Improving access to and provision of a free appropriate public education for students with disabilities.

12 documents for 1305 (2023-24)

Links Document Document Type Description Date
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) House Bill 1305 Bills Original Bill 1/12/2023
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) Substitute House Bill 1305 as Recommended by Education Bills ED 23 Substitute Bill 2/10/2023
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) Second Substitute House Bill 1305 as Recommended by Appropriations Bills Second Substitute 2/26/2023
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) House Amendment by Rep. Pollet (WARG 055) to Second Substitute House Bill 1305 Amendments House AMD 303 NOT CONSIDERED 01/02/2024 3/4/2023
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) House Amendment by Rep. Couture (WARG 054) to Second Substitute House Bill 1305 Amendments House AMD 356 NOT CONSIDERED 01/02/2024 3/6/2023
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) House Amendment by Rep. Couture (WARG 061) to Second Substitute House Bill 1305 Amendments House AMD 357 NOT CONSIDERED 01/02/2024 3/6/2023
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) House Amendment by Rep. Couture (WARG 062) to Second Substitute House Bill 1305 Amendments House AMD 358 NOT CONSIDERED 01/02/2024 3/6/2023
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) House Amendment by Rep. Couture (WARG 115) to Second Substitute House Bill 1305 Amendments House AMD 1010 NOT CONSIDERED 03/07/2024 2/10/2024
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) House Amendment by Rep. Pollet (WARG 108) to Second Substitute House Bill 1305 Amendments House AMD 1016 NOT CONSIDERED 03/07/2024 2/11/2024
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) Initial House Analysis of House Bill 1305 Bill Reports Initial House Analysis 01-25-23 1/25/2023
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) House Bill Report on House Bill 1305 as Reported by Education on 02-09-2023 Bill Reports Reported by ED 02-09-23 2/9/2023
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) House Bill Report on House Bill 1305 as Reported by Appropriations on 02-24-2023 Bill Reports Reported by APP 02-24-23 2/24/2023

Total Count: 12

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