigration enforcement S Law & Justice 03/06/2024 Fortunato
SB 6321 Docs Rental housing S Housing 03/07/2024 Cleveland
SB 6322 Docs Unemployment benefit delays S Labor & Comm 03/07/2024 Cleveland
SCR 8400 Docs Joint session/state of jud. S Filed Sec/St 01/11/2023 Pedersen
SCR 8401 Docs Cutoff dates S Filed Sec/St 01/11/2023 Pedersen
SCR 8403 Docs Legislators, deceased S Filed Sec/St 02/14/2023 Pedersen
SCR 8404 Docs Joint session/Finland S Filed Sec/St 03/01/2023 Pedersen
SCR 8405 Docs Bills/to house of origin S Rules X 01/17/2024 Pedersen
SCR 8406 Docs Adjourning SINE DIE S Filed Sec/St 04/24/2023 Pedersen
SCR 8407 Docs Legislature joint rules S Filed Sec/St 04/11/2023 Pedersen
SCR 8408 Docs New Newhouse Building naming S State Govt & E 05/16/2023 Schoesler
SCR 8409 Docs Status of legislation S Filed Sec/St 05/16/2023 Pedersen
SCR 8410 Docs Adjourning SINE DIE S Filed Sec/St 05/16/2023 Pedersen
SCR 8411 Docs Bill status for 2024 session S Filed Sec/St 01/09/2024 Pedersen
SCR 8412 Docs Cutoff dates S Rules 2 03/08/2024 Pedersen
SCR 8413 Docs New Newhouse Building naming S State Govt & E 01/08/2024 Warnick
SCR 8414 Docs afe Civic health committee S Filed Sec/St 03/08/2024 Lovick
SCR 8415 Docs Yakima Valley redistricting S State Govt & E 01/16/2024 Braun
SCR 8416 Docs Bills/to house of origin S Rules 2 03/08/2024 Pedersen
SCR 8417 Docs Adjourning SINE DIE S Filed Sec/St 03/08/2024 Pedersen
SGA 9000 Docs EVERETT MACOMBER S Term expired 01/17/2023
SGA 9001 Docs JUANITA J. KAMPHUIS S Confirmed 03/22/2023
SGA 9002 Docs MARIA J. CHRISTIANSON S Confirmed 03/22/2023
SGA 9003 Docs DENNIS W. MATHEWS S Confirmed 04/17/2023
SGA 9004 Docs NANCY L. MCDANIEL S Confirmed 04/18/2023
SGA 9005 Docs ELAINE CHU S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9006 Docs THOMAS W. LUX S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9007 Docs ROBERT H. MALTE S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9008 Docs TERESA N. TAYLOR S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9009 Docs PAUL B. SPEER S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9010 Docs LILY CLIFTON S Confirmed 04/19/2023
SGA 9011 Docs KENNETH BOUNDS S Ag/Water/Natur 01/10/2023
SGA 9012 Docs MICHAEL S. LATIMER S Ag/Water/Natur 01/10/2023
SGA 9013 Docs ROBERT J. LOPEZ S Confirmed 03/22/2023
SGA 9015 Docs CLAUDE A. RAGLE S Confirmed 03/22/2023
SGA 9016 Docs GLADYS T. GILLIS S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9017 Docs ED ZUCKERMAN S Confirmed 02/22/2024
SGA 9018 Docs PETER M. GAYTON S Confirmed 04/18/2023
SGA 9019 Docs JUDY GUENTHER S Term expired 01/19/2023
SGA 9020 Docs KEN A. LARSEN S Confirmed 02/15/2023
SGA 9021 Docs WENDY L. LAWRENCE S Confirmed 04/18/2023
SGA 9022 Docs STEVEN MALLOCH S Term expired 06/30/2023
SGA 9023 Docs CRAIG A. RITCHIE S Term expired 01/19/2023
SGA 9024 Docs MOLLY F. LINVILLE S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9025 Docs JAMES R. ANDERSON S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9026 Docs CANDELARIO GONZALEZ S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9027 Docs LOUISE CHERNIN S Confirmed 04/06/2023
SGA 9028 Docs URIEL R. INIGUEZ S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9029 Docs SHARMILA SWENSON S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9030 Docs JEFF VINCENT S Term expired 06/30/2023
SGA 9031 Docs MEGHAN B. QUINT S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9032 Docs CAROLINA T. SUN-WIDROW S Confirmed 04/19/2023
SGA 9033 Docs ADRIANNE WAGNER S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9034 Docs WENDY K. BOHLKE S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9035 Docs HARRIETTE C. BRYANT S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9037 Docs EBEN POBEE S Confirmed 02/22/2024
SGA 9038 Docs RICHARD G. FUKUTAKI S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9039 Docs ANNE E. HAMILTON S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9040 Docs MICHAEL D. WILSON S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9041 Docs SARA I. CATE S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9042 Docs CONSTANCE W. RICE S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9043 Docs ROGELIO RIOJAS S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9044 Docs MICHELLE LIBERTY S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9045 Docs JERRY J. MENINICK S Term expired 06/12/2023
SGA 9046 Docs F. MARIBEL VILCHEZ S Confirmed 04/19/2023
SGA 9047 Docs WESLEY HENSON S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9048 Docs ZABRINA M. JENKINS S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9049 Docs JEROMY C. SULLIVAN S Term expired 07/15/2023
SGA 9050 Docs DONA PONEPINTO S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9051 Docs CAROL MITCHELL S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9052 Docs MIGUEL PEREZ-GIBSON S Confirmed 02/27/2024
SGA 9053 Docs JENNIFER G. ACUNA S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9054 Docs ROBERT HAND S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9055 Docs JERRIE L. ALLARD S Confirmed 03/22/2023
SGA 9056 Docs TERI L. FERREIRA S Confirmed 03/22/2023
SGA 9057 Docs PATRICK L. GALLAHER S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9058 Docs GUADALUPE GAMBOA S Confirmed 02/15/2023
SGA 9059 Docs HOLLY M. SILER S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9060 Docs GUY R. NORMAN S Term expired 01/15/2023
SGA 9061 Docs GERALD L. MARTIN S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9062 Docs JEFFREY J. HENSLER S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9063 Docs WILMA CARTAGENA S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9064 Docs ENRIQUE S. CERNA S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9065 Docs SATIVAH A. JONES S Term expired 06/30/2023
SGA 9066 Docs LORI M. RAMSDELL S Confirmed 02/27/2023
SGA 9067 Docs JOHN D. SAVEN S Environment, E 01/10/2023
SGA 9068 Docs J. A. VANDERSTOEP S Ag/Water/Natur 01/10/2023
SGA 9069 Docs NEIL L. WISE S Resigned 06/30/2023
SGA 9070 Docs JOHN F. SCHOETTLER S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9071 Docs HARRY L. CARTHUM S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9072 Docs ALLIE M. JOINER S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9073 Docs NANCY J. SINKOVITZ S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9074 Docs ALLAN BELTON S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9075 Docs HAWKINS B. DEFRANCE S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9076 Docs WILLIAM E. HAYES S Term expired 01/20/2023
SGA 9077 Docs ANNA FRANZ S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9078 Docs RICHARD, JR. E. LEIGH S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9079 Docs ARLENE M. PIERINI S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9080 Docs JENNIFER RAMIREZ ROBSON S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9081 Docs JAY A. REICH S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9082 Docs FREDERICK P. WHANG S Higher Ed & Wo 01/16/2023
SGA 9083 Docs ISABELLE C. DE WULF S Business, Fin 01/10/2023
SGA 9084 Docs RICHARD P. KAISER S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9085 Docs MICHAEL KARNOFSKI S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9086 Docs JAMES R. SAYCE S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9087 Docs THERESE N. PASQUIER S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9088 Docs JOHN W. PEDLOW S Confirmed 04/11/2023
SGA 9089 Docs TOM ECKMANN S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9090 Docs KIMBERLY L. HARPER S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9091 Docs COLLEEN F. PONTO S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9092 Docs PAULA ARNO MARTINEZ S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9093 Docs CRISTHIAN A. CANSECO JUAREZ S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9094 Docs DOUG MAH S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9095 Docs FRIEDA K. TAKAMURA S Confirmed 04/17/2023
SGA 9096 Docs TERESITA BATAYOLA S Confirmed 04/17/2023
SGA 9097 Docs CASTULO (CUS) ARTEAGA S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9098 Docs JOSEPH S. BOWMAN IV S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9099 Docs JENETTE RAMOS S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9100 Docs LISA T. KEOHOKALOLE SCHAUER S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9101 Docs JUDITH GINIGER S Confirmed 03/08/2023
SGA 9103 Docs TIMOTHY BURT S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9104 Docs WILLIAM C. HOUSER S Term expired 08/02/2023
SGA 9105 Docs TORAYA MILLER S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9107 Docs SOPHIA DANENBERG S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9108 Docs LORNA SMITH S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9109 Docs LAYNE BLADOW S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9110 Docs MICHAEL S. SHIOSAKI S Term expired 12/31/2023
SGA 9111 Docs MARIKO K. DOERNER S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9112 Docs KENNETH W. KENYON JR. S Confirmed 03/08/2023
SGA 9114 Docs EVANGELINA G. SHREEVE S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9115 Docs JEFFREY A. CHARBONNEAU S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9116 Docs FREDERICK GOLDBERG S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9117 Docs STEVEN R. JACOBS S Confirmed 04/07/2023
SGA 9119 Docs JEFF DAVIS S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9120 Docs BERTHA ORTEGA S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9121 Docs HOANG UYEN T. THORSTENSEN S Confirmed 03/08/2023
SGA 9122 Docs TED R. WILLHITE S Term expired 12/31/2023
SGA 9123 Docs TIMOTHY RASMUSSEN S Business, Fin 01/10/2023
SGA 9125 Docs JEFF SBAIH S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9126 Docs ERIN L. BLACK S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9127 Docs KATHLEEN DREW S Confirmed 02/08/2023
SGA 9128 Docs ELIZABETH CATTIN S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9129 Docs ALICE PHILLIPS S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9130 Docs MARTIN VALADEZ S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9131 Docs DAVID POSTMAN S Confirmed 03/29/2023
SGA 9132 Docs GENE C. SHARRATT S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9133 Docs MACK L. HOGANS S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9134 Docs PAH-TU PITT S Ag/Water/Natur 01/10/2023
SGA 9135 Docs KRESTIN G. BAHR S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9136 Docs TATEASHA M. DAVIS S Resigned 01/25/2023
SGA 9137 Docs JEFFREY BRECKEL S Confirmed 04/08/2023
SGA 9138 Docs KIM WELLS S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9139 Docs BRIAN SURRATT S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9140 Docs STEVEN ASHBY S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9141 Docs SUSAN MULLANEY S Resigned 01/03/2024
SGA 9142 Docs BETHANY S. RIVARD S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9143 Docs JAN YOSHIWARA S Confirmed 04/08/2023
SGA 9144 Docs MARK RIKER S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9145 Docs MICHAEL ROSS S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9146 Docs CHRISTINA (CHRIS) KOBDISH S Confirmed 02/27/2023
SGA 9147 Docs WILLIAM LYNE S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9148 Docs THERESA (TERRI) A. STANDISH- S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9150 Docs NICOLE R. BASCOMB S Confirmed 02/27/2023
SGA 9151 Docs MARY LAURIE CONNELLY S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9152 Docs KASI M. FARRAR S Confirmed 02/28/2023
SGA 9153 Docs BRIAN SURRATT S Confirmed 02/28/2023
SGA 9154 Docs CARL J. ZAPORA S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9155 Docs LOIS BERNSTEIN S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9156 Docs SHARONDA AMAMILO S Confirmed 02/28/2023
SGA 9157 Docs GINA CARDENAS S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9158 Docs GREGORY C. LINK S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9159 Docs JANE B. DAVIDSON S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9160 Docs CRYSTAL DONNER S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9161 Docs JOHN M. MEYER S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9162 Docs ROBERT L. NELLAMS S Confirmed 01/24/2024
SGA 9163 Docs MAUREEN P. WEST S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9164 Docs LAURA S. WILDFONG S Confirmed 01/17/2024
SGA 9165 Docs BEN BAGHERPOUR S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9166 Docs CLEMENCIA CASTRO-WOOLERY S Confirmed 02/27/2024
SGA 9167 Docs JOHN SUK S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9168 Docs JEANNE K. BENNETT S Confirmed 02/28/2024
SGA 9169 Docs JACELYN M. BOSCHOK S Confirmed 01/17/2024
SGA 9170 Docs ROSA PERALTA S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9171 Docs MARK C. SCHEIBMEIR S Confirmed 02/08/2024
SGA 9173 Docs PRETRINA L. MULLINS S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9174 Docs JOSEPHINE WIGGS S Confirmed 02/28/2023
SGA 9175 Docs KELLY A. SHEPHERD S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9176 Docs AMY E. PARRIS S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9177 Docs SANDRA P. BENDIXEN S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9178 Docs OFELIA P. BREDT S Confirmed 02/28/2024
SGA 9179 Docs OZELL M. JACKSON III S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9180 Docs AMY M. WEISSFELD S Ag/Water/Natur 01/10/2023
SGA 9181 Docs CHERYL A. MILLER S Confirmed 02/08/2024
SGA 9182 Docs JOE W. FLOYD S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9183 Docs ANN WOLKEN S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9184 Docs CLAIRE S. RONEY S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9185 Docs TIMOTHY G. WETTACK S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9186 Docs SARAH R. LAWSON S Confirmed 03/01/2023
SGA 9187 Docs TRAVIS A. EXSTROM S Confirmed 02/29/2024
SGA 9188 Docs STEVEN H. YOSHIHARA S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9189 Docs PATRICK BALDOZ S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9190 Docs JASMINE L. MINATO S Resigned 01/09/2024
SGA 9191 Docs KAREN R. FRASER S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9192 Docs BRETT BLANKENSHIP S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9193 Docs CHRISTINA BLOCKER S Confirmed 02/29/2024
SGA 9194 Docs KATE DEAN S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9195 Docs DENISE E. GIDEON S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9196 Docs TARA LEER S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9197 Docs HEATHER B. REDMAN S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9198 Docs JEFFREY A. CHARBONNEAU S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9199 Docs CHARLES G. KNUTSON S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9200 Docs BROOKE A. BROWN S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9201 Docs GARY CHANDLER S Confirmed 02/08/2024
SGA 9202 Docs ARIELE P. BELO S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9203 Docs DEBRA J. ENTENMAN S Confirmed 04/07/2023
SGA 9204 Docs PAUL T. FRANCIS S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9205 Docs LOWEL J. KRUEGER S Confirmed 03/01/2023
SGA 9206 Docs ALISHIA F. TOPPER S Confirmed 03/01/2023
SGA 9207 Docs ADAM L. AGUILERA S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9208 Docs SUSANA REYES S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9209 Docs DANA M. RILEY BLACK S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9210 Docs JASON R. HAMILTON S Confirmed 04/22/2023
SGA 9211 Docs MATTHEW W. RAY S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9212 Docs GARY D. CHANDLER S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9213 Docs NORMAN SEABROOKS S Confirmed 03/04/2024
SGA 9214 Docs TIMOTHY J. RAGEN S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9215 Docs DAVON THOMAS S Confirmed 01/25/2023
SGA 9216 Docs JOHN F. LEHMKUHL S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9217 Docs MELANIE J. ROWLAND S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9218 Docs ALLYSON L. BROOKS S Confirmed 02/12/2024
SGA 9219 Docs JAMES GROVES S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9220 Docs ANN M. MCQUADE S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9221 Docs RODOLFO (RUDY) N. MENDOZA S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9222 Docs ALIZA MUNOZ ESTY S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9223 Docs PHYLICIA HANCOCK-LEWIS S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9224 Docs JAY J. MANNING S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9225 Docs HOLLY J. WILLIAMS S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9226 Docs KC C. GOLDEN S Environment, E 01/10/2023
SGA 9227 Docs ROSANN FITZPATRICK S Confirmed 03/02/2023
SGA 9228 Docs CHRISTOPHER WITHERSPOON S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9229 Docs MARC SILVA S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9230 Docs KAIRIE A. PIERCE S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9231 Docs LISA BOYD S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9232 Docs WADE LARSON S Term expired 06/30/2023
SGA 9233 Docs DENNIS L. MATTHEWS S Confirmed 02/12/2024
SGA 9234 Docs JUNE M. ALTARAS S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9235 Docs GREG B. MARKLEY S Confirmed 03/02/2023
SGA 9236 Docs TONG ZHU S Confirmed 01/24/2024
SGA 9237 Docs HOLLY A. KESSLER S Confirmed 04/05/2023
SGA 9238 Docs LARRY BROWN S Confirmed 04/05/2023
SGA 9239 Docs CONOR M. O'MEARA S Confirmed 01/25/2023
SGA 9240 Docs KEARA A. RYAN S Confirmed 01/25/2023
SGA 9241 Docs DAVID I. HARTLESS S Confirmed 01/25/2023
SGA 9242 Docs PRADNYA DESH S Confirmed 01/24/2024
SGA 9243 Docs VICTORIA C. CHRISTIANSEN S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9244 Docs DAVID O. EARLING S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9245 Docs ANGELA HINOJOS S Confirmed 02/08/2024
SGA 9246 Docs LEKHA FERNANDES S Confirmed 02/22/2023
SGA 9247 Docs MICHELLE GONZALEZ S Confirmed 04/08/2023
SGA 9248 Docs JESSE E. JOHNSON S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9249 Docs RANDALL V. SCOTT S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9250 Docs COLLEEN ECHOHAWK S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9251 Docs JOSEPH R. MARONEY S Confirmed 02/13/2024
SGA 9252 Docs DOUG D. BALDWIN JR. S Confirmed 03/02/2023
SGA 9253 Docs KAZIPUTALIMBA JOSHUA S Confirmed 03/02/2023
SGA 9254 Docs JUDI MCDONALD S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9255 Docs GLENN A. JOHNSON S Confirmed 01/17/2024
SGA 9256 Docs MICHAEL MEOTTI S Resigned 01/03/2024
SGA 9257 Docs ASH AWAD S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9258 Docs PAULA M. AKERLUND S Confirmed 02/13/2024
SGA 9259 Docs REBECCA A. CHAN S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9260 Docs GREGORY B. DIETZEL S Confirmed 03/04/2024
SGA 9261 Docs REBECCA M. JOHNSON S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9262 Docs ALI M. RAAD S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9263 Docs ALEXES M. HARRIS S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9264 Docs ELIZABETH G. FORD S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9265 Docs ANN E. SIMONS S Confirmed 03/01/2023
SGA 9266 Docs SHANE EVERBECK S Term expired 06/30/2023
SGA 9267 Docs KIMBERLY H. PEARSON S Business, Fin 01/10/2023
SGA 9268 Docs CHRISTINE E. SKOORSMITH S Business, Fin 01/10/2023
SGA 9269 Docs LINDEN RHOADS S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9270 Docs FLORENCE S. CHANG S Confirmed 03/04/2024
SGA 9271 Docs NORRIE GREGOIRE S Confirmed 03/08/2023
SGA 9272 Docs BETHANY J. MARTINEZ S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9273 Docs JUDGE WESLEY SAINT CLAIR S Confirmed 02/08/2023
SGA 9274 Docs TIMOTHY COOPER S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9275 Docs BRADLEY F. SMITH S Confirmed 03/04/2024
SGA 9276 Docs BLAINE TAMAKI S Confirmed 04/11/2023
SGA 9277 Docs NICOLE M. GRANT S Confirmed 04/10/2023
SGA 9278 Docs VICKI L. LOWE S Confirmed 03/06/2023
SGA 9279 Docs SHARONE NAVAS S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9280 Docs EILEEN SULLIVAN S Confirmed 04/10/2023
SGA 9281 Docs FRANKIE L. COLEMAN S Confirmed 03/05/2024
SGA 9282 Docs ELEANOR K. KIRTLEY S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9283 Docs STEPHANIE HARRINGTON S Environment, E 01/10/2023
SGA 9284 Docs YONA MAKOWSKI S Confirmed 03/06/2023
SGA 9285 Docs SERGIO HERNANDEZ S Confirmed 02/13/2024
SGA 9286 Docs GREG SZABO S Confirmed 03/05/2024
SGA 9287 Docs VERONICA M. HAND S Business, Fin 01/10/2023
SGA 9288 Docs ELYSE M. BALMERT S Confirmed 03/06/2023
SGA 9289 Docs AMY G. CAMPBELL S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9290 Docs ALEJANDRO B. CASTRO-WILSON S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9291 Docs REANNE L. CHILTON S Confirmed 01/25/2023
SGA 9292 Docs QUINN R. DALAN S Confirmed 03/06/2023
SGA 9293 Docs JESSICA M. DONER S Confirmed 01/25/2023
SGA 9294 Docs CHRISTENE G. ENDRESEN SCOTT S Confirmed 03/05/2024
SGA 9295 Docs JEFFREY P. FAIRCHILD S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9296 Docs ROSANN FITZPATRICK S Ways & Means 01/10/2023
SGA 9297 Docs LEONOR R. FULLER S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9298 Docs THOMAS GEORGE S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9299 Docs JANE HOPKINS S Confirmed 03/05/2024
SGA 9300 Docs SCHUYLER F. HOSS S Confirmed 03/07/2023
SGA 9301 Docs SHINHAE HWANG S Confirmed 01/25/2023
SGA 9302 Docs HANNAH JOHNSON S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9303 Docs ELIZABETH LEE S Confirmed 01/25/2023
SGA 9304 Docs MICHAEL MACKILLOP S Confirmed 02/27/2023
SGA 9305 Docs DENNIS J. MCLERRAN S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9306 Docs ROBERT T. MITCHELL S Confirmed 01/24/2024
SGA 9307 Docs RIDDHI MUKHOPADHYAY S Confirmed 03/07/2023
SGA 9308 Docs JESSICA J. NOROUZI S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9309 Docs REBECCA S. RINGER S Confirmed 03/06/2024
SGA 9310 Docs KECIA RONGEN S Confirmed 03/07/2023
SGA 9311 Docs MUSTAPHA SAMATEH S Confirmed 01/25/2023
SGA 9312 Docs J. MANNY SANTIAGO S Confirmed 01/17/2024
SGA 9313 Docs KENNETH E. THOMAS S Resigned 01/03/2024
SGA 9314 Docs SHILPA TIWARI S Higher Ed & Wo 01/10/2023
SGA 9315 Docs ANNALEE K. TOBEY S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9316 Docs HAN TRAN S Confirmed 03/07/2023
SGA 9317 Docs JAMES R. VOLLENDROFF S Confirmed 04/11/2023
SGA 9318 Docs DEBORAH C. YOUNG S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9319 Docs TODD WOODARD S Higher Ed & Wo 01/16/2023
SGA 9320 Docs MILTON DOUMIT S Confirmed 02/22/2023
SGA 9321 Docs TRANG K. LAM S Ag/Water/Natur 01/16/2023
SGA 9322 Docs SHILOH BURGESS S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9323 Docs BOGYEONG KIM S Confirmed 03/06/2024
SGA 9324 Docs CHELSEA MASON-PLACEK S Higher Ed & Wo 01/16/2023
SGA 9325 Docs KERI J. CLARK S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9326 Docs PAUL E. PITRE S Confirmed 04/20/2023
SGA 9327 Docs DOUGLAS T. PICHA S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9328 Docs OLLIE A. GARRETT S Confirmed 04/07/2023
SGA 9329 Docs DOUGLAS L. MOORE S Confirmed 03/06/2024
SGA 9330 Docs DAVID PUENTE JR. S Confirmed 03/29/2023
SGA 9331 Docs WILLIAM S. KALLAPPA II S Confirmed 04/06/2023
SGA 9332 Docs MATTHEW V. RANDAZZO S Confirmed 04/10/2023
SGA 9333 Docs JILL K. MINSHALL S Confirmed 04/23/2023
SGA 9334 Docs JESUS A. VILLEGAS RIVERA S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9335 Docs WOODROW MYERS JR. S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9336 Docs STEVEN PARKER S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9337 Docs ROBERT DECOTEAU S Term expired 09/30/2023
SGA 9338 Docs BARBARA BAKER S Confirmed 04/21/2023
SGA 9339 Docs MARCUS J. GLASPER S Confirmed 04/06/2023
SGA 9340 Docs RONALD J. JASMER JR S EL/K-12 03/23/2023
SGA 9341 Docs ROBERT A. ZAPPONE S Higher Ed & Wo 03/23/2023
SGA 9342 Docs CHRISTINE JOHNSON S Higher Ed & Wo 03/31/2023
SGA 9343 Docs NANCY J. YOUNG S Labor & Comm 03/31/2023
SGA 9344 Docs COURTNEY L. WOOTEN S Higher Ed & Wo 04/08/2023
SGA 9345 Docs ANDERS IBSEN S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9346 Docs CRAIG A. RITCHIE S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9347 Docs MICHAEL FONG S Confirmed 01/31/2024
SGA 9348 Docs PAMELA A. MACEWAN S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9349 Docs KATHLEEN CRAIG S Ag/Water/Natur 05/16/2023
SGA 9350 Docs CHELSEA E. DIMAS S Law & Justice 05/16/2023
SGA 9351 Docs THOMAS L. PURCE S Environment, E 05/16/2023
SGA 9352 Docs WILLIAM E. HAYES S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9353 Docs JUAN E. MATA S EL/K-12 05/16/2023
SGA 9354 Docs NICOLE A. TALBERT S EL/K-12 05/16/2023
SGA 9355 Docs ALICIA R. LEVY S Business, Fin 05/16/2023
SGA 9356 Docs BENNETT J. PROWS S Term expired 07/01/2023
SGA 9357 Docs DREW SHIRK S Confirmed 02/09/2024
SGA 9358 Docs KRISTOPHER K. PETERS S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9359 Docs J. R. LEACH S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9360 Docs MARILEE SCARBROUGH S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9361 Docs FAYE N. EMMANUEL S Labor & Comm 01/08/2024
SGA 9362 Docs JC BALDWIN S Confirmed 02/12/2024
SGA 9363 Docs KADY D. TITUS S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024
SGA 9364 Docs LUC JASMIN S Confirmed 02/23/2024
SGA 9365 Docs JAY L. CUNNINGHAM S Confirmed 01/31/2024
SGA 9366 Docs KAREN DONOHUE S Law & Justice 01/08/2024
SGA 9367 Docs ISAAC MARROQUIN S Confirmed 02/01/2024
SGA 9368 Docs SASHA MITCHELL S Confirmed 02/01/2024
SGA 9369 Docs SHAENA M. MORGAN S Confirmed 02/02/2024
SGA 9370 Docs MAX A. STONE S Confirmed 02/02/2024
SGA 9371 Docs JEFFERY B. SWAN S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9372 Docs MARGARET K. WALKER S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024
SGA 9373 Docs STEVEN MALLOCH S Ag/Water/Natur 01/08/2024
SGA 9374 Docs JERRY J. MENINICK S Ag/Water/Natur 01/08/2024
SGA 9375 Docs ALEXANDER K. LEE S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9376 Docs CELESTE M. SCHOENTHALER S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024
SGA 9377 Docs BRYANNA J. ARTELLANO S Confirmed 02/06/2024
SGA 9378 Docs KALEEN COTTINGHAM S Confirmed 03/06/2024
SGA 9379 Docs CHRISTOPHER G. SWANSON S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9380 Docs RAYMOND L. DELOS REYES S Confirmed 02/09/2024
SGA 9381 Docs ANNA M. FRANKLIN S Confirmed 02/07/2024
SGA 9382 Docs NICOLE R. BASCOMB-GREEN S Confirmed 02/13/2024
SGA 9383 Docs SAMUEL T. MENSER S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9384 Docs WILLIAM N. RUMPF S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9385 Docs CLAIRE S. RONEY S Confirmed 02/12/2024
SGA 9386 Docs DAVID ZEECK S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9387 Docs DAVID HERRERA S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9388 Docs ONYA N. ROBERTSON S Confirmed 02/06/2024
SGA 9389 Docs MUSTAPHA SAMATEH S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024
SGA 9390 Docs RICHARD B. FIRTH S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9391 Docs MEGAN MATTHEWS S State Govt & E 01/08/2024
SGA 9392 Docs MARK A. HUGHES S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024
SGA 9393 Docs GLENN F. ELLIS S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024
SGA 9394 Docs SCHUYLER F. HOSS S Business, Fin 01/08/2024
SGA 9395 Docs ROBERT H. MALTE S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9396 Docs JESSICA J. NOROUZI S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9397 Docs PATRICIA SHUMAN S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024
SGA 9398 Docs JEFFERY S. VINCENT S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9399 Docs ADRIANNE N. WAGNER S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9400 Docs ASTRID E. AVELEDO S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9401 Docs ROBERT DECOTEAU S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9402 Docs MARTY J. DICKINSON S Confirmed 02/23/2024
SGA 9403 Docs CANDELARIO GONZALEZ S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024
SGA 9404 Docs HEATHER MOSS RICH S Confirmed 02/09/2024
SGA 9405 Docs BRIAN SURRATT S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024
SGA 9406 Docs ELAINE CHU S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9407 Docs RAYMOND CONNER S Confirmed 03/06/2024
SGA 9408 Docs MARC D. DAUDON S Environment, E 01/08/2024
SGA 9409 Docs ALICE E. DIETZ S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9410 Docs ELIZABETH G. FORD S Confirmed 03/01/2024
SGA 9411 Docs ANNA M. FRANKLIN S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9412 Docs JESSE E. JOHNSON S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9413 Docs SCOTT A. MERRIMAN S Confirmed 02/09/2024
SGA 9414 Docs DOUGLAS T. PICHA S Confirmed 03/06/2024
SGA 9415 Docs TERESA N. TAYLOR S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9416 Docs CHRISTOPHER T. THOMAS S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9417 Docs STEVEN A. ZIMMERMAN S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9418 Docs JAMES D. STARK S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9419 Docs MACK L. HOGANS S Confirmed 03/06/2024
SGA 9420 Docs ANNALEE K. TOBEY S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9421 Docs MARTIN VALADEZ S Confirmed 03/06/2024
SGA 9422 Docs JAMES P. MOSS S Environment, E 01/08/2024
SGA 9423 Docs ROXANNE M. CORTEZ S EL/K-12 01/08/2024
SGA 9424 Docs STEVEN J. DREW S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024
SGA 9425 Docs KIM L. MOBERG S EL/K-12 01/08/2024
SGA 9426 Docs YANA M. CHUBAROV S Confirmed 02/06/2024
SGA 9427 Docs SUZANNE DONALDSON S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9428 Docs STEPHANIE J. BARDIN S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9429 Docs AMY E. PARRIS S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9430 Docs BRENT L. STARK S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9431 Docs HUEY YU S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9432 Docs DOUGLASS A. NORTH S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9433 Docs ANDREA CARRILLO S Confirmed 02/07/2024
SGA 9434 Docs LILY CLIFTON S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9435 Docs TAMRA L. JACKSON S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9436 Docs MICHAELA L. JACKSON S EL/K-12 01/08/2024
SGA 9437 Docs KEVIN C. ROXAS S EL/K-12 01/08/2024
SGA 9438 Docs MICHAEL S. SHIOSAKI S Confirmed 03/01/2024
SGA 9439 Docs BRIAN S. SMITH S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9440 Docs JEFFERY S. VINCENT S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9441 Docs WILLIAM W. WARREN S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9443 Docs RUBEN FLORES S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2024
SGA 9444 Docs ROBERT M. BUGERT S Ag/Water/Natur 01/16/2024
SGA 9445 Docs JOSEPH TIMMONS S Business, Fin 01/16/2024
SGA 9446 Docs KAZIPUTALIMBA JOSHUA S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9447 Docs TATHAGATA PAL S Higher Ed & Wo 01/23/2024
SGA 9448 Docs ANDREW J. DRENNEN S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9449 Docs ELI TAYLOR S Higher Ed & Wo 02/12/2024
SGA 9450 Docs RAMONA BRANDES S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SGA 9451 Docs CARL BRUNER S Higher Ed & Wo 02/12/2024
SGA 9452 Docs TRACY STANLEY S Rules 03/07/2024
SGA 9800 Docs JANEL MCFEAT S Confirmed 03/07/2024
SHB 1003 Docs f Dual credit program access H Approps 02/10/2023 Stokesbary
SHB 1007 Docs fo Military service credit C 18 L 23 04/06/2023 Paul SB 5296(S Rules X)
SHB 1012 Docs af# Extreme weather events C 172 L 24 03/19/2024 Leavitt
SHB 1015 Docs fo Paraeducator requirements C 19 L 23 04/06/2023 Santos SB 5264(S EL/K-12)
SHB 1024 Docs f# Incarcerated persons/labor H Rules X 01/08/2024 Simmons
SHB 1026 Docs Local gov. design review H Housing 01/08/2024 Walen
SHB 1043 Docs a Records/comm. associations C 409 L 23 05/11/2023 McEntire
SHB 1044 Docs f Capital assistance/schools H Rules 3C 03/11/2024 McEntire
SHB 1045 Docs f# Basic income pilot program H Approps 01/26/2023 Berry
SHB 1047 Docs af Cosmetic product chemicals C 455 L 23 05/15/2023 Mena
SHB 1056 Docs f#o Postretirement employment C 410 L 23 05/11/2023 Stokesbary SB 5349(S Rules X)
SHB 1059 Docs Sexual exploitation/minors H Rules X 02/20/2024 Walen SB 5223(S Law & Justice)
SHB 1060 Docs Mutual insurer reorg. C 20 L 23 04/06/2023 Corry SB 5220(S Rules X)
SHB 1067 Docs High-hazard facility wages H Rules X 02/20/2024 Bronoske
SHB 1068 Docs af Injured worker medical exams C 166 L 23 04/25/2023 Bronoske SB 5212(S Labor & Comm)
SHB 1069 Docs f Mental health counselor comp C 58 L 23 04/13/2023 Leavitt
SHB 1070 Docs Property sale and leaseback C 22 L 23 04/06/2023 Connors
SHB 1074 Docs a Landlord damage claims C 331 L 23 05/08/2023 Thai
SHB 1075 Docs f Working families' tax credit H Approps 02/13/2023 Thai SB 5249(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1077 Docs Courthouse facility dogs C 59 L 23 04/13/2023 Thai
SHB 1079 Docs f Whole genome sequencing H Rules X 02/20/2024 Thai
SHB 1080 Docs f# Body worn cameras H Rules X 02/20/2024 Taylor
SHB 1084 Docs Freight mobility priority C 167 L 23 04/25/2023 Fey
SHB 1085 Docs f# Plastic pollution C 135 L 23 04/20/2023 Mena
SHB 1087 Docs f# Solitary confinement H Approps 01/23/2023 Peterson SB 5135(S Human Services)
SHB 1088 Docs fo Uniform family law arbitrat. C 61 L 23 04/13/2023 Walen
SHB 1094 Docs fd Future fund program H Approps 01/31/2023 Stonier SB 5125(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1095 Docs f Wage replacement H Approps 02/16/2023 Walen SB 5109(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1098 Docs Clergy/child abuse reporting H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Walen SB 5280(S Human Services)
SHB 1101 Docs Tenant screening/communities C 23 L 23 04/06/2023 Taylor
SHB 1103 Docs Capital vessel rep. account C 2 L 23 02/16/2023 Fey SB 5276(S Transportation)
SHB 1104 Docs f# Deferred prosecutions H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Goodman
SHB 1105 Docs a Public comment notice C 171 L 24 03/18/2024 Kloba
SHB 1108 Docs f# Persistent offenders H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Hackney
SHB 1109 Docs f Special education funding H Rules X 02/20/2024 Senn
SHB 1111 Docs Housing benefit districts H Cap Budget 02/10/2023 Ryu
SHB 1117 Docs af Power supply inadequacy C 200 L 23 05/01/2023 Mosbrucker
SHB 1118 Docs School bus safety H Approps 02/13/2023 Mosbrucker
SHB 1121 Docs fo Uniform child abduction act H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Goodman
SHB 1124 Docs Residential rent and fees H Rules X 02/20/2024 Peterson
SHB 1129 Docs Mobile home community sales H Rules X 01/08/2024 Gregerson SB 5198(S subst for)
SHB 1132 Docs f#o Limited authority officers C 168 L 23 04/25/2023 Goodman
SHB 1133 Docs Detached ADUs H Housing 01/08/2024 Chapman SB 5357(S Loc Gov, Land)
SHB 1136 Docs f Employee expenditures H Rules X 02/20/2024 Reeves
SHB 1138 Docs af#d Drought preparedness C 287 L 23 05/04/2023 Chapman
SHB 1140 Docs d Operating budget H Rules X 01/08/2024 Ormsby SB 5187(S subst for)
SHB 1142 Docs f Tenure-track faculty H Approps 01/23/2023 Hansen
SHB 1147 Docs d Capital budget H Rules X 01/08/2024 Tharinger SB 5200(S subst for)
SHB 1159 Docs f Interstate cannabis agrmts. H Rules X 01/08/2024 Wylie
SHB 1160 Docs Mutilation or dismemberment H Community Safe 01/08/2024 Graham
SHB 1163 Docs af# Leasehold tax/arenas C 343 L 23 05/09/2023 Fey
SHB 1165 Docs o Intimate images/civil remedy C 65 L 23 04/13/2023 Orwall
SHB 1171 Docs Motorcycle safety board C 137 L 23 04/20/2023 Mosbrucker
SHB 1174 Docs f# Jail-based voting H Approps 02/02/2023 Simmons
SHB 1177 Docs f#d Indigenous women C 104 L 23 04/20/2023 Lekanoff SB 5137(S Law & Justice)
SHB 1182 Docs f Wine/alcohol tax exemption H Finance 01/08/2024 Wylie SB 5013(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1192 Docs e Electric transm. planning H Rules X 01/08/2024 Duerr SB 5165(S subst for)
SHB 1200 Docs af Employee information/unions C 204 L 23 05/01/2023 Alvarado SB 5273(S Labor & Comm)
SHB 1207 Docs af Harassment/schools C 242 L 23 05/04/2023 Senn
SHB 1213 Docs Wipe labeling C 172 L 23 04/25/2023 Ybarra
SHB 1217 Docs af Wage complaints C 243 L 23 05/04/2023 Ortiz-Self
SHB 1231 Docs Site readiness grants H Rules X 01/08/2024 Berg SB 5229(S subst for)
SHB 1234 Docs Civil forfeiture of animals C 246 L 23 05/04/2023 Goodman
SHB 1236 Docs f# Clean fuel/public transport. C 234 L 23 05/03/2023 Hackney
SHB 1240 Docs af#d Firearms/assault weapons C 162 L 23 04/25/2023 Peterson SB 5265(S Law & Justice)
SHB 1241 Docs af# Harassment C 292 L 24 03/26/2024 Leavitt
SHB 1242 Docs Behavioral health work group H Approps 02/17/2023 Dent
SHB 1247 Docs f Music therapists C 175 L 23 04/25/2023 Reed SB 5214(S Rules X)
SHB 1249 Docs Retail cannabis products C 9 L 24 03/07/2024 Corry ESB 5340(S Rules 3)
SHB 1250 Docs af# Low-income home rehab. prg. C 380 L 23 05/09/2023 Steele
SHB 1254 Docs fd Periodic adjustments/DOR C 68 L 23 04/13/2023 Street SB 5406(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1255 Docs f Health care prof. SUD prg. C 141 L 23 04/20/2023 Simmons
SHB 1258 Docs a Tourism marketing C 348 L 23 05/09/2023 Ryu SB 5465(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1261 Docs Breast exam cost sharing H Rules X 01/08/2024 Walen
SHB 1266 Docs f Insurance comnr./email C 27 L 23 04/06/2023 Santos
SHB 1267 Docs af# Rural public facilities/tax C 411 L 23 05/11/2023 Tharinger SB 5613(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1268 Docs f Sentencing enhancements H Rules X 02/20/2024 Goodman
SHB 1271 Docs af Organ transport vehicles C 290 L 23 05/04/2023 Low SB 5177(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1273 Docs o High school and beyond plans H Approps 02/13/2023 Berg SB 5243(S subst for)
SHB 1275 Docs f Athletic trainers C 143 L 23 04/20/2023 Thai SB 5308(S Rules X)
SHB 1281 Docs Death with dignity act H Rules X 01/08/2024 Rude SB 5179(S subst for)
SHB 1284 Docs f Real estate agency H Rules X 01/08/2024 Corry SB 5191(S subst for)
SHB 1285 Docs Family farm permit transfers H Rules X 02/20/2024 Goehner
SHB 1288 Docs d Dept. of veterans affairs H Rules X 01/08/2024 Reeves SB 5323(C 327 L 23)
SHB 1289 Docs a Opportunity scholarship C 176 L 23 04/25/2023 Reed SB 5221(S Rules X)
SHB 1291 Docs Academic employee bargaining H Rules X 01/08/2024 Fosse SB 5238(S subst for)
SHB 1292 Docs d FBI criminal history records H Rules X 01/08/2024 Goodman SB 5252(C 223 L 23)
SHB 1295 Docs f DCYF placement agreements H Approps 02/07/2023 Ortiz-Self
SHB 1302 Docs Vehicle report of sale H Rules X 01/08/2024 Timmons
SHB 1306 Docs Public works procurement H Rules X 01/08/2024 Tharinger SB 5268(S subst for)
SHB 1313 Docs Health care afford./medicare H Approps 02/07/2023 Farivar SB 5492(S Health & Long)
SHB 1318 Docs af# Aircraft maintenance/tax C 414 L 23 05/11/2023 Ormsby SB 5500(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1323 Docs f Fire-resistant materials C 145 L 23 04/20/2023 Bronoske SB 5253(S Labor & Comm)
SHB 1326 Docs a# Utility connection charges C 249 L 23 05/04/2023 Cortes
SHB 1333 Docs Domestic violent extremism H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ramos
SHB 1346 Docs af Purple star award C 450 L 23 05/15/2023 Shavers SB 5071(S Rules X)
SHB 1351 Docs Minimum parking requirements H Local Govt 01/08/2024 Reed SB 5456(S Loc Gov, Land)
SHB 1352 Docs County invest. pools/tribes C 74 L 23 04/13/2023 Stearns
SHB 1355 Docs f# Property tax exemptions C 147 L 23 04/20/2023 Wylie
SHB 1360 Docs f Alt. professional licensing H Approps 02/03/2023 McClintock
SHB 1363 Docs f# Vehicular pursuits H Rules X 01/08/2024 Rule ESB 5352(C 235 L 23)
SHB 1375 Docs f Delivery of alcohol H Approps 02/17/2023 Reeves SB 5448(S subst for)
SHB 1378 Docs f#d Derelict aquatic structures H Rules X 01/08/2024 Reeves SB 5433(S subst for)
SHB 1381 Docs f# Salmon-safe communities H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Dye
SHB 1384 Docs f Parks pass/veterans H Approps 02/14/2023 Shavers
SHB 1385 Docs f# Civil forfeiture proceedings H Approps 02/14/2023 Hackney
SHB 1386 Docs Youth development grants H Approps 02/10/2023 Rule
SHB 1388 Docs f Residential rent practices H Approps 02/14/2023 Macri
SHB 1396 Docs f# First degree murder/juvenile H Rules X 02/20/2024 Goodman
SHB 1399 Docs Native American scholarships H Approps 02/07/2023 Lekanoff
SHB 1406 Docs f Youth seeking housing assist C 151 L 23 04/20/2023 Cortes
SHB 1408 Docs d HIV medication rebate rev. H Rules X 01/08/2024 Doglio SB 5142(S subst for)
SHB 1413 Docs f# Flexible work/peace officers H Approps 02/13/2023 Shavers SB 5424(S subst for)
SHB 1414 Docs RTA vehicle removal H Rules X 01/08/2024 Mena
SHB 1417 Docs f Multistate nurse licensure H Approps 02/17/2023 Volz
SHB 1426 Docs Controlled entities H Rules X 02/20/2024 Mena SB 5207(S subst for)
SHB 1427 Docs f# On-premises energy gen. H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Mena
SHB 1430 Docs f DCYF-caregiver communication H Approps 02/17/2023 Eslick
SHB 1431 Docs f# Senior living meals/tax C 416 L 23 05/11/2023 Timmons
SHB 1435 Docs f Home care safety net assess. C 209 L 23 05/01/2023 Bronoske
SHB 1442 Docs d Synthetic media H Rules X 01/08/2024 Low SB 5152(S subst for)
SHB 1443 Docs d Online voter registration H Rules X 01/08/2024 Low SB 5208(S subst for)
SHB 1449 Docs f# Project permits/reports H Rules X 02/20/2024 Alvarado
SHB 1451 Docs f Child care workforce H Approps 02/09/2023 Senn
SHB 1453 Docs af Medical cannabis/tax C 79 L 24 03/14/2024 Wylie
SHB 1457 Docs f Motor carriers/restrooms C 251 L 23 05/04/2023 Robertson SB 5429(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1458 Docs f Apprenticeship programs/UI C 30 L 23 04/06/2023 Shavers
SHB 1460 Docs ad DNR land C 383 L 23 05/09/2023 Hackney
SHB 1494 Docs Irrigation & rehab districts H Rules X 01/08/2024 Dent SB 5460(S subst for)
SHB 1499 Docs Food assistance funding C 31 L 23 04/06/2023 Shavers
SHB 1500 Docs af Cottage food sales cap C 352 L 23 PV 05/09/2023 Eslick SB 5107(S Ag/Water/Natur)
SHB 1501 Docs f Family counseling/homicide C 152 L 23 04/20/2023 Steele
SHB 1504 Docs Elementary school recess H Rules X 01/08/2024 Low SB 5257(S subst for)
SHB 1506 Docs DSHS leases H Cap Budget 01/08/2024 Ryu
SHB 1513 Docs f# Traffic safety H Rules X 02/20/2024 Street SB 5572(S Transportation)
SHB 1516 Docs f# Lunar new year H Approps 02/17/2023 Thai
SHB 1521 Docs af Industrial insurance/duties C 293 L 23 05/04/2023 Bronoske SB 5524(S Rules X)
SHB 1526 Docs f Electrical inspector salary H Approps 02/16/2023 Fosse
SHB 1531 Docs f# Aerospace industry dev. H Approps 02/14/2023 Dent
SHB 1548 Docs f# Railroad workers H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ormsby SB 5267(S subst for)
SHB 1561 Docs f Public utility tax exemption H Rules R 02/23/2023 Jacobsen
SHB 1562 Docs af# Violence C 295 L 23 05/04/2023 Thai
SHB 1567 Docs Conserv. district elections H Rules X 02/20/2024 Gregerson
SHB 1570 Docs f TNC insurance programs C 451 L 23 05/15/2023 Berry
SHB 1572 Docs Recovery of taxes/venue C 81 L 23 04/13/2023 Springer
SHB 1577 Docs f# Municipal officers/contracts C 153 L 23 04/20/2023 Schmick
SHB 1588 Docs Ambulance personnel H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Bronoske
SHB 1590 Docs Oversight board for DCYF Gov vetoed V 04/20/2023 Dent
SHB 1591 Docs f Open adoption agreements H Approps 02/17/2023 Orwall
SHB 1593 Docs RN PTSD/industrial insurance H Rules X 01/08/2024 Macri SB 5454(S subst for)
SHB 1596 Docs f# Affordable housing incentive H Finance 01/08/2024 Kloba
SHB 1609 Docs School library info and tech H Approps 02/16/2023 Eslick
SHB 1620 Docs # Incorporation/population C 82 L 23 04/13/2023 Fey
SHB 1621 Docs af# Local government procurement C 255 L 23 05/04/2023 Ryu
SHB 1633 Docs Homes for heroes program H Cap Budget 02/16/2023 Connors
SHB 1638 Docs a State trooper recruitment C 459 L 23 05/15/2023 Fey
SHB 1647 Docs f# Evergreen license plates H Transportation 01/08/2024 Chapman
SHB 1650 Docs Cannabis prohibitions H Approps 01/23/2024 Wylie
SHB 1655 Docs Provider contract comp. H Approps 01/31/2024 Harris
SHB 1658 Docs Work experience/H.S. credit C 154 L 23 04/20/2023 Shavers
SHB 1668 Docs f# Vehicular homicide/survivors H Rules X 01/08/2024 Donaghy
SHB 1676 Docs f Special ed. early support H Approps 02/16/2023 Senn
SHB 1677 Docs o Campaign finance disclosure H Approps 02/17/2023 Walsh
SHB 1682 Docs af# Auto theft authority account C 388 L 23 05/09/2023 Maycumber
SHB 1683 Docs af Dental only coverage C 216 L 23 05/01/2023 Barnard
SHB 1686 Docs Salmon recovery H Rules X 02/20/2024 Lekanoff
SHB 1693 Docs Student homelessness pilot H Rules X 01/08/2024 Lekanoff SB 5702(S subst for)
SHB 1698 Docs f# Gray wolf management H Approps 02/17/2023 Kretz
SHB 1699 Docs f Fish & wildlife salaries H Approps 02/16/2023 Kretz
SHB 1700 Docs a Eastern Washington landscape C 302 L 23 05/04/2023 Kretz
SHB 1701 Docs af Institutional ed. programs C 303 L 23 05/04/2023 Callan
SHB 1706 Docs f# Microenterprise home kitchen H Approps 02/17/2023 Entenman SB 5708(S Ag/Water/Natur)
SHB 1709 Docs d Commerce housing programs H Rules X 01/08/2024 Tharinger SB 5301(S subst for)
SHB 1711 Docs af# Internet projects/tribes C 355 L 23 05/09/2023 Chapman SB 5689(S Rules X)
SHB 1717 Docs f Associate development orgs. H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Rule SB 5379(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1720 Docs f# Riparian grant program H Cap Budget 02/17/2023 Chapman
SHB 1725 Docs Insulin/access under 21 H Approps 02/17/2023 Maycumber
SHB 1729 Docs Hydrogen fuel products H Rules X 02/20/2024 Abbarno
SHB 1735 Docs f# GMA/net ecological gain H Approps 02/16/2023 Lekanoff
SHB 1743 Docs Employee ownership H Approps 02/17/2023 Doglio
SHB 1753 Docs Derelict vessel notices C 304 L 23 05/04/2023 Bronoske
SHB 1756 Docs f# Energy/tax C 427 L 23 05/11/2023 Ramel
SHB 1761 Docs Property tax exemption H Rules X 02/20/2024 Christian
SHB 1764 Docs f Asphalt & agg. valuation C 307 L 23 05/04/2023 Wylie
SHB 1765 Docs f# Special occasion liquor lic. H Approps 02/17/2023 Steele
SHB 1767 Docs Federal funding opps. H Approps 02/17/2023 Barnard
SHB 1768 Docs f Green businesses/utility tax H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Shavers
SHB 1776 Docs Applied behavior analysis H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Senn
SHB 1778 Docs f Economic resilience planning H Approps 02/17/2023 Volz
SHB 1779 Docs af Toxic air pollution C 310 L 23 05/04/2023 Mosbrucker
SHB 1783 Docs a Grant writers C 311 L 23 05/04/2023 Sandlin
SHB 1784 Docs Hunger relief C 63 L 23 04/13/2023 Gregerson
SHB 1800 Docs f# Graffiti H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Barkis
SHB 1804 Docs a PEBB/subdivision retirees C 312 L 23 05/04/2023 Steele SB 5696(S subst for)
SHB 1807 Docs Speed safety cameras H Rules X 01/08/2024 Fey
SHB 1818 Docs f# Forestland/compensating tax C 109 L 24 03/15/2024 Tharinger
SHB 1821 Docs f Postsecondary credentials H Approps 02/17/2023 Slatter
SHB 1822 Docs f Cannabis/short-term rentals H Rules X 02/20/2024 Morgan
SHB 1829 Docs f LeMay special license plate H Transportation 01/08/2024 Fey SB 5738(S Transportation)
SHB 1833 Docs Ferry fuel surcharges H Transportation 01/08/2024 Paul
SHB 1850 Docs f# Hospital safety net program C 430 L 23 05/11/2023 Macri SB 5764(S Rules X)
SHB 1851 Docs af First approach skills prog. C 358 L 24 03/29/2024 Callan
SHB 1870 Docs a Local comm. federal funding C 223 L 24 03/25/2024 Barnard
SHB 1880 Docs Architecture licensing exams C 49 L 24 03/13/2024 McClintock SB 5794(S subst for)
SHB 1889 Docs f Professionals/immigration C 50 L 24 03/13/2024 Walen
SHB 1892 Docs f Workforce housing prg. C 142 L 24 03/18/2024 Leavitt
SHB 1903 Docs a Lost or stolen firearms C 286 L 24 03/26/2024 Berry
SHB 1905 Docs f Equal pay/protected classes C 353 L 24 03/28/2024 Mena SB 5894(S Rules X)
SHB 1909 Docs Pharmacy commission members H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Low
SHB 1910 Docs Pawnbroker fees, int. rates H Rules X 02/20/2024 Walen
SHB 1911 Docs o Office of public defense C 294 L 24 03/26/2024 Taylor SB 5914(S Law & Justice)
SHB 1912 Docs f Economic development info. H Approps 01/22/2024 Chapman SB 5817(S Business, Fin)
SHB 1914 Docs Special education services H Approps 01/22/2024 Couture
SHB 1915 Docs Financial education H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Rude SB 5819(S EL/K-12)
SHB 1916 Docs fd Infants and toddlers program C 284 L 24 03/26/2024 Senn SB 5933(S EL/K-12)
SHB 1919 Docs # Private moorage/abandonment C 110 L 24 03/15/2024 Bronoske
SHB 1924 Docs af# Fusion technology policies C 346 L 24 03/28/2024 Shavers
SHB 1925 Docs Veterans service officers H Approps 01/18/2024 Shavers
SHB 1926 Docs fd Supervision compliance H Rules X 02/20/2024 Couture SB 6086(S Human Services)
SHB 1928 Docs f Service contracts H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ryu
SHB 1936 Docs f# Tax incentives for farmers H Approps 02/02/2024 Shavers
SHB 1939 Docs f Social work compact C 176 L 24 03/19/2024 Orwall
SHB 1940 Docs Employer political speech H Rules X 02/20/2024 Fosse SB 5778(S subst for)
SHB 1942 Docs fd Long-term care providers C 224 L 24 03/25/2024 Fosse SB 5898(S Labor & Comm)
SHB 1945 Docs af Food assistance access C 225 L 24 03/25/2024 Alvarado
SHB 1947 Docs o Technology governance C 54 L 24 03/13/2024 Street
SHB 1952 Docs Disasters/long-term recovery H Rules X 02/20/2024 Volz
SHB 1953 Docs d Dept. of licensing documents H Rules X 02/20/2024 Entenman SB 5800(C 162 L 24)
SHB 1959 Docs f PFML/small employers H Approps 01/30/2024 Walen
SHB 1960 Docs Prototypical school staffing H Rules X 02/20/2024 Stonier SB 5882(S subst for)
SHB 1970 Docs f DCYF-caregiver communication C 145 L 24 03/18/2024 McClintock
SHB 1971 Docs f# Rangeland fire pilot H Approps 01/31/2024 Dent SB 6193(S Ag/Water/Natur)
SHB 1974 Docs Disposing of human remains C 57 L 24 03/13/2024 Abbarno
SHB 1979 Docs f Inhalers & epinephrine cost C 226 L 24 03/25/2024 Paul
SHB 1985 Docs fo PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase C 255 L 24 03/26/2024 Timmons
SHB 1989 Docs Graffiti abatement pilot C 111 L 24 03/15/2024 Barkis
SHB 1990 Docs f Aerial imagery program H Approps 01/23/2024 Ryu SB 5954(S State Govt & E)
SHB 1991 Docs f Paid sick leave H Rules X 02/20/2024 Fosse SB 5793(S subst for)
SHB 1994 Docs f# Misdemeanor dismissal H Rules X 02/20/2024 Farivar
SHB 1996 Docs f RV manufacturers and dealers C 87 L 24 03/14/2024 Robertson
SHB 1997 Docs o Parks and recreation comm. H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Ryu
SHB 1999 Docs f# Fabricated intimate images C 88 L 24 03/14/2024 Orwall SB 5962(S Law & Justice)
SHB 2006 Docs f#o Court interpreters H Rules X 02/20/2024 Peterson
SHB 2007 Docs af Cash assistance time limits C 181 L 24 03/19/2024 Peterson
SHB 2008 Docs Housing cost task force H Approps 01/16/2024 Klicker
SHB 2009 Docs Missing persons/dental recs. H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Mosbrucker
SHB 2012 Docs Rental housing/nonprofits C 113 L 24 03/15/2024 Street
SHB 2015 Docs Adult family homes capacity C 147 L 24 PV 03/18/2024 Senn
SHB 2020 Docs f#d Public infra. assistance prg C 60 L 24 03/13/2024 Timmons
SHB 2025 Docs f State work-study program C 182 L 24 03/19/2024 Reed
SHB 2026 Docs Rental income/property tax H Rules X 02/20/2024 Doglio
SHB 2036 Docs Adult entertainment H Rules X 02/20/2024 Walen
SHB 2038 Docs Public school transfer data H Rules X 02/20/2024 McClintock
SHB 2043 Docs Theater licenses/alcohol H Approps 01/19/2024 Corry
SHB 2045 Docs af# Adopt a fish barrier program C 227 L 24 03/25/2024 Waters
SHB 2048 Docs f# Domestic violence/sentencing C 63 L 24 03/13/2024 Mosbrucker
SHB 2052 Docs Diaper changing stations H Rules X 02/20/2024 Callan
SHB 2055 Docs f# Gambling diversion court H Approps 01/31/2024 Stearns
SHB 2056 Docs ao Supreme court bailiffs C 303 L 24 03/26/2024 Goodman SB 5848(S Law & Justice)
SHB 2061 Docs f# Health employees/overtime C 354 L 24 03/28/2024 Bronoske
SHB 2069 Docs f# Biogenic carbon dioxide H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Mosbrucker SB 5919(S subst for)
SHB 2070 Docs Env. justice/SEPA projects H Approps 01/31/2024 Mena SB 5990(S Environment, E)
SHB 2072 Docs d Antitrust penalties C 256 L 24 03/26/2024 Farivar SB 5994(S Law & Justice)
SHB 2075 Docs f Indian health care providers C 204 L 24 03/19/2024 Lekanoff
SHB 2076 Docs f# Human trafficking crimes H Rules X 02/20/2024 Orwall SB 6057(S Law & Justice)
SHB 2081 Docs f Home equity sharing H Rules X 02/20/2024 Hackney SB 5968(S subst for)
SHB 2082 Docs f Electrical transmission H Approps 01/26/2024 Fosse
SHB 2086 Docs f#o Office of indep. invest. C 64 L 24 03/13/2024 Entenman SB 6207(S Law & Justice)
SHB 2089 Docs d Capital budget, supplemental H Rules R 02/26/2024 Tharinger SB 5949(S subst for)
SHB 2091 Docs fd Fallen firefighter memorial C 65 L 24 03/13/2024 Bronoske SB 5946(S Rules X)
SHB 2097 Docs f Worker wage recovery C 149 L 24 03/18/2024 Berry
SHB 2098 Docs Women's commission/gifts H Rules X 02/20/2024 Taylor
SHB 2100 Docs Mass layoffs H Rules X 02/20/2024 Farivar
SHB 2102 Docs f PFML benefits/health info. C 150 L 24 03/18/2024 Berry SB 6177(S Health & Long)
SHB 2104 Docs d Operating budget, supp. H Rules R 02/24/2024 Ormsby SB 5950(S subst for)
SHB 2117 Docs f# Aerial firefighting/permits H Rules X 02/20/2024 Barnard SB 6188(S Environment, E)
SHB 2127 Docs d Incentives to return to work C 90 L 24 03/14/2024 Schmidt
SHB 2130 Docs Special education services H Approps 01/31/2024 Pollet
SHB 2136 Docs fd Prevailing wage sanctions C 7 L 24 03/07/2024 Ormsby SB 6111(S Labor & Comm)
SHB 2138 Docs f Outdoor learning/state parks H Approps 01/29/2024 Rule
SHB 2144 Docs f# Beverage deposit return prg. H Rules X 02/20/2024 Stonier
SHB 2147 Docs f#d Agriculture pests & diseases C 228 L 24 03/25/2024 Dent SB 6036(S subst for)
SHB 2152 Docs Criminal insanity terms H Rules X 02/20/2024 Thai SB 6008(S Law & Justice)
SHB 2156 Docs fd Solar consumer protections C 349 L 24 03/28/2024 Reeves SB 6256(S subst for)
SHB 2165 Docs fd Recreational use fees C 18 L 24 03/13/2024 Kloba SB 6043(S Ag/Water/Natur)
SHB 2170 Docs d Budget stabilization account H Rules X 02/20/2024 Gregerson SB 6100(S subst for)
SHB 2171 Docs f Incarcerated students H Approps 01/19/2024 Leavitt
SHB 2172 Docs Vacant state agency property H Cap Budget 01/22/2024 Harris
SHB 2173 Docs Natural gas utilities/OPMA H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ybarra SB 6047(S subst for)
SHB 2178 Docs f Sex offenses/comm. custody H Approps 01/31/2024 Goodman
SHB 2180 Docs afd Special education cap C 229 L 24 03/25/2024 Callan SB 6014(S Ways & Means)
SHB 2182 Docs f Regulated substance use data H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Reeves
SHB 2184 Docs f DD parental caregivers H Approps 01/23/2024 Taylor SB 6267(S Human Services)
SHB 2185 Docs DCYF oversight board H Approps 01/29/2024 Dent
SHB 2194 Docs f# Home cultivation of cannabis H Approps 01/31/2024 Kloba
SHB 2195 Docs af Early learning facilities C 230 L 24 03/25/2024 Callan
SHB 2197 Docs f Medical assist./prevention H Rules X 02/20/2024 Orwall
SHB 2203 Docs f Incarcerated veterans pilot H Approps 01/25/2024 Ryu
SHB 2216 Docs f State employee degree reqs. C 70 L 24 03/13/2024 Cheney
SHB 2217 Docs f# Juvenile criminal offenses C 117 L 24 03/15/2024 Cortes
SHB 2221 Docs f Sign language work group H Approps 01/29/2024 Orwall
SHB 2224 Docs Child abuse referral tool H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Rule
SHB 2226 Docs a H-2A worker program data C 233 L 24 03/25/2024 Ortiz-Self SB 5996(S Rules X)
SHB 2230 Docs f# Economic security grants C 92 L 24 03/14/2024 Peterson
SHB 2237 Docs Parenting plan limitations H Rules X 02/20/2024 Taylor
SHB 2242 Docs f Sexual assault/higher ed. H Approps 01/29/2024 Orwall
SHB 2243 Docs fd Social equity land trust H Cap Budget 01/31/2024 Reeves
SHB 2248 Docs Traumatic brain injuries H Approps 01/29/2024 Bateman
SHB 2250 Docs Local elections H Rules X 02/20/2024 Gregerson SB 6156(S State Govt & E)
SHB 2252 Docs Small businesses/residential H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Klicker
SHB 2254 Docs Child support schedule H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Walen
SHB 2258 Docs Regional 911 funding H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ormsby
SHB 2265 Docs Climbing facilities H Rules X 02/20/2024 Doglio
SHB 2267 Docs Commencement/cultural exp. H Rules X 02/20/2024 McEntire
SHB 2271 Docs f LTSS program statements H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Chambers
SHB 2273 Docs Functional recovery building H Rules X 02/20/2024 Donaghy
SHB 2274 Docs Solicited real estate H Rules X 02/20/2024 Donaghy
SHB 2275 Docs f Senior independent housing H Approps 01/31/2024 Reeves
SHB 2276 Docs f Housing/taxes H Rules R 02/26/2024 Berg SB 6191(S Ways & Means)
SHB 2279 Docs Dev. disabilities waiver use H Rules X 02/20/2024 Farivar
SHB 2283 Docs f Shared leave/disasters H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Volz SB 6124(S State Govt & E)
SHB 2287 Docs f Corrections ombuds adv board H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Farivar
SHB 2293 Docs f Avian predation/salmon C 72 L 24 03/13/2024 Wilcox
SHB 2295 Docs af# Hospital at-home services C 259 L 24 PV 03/26/2024 Bateman SB 6101(S subst for)
SHB 2296 Docs Comprehensive plan revisions C 17 L 24 03/07/2024 Griffey SB 6150(S subst for)
SHB 2309 Docs f Washington 13 free guarantee H Approps 01/31/2024 Bergquist
SHB 2322 Docs f# Child care/tax preferences H Rules X 02/20/2024 Senn
SHB 2329 Docs f Insurance market/housing C 74 L 24 03/13/2024 Macri
SHB 2333 Docs f Carbon seq./state lands H Cap Budget 01/31/2024 Reeves
SHB 2335 Docs State-tribal edu. compacts C 206 L 24 03/19/2024 Santos
SHB 2336 Docs f Suitability of lands H Cap Budget 01/26/2024 Morgan
SHB 2339 Docs Cert. renewal/nursing assist H Rules X 02/20/2024 Chambers
SHB 2344 Docs Boundary review filings H Rules X 02/20/2024 Donaghy
SHB 2347 Docs a Adult family home info. C 235 L 24 03/25/2024 Reeves
SHB 2348 Docs af# County hospital funding C 361 L 24 03/29/2024 Street
SHB 2355 Docs f MRI technologists C 94 L 24 03/14/2024 Nance SB 5880(S subst for)
SHB 2357 Docs af State patrol longevity bonus C 237 L 24 03/25/2024 Fey
SHB 2363 Docs f# Alcohol/pop-up retail sales H Approps 01/31/2024 Chambers
SHB 2368 Docs f# Refugee & immigrant assist. C 153 L 24 03/18/2024 Gregerson
SHB 2373 Docs Adopt-a-highway program H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ramos
SHB 2381 Docs afo School calendar waivers C 238 L 24 03/25/2024 McEntire
SHB 2382 Docs a TNC driver death benefits C 184 L 24 03/19/2024 Berry SB 6074(S Labor & Comm)
SHB 2383 Docs f Dependency outcome reporting H Rules X 02/20/2024 Eslick
SHB 2385 Docs State ferry fuel purchasing H Rules X 02/20/2024 Hutchins
SHB 2389 Docs Service of notice/tenants H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Abbarno
SHB 2390 Docs f# Eluding & resisting arrest H Approps 01/31/2024 Shavers SB 6200(S Law & Justice)
SHB 2391 Docs County ferries H Rules X 02/20/2024 Leavitt
SHB 2396 Docs af# Synthetic opioids C 309 L 24 03/26/2024 Mosbrucker
SHB 2398 Docs Instruct. materials/parents H Rules X 02/20/2024 Walsh
SHB 2408 Docs Crisis response comm methods H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Lekanoff
SHB 2409 Docs Safe excavation practices H Rules X 02/20/2024 Corry
SHB 2411 Docs School construction debt H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Callan SB 5969(S Ways & Means)
SHB 2424 Docs a State-tribe coop./wildlife C 260 L 24 03/26/2024 Kretz
SHB 2428 Docs f# Sales and use tax sharing C 95 L 24 03/14/2024 Klicker
SHB 2437 Docs f Retirement savings H Approps 01/31/2024 Santos
SHB 2446 Docs Reforestation grants H Rules X 02/20/2024 Paul
SHB 2455 Docs Competing ballot measures H Rules X 02/20/2024 Gregerson
SHB 2456 Docs Wildlife safe passages H Approps 02/02/2024 Timmons SB 6237(S Ways & Means)
SHB 2458 Docs K-12 experience factors H Rules X 02/20/2024 Rule
SHB 2465 Docs State building code council H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ramel SB 6291(S subst for)
SHB 2467 Docs f LTSS trust access C 120 L 24 03/15/2024 Macri
SHB 2489 Docs f New special license plates H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Orcutt
SHB 2491 Docs Lease of unused highway land H Rules X 02/20/2024 Fey
SHJM 4001 Docs Justin DeRosier highway H Filed Sec/St 04/19/2023 Orcutt SJM 8003(S Transportation)
SJM 8000 Docs Campaign contributions S State Govt & E 01/12/2023 Kuderer
SJM 8001 Docs National infrastructure bank S Filed Sec/St 04/18/2023 Hasegawa
SJM 8002 Docs Elections, money spent on S State Govt & E 01/20/2023 Hasegawa
SJM 8003 Docs Justin DeRosier highway S Transportation 01/20/2023 Wilson, J. HJM 4001(H subst for)
SJM 8004 Docs Constitutional convention S State Govt & E 01/23/2023 Rivers HJM 4002(H State Govt & T)
SJM 8007 Docs IDEA funding S Filed Sec/St 03/07/2024 Kauffman
SJM 8008 Docs Justin R. Schaffer highway S Filed Sec/St 03/08/2024 Wilson, J.
SJM 8010 Docs Affordable connectivity prg. S Environment, E 01/24/2024 Liias
SJR 8200 Docs Revenue for highway purposes S Transportation 01/09/2023 Fortunato
SJR 8202 Docs e Reproductive freedom S Rules X 03/10/2023 Keiser HJR 4201(H HC/Wellness)
SJR 8203 Docs Public school revolving fund S Rules X 02/15/2024 Schoesler
SJR 8204 Docs f# Property taxes/residence S Ways & Means 01/16/2023 Wilson, L.
SJR 8205 Docs d Investments/persist. poverty S Ways & Means 01/18/2023 Mullet HJR 4204(H Rules X)
SJR 8206 Docs f# Property tax rebates S Ways & Means 01/20/2023 Kuderer HJR 4205(H Finance)
SJR 8207 Docs f#o School district bonds S Ways & Means 01/15/2024 Hunt
SJR 8208 Docs f# Right to hunt and fish S Rules X 02/15/2024 Wagoner HJR 4212(H Ag&Nr)
SJR 8209 Docs Residential ex./property tax S Ways & Means 01/16/2024 Robinson HJR 4209(H Finance)
SJR 8210 Docs Governor term limit S State Govt & E 01/24/2024 Mullet
SR 8600 Docs Senate organized, ready S Adopted 01/09/2023 Pedersen
SR 8602 Docs Emergency rules S Adopted 01/09/2023 Pedersen
SR 8603 Docs Seattle Women's Chorus S Adopted 01/13/2023 Pedersen
SR 8604 Docs Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. S Adopted 01/16/2023 Nobles
SR 8605 Docs Lunar new year S Adopted 01/20/2023 Nguyen
SR 8606 Docs Senate rules/remote chair S Adopted 01/25/2023 Pedersen
SR 8607 Docs Lourdes Alvarado-Ramos S Adopted 01/25/2023 Wagoner
SR 8608 Docs Passenger Safety Week S Adopted 01/24/2023 Liias
SR 8609 Docs Daffodil Festival 03/14/2023 Gildon
SR 8610 Docs India's Republic Day 01/26/2023 Dhingra
SR 8611 Docs Maritime economy S Adopted 02/02/2023 Keiser
SR 8612 Docs Human trafficking awareness S Adopted 01/30/2023 Torres
SR 8613 Docs Washington National Guard S Adopted 02/01/2023 Nobles
SR 8614 Docs Keenan Konopaski S Adopted 02/08/2023 Mullet
SR 8615 Docs The Blessing Movement S Adopted 03/31/2023 Fortunato
SR 8616 Docs Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Van De Wege
SR 8617 Docs Triple neg. breast cancer S Adopted 03/01/2023 Wilson, L.
SR 8618 Docs Japanese Americans/EO 9066 S Adopted 02/20/2023 Hasegawa
SR 8619 Docs Black History Month S Adopted 02/20/2023 Nobles
SR 8620 Docs Ukrainian Americans S Adopted 02/24/2023 Salomon
SR 8621 Docs The Market/Bonney Lake S Adopted 03/28/2023 Fortunato
SR 8622 Docs Blessing of the fleet S Adopted 03/09/2023 Shewmake
SR 8623 Docs Donna Marie Doss S Adopted 03/03/2023 Fortunato
SR 8624 Docs Holocaust remembrance day S Adopted 04/18/2023 Wilson, C.
SR 8625 Docs Special Olympics S Adopted 04/07/2023 Kauffman
SR 8626 Docs Dorothy A. Reed S Adopted 03/28/2023 Hawkins
SR 8627 Docs Cricket day S Adopted 03/24/2023 Dhingra
SR 8628 Docs U.S. Navy S Adopted 03/30/2023 MacEwen
SR 8629 Docs Teresa Berntsen S Adopted 03/22/2023 Liias
SR 8630 Docs Women in cloud S Adopted 03/30/2023 Kuderer
SR 8631 Docs Intelligent Mademoiselles S Adopted 03/27/2023 Boehnke
SR 8632 Docs Camp Gifford, Deer lake S Adopted 03/30/2023 Short
SR 8633 Docs Stephen Roy Lindstrom S Adopted 04/03/2023 Schoesler
SR 8634 Docs People of Iran S Adopted 04/04/2023 Braun
SR 8635 Docs Bill Russell S Adopted 04/06/2023 Braun
SR 8636 Docs Senate/interim periods S Adopted 04/23/2023 Pedersen
SR 8637 Docs Ahmad Hilal Abid S Adopted 04/04/2023 Liias
SR 8638 Docs Sikh American community S Adopted 04/14/2023 Shewmake
SR 8639 Docs National donate life month S Adopted 04/05/2023 Rivers
SR 8640 Docs Ramadan S Adopted 04/04/2023 Trudeau
SR 8641 Docs Larry Itliong S Adopted 04/10/2023 SaldaƱa
SR 8642 Docs Mental & behavioral health S Adopted 04/13/2023 Cleveland
SR 8643 Docs Gary Wilburn S Adopted 04/17/2023 Nguyen
SR 8644 Docs Seattle Mariners S Adopted 04/20/2023 Schoesler
SR 8645 Docs Taiwan partnership S Adopted 04/19/2023 Salomon
SR 8646 Docs Elijah Lee Lewis S Adopted 04/21/2023 SaldaƱa
SR 8647 Docs Remote voting S Adopted 05/16/2023 Pedersen
SR 8648 Docs Senate organized, ready S Adopted 01/08/2024 Pedersen
SR 8649 Docs Martin Luther King, Jr. S Adopted 01/15/2024 Lovick
SR 8650 Docs Mount Si H.S. cross country S Adopted 01/31/2024 Hawkins
SR 8651 Docs Wenatchee H.S. volleyball S Adopted 02/20/2024 Hawkins
SR 8652 Docs Glenn Johnson S Adopted 01/17/2024 Schoesler
SR 8653 Docs Danny O'Keefe S Adopted 01/18/2024 Kuderer
SR 8654 Docs Dick Nelms S Adopted 01/16/2024 Hasegawa
SR 8655 Docs Pete Carroll S Adopted 02/09/2024 Rivers
SR 8656 Docs National donate life month S Adopted 02/15/2024 Rivers
SR 8657 Docs Women in cloud S Adopted 01/25/2024 Kuderer
SR 8658 Docs Human trafficking education S Adopted 01/22/2024 Torres
SR 8659 Docs David Sorenson S Adopted 01/23/2024 Lovick
SR 8660 Docs Victims of stalking S Adopted 01/29/2024 Short
SR 8661 Docs Washington National Guard S Adopted 01/24/2024 Randall
SR 8662 Docs NCSL S Adopted 01/30/2024 Wilson, C.
SR 8663 Docs India's Republic Day S Adopted 01/26/2024 Dhingra
SR 8664 Docs Sandra Day O'Connor S Adopted 02/01/2024 MacEwen
SR 8665 Docs Lunar New Year S Adopted 02/05/2024 Nguyen
SR 8666 Docs Gregory & Evelyn Christopher S Adopted 02/02/2024 Nobles
SR 8667 Docs Blessing of the fleet S Adopted 02/15/2024 Shewmake
SR 8668 Docs Jeannie Darneille S Adopted 02/08/2024 Wilson, C.
SR 8669 Docs National Wear Red Day S Adopted 02/15/2024 Rivers
SR 8670 Docs People of Taiwan S Adopted 02/28/2024 Wellman
SR 8671 Docs Civil rights act S Adopted 02/19/2024 Lovick
SR 8672 Docs Black history month S Adopted 02/19/2024 Nobles
SR 8673 Docs Ukrainian Americans S Adopted 02/14/2024 Salomon
SR 8674 Docs 1st territorial legislature S Adopted 02/27/2024 Hunt
SR 8675 Docs Daffodil Festival S Adopted 02/20/2024 Gildon
SR 8676 Docs Republic of Korea S Adopted 02/15/2024 Gildon
SR 8677 Docs Japanese-Americans/WWII S Adopted 02/16/2024 Hasegawa
SR 8678 Docs Whatcom county floods S Adopted 02/20/2024 Shewmake
SR 8679 Docs Sikh Americans S Adopted 02/21/2024 Dhingra
SR 8680 Docs Linda Smith S Adopted 02/23/2024 Padden
SR 8681 Docs Patty Rubstello S Adopted 02/22/2024 Liias
SR 8682 Docs Carlos Bulosan SaldaƱa
SR 8683 Docs Senate/interim periods S Adopted 03/07/2024 Pedersen
SR 8684 Docs Rare diseases S Adopted 02/29/2024 Fortunato
SR 8685 Docs Seattle JACL S Adopted 03/04/2024 Hasegawa
SR 8686 Docs Immigrants Fortunato
SR 8687 Docs Pat Dunn S Adopted 03/05/2024 Billig
SR 8688 Docs Ramadan S Adopted 03/06/2024 Trudeau
SSB 5005 Docs fo Real property C 6 L 23 03/30/2023 Pedersen
SSB 5006 Docs af Waiver of firearm rights C 262 L 23 05/04/2023 Pedersen
SSB 5013 Docs f Wine/alcohol tax exemption S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Warnick HB 1182(H Finance)
SSB 5025 Docs f DOC technology systems S Rules X 02/15/2024 Dozier
SSB 5028 Docs f Name changes C 34 L 23 04/06/2023 Pedersen
SSB 5033 Docs Custodial sexual misconduct C 7 L 23 03/30/2023 Padden
SSB 5039 Docs f# Wildfires/electric utilities S Ways & Means 02/08/2023 Rolfes HB 1032(H subst for)
SSB 5047 Docs Voting rights act S Rules X 03/10/2023 SaldaƱa HB 1048(H subst for)
SSB 5051 Docs f Dissolution/doc. language S Rules X 02/15/2024 Wellman
SSB 5052 Docs f# Leasehold tax/arenas, etc. S Ways & Means 02/15/2023 Liias
SSB 5054 Docs f Prof. learning communities S Rules X 01/08/2024 Wellman
SSB 5056 Docs f# Habitual property offenders S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Padden
SSB 5057 Docs f# Energy standards/commercial S Rules X 03/10/2023 Mullet
SSB 5060 Docs Rental & vacant properties S Ways & Means 02/09/2023 Kuderer
SSB 5061 Docs f# Personnel records S Ways & Means 02/08/2023 Kuderer HB 1320(H subst for)
SSB 5072 Docs af Highly capable students C 265 L 23 05/04/2023 Nobles
SSB 5077 Docs ao Uniform commercial code C 266 L 23 05/04/2023 Pedersen
SSB 5078 Docs af#d Firearm industry duties C 163 L 23 04/25/2023 Pedersen HB 1130(H Civil R & Judi)
SSB 5081 Docs ad Victim notification C 391 L 23 05/09/2023 Nobles
SSB 5085 Docs School principals/employment S Rules X 02/15/2024 Wellman
SSB 5087 Docs d Defects and omissions C 102 L 23 04/20/2023 Pedersen HB 1090(H Civil R & Judi)
SSB 5093 Docs f#d Climate response strategy S Rules X 03/10/2023 Rolfes HB 1170(H subst for)
SSB 5094 Docs f# Water system plans/climate S Rules X 01/08/2024 Rolfes
SSB 5095 Docs f Parks/health & wellness S Ways & Means 01/26/2024 Nobles HB 1718(H HC/Wellness)
SSB 5096 Docs af Employee ownership C 392 L 23 05/09/2023 Padden
SSB 5101 Docs a DOC medical placements C 358 L 23 05/09/2023 SaldaƱa
SSB 5106 Docs d County district boundaries S Rules X 01/17/2024 Hunt HB 1049(C 237 L 23)
SSB 5109 Docs f Wage replacement S Ways & Means 02/08/2023 SaldaƱa HB 1095(H Approps)
SSB 5110 Docs Labor practices/penalties S Rules X 01/08/2024 Keiser
SSB 5114 Docs f# Sex trafficking C 268 L 23 05/04/2023 Wilson, C. HB 1089(H Approps)
SSB 5118 Docs f# Multifamily property tax ex. S Ways & Means 01/25/2024 Kuderer
SSB 5121 Docs Health care oversight cmte. C 10 L 23 03/30/2023 Cleveland HB 1119(H HC/Wellness)
SSB 5125 Docs d Future fund program S Ways & Means 01/27/2023 Trudeau HB 1094(H Approps)
SSB 5126 Docs fo Common school trust revenue S Rules X 02/15/2024 Pedersen HB 1444(H Cap Budget)
SSB 5127 Docs Student information/PRA C 182 L 23 04/25/2023 Wilson, C.
SSB 5133 Docs Responsible bidder criteria S Ways & Means 01/30/2023 Keiser
SSB 5141 Docs WMS bargaining S Ways & Means 02/01/2023 Hunt HB 1122(H subst for)
SSB 5145 Docs Liability/hydro. projects C 183 L 23 04/25/2023 Short
SSB 5147 Docs A/C in adult family homes S Ways & Means 02/02/2023 Mullet
SSB 5151 Docs d Secretary of state exec team S Rules X 03/10/2023 Valdez
SSB 5154 Docs f# Solid waste management S Ways & Means 02/07/2023 Rolfes HB 1131(H Rules X)
SSB 5156 Docs af Farm internship program C 269 L 23 05/04/2023 Torres
SSB 5158 Docs f# State & local taxation S Rules X 03/10/2023 Wilson, L.
SSB 5162 Docs d Transportation budget S Rules X 01/08/2024 Liias HB 1125(H subst for)
SSB 5165 Docs af#e Electric transm. planning C 229 L 23 05/03/2023 Nguyen HB 1192(H Rules X)
SSB 5169 Docs f Medicare/health care plans S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Hunt
SSB 5170 Docs Legislative organizations C 91 L 23 04/14/2023 Hunt
SSB 5171 Docs f Consumer products/gender S Rules X 02/15/2024 Dhingra HB 1152(H ConsPro&Bus)
SSB 5176 Docs f Employee-owned coop UI C 92 L 23 04/14/2023 Stanford
SSB 5177 Docs f Organ transport vehicles S Ways & Means 02/10/2023 Mullet HB 1271(H subst for)
SSB 5178 Docs f Highways/large debris S Transportation 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SSB 5181 Docs Medical assistants S Rules X 03/10/2023 Cleveland
SSB 5182 Docs af# Candidate filing C 394 L 23 05/09/2023 Nguyen
SSB 5189 Docs af Behavioral health support C 270 L 23 05/04/2023 Trudeau HB 1348(H HC/Wellness)
SSB 5190 Docs f# Middle housing S Ways & Means 02/09/2023 Trudeau HB 1110(H subst for)
SSB 5191 Docs af Real estate agency C 318 L 23 05/04/2023 Stanford HB 1284(H Rules X)
SSB 5201 Docs d State gen. obligation bonds S Rules X 01/08/2024 Mullet HB 1148(H subst for)
SSB 5202 Docs fd Housing/capital expenditures S Ways & Means 02/03/2023 Trudeau HB 1149(H Cap Budget)
SSB 5203 Docs f#e Climate change/planning S Ways & Means 02/10/2023 Lovelett HB 1181(H subst for)
SSB 5205 Docs Parenting plan limitations S Law & Justice 01/08/2024 Dhingra
SSB 5208 Docs ad Online voter registration C 363 L 23 05/09/2023 Trudeau HB 1443(H Rules X)
SSB 5210 Docs Annuity transactions S Rules X 01/08/2024 Stanford
SSB 5218 Docs f# Mobility enhancing equip/tax C 319 L 23 05/04/2023 Padden
SSB 5220 Docs Mutual insurer reorg. S Rules X 03/10/2023 Frame HB 1060(H subst for)
SSB 5221 Docs Opportunity scholarship S Rules X 03/10/2023 Liias HB 1289(H subst for)
SSB 5226 Docs f# Active warrants priority/DOC S Ways & Means 02/08/2023 Padden
SSB 5229 Docs Site readiness grants C 93 L 23 04/14/2023 Frame HB 1231(H Rules X)
SSB 5230 Docs f Extended foster care S Ways & Means 02/01/2023 Wilson, C.
SSB 5235 Docs Accessory dwelling units S Rules X 01/08/2024 Shewmake HB 1276(H Housing)
SSB 5237 Docs f Education law noncompliance S Ways & Means 01/27/2023 Wilson, C.
SSB 5238 Docs f Academic employee bargaining C 115 L 23 04/20/2023 SaldaƱa HB 1291(H subst for)
SSB 5245 Docs f# Biosolids S Rules X 03/10/2023 Wilson, J.
SSB 5248 Docs Tutoring & extended learning S Ways & Means 02/08/2023 Braun HB 1710(H Approps)
SSB 5256 Docs afd Child welfare housing C 321 L 23 05/04/2023 SaldaƱa HB 1186(H Rules X)
SSB 5259 Docs f Product theft S Ways & Means 02/14/2023 Keiser
SSB 5261 Docs f Cemetery authority deadlines C 185 L 23 04/25/2023 Braun
SSB 5275 Docs SEBB benefits access C 13 L 23 03/30/2023 Robinson
SSB 5286 Docs f Paid leave premiums C 116 L 23 04/20/2023 Robinson
SSB 5291 Docs f Liquor licenses S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Schoesler
SSB 5300 Docs a Behavioral health continuity C 325 L 23 05/04/2023 Dhingra
SSB 5303 Docs Public works trust account S Rules X 02/15/2024 Mullet
SSB 5304 Docs f Language access/testing C 94 L 23 04/14/2023 SaldaƱa
SSB 5305 Docs fe Office of career connect WA S Ways & Means 02/01/2023 Wellman HB 1374(H Postsec Ed & W)
SSB 5306 Docs fd WDFW disease interdiction C 318 L 24 03/28/2024 Short
SSB 5308 Docs Athletic trainers S Rules X 03/10/2023 Cleveland HB 1275(H subst for)
SSB 5317 Docs a RTA vehicle removal C 326 L 23 05/04/2023 Nobles
SSB 5318 Docs f Estate recovery S Rules X 01/08/2024 Nobles
SSB 5322 Docs d Public building materials S Ways & Means 02/13/2023 Wellman HB 1282(H subst for)
SSB 5338 Docs a Essential health benefits C 87 L 23 04/13/2023 Cleveland
SSB 5339 Docs fo Free school meals S Ways & Means 02/01/2023 Nobles HB 1238(H subst for)
SSB 5348 Docs f Warehouse employees S Rules X 03/10/2023 Conway
SSB 5353 Docs f# Voluntary stewardship prog. C 187 L 23 04/25/2023 Wagoner
SSB 5358 Docs f# Veterans' services C 224 L 23 05/01/2023 Gildon
SSB 5361 Docs f# Law enf. officers/increase S Ways & Means 01/27/2023 Holy HB 1446(H Local Govt)
SSB 5364 Docs f# Lot splitting S Rules X 03/10/2023 Frame HB 1245(H subst for)
SSB 5366 Docs f#d Utility shutoffs/heat S Rules X 03/10/2023 Nguyen HB 1329(H subst for)
SSB 5372 Docs d DNR land S Ways & Means 02/10/2023 Rolfes HB 1423(H Cap Budget)
SSB 5374 Docs f# County critical areas C 225 L 23 05/01/2023 Short
SSB 5375 Docs f Low-proof beverages/tax S Ways & Means 02/16/2023 King HB 1344(H Reg Subst & Ga)
SSB 5376 Docs af Cannabis waste C 243 L 24 03/25/2024 Stanford
SSB 5377 Docs f Cannabis license ownership S Rules X 02/15/2024 Rivers HB 1341(H Reg Subst & Ga)
SSB 5378 Docs d Voter education S Rules X 03/10/2023 Kauffman
SSB 5380 Docs Clean energy siting S Ways & Means 02/13/2023 Nguyen HB 1216(H subst for)
SSB 5381 Docs Legislators/letters C 226 L 23 05/01/2023 Braun
SSB 5382 Docs Fish and wildlife officers S Rules X 03/10/2023 MacEwen HB 1369(H subst for)
SSB 5386 Docs af#d Document recording fees C 277 L 23 05/04/2023 Robinson
SSB 5388 Docs f Diversity in clinical trials S Rules X 01/08/2024 Rivers
SSB 5389 Docs a Optometry C 400 L 23 05/09/2023 Cleveland
SSB 5396 Docs a Breast exam cost sharing C 366 L 23 05/09/2023 Wilson, L.
SSB 5397 Docs f Public benefit payments/DCYF S Ways & Means 02/01/2023 Wilson, C. HB 1405(H subst for)
SSB 5398 Docs af Domestic violence funding C 401 L 23 05/09/2023 MacEwen
SSB 5399 Docs af Future listing contracts C 367 L 23 05/09/2023 Mullet
SSB 5405 Docs o LCB subpoena authority S Rules X 02/15/2024 King
SSB 5415 Docs f# Public defense/insanity C 120 L 23 04/20/2023 Trudeau
SSB 5417 Docs Employer political speech S Rules X 03/10/2023 Keiser
SSB 5423 Docs f Working conn. child care S Ways & Means 02/02/2023 Nobles
SSB 5427 Docs f Hate crimes & bias incidents C 299 L 24 03/26/2024 Valdez HB 1410(H Civil R & Judi)
SSB 5429 Docs Motor carriers/restrooms S Ways & Means 02/01/2023 Stanford HB 1457(H subst for)
SSB 5433 Docs f#d Derelict aquatic structures C 227 L 23 05/01/2023 Muzzall HB 1378(H subst for)
SSB 5434 Docs f# Juvenile court jurisdiction S Ways & Means 02/09/2023 Trudeau HB 1440(H Human Svc, You)
SSB 5436 Docs a Firearm transfers to museums C 403 L 23 05/09/2023 Wilson, J. HB 1629(H Civil R & Judi)
SSB 5437 Docs a Special districts/vacancies C 369 L 23 05/09/2023 MacEwen
SSB 5439 Docs Livestock identification C 46 L 23 04/06/2023 Warnick
SSB 5441 Docs f School district curricula S Ways & Means 02/09/2023 Wilson, C.
SSB 5448 Docs af Delivery of alcohol C 279 L 23 05/04/2023 MacEwen HB 1375(H Approps)
SSB 5453 Docs f# Female genital mutilation C 122 L 23 04/20/2023 Keiser
SSB 5460 Docs a Irrigation & rehab districts C 371 L 23 05/09/2023 Warnick HB 1494(H Rules X)
SSB 5470 Docs f Lactation consultants S Ways & Means 02/15/2023 Trudeau
SSB 5471 Docs f# Electric bicycles/disability S Rules X 03/10/2023 Cleveland
SSB 5474 Docs f# Juvenile justice S Ways & Means 02/10/2023 Frame HB 1432(H Human Svc, You)
SSB 5480 Docs f#d Work-limiting disability S Ways & Means 02/03/2023 Kauffman HB 1260(H subst for)
SSB 5490 Docs f PEBB/deferred coverage C 15 L 23 03/30/2023 Rolfes
SSB 5491 Docs af# Residential building exits C 372 L 23 05/09/2023 Salomon
SSB 5493 Docs f Financial instit./B&O tax S Ways & Means 02/09/2023 Kuderer
SSB 5494 Docs f# Freight railroad infra. S Ways & Means 01/24/2024 Wilson, J. HB 1371(H subst for)
SSB 5496 Docs f# Covenant homeownership prg. S Ways & Means 02/16/2023 Lovick HB 1474(H subst for)
SSB 5498 Docs f Nurse student loan repayment S Ways & Means 02/14/2023 Mullet HB 1643(H Postsec Ed & W)
SSB 5499 Docs f Multistate nurse licensure C 123 L 23 04/20/2023 Mullet
SSB 5503 Docs Nursing ed./clinical hours S Rules X 03/10/2023 Robinson
SSB 5504 Docs af Open vehicle safety recalls C 440 L 23 05/11/2023 SaldaƱa HB 1280(H Transportation)
SSB 5506 Docs f Behavior support homes S Ways & Means 02/08/2023 Kauffman HB 1654(H Human Svc, You)
SSB 5516 Docs f# Clay targets/sales tax S Ways & Means 01/08/2024 Fortunato
SSB 5517 Docs f# Water resource mitigation S Ways & Means 01/12/2024 Warnick
SSB 5523 Docs af# Forensic pathologists C 442 L 23 05/11/2023 Dhingra
SSB 5524 Docs f# Industrial insurance/duties S Rules X 03/10/2023 Van De Wege HB 1521(H subst for)
SSB 5526 Docs f Nursing facility rates S Ways & Means 02/15/2023 Van De Wege HB 1571(H Approps)
SSB 5533 Docs f# Model vehicle pursuit policy S Ways & Means 02/07/2023 Lovick
SSB 5538 Docs Postretirement/nursing C 99 L 23 04/14/2023 Cleveland
SSB 5541 Docs Supply chain transparency S Ways & Means 02/15/2023 Dhingra
SSB 5542 Docs EV supply equipment C 125 L 23 04/20/2023 Wilson, J.
SSB 5547 Docs f Nursing pool transparency C 100 L 23 04/14/2023 Robinson
SSB 5557 Docs f Part-time faculty pay S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Liias
SSB 5561 Docs f# Law enf. community grants C 189 L 23 04/25/2023 Conway
SSB 5562 Docs f Clean energy S Ways & Means 02/15/2023 Nguyen HB 1589(H subst for)
SSB 5565 Docs af# Tax and revenue laws C 374 L 23 PV 05/09/2023 Schoesler
SSB 5569 Docs Kidney disease centers C 48 L 23 04/06/2023 Rivers
SSB 5570 Docs f Energy efficiency loans S Ways & Means 01/22/2024 Lovelett
SSB 5579 Docs Hydrofluorocarbons/supply S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Braun
SSB 5581 Docs a Maternal support services C 444 L 23 05/11/2023 Muzzall
SSB 5586 Docs af Paid leave data C 375 L 23 05/09/2023 King
SSB 5588 Docs af Mental health sentencing alt C 373 L 24 03/29/2024 Nobles
SSB 5601 Docs f Youth development office S Ways & Means 02/15/2023 Wilson, C.
SSB 5604 Docs Mental health & housing/tax C 101 L 23 04/14/2023 Robinson
SSB 5609 Docs f# Housing approval S Ways & Means 02/14/2023 Braun
SSB 5610 Docs d Used vehicle warranties S Rules X 02/15/2024 Keiser
SSB 5613 Docs f# Rural public facilities/tax S Ways & Means 02/15/2023 Lovelett HB 1267(H subst for)
SSB 5617 Docs af Career & tech. ed. courses C 407 L 23 05/09/2023 Wellman
SSB 5626 Docs K-12 media literacy S Rules X 02/15/2024 Liias
SSB 5627 Docs County commissioner salary C 49 L 23 04/06/2023 Hunt
SSB 5648 Docs Board of education waivers S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Wellman
SSB 5649 Docs af# Floodproofing improvements C 187 L 24 03/19/2024 Braun
SSB 5651 Docs f# GMA/equity and env. justice S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Lovelett HB 1723(H Local Govt)
SSB 5652 Docs f# Tow truck operator comp. C 320 L 24 03/28/2024 Lovick HB 1722(H Transportation)
SSB 5655 Docs WA achievers grant program S Rules X 03/10/2023 Torres
SSB 5667 Docs f Forestry riparian easements C 158 L 24 03/18/2024 Muzzall HB 1740(H Cap Budget)
SSB 5668 Docs f Small districts/skill center S Ways & Means 02/16/2023 Shewmake HB 1605(H Approps)
SSB 5672 Docs f# Auto theft authority account S Rules X 01/08/2024 Wilson, L.
SSB 5684 Docs f# Small works rosters S Rules X 02/15/2024 Hasegawa
SSB 5687 Docs f Wrestling grant programs C 190 L 23 04/25/2023 Van De Wege
SSB 5696 Docs PEBB/subdivision retirees S Rules X 01/08/2024 Robinson HB 1804(H subst for)
SSB 5697 Docs f Mobile home park rates S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Van De Wege
SSB 5703 Docs f College grant/bridge grants S Ways & Means 02/16/2023 Randall
SSB 5709 Docs Irrigation dist. elections S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Torres
SSB 5714 Docs a Property tax payments C 376 L 23 05/09/2023 Wagoner
SSB 5720 Docs a Risk mitigation C 446 L 23 05/11/2023 Stanford
SSB 5722 Docs f# Traffic cameras, photo tolls S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Kuderer
SSB 5723 Docs Even-numbered year elections S Rules X 02/15/2024 Valdez HB 1882(H State Govt & T)
SSB 5729 Docs f Insulin cost-sharing cap C 16 L 23 03/30/2023 Keiser
SSB 5738 Docs f LeMay special license plate S Transportation 01/08/2024 Conway HB 1829(H Transportation)
SSB 5740 Docs f# Catalytic converter theft S Transportation 03/29/2023 Wilson, J.
SSB 5742 Docs a DOT grant programs C 447 L 23 05/11/2023 Kauffman
SSB 5743 Docs Transportation resources S Rules X 01/08/2024 Liias
SSB 5748 Docs f# Senior living meals/tax S Rules X 01/08/2024 Muzzall
SSB 5750 Docs Wahkiakum county ferry S Rules X 03/10/2023 Wilson, J. EHB 1782(C 428 L 23)
SSB 5753 Docs a WSDOT-Lummi Tribe/roadway C 448 L 23 05/11/2023 Shewmake
SSB 5764 Docs Hospital safety net program S Rules X 01/08/2024 Robinson HB 1850(H subst for)
SSB 5770 Docs f# Property tax S Rules X 02/15/2024 Pedersen
SSB 5774 Docs af Fingerprint backgr. checks C 300 L 24 03/26/2024 Billig
SSB 5776 Docs f Insulin emergency supply S Ways & Means 01/26/2024 Keiser
SSB 5779 Docs Sunshine committee S Rules X 02/15/2024 Wilson, J.
SSB 5785 Docs ad WDFW/volunteer organizations C 160 L 24 03/18/2024 Warnick
SSB 5786 Docs fo Business corporations C 22 L 24 03/13/2024 Pedersen
SSB 5787 Docs o Electronic estate planning C 188 L 24 03/19/2024 Pedersen
SSB 5791 Docs DUI/oral fluid evaluation S Rules X 02/15/2024 Padden
SSB 5794 Docs Architecture licensing exams S Rules 3 03/07/2024 King HB 1880(H subst for)
SSB 5798 Docs af Insurance notices C 244 L 24 03/25/2024 Kuderer
SSB 5802 Docs ad Nursing rate calculation C 246 L 24 03/25/2024 Muzzall HB 2208(H Approps)
SSB 5803 Docs fd National guard recruitment C 24 L 24 03/13/2024 Conway
SSB 5804 Docs a Opioid overdose med./schools C 214 L 24 03/19/2024 Kuderer HB 2029(H Education)
SSB 5806 Docs Insurance company data C 123 L 24 03/15/2024 Kuderer
SSB 5808 Docs f# Safety telecom/interest arb. C 124 L 24 03/15/2024 Van De Wege
SSB 5809 Docs f Charter schools/enrichment S Ways & Means 01/19/2024 Mullet HB 1897(H Approps)
SSB 5810 Docs f Interpreter bargaining units S Ways & Means 01/24/2024 SaldaƱa
SSB 5812 Docs f# Electric vehicle fires C 189 L 24 03/19/2024 Wilson, J.
SSB 5815 Docs f Physician assistant compact S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Muzzall
SSB 5829 Docs f Congenital cytomegalovirus C 96 L 24 03/14/2024 Frame HB 2067(H HC/Wellness)
SSB 5834 Docs f# Urban growth areas C 26 L 24 03/13/2024 Short
SSB 5835 Docs Rule making websites S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Wilson, L.
SSB 5840 Docs Leases C 27 L 24 03/13/2024 Padden
SSB 5841 Docs DUI/financial support S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Lovick
SSB 5846 Docs f Beaver ecosystem management S Ways & Means 01/26/2024 Salomon
SSB 5857 Docs af Campaign disclosure reorg. C 164 L 24 03/18/2024 Hunt
SSB 5858 Docs Property distrib./divorce S Rules X 02/15/2024 Fortunato
SSB 5864 Docs f Rare disease supports S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Fortunato
SSB 5869 Docs # Rural fire district stations C 190 L 24 03/19/2024 Short
SSB 5871 Docs d Definition of veteran S Ways & Means 01/17/2024 Lovick HB 2014(H subst for)
SSB 5873 Docs f Student transportation S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Wellman
SSB 5880 Docs f MRI technologists S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Muzzall HB 2355(H subst for)
SSB 5888 Docs f Health care/confinement S Ways & Means 01/19/2024 Wilson, C. HB 2314(H HC/Wellness)
SSB 5894 Docs f Equal pay/protected classes S Rules X 02/15/2024 Nobles HB 1905(H subst for)
SSB 5901 Docs Co-living housing S Rules X 02/15/2024 Salomon HB 1998(H subst for)
SSB 5902 Docs o State park system/accounts S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Van De Wege
SSB 5911 Docs f Cancer research funding S Rules X 02/15/2024 Wilson, L.
SSB 5912 Docs f Reentry services & supports S Ways & Means 01/19/2024 Wilson, C.
SSB 5917 Docs f# Bias-motivated defacement C 34 L 24 03/13/2024 Billig
SSB 5919 Docs f# Biogenic carbon dioxide C 271 L 24 03/26/2024 King HB 2069(H subst for)
SSB 5920 Docs f Psychiatric/cert. of need C 165 L 24 03/18/2024 Padden
SSB 5923 Docs e Substance use prevention ed. S Ways & Means 01/18/2024 Wellman HB 1956(H subst for)
SSB 5924 Docs f# Access to personnel records S Ways & Means 01/24/2024 Kuderer
SSB 5925 Docs # Fire commissioner comp. C 35 L 24 03/13/2024 Torres
SSB 5931 Docs af Motorized vehicle tires/6PPD C 343 L 24 03/28/2024 Salomon
SSB 5934 Docs a Pollinator habitat C 337 L 24 03/28/2024 Padden
SSB 5935 Docs Noncompetition covenants C 36 L 24 03/13/2024 Stanford
SSB 5936 Docs f Palliative care work group C 166 L 24 03/18/2024 Conway
SSB 5940 Docs f# Medical assistant-EMT cert. C 217 L 24 03/19/2024 Van De Wege HB 1907(H HC/Wellness)
SSB 5946 Docs fd Fallen firefighter memorial S Rules X 02/15/2024 Van De Wege HB 2091(H subst for)
SSB 5947 Docs d Transportation budget, supp. S Rules 2 02/26/2024 Liias HB 2134(H subst for)
SSB 5953 Docs af Incarcerated student grants C 272 L 24 03/26/2024 Wilson, C.
SSB 5956 Docs f#o Enrichment levies limit S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Wellman
SSB 5969 Docs School construction debt S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Dhingra HB 2411(H subst for)
SSB 5972 Docs af Neonicotinoid pesticides C 338 L 24 03/28/2024 Liias
SSB 5980 Docs f WISHA violation timeline C 40 L 24 03/13/2024 Keiser
SSB 5986 Docs af# Out-of-network health costs C 218 L 24 03/19/2024 Cleveland HB 2285(H HC/Wellness)
SSB 5996 Docs H-2A worker program data S Rules X 02/15/2024 SaldaƱa HB 2226(H subst for)
SSB 5998 Docs f Nonfelony convict. vacation C 296 L 24 03/26/2024 Hansen
SSB 6010 Docs SEPA/trails and paths S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Shewmake
SSB 6012 Docs Teacher preparation programs S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Wellman
SSB 6015 Docs a Residential parking C 274 L 24 03/26/2024 Shewmake
SSB 6016 Docs f# Green energy/community S Ways & Means 01/29/2024 Shewmake
SSB 6020 Docs f Nonspot shrimp pot license S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Muzzall
SSB 6021 Docs f Correctional fees & expenses S Ways & Means 01/19/2024 Hansen
SSB 6025 Docs af Predatory loans C 249 L 24 03/25/2024 Stanford HB 1874(H ConsPro&Bus)
SSB 6029 Docs Detached ADUs S Rules X 02/15/2024 Braun
SSB 6032 Docs Religious schools/law enf. S Rules X 02/15/2024 Braun
SSB 6036 Docs d Agriculture pests & diseases S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Muzzall HB 2147(H subst for)
SSB 6047 Docs a OPMA executive sessions/CCA C 277 L 24 03/26/2024 Warnick HB 2173(H Rules X)
SSB 6052 Docs fe Petroleum product supply S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Nguyen HB 2232(H Env & Energy)
SSB 6053 Docs afo Education data sharing C 324 L 24 03/28/2024 Holy HB 2443(H Postsec Ed & W)
SSB 6056 Docs Human trafficking/hotels S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Torres
SSB 6059 Docs af Mobile home community sales C 325 L 24 03/28/2024 Frame HB 2421(H Housing)
SSB 6060 Docs Electronic signatures/PERC C 98 L 24 03/14/2024 Nguyen
SSB 6062 Docs d DNR trust asset leasing S Rules X 02/15/2024 Torres HB 2299(H Cap Budget)
SSB 6099 Docs a Tribal opioid account C 210 L 24 03/19/2024 Braun
SSB 6100 Docs d Budget stabilization account C 198 L 24 03/19/2024 Robinson HB 2170(H Rules X)
SSB 6106 Docs d DSHS workers/PSERS C 359 L 24 03/29/2024 Conway HB 1949(H Rules 3C)
SSB 6108 Docs Construction retainage C 101 L 24 03/14/2024 King
SSB 6114 Docs f# Sustainable aviation fuel S Rules X 02/15/2024 Liias
SSB 6115 Docs af#d Speed safety cameras C 308 L 24 03/26/2024 King HB 2356(H subst for)
SSB 6118 Docs f Vapor product directory S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Van De Wege
SSB 6121 Docs f# Ag. and forestry biomass C 280 L 24 03/26/2024 Van De Wege HB 2483(H Env & Energy)
SSB 6125 Docs f Lakeland Village records C 134 L 24 03/15/2024 Kauffman
SSB 6126 Docs Respite care S Ways & Means 01/23/2024 Kauffman HB 2365(H Approps)
SSB 6134 Docs f# Opioid use S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Gildon
SSB 6135 Docs f TANF transitional assistance S Ways & Means 01/26/2024 Wilson, C.
SSB 6136 Docs f# Rental property B&O tax S Ways & Means 01/25/2024 Kuderer
SSB 6140 Docs f# Intensive rural development C 135 L 24 03/15/2024 Short
SSB 6146 Docs af# Tribal warrants C 207 L 24 03/19/2024 Dhingra HB 2305(H Community Safe)
SSB 6150 Docs Comprehensive plan revisions S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Cleveland HB 2296(H subst for)
SSB 6152 Docs f# Housing needs gap S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Cleveland
SSB 6154 Docs f#d Process service S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Torres
SSB 6157 Docs a Civil service C 330 L 24 03/28/2024 Lovick
SSB 6158 Docs f# Public facilities districts S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Wilson, J.
SSB 6162 Docs f# Abandoned property fees S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Schoesler
SSB 6163 Docs f# Biosolids S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Wilson, J.
SSB 6164 Docs af# County emergency management C 331 L 24 03/28/2024 Wagoner
SSB 6168 Docs International leadership S Rules X 02/15/2024 Stanford HB 2000(H subst for)
SSB 6171 Docs f# Child care/nonstandard hours S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Wilson, L.
SSB 6180 Docs f# Waste material management S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Lovick HB 2301(H subst for)
SSB 6186 Docs f# Missing persons/pub. assist. C 208 L 24 03/19/2024 Kauffman
SSB 6189 Docs f# Jail system S Ways & Means 01/26/2024 SaldaƱa
SSB 6192 Docs f# Construction change orders C 199 L 24 03/19/2024 King
SSB 6195 Docs Vehicle inspection backlog S Rules X 02/15/2024 Braun
SSB 6197 Docs afo LEOFF plan 2 C 304 L 24 03/26/2024 Holy HB 2338(H Approps)
SSB 6198 Docs fo LEOFF 2 board employees S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Holy HB 2337(H Approps)
SSB 6205 Docs Pledge of allegiance instr. S Rules X 02/15/2024 McCune
SSB 6220 Docs High THC cannabis products S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Salomon HB 2320(H subst for)
SSB 6221 Docs f UW primate research center S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Salomon HB 2304(H Postsec Ed & W)
SSB 6227 Docs Protection order/insanity C 137 L 24 03/15/2024 Dhingra
SSB 6232 Docs f Public records portal pilot S Ways & Means 01/29/2024 Wilson, J.
SSB 6237 Docs Wildlife safe passages S Ways & Means 01/29/2024 Salomon HB 2456(H Approps)
SSB 6245 Docs Refugee & immigrant assist. S Rules X 02/15/2024 Hasegawa
SSB 6254 Docs f Student navigational support S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Nobles
SSB 6256 Docs fd Solar consumer protections S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Stanford HB 2156(H subst for)
SSB 6261 Docs Theft from first responders S Rules X 02/15/2024 Warnick
SSB 6265 Docs Grocery coupons S Rules X 02/15/2024 Conway
SSB 6269 Docs f# Alt. voter verification C 138 L 24 03/15/2024 Valdez
SSB 6273 Docs f Juvenile rehab. audit S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Boehnke
SSB 6277 Docs f Transportation partnerships S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Liias
SSB 6278 Docs f# Organic agriculture S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Liias
SSB 6281 Docs f Reforestation grants S Ways & Means 01/30/2024 Van De Wege
SSB 6295 Docs Behavioral health/high users S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Dhingra
SSB 6299 Docs Employees/digital technology S Rules X 02/15/2024 Stanford
SSB 6300 Docs fo College grant/public assist. S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Randall HB 2214(H subst for)
SSB 6301 Docs a Basic law enf. academy C 335 L 24 03/28/2024 Lovick HB 2475(H Community Safe)
SSB 6302 Docs f# Supply chain competitiveness S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Liias
SSB 6303 Docs f Energy storage manufacturing S Rules 2 02/26/2024 Nguyen
SSB 6304 Docs f# Transp. electrification S Rules X 02/15/2024 Liias
SSB 6316 Docs af SR 520 corridor C 281 L 24 03/26/2024 Pedersen
SSCR 8402 Docs Jennifer Belcher Building S Rules X 02/15/2024 Hunt
SSJM 8009 Docs Harbor maintenance tax S Filed Sec/St 03/07/2024 Hasegawa
SSJR 8201 Docs Public works account S Rules X 03/10/2023 Mullet

Total Count: 3556

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

Options for Checked Items: