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Title 296 WAC

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296-05Apprenticeship rules.
296-06Public records.
296-07State Environmental Policy Act guidelines.
296-14Industrial insurance.
296-14AClaim resolution structured settlement agreements.
296-15Workers' compensation self-insurance rules and regulations.
296-15AIndustrial insurance discrimination.
296-16Employer—Worker reemployment incentives.
296-16AStay-at-work program.
296-17General reporting rules, audit and recordkeeping, rates and rating system for Washington workers' compensation insurance.
296-17AClassifications for Washington workers' compensation insurance.
296-17BRetrospective rating for workers' compensation insurance.
296-19AVocational rehabilitation.
296-20Medical aid rules.
296-21Reimbursement policies: Psychiatric services, biofeedback, physical medicine.
296-23Radiology, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, pathology, hospital, chiropractic, physical therapy, drugless therapeutics and nursing—Drugless therapeutics, etc.
296-23BAmbulatory surgery center payment.
296-24General safety and health standards.
296-27Recordkeeping and reporting.
296-30Rules for the administration of the crime victims compensation program.
296-31Crime victims compensation mental health treatment rules and fees.
296-32Safety standards for telecommunications.
296-33Attendant services.
296-35Safety standards for quotas for warehouse distribution centers.
296-36Safety standards—Compressed air work.
296-37Standards for commercial diving operations.
296-45Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution.
296-46BElectrical safety standards, administration, and installation.
296-49AThe factory assembled structures advisory board.
296-52Safety standards for possession, handling, and use of explosives.
296-54Safety standards—Logging operations.
296-56Safety standards—Longshore, stevedore and waterfront related operations.
296-59Safety standards for ski area facilities and operations.
296-62General occupational health standards.
296-63Right to know fee assessment.
296-65Asbestos removal and encapsulation.
296-67Safety standards for process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals.
296-71Refinery worker training and certification in high hazard facilities.
296-78Safety standards for sawmills and woodworking operations.
296-79Safety standards for pulp, paper, and paperboard mills and converters.
296-96Safety regulations and fees for all elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators and other conveyances.
296-99Safety standards for grain handling facilities.
296-104Board of boiler rules—Substantive.
296-115Safety requirements for charter boats.
296-125Nonagricultural employment of minors.
296-126Standards of labor for the protection of the safety, health and welfare of employees for all occupations subject to chapter 49.12 RCW.
296-127Prevailing wage.
296-128Minimum wages.
296-130Family care.
296-131Agricultural employment standards.
296-133Procedural rules supplementary to the Health Care Activities Labor Relations Act, chapter 156, Laws of 1972 ex. sess.
296-134Family leave.
296-135Leave for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
296-136Labor standards for quotas at warehouse distribution centers.
296-140Clean energy labor standards certification.
296-150CCommercial coaches.
296-150FFactory-built housing and commercial structures.
296-150IManufactured and mobile home installation.
296-150MManufactured homes.
296-150PRecreational park trailers.
296-150RRecreational vehicles.
296-150TFactory-built temporary worker housing structures.
296-150VConversion vendor units and medical units.
296-155Safety standards for construction work.
296-200AContractor certificate of registration renewals—Security—Insurance.
296-301Safety standards for the textile industry.
296-303Safety standards for laundry machinery and operations.
296-304Safety standards for ship repairing, shipbuilding and shipbreaking.
296-305Safety standards for firefighters.
296-307Safety standards for agriculture.
296-310Farm labor contracting rules.
296-350WISHA administrative rules.
296-360Discrimination, pursuant to RCW 49.17.160.
296-400APlumber certification rules.
296-403AAmusement rides or structures.
296-800Safety and health core rules.
296-801Protecting temporary workers.
296-802Employee medical and exposure records.
296-803Lockout/tagout (control of hazardous energy).
296-806Machine safety.
296-807Portable power tools.
296-809Confined spaces.
296-811Fire brigades.
296-817Hearing loss prevention (noise).
296-818Abrasive blasting.
296-820Wildfire smoke.
296-823Occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
296-824Emergency response.
296-826Anhydrous ammonia.
296-828Hazardous chemicals in laboratories.
296-829Helicopters used as lifting machines.
296-831Adult entertainer safety.
296-832Late night retail worker crime prevention.
296-833Temporary housing for workers.
296-835Dipping and coating operations (dip tanks).
296-840Respirable crystalline silica.
296-841Airborne contaminants.
296-843Hazardous waste operations.
296-855Ethylene oxide.
296-860Railroad clearances and walkways in private rail yards and plants.
296-863Forklifts and other powered industrial trucks.
296-864Split (multipiece) rim and single-piece rim wheels.
296-865Motor vehicles.
296-869Elevating work platforms.
296-870Powered platforms.
296-876Ladders, portable and fixed.
296-878Safety standards for window cleaning.
296-880Unified safety standards for fall protection.
296-900Administrative rules.
296-901Globally harmonized system for hazard communication.
296-910Small employer emergency safety grant program.
Chapter 296-04
Reviser's note: Later promulgation, see chapter 296-05 WAC.
296-04-001Foreword. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 95-07-117, § 296-04-001, filed 3/21/95, effective 4/21/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010 and 49.04.040. WSR 90-21-118, § 296-04-001, filed 10/22/90, effective 11/22/90; Order 71-3, § 296-04-001, filed 3/25/71; Foreword, filed 10/11/65, filed 2/12/65, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-005Apprenticeship and training agreements—Proposed standards. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 95-07-117, § 296-04-005, filed 3/21/95, effective 4/21/95. Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.04 RCW. WSR 85-22-035 (Order 85-31), § 296-04-005, filed 11/1/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 80-03-004 (Order 80-2), § 296-04-005, filed 2/8/80; Order 71-3, § 296-04-005, filed 3/25/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-010Regular meetings. [§ II, filed 10/11/65; § II, filed 2/12/65; § 1, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-015Definitions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 95-07-117, § 296-04-015, filed 3/21/95, effective 4/21/95. Statutory Authority: 1982 1st ex.s. c 39 §§ 1, 3. WSR 82-22-042 (Order 82-30), § 296-04-015, filed 10/29/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 80-03-004 (Order 80-2), § 296-04-015, filed 2/8/80; Order 76-4, § 296-04-015, filed 2/20/76; Order 71-13, § 296-04-015, filed 10/28/71; Order 71-3, § 296-04-015, filed 3/25/71; § I, filed 10/11/65; § I, filed 2/12/65.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-020Special meetings. [§ II, filed 3/23/60.] See WAC 296-04-030(1). This section has been decodified as it was omitted from "The rules and regulations of the Washington state apprenticeship council," filed 2/12/65 and 10/11/65.
296-04-030Executive meetings. [§§ III and IV, filed 10/11/65; §§ III and IV, filed 2/12/65; § II A, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71. See WAC 296-04-040.
296-04-040Council meetings—When held—Notice—Who may attend—Quorum. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 90-10-021, § 296-04-040, filed 4/23/90, effective 5/24/90. Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.04 RCW. WSR 85-22-035 (Order 85-31), § 296-04-040, filed 11/1/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 79-03-023 (Order 79-3), § 296-04-040, filed 2/22/79; Order 72-8, § 296-04-040, filed 6/8/72; Order 71-3, § 296-04-040, filed 3/25/71; § V, filed 10/11/65; § V, filed 2/12/65; § III, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-042Voting. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 90-16-031, § 296-04-042, filed 7/23/90, effective 8/23/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-045Supervisor-administrator of council. [Order 71-3, § 296-04-045, filed 3/25/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-050Minutes of meetings. [§ VI, filed 10/11/65; § VI, filed 2/12/65; § IV, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71. See WAC 296-04-060.
296-04-05001Plant program defined. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 80-03-004 (Order 80-2), § 296-04-050 (codified as WAC 296-04-05001), filed 1/8/80; Order 72-18, § 296-04-050, filed 11/8/72.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-060Officers, appointment, duties—Ex officio members. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.04 RCW. WSR 85-22-035 (Order 85-31), § 296-04-060, filed 11/1/85; Order 76-4, § 296-04-060, filed 2/20/76; Order 71-3, § 296-04-060, filed 3/25/71; § VII, filed 10/11/65; § VII, filed 2/12/65; § V, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-070Ex officio members. [§ VIII, filed 10/11/65; § VIII, filed 2/12/65; § V A, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71. See WAC 296-04-060.
296-04-080Agencies consulted. [§ IX, filed 10/11/65; § IX, filed 2/12/65; § V B, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71. See WAC 296-04-060.
296-04-090Rules of order. [§ X, filed 10/11/65; § X, filed 2/12/65; § VI, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-100Official action. [§ XI, filed 10/11/65; § XI, filed 2/12/65; § VI A, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71.
296-04-105Retroactivity. [Order 71-3, § 296-04-105, filed 3/25/71; § XII, filed 10/11/65; § XII, filed 2/12/65.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-110Interim action. [§ VI B, filed 3/23/60.] This section has been decodified as it was omitted from "The rules and regulations of the Washington state apprenticeship council," filed 2/12/65 and 10/11/65.
296-04-115Amendment. [Order 71-3, § 296-04-115, filed 3/25/71; § XIII, filed 10/11/65; § XIII, filed 2/12/65.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-120Duration of and change of policies. [§ VII, filed 3/23/60.] This section has been decodified as it was omitted from "The rules and regulations of the Washington state apprenticeship council," filed 2/12/65 and 10/11/65.
296-04-125Rule change-procedures and forms. [Order 71-3, § 296-04-125, filed 3/25/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-130Submission of petitions and requests. [§ XIV; filed 10/11/65; § XIV, filed 2/12/65; § VIII, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71. See WAC 296-04-040.
296-04-140Where matters sent. [§ XV, filed 10/11/65; § XV, filed 2/12/65; § VIII A, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71. See WAC 296-04-045.
296-04-150Delegation to director of apprenticeship. [§ IX, filed 3/23/60.] This section has been decodified as it was omitted from "The rules and regulations of the Washington state apprenticeship council," filed 2/12/65 and 10/11/65.
296-04-160Apprenticeship committees. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 95-07-117, § 296-04-160, filed 3/21/95, effective 4/21/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010 and 49.04.040. WSR 90-21-118, § 296-04-160, filed 10/22/90, effective 11/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 78-12-022 (Order 78-21), § 296-04-160, filed 11/14/78; Order 76-4, § 296-04-160, filed 2/20/76; Order 72-8, § 296-04-160, filed 6/8/72; Order 71-3, § 296-04-160, filed 3/25/71; § XVI, filed 10/11/65; § XVI, filed 2/12/65; § X A, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-165Union waiver. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 95-07-117, § 296-04-165, filed 3/21/95, effective 4/21/95; WSR 78-12-022 (Order 78-21), § 296-04-165, filed 11/14/78.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-170Program deviation from approved standards. [§ XVII, filed 10/11/65; § XVII, filed 2/12/65; § X B; filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71. See WAC 296-04-270.
296-04-180Program cancellation. [§ XVIII, filed 10/11/65; § XVIII, filed 2/12/65; § X C, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71. See WAC 296-04-270.
296-04-190Effect of program cancellation. [§ XIX, filed 10/11/65; § XIX, filed 2/12/65; § X D, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71. See WAC 296-04-270.
296-04-195Proposed programs must conform to council standards. [§ XX, filed 10/11/65; § XX, filed 2/12/65.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71. See WAC 296-04-270.
296-04-200Certificates of completion. [§ XXI, filed 10/11/65; § XXI, filed 2/12/65; § XI, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71. See WAC 296-04-270.
296-04-210Construction limit of rules. [§ XII, filed 3/23/60.] This section has been decodified as it was omitted from "The rules and regulations of the Washington state apprenticeship council," filed 2/12/65 and 10/11/65.
296-04-220Director may obtain consultants. [§ XIII, filed 3/23/60.] This section has been decodified as it was omitted from "The rules and regulations of the Washington state apprenticeship council," filed 2/12/65 and 10/11/65.
296-04-225Consultants. [§ XXII, filed 10/11/65; § XXII, filed 2/12/65.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71.
296-04-230Role of consultants. [§ XIV A, filed 3/23/60.] This section has been decodified as it was omitted from "The rules and regulations of the Washington state apprenticeship council," filed 2/12/65 and 10/11/65.
296-04-240Dissemination of information by consultants limited. [§ XXIII, filed 10/11/65; § XXIII, filed 2/12/65; § XIV B, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71.
296-04-250Signatures accepted. [§ XXIV, filed 10/11/65; § XXIV, filed 2/12/65.] Repealed by Order 71-3, filed 3/25/71. See WAC 296-04-160.
296-04-260Merit awards. [Order 71-3, § 296-04-260, filed 3/25/71; § XXV, filed 10/11/65; § XXV, filed 2/12/65.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-270Apprenticeship agreements—Types—Standards—Registration, review, cancellation, reregistration—Certificate of completion. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 95-07-117, § 296-04-270, filed 3/21/95, effective 4/21/95; WSR 93-04-100, § 296-04-270, filed 2/2/93, effective 3/5/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010 and 49.04.050. WSR 90-10-020, § 296-04-270, filed 4/23/90, effective 5/24/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.050. WSR 87-01-046 (Order 86-43), § 296-04-270, filed 12/15/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 80-03-004 (Order 80-2), § 296-04-270, filed 2/8/80; Order 76-4, § 296-04-270, filed 2/20/76; Order 71-3, § 296-04-270, filed 3/25/71; § XXVI, filed 10/11/65; § XXVI, filed 2/12/65.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-275Reciprocity. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 78-12-022 (Order 78-21), § 296-04-275, filed 11/14/78; WSR 78-09-056 (Order 78-13), § 296-04-275, filed 8/22/78.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-280On-the-job training programs. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 93-04-100, § 296-04-280, filed 2/2/93, effective 3/5/93; Order 76-4, § 296-04-280, filed 2/20/76; Order 71-3, § 296-04-280, filed 3/25/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-290Appeal procedure. [Order 76-4, § 296-04-290, filed 2/20/76; Order 72-18, § 296-04-290, filed 11/8/72; Order 71-3, § 296-04-290, filed 3/25/71.] Repealed by WSR 79-09-003 (Order 79-13), filed 8/2/79. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010.
296-04-295Complaint review procedure. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 80-03-004 (Order 80-2), § 296-04-295, filed 2/8/80; WSR 79-09-003 (Order 79-13), § 296-04-295, filed 8/2/79.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-300Promulgation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 78-12-021 (Order 78-20), § 296-04-300, filed 11/14/78; Order 77-3, § 296-04-300, filed 1/25/77; Order 71-13, § 296-04-300, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-310Authority. [Order 71-13, § 296-04-310, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-320Definitions. [Order 71-13, § 296-04-320, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 95-07-117, filed 3/21/95, effective 4/21/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010.
296-04-330Equal opportunity standards. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 78-12-021 (Order 78-20), § 296-04-330, filed 11/14/78; Order 71-13, § 296-04-330, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-340Affirmative action plans. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010 and 49.04.100 - 49.04.130. WSR 90-10-019, § 296-04-340, filed 4/23/90, effective 5/24/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 78-12-021 (Order 78-20), § 296-04-340, filed 11/14/78; Order 77-3, § 296-04-340, filed 1/25/77; Order 71-13, § 296-04-340, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-350Selection of apprentices. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010 and 49.04.100 - 49.04.130. WSR 90-10-019, § 296-04-350, filed 4/23/90, effective 5/24/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 78-12-021 (Order 78-20), § 296-04-350, filed 11/14/78; Order 71-13, § 296-04-350, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-351Employer's responsibility. [Order 76-4, § 296-04-351, filed 2/20/76.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-360Existing lists of eligibles and public notice. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 78-12-021 (Order 78-20), § 296-04-360, filed 11/14/78; Order 71-13, § 296-04-360, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-370Records. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010 and 49.04.100 - 49.04.130. WSR 90-10-019, § 296-04-370, filed 4/23/90, effective 5/24/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 78-12-021 (Order 78-20), § 296-04-370, filed 11/14/78; Order 71-13, § 296-04-370, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-380Compliance reviews. [Order 71-13, § 296-04-380, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-390Noncompliance with federal and state equal opportunity requirements. [Order 71-13, § 296-04-390, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-400Complaint procedure. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 78-12-021 (Order 78-20), § 296-04-400, filed 11/14/78; Order 71-13, § 296-04-400, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-410Adjustments in schedule for compliance review or complaint processing. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 78-12-021 (Order 78-20), § 296-04-410, filed 11/14/78; Order 71-13, § 296-04-410, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-420Sanctions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 78-12-021 (Order 78-20), § 296-04-420, filed 11/14/78; Order 76-4, § 296-04-420, filed 2/20/76; Order 71-13, § 296-04-420, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-430Reinstatement of program registration. [Order 71-13, § 296-04-430, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-440Adoption of consistent state plans. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 95-07-117, § 296-04-440, filed 3/21/95, effective 4/21/95; WSR 78-12-021 (Order 78-20), § 296-04-440, filed 11/14/78; Order 71-13, § 296-04-440, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-460Intimidatory or retaliatory acts. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010. WSR 78-12-021 (Order 78-20), § 296-04-460, filed 11/14/78; Order 71-13, § 296-04-460, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-470Nondiscrimination. [Order 71-13, § 296-04-470, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-480Exemptions. [Order 76-4, § 296-04-480, filed 2/20/76; Order 71-13, § 296-04-480, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 01-22-055, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/17/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010, 2001 c 204, and chapter 49.04 RCW.
296-04-490Appeal. [Order 71-13, § 296-04-490, filed 10/28/71.] Repealed by WSR 80-03-004 (Order 80-2), filed 2/8/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.04.010.
296-04-500Registration fees for apprenticeship and training agreements and standards. [Statutory Authority: 1982 1st ex.s. c 39 §§ 1, 3. WSR 82-22-042 (Order 82-30), § 296-04-500, filed 10/29/82.] Repealed by WSR 84-04-024 (Order 84-1), filed 1/25/84. Statutory Authority: 1983 c 90.
296-04-501Registration fees for apprenticeship and training agreements. [Statutory Authority: 1982 1st ex.s. c 39 §§ 1, 3. WSR 82-22-042 (Order 82-30), § 296-04-501, filed 10/29/82.] Repealed by WSR 84-04-024 (Order 84-1), filed 1/25/84. Statutory Authority: 1983 c 90.
296-04-502Registration fees for apprenticeship and training standards. [Statutory Authority: 1982 1st ex.s. c 39 §§ 1, 3. WSR 82-22-042 (Order 82-30), § 296-04-502, filed 10/29/82.] Repealed by WSR 84-04-024 (Order 84-1), filed 1/25/84. Statutory Authority: 1983 c 90.
296-04-503Registration fees for apprenticeship and training standards—Limitation on fees. [Statutory Authority: 1982 1st ex.s. c 39 §§ 1, 3. WSR 82-22-042 (Order 82-30), § 296-04-503, filed 10/29/82.] Repealed by WSR 84-04-024 (Order 84-1), filed 1/25/84. Statutory Authority: 1983 c 90.
296-04-504Registration fees—Application to existing apprenticeship and training agreements and standards. [Statutory Authority: 1982 1st ex.s. c 39 §§ 1, 3. WSR 82-22-042 (Order 82-30), § 296-04-504, filed 10/29/82.] Repealed by WSR 84-04-024 (Order 84-1), filed 1/25/84. Statutory Authority: 1983 c 90.
296-04-505Registration fees for apprenticeship and training agreements and standards—Effect of failure to make timely payment. [Statutory Authority: 1982 1st ex.s. c 39 §§ 1, 3. WSR 82-22-042 (Order 82-30), § 296-04-505, filed 10/29/82.] Repealed by WSR 84-04-024 (Order 84-1), filed 1/25/84. Statutory Authority: 1983 c 90.
296-04-506Registration fees for apprenticeship and training agreements and standards—Mailing address. [Statutory Authority: 1982 1st ex.s. c 39 §§ 1, 3. WSR 82-22-042 (Order 82-30), § 296-04-506, filed 10/29/82.] Repealed by WSR 84-04-024 (Order 84-1), filed 1/25/84. Statutory Authority: 1983 c 90.
Chapter 296-08
296-08-001Effective date and validity. [Rule .08.591, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-010Appearance and practice before agency—Who may appear. [Rule .08.010, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-020Appearance and practice before agency—Appearance in certain proceedings may be limited to attorneys. [Rule .08.020, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-025Attorney's fees. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.52.120, 51.04.020 and 7.68.110. WSR 87-02-037 (Order 86-42), § 296-08-025, filed 1/2/87.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW. Later promulgation, see WAC 296-14-955.
296-08-030Appearance and practice before agency—Solicitation of business unethical. [Rule .08.030, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-040Appearance and practice before agency—Standards of ethical conduct. [Rule .08.040, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-050Appearance and practice before agency—Appearance by former employee of agency or former member of attorney general's staff. [Rule .08.050, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-060Appearance and practice before agency—Former employee as expert witness. [Rule .08.060, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-070Computation of time. [Rule .08.070, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-080Notice and opportunity for hearing in contested cases. [Rule .08.080, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-090Service of process—By whom served. [Rule .08.090, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-100Service of process—Upon whom served. [Rule .08.100, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-110Service of process—Service upon parties. [Rule .08.110, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-120Service of process—Methods of service. [Rule .08.120, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-130Service of process—When service complete. [Rule .08.130, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-140Service of process—Filing with agency. [Rule .08.140, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-150Subpoenas—Where provided by law—Form. [Rule .08.150, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-160Subpoenas—Issuance to parties. [Rule .08.160, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-170Subpoenas—Service. [Rule .08.170, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-180Subpoenas—Fees. [Rule .08.180, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-190Subpoenas—Proof of service. [Rule .08.190, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-200Subpoenas—Quashing. [Rule .08.200, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-210Subpoenas—Enforcement. [Rule .08.210, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-220Subpoenas—Geographical scope. [Rule .08.220, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-370Official notice—Matters of law. [Rule .08.370, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-380Official notice—Material facts. [Rule .08.380, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-390Presumptions. [Rule .08.390, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-400Stipulations and admissions of record. [Rule .08.400, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-410Form and content of decisions in contested cases. [Rule .08.410, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-420Definition of issues before hearing. [Rule .08.420, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-430Prehearing conference rule—Authorized. [Rule .08.430, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-440Prehearing conference rule—Record of conference action. [Rule .08.440, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-450Submission of documentary evidence in advance. [Rule .08.450, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-460Excerpts from documentary evidence. [Rule .08.460, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-470Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic and statistical data—Number and qualifications of witnesses. [Rule .08.470, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-480Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic and statistical data—Written sworn statements. [Rule .08.480, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-490Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic and statistical data—Supporting data. [Rule .08.490, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-500Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic and statistical data—Effect of noncompliance with WAC 296-08-470 or 296-08-480. [Rule .08.500, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-510Continuances. [Rule .08.510, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-520Rules of evidence—Admissibility criteria. [Rule .08.520, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-530Rules of evidence—Tentative admission—Exclusion—Discontinuance—Objections. [Rule .08.530, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-540Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal. [Rule .08.540, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-550Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Requisites. [Rule .08.550, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-560Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Agency must consider. [Rule .08.560, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-570Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Notice of disposition. [Rule .08.570, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-580Declaratory rulings. [Rule .08.580, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
296-08-590Forms. [Rule .08.590, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-04-025, filed 1/24/06, effective 2/24/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.04, 51.08, 51.12, 51.24, and 51.32 RCW.
Chapter 296-09
296-09-010Appearance and practice before agency—Who may appear. [Rule .08.010, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-020Appearance and practice before agency—Appearance in certain proceedings may be limited to attorneys. [Rule .08.020, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-030Appearance and practice before agency—Solicitation of business unethical. [Rule .08.030, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-040Appearance and practice before agency—Standards of ethical conduct. [Rule .08.040, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-050Appearance and practice before agency—Appearance of former employee of board or former member of attorney general's staff. [Rule .08.050, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-060Appearance and practice before agency—Former employee as expert witness. [Rule .08.060, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-070Computation of time. [Rule .08.070, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-080Notice and opportunity for hearing in contested cases. [Rule .08.080, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-090Service of process—By whom served. [Rule .08.090, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-100Service of process—Upon whom served. [Rule .08.100, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-110Service of process—Service upon parties. [Rule .08.110, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-120Service of process—Method of service. [Rule .08.120, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-130Service of process—When service complete. [Rule .08.130, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-140Service of process—Filing with agency. [Rule .08.140, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-370Official notice—Matters of law. [Rule .08.370, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-380Official notice—Material facts. [Rule .08.380, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-390Presumptions. [Rule .08.390, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-400Stipulations and admissions of record. [Rule .08.400, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-410Form and content of decisions in contested cases. [Rule .08.410, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-420Definition of issues before hearing. [Rule .08.420, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-430Prehearing conference rule—Authorized. [Rule .08.430, effective 3/10/63, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-440Prehearing conference rule—Record of conference action. [Rule .08.440, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-450Submission of documentary evidence in advance. [Rule .08.450, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-460Excerpts from documentary evidence. [Rule .08.460, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-470Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic or statistical data—Number and qualifications of witnesses. [Rule .08.470, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-480Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic or statistical data—Written sworn statements. [Rule .08.480, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-490Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic or statistical data—Supporting data. [Rule .08.490, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-500Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic or statistical data—Effect of noncompliance with WAC 296-09-470 or 296-09-480. [Rule .08.500, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-510Continuances. [Rule .08.510, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-520Rules of evidence—Admissibility criteria. [Rule .08.520, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-530Rules of evidence—Tentative admission—Exclusion—Discontinuance—Objections. [Rule .08.530, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-540Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Who may petition. [Rule .08.540, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-550Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Requisites. [Rule .08.550, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-560Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Agency must consider. [Rule .08.560, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-570Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Notice of disposition. [Rule .08.570, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-580Declaratory rulings. [Rule .08.580, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
296-09-590Forms. [Rule .08.590, effective 3/10/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 06-12-031, filed 5/31/06, effective 7/31/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, and 70.79.350.
Chapter 296-10
296-10-010Appearance and practice before agency—Who may appear. [Rule .08.010, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-020Appearance and practice before agency—Appearance in certain proceedings may be limited to attorneys. [Rule .08.020, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-030Appearance and practice before agency—Solicitation of business unethical. [Rule .08.030, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-040Appearance and practice before agency—Standards of ethical conduct. [Rule .08.040, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-050Appearance and practice before agency—Appearance of former employee of board or former member of attorney general's staff. [Rule .08.050, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-060Appearance and practice before agency—Former employee as expert witness. [Rule .08.060, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-070Computation of time. [Rule .08.070, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-080Notice and opportunity for hearing in contested cases. [Rule .08.080, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-090Notice and opportunity for hearing in contested cases—By whom served. [Rule .08.090, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-100Notice and opportunity for hearing in contested cases—Upon whom served. [Rule .08.100, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-110Notice and opportunity for hearing in contested cases—Service upon parties. [Rule .08.110, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-120Notice and opportunity for hearing in contested cases—Method of service. [Rule .08.120, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-130Notice and opportunity for hearing in contested cases—When service complete. [Rule .08.130, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-140Notice and opportunity for hearing in contested cases—Filing with agency. [Rule .08.140, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-150Subpoenas—Where provided by law—Form. [Rule .08.150, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-160Subpoenas—Issuance to parties. [Rule .08.160, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-170Subpoenas—Service. [Rule .08.170, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-180Subpoenas—Fees. [Rule .08.180, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-190Subpoenas—Proof of service. [Rule .08.190, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-200Subpoenas—Quashing. [Rule .08.200, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-210Subpoenas—Enforcement. [Rule .08.210, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-220Subpoenas—Geographical scope. [Rule .08.220, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-370Official notice—Matters of law. [Rule .08.370, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-380Official notice—Material facts. [Rule .08.380, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-390Presumptions. [Rule .08.390, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-400Stipulations and admissions of record. [Rule .08.400, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-410Form and content of decisions in contested cases. [Rule .08.410, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-420Definition of issues before hearing. [Rule .08.420, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-430Prehearing conference rule—Authorized. [Rule .08.430, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-440Prehearing conference rule—Record of conference action. [Rule .08.440, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-450Submission of documentary evidence in advance. [Rule .08.450, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-460Excerpts from documentary evidence. [Rule .08.460, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-470Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic or statistical data—Number and qualifications of witnesses. [Rule .08.470, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-480Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic or statistical data—Written sworn statements. [Rule .08.480, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-490Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic or statistical data—Supporting data. [Rule .08.490, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-500Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic or statistical data—Effect of noncompliance with WAC 296-10-470 or 296-10-480. [Rule .08.500, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-510Continuances. [Rule .08.510, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-520Rules of evidence—Admissibility criteria. [Rule .08.520, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-530Rules of evidence—Tentative admission—Exclusion—Discontinuance—Objections. [Rule .08.530, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-540Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Who may petition. [Rule .08.540, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-550Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Requisites. [Rule .08.550, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-560Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Agency must consider. [Rule .08.560, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-570Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Notice of disposition. [Rule .08.570, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-580Declaratory rulings. [Rule .08.580, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
296-10-590Forms. [Rule .08.590, effective 3/18/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 97-17-064, filed 8/18/97, effective 9/18/97.
Chapter 296-11
296-11-001General rule and information. [Statutory Authority: RCW 88.16.035. WSR 80-03-081 (Order 79-6, Resolution No. 79-6), § 296-11-001, filed 3/4/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 88.16.035 and 88.16.155. WSR 78-09-057 (Order 78-2, Resolution No. 78-2), § 296-11-001, filed 8/23/78; Order 2-68, § 296-11-001, filed 11/1/68.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-001.
296-11-002Effective date and validity. [Order 2-68, § 296-11-002, filed 11/1/68; Rule .08.591, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by WSR 80-03-081 (Order 79-6, Resolution No. 79-6), filed 3/4/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 88.16.035.
296-11-003Index to documents. [Statutory Authority: RCW 88.16.035 and 88.16.155. WSR 78-09-057 (Order 78-2, Resolution No. 78-2), § 296-11-003, filed 8/23/78.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-003.
296-11-010Appearance and practice before agency—Who may appear. [Rule .08.010, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-010.
296-11-020Appearance and practice before agency—Appearance in certain proceedings may be limited to attorneys. [Rule .08.020, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-020.
296-11-030Appearance and practice before agency—Solicitation of business unethical. [Rule .08.030, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-030.
296-11-040Appearance and practice before agency—Standards of ethical conduct. [Rule .08.040, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-040.
296-11-050Appearance and practice before agency—Appearance by former employee of board or member of attorney general's staff. [Rule .08.050, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-050.
296-11-060Appearance and practice before agency—Former employee as expert witness. [Rule .08.060, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-060.
296-11-070Computation of time. [Rule .08.070, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-070.
296-11-080Notice and opportunity for hearing in contested cases. [Order 2-68, § 296-11-080, filed 11/1/68; Rule .08.080, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-080.
296-11-090Service of process—By whom served. [Rule .08.090, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-090.
296-11-100Service of process—Upon whom served. [Rule .08.100, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-100.
296-11-110Service of process—Service upon parties. [Rule .08.110, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-110.
296-11-120Service of process—Method of service. [Rule .08.120, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-120.
296-11-130Service of process—When service complete. [Rule .08.130, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-130.
296-11-140Service of process—Filing with agency. [Rule .08.140, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-140.
296-11-150Subpoenas—Where provided by law—Form. [Rule .08.150, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-150.
296-11-160Subpoenas—Issuance to parties. [Rule .08.160, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-160.
296-11-170Subpoenas—Service. [Rule .08.170, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-170.
296-11-180Subpoenas—Fees. [Rule .08.180, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-180.
296-11-190Subpoenas—Proof of service. [Rule .08.190, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-190.
296-11-200Subpoenas—Quashing. [Rule .08.200, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-200.
296-11-210Subpoenas—Enforcement. [Rule .08.210, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-210.
296-11-220Subpoenas—Geographical scope. [Rule .08.220, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-220.
296-11-230Depositions and interrogatories in contested cases—Right to take. [Rule .08.230, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-230.
296-11-240Depositions and interrogatories in contested cases—Scope. [Rule .08.240, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-240.
296-11-250Depositions and interrogatories in contested cases—Officer before whom taken. [Rule .08.250, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-250.
296-11-260Depositions and interrogatories in contested cases—Authorization. [Rule .08.260, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-260.
296-11-270Depositions and interrogatories in contested cases—Protection of parties and deponents. [Rule .08.270, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-270.
296-11-280Depositions and interrogatories in contested cases—Oral examination and cross-examination. [Rule .08.280, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-280.
296-11-290Depositions and interrogatories in contested cases—Recordation. [Rule .08.290, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-290.
296-11-300Depositions and interrogatories in contested cases—Signing attestation and return. [Rule .08.300, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-300.
296-11-310Depositions and interrogatories in contested cases—Use and effect. [Rule .08.310, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-310.
296-11-320Depositions and interrogatories in contested cases—Fees of officers and deponents. [Rule .08.320, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-320.
296-11-330Depositions upon interrogatories—Submission of interrogatories. [Rule .08.330, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-330.
296-11-340Depositions upon interrogatories—Interrogation. [Rule .08.340, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-340.
296-11-350Depositions upon interrogatories—Attestation and return. [Rule .08.350, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-350.
296-11-360Depositions upon interrogatories—Provisions of deposition rule. [Rule .08.360, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-360.
296-11-370Official notice—Matters of law. [Rule .08.370, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-370.
296-11-380Official notice—Material facts. [Rule .08.380, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-380.
296-11-390Presumptions. [Rule .08.390, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-390.
296-11-400Stipulations and admissions of record. [Rule .08.400, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-400.
296-11-410Form and content of decisions in contested cases. [Rule .08.410, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-410.
296-11-420Definition of issues before hearing. [Rule .08.420, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-420.
296-11-430Prehearing conference rule—Authorized. [Rule .08.430, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-430.
296-11-440Prehearing conference rule—Record of conference action. [Rule .08.440, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-440.
296-11-450Submission of documentary evidence in advance. [Rule .08.450, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-450.
296-11-460Excerpts from documentary evidence. [Rule .08.460, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-460.
296-11-470Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic or statistical data—Number and qualifications of witnesses. [Rule .08.470, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-470.
296-11-480Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic or statistical data—Written sworn statements. [Rule .08.480, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-480.
296-11-490Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic or statistical data—Supporting data. [Rule .08.490, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-490.
296-11-500Expert or opinion testimony and testimony based on economic or statistical data—Effect of noncompliance with WAC 296-11-470 or 296-11-480. [Rule .08.500, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-500.
296-11-510Continuances. [Rule .08.510, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-510.
296-11-520Rules of evidence—Admissibility criteria. [Rule .08.520, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-520.
296-11-530Rules of evidence—Tentative admission—Exclusion—Discontinuance—Objections. [Rule .08.530, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-530.
296-11-540Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Who may petition. [Rule .08.540, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-540.
296-11-550Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Requisites. [Rule .08.550, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-550.
296-11-560Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Agency must consider. [Rule .08.560, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-560.
296-11-570Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal—Notice of disposition. [Rule .08.570, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-570.
296-11-580Declaratory rulings. [Rule .08.580, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-580.
296-11-590Forms. [Rule .08.590, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.] Decodified by WSR 97-08-042, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97. Recodified as § 363-11-590.
Chapter 296-12
Chapter 296-13
Reviser's note: Later promulgation, see chapter 296-46B WAC.
296-13-001Foreword. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 88-16-002 (Order 88-15), § 296-13-001, filed 7/21/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-001, filed 8/27/84; Foreword, filed 10/15/65.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-010Definitions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 88-16-002 (Order 88-15), § 296-13-010, filed 7/21/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-010, filed 8/27/84; Definitions, filed 10/15/65.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-020Officers. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 88-16-002 (Order 88-15), § 296-13-020, filed 7/21/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-020, filed 8/27/84; § I, filed 10/15/65.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-030Internal management. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-030, filed 8/27/84; § II, filed 10/15/65.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-035Dates of meetings. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 88-16-002 (Order 88-15), § 296-13-035, filed 7/21/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-035, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-040Duties of the board. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 88-16-002 (Order 88-15), § 296-13-040, filed 7/21/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-040, filed 8/27/84; § III, filed 10/15/65.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-045Duties of examining board. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-045, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 88-16-002 (Order 88-15), filed 7/21/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-13-050Hearings. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 88-16-002 (Order 88-15), § 296-13-050, filed 7/21/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-050, filed 8/27/84; § IV, filed 10/15/65.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-052Hearing before administrative law judge or a board member. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-052, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-053Appeal of proposed decision to board. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-053, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-055Quorum. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-055, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-057Place and time of filing. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 88-16-002 (Order 88-15), § 296-13-057, filed 7/21/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-057, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-060Appearance and practice before board. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-060, filed 8/27/84; § V, filed 10/15/65.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-070Solicitation of business unethical. [§ VI, filed 10/15/65.] Repealed by WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), filed 8/27/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590.
296-13-080Standards of ethical conduct. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-080, filed 8/27/84; § VII, filed 10/15/65.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-090Appearance by former employee. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-090, filed 8/27/84; § VIII, filed 10/15/65.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-100Former employee as expert witness. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-100, filed 8/27/84; § IX, filed 10/15/65.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-110Computation of time. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-110, filed 8/27/84; § X, filed 10/15/65.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-120Administrative Procedure Act. [§ XI, filed 10/15/65.] Repealed by WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), filed 8/27/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590.
296-13-130Notice and opportunity for hearing. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-130, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-140Service of process—By whom served. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-140, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-150Service of process—Upon whom served. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-150, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-160Service of process upon parties. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-160, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-170Method of service of process. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-170, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-180When service of process is complete. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-180, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-190Subpoenas. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-190, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-200Subpoenas—Service and fees. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-200, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-210Quashing of subpoenas. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-210, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-220Enforcement of subpoenas. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-220, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-230Right to take depositions and interrogatories in contested cases. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-230, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-240Officer before whom depositions are taken. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-240, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-250Notice of depositions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-250, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-260Depositions and interrogatories in contested cases—Protection of parties and deponents. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-260, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-270Oral examination and cross-examination in depositions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-270, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-280Recording of depositions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-280, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-290Depositions in contested cases—Signing attestation and return. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-290, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-300Use and effect of depositions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-300, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-310Fees of deponents. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-310, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-320Submission of interrogatories. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-320, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-330Attestation and return of interrogatories. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-330, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-340Official notice—Matters of law. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-340, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-350Official notice—Material facts. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-350, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-360Presumptions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-360, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-370Stipulations and admissions of record. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-370, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-380Form and content of board decisions in contested cases. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-380, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-390Definition of issues before hearing. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-390, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-400Prehearing conference. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-400, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-410Submission of documentary evidence in advance. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-410, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-420Continuances. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-420, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-430Rules of evidence—Admissibility criteria. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-430, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-13-440Rules of evidence—Tentative admission—Exclusion—Discontinuance—Objections. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.123 and 19.28.590. WSR 84-18-009 (Order 84-16), § 296-13-440, filed 8/27/84.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
Chapter 296-18
296-18-010,296-18-020, 296-18-050, 296-18-060, 296-18-070, 296-18-080, 296-18-090, 296-18-100, 296-18-110, 296-18-130, 296-18-140, 296-18-150, 296-18-160, 296-18-170, 296-18-180, 296-18-210, 296-18-220, 296-18-240, 296-18-290, 296-18-310, 296-18-330, 296-18-350, 296-18-370, 296-18-380, 296-18-390, 296-18-400, 296-18-410, 296-18-420, 296-18-430, 296-18-440, 296-18-450, 296-18-460, 296-18-470, 296-18-480, 296-18-490, 296-18-500, 296-18-610, 296-18-620, 296-18-630, 296-18-640, 296-18-650, 296-18-660. [Order 71-14, §§ 296-18-010 through 296-18-660, filed 12/1/71, effective 1/1/72.] Repealed by Order 73-22, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74. See chapter 296-17 WAC.
296-18-340[Order 70-11, § 296-18-340, filed 11/30/70.] Repealed by Order 73-22, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.
296-18-600[See reviser's note for history.] Repealed by Order 71-14, filed 12/1/71, effective 1/1/72.
296-18-670[Order 72-12, § 296-18-670, filed 7/18/72; Order 71-14, § 296-18-670, filed 12/1/71, effective 1/1/72.] Repealed by Order 73-22, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74. See chapter 296-17 WAC.
296-18-680[Order 72-12, § 296-18-680, filed 7/18/72; Order 71-14, § 296-18-680, filed 12/1/71, effective 1/1/72.] Repealed by Order 73-22, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74. See chapter 296-17 WAC.
296-18-690[Order 71-14, § 296-18-690, filed 12/1/71, effective 1/1/72.] Repealed by Order 73-22, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74. See chapter 296-17 WAC.
Reviser's note: The classification of occupations was enacted by the legislature as section 1, chapter 247, Laws of 1947. They were revised by the director from time to time under the authority of RCW 51.12.030, 51.12.040, and 51.16.100. As so revised, they were reenacted by the legislature as chapter 51.20 RCW, which was part of chapter 23, Laws of 1961, which reenacted the entire industrial insurance law as Title 51 RCW. The classification as originally published in the WAC conforms to the 1961 statute. The effective date of chapter 23, Laws of 1961 was February 14, 1961.
Chapter 51.20 RCW and its parallels in chapter 231, Laws of 1961, have subsequently been repealed by section 39, chapter 93, Laws of 1972 ex. sess.
Reviser's note: Many of the above section numbers were reused by the department when it adopted rules on rehabilitation review, a new subject matter, by Order 82-40, filed 11/30/82. This order and subsequent orders have been codified as chapter 296-18A WAC.
Chapter 296-18A
Reviser's note: Later promulgation, see chapter 296-19A WAC.
296-18A-010General information. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-010 (codified as WAC 296-18A-010), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-020Vocational rehabilitation advisory committee. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-020 (codified as WAC 296-18A-020), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-040Definitions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-040 (codified as WAC 296-18A-040), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-070Application of certain timetables. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-070 (codified as WAC 296-18A-070), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-080Referral and initial contact. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-080 (codified as WAC 296-18A-080), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-090Initial evaluations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-090 (codified as WAC 296-18A-090), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-100Rehabilitation plans. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-100 (codified as WAC 296-18A-100), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-110Modification to the rehabilitation plan. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-110 (codified as WAC 296-18A-110), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-120Plan completion. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-120 (codified as WAC 296-18A-120), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-130Application of certain timetables (self-insured claims). [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-130 (codified as WAC 296-18A-130), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-140Return to work summary report (self-insured claims). [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-140 (codified as WAC 296-18A-140), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-160Progress reports (self-insured claims). [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-160 (codified as WAC 296-18A-160), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-170Return to work (self-insured claims). [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-170 (codified as WAC 296-18A-170), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-180Vocational rehabilitation plan. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-180 (codified as WAC 296-18A-180), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-190Responsibility of the injured worker. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-190 (codified as WAC 296-18A-190), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-200Failure to meet responsibilities. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-200 (codified as WAC 296-18A-200), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-210Resolution of vocational rehabilitation disputes. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.41.020 and 51.41.060. WSR 83-17-110 (Order 83-25), § 296-18-210, filed 8/24/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-210 (codified as WAC 296-18A-210), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-300Registration of vocational rehabilitation counselors. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-300 (codified as WAC 296-18A-300), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-310Qualifications for registration of vocational rehabilitation counselors. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.41.010 and 51.41.030. WSR 83-17-051 (Order 83-24), § 296-18-310, filed 8/16/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-310 (codified as WAC 296-18A-310), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-320Qualifications for the registration of vocational rehabilitation firms. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-320 (codified as WAC 296-18A-320), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-330Availability of the register. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-330 (codified as WAC 296-18A-330), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-340Immediate deregistration. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-340 (codified as WAC 296-18A-340), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-350Performance evaluations and deregistration. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-350 (codified as WAC 296-18A-350), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-360Petition for reconsideration of the intent to remove. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-360 (codified as WAC 296-18A-360), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-370Period of deregistration. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-370 (codified as WAC 296-18A-370), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-400Job modification assistance. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.030. WSR 82-24-055 (Order 82-40), § 296-18-400 (codified as WAC 296-18A-400), filed 11/30/82.] Repealed by WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), filed 8/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095.
296-18A-420Definitions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095. WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), § 296-18-420 (codified as WAC 296-18A-420), filed 8/13/85.] Repealed by WSR 00-18-078, filed 9/1/00, effective 6/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030, 51.32.095, 51.36.100, 51.36.110.
296-18A-440Reports. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. WSR 90-14-009, § 296-18A-440, filed 6/25/90, effective 8/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.120(3) and 51.32.095. WSR 88-21-022 (Order 88-24), § 296-18A-440, filed 10/10/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095. WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), § 296-18-440 (codified as WAC 296-18A-440), filed 8/13/85.] Repealed by WSR 00-18-078, filed 9/1/00, effective 6/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030, 51.32.095, 51.36.100, 51.36.110.
296-18A-445Self-insured reports. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. WSR 88-12-096 (Order 88-07), § 296-18A-445, filed 6/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095. WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), § 296-18-445 (codified as WAC 296-18A-445), filed 8/13/85.] Repealed by WSR 00-18-078, filed 9/1/00, effective 6/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030, 51.32.095, 51.36.100, 51.36.110.
296-18A-450Vocational rehabilitation plan. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. WSR 90-14-009, § 296-18A-450, filed 6/25/90, effective 8/1/90. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.08 and 51.32 RCW. WSR 88-14-011 (Order 88-13), § 296-18A-450, filed 6/24/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.040.030 [ 51.04.030]. WSR 87-08-004 (Order 87-09), § 296-18A-450, filed 3/20/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095. WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), § 296-18-450 (codified as WAC 296-18A-450), filed 8/13/85.] Repealed by WSR 00-18-078, filed 9/1/00, effective 6/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030, 51.32.095, 51.36.100, 51.36.110.
296-18A-460Audits. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. WSR 92-19-026, § 296-18A-460, filed 9/8/92, effective 10/9/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.120(3) and 51.32.095. WSR 88-21-022 (Order 88-24), § 296-18A-460, filed 10/10/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095 and 51.04.030. WSR 87-10-070 (Order 87-13), § 296-18A-460, filed 5/6/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095. WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), § 296-18-460 (codified as WAC 296-18A-460), filed 8/13/85.] Repealed by WSR 00-18-078, filed 9/1/00, effective 6/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030, 51.32.095, 51.36.100, 51.36.110.
296-18A-465Request for proposal. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.120(3) and 51.32.095. WSR 88-21-022 (Order 88-24), § 296-18A-465, filed 10/10/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095 and 51.04.030. WSR 87-10-071 (Order 87-14), § 296-18A-465, filed 5/6/87.] Repealed by WSR 92-19-026, filed 9/8/92, effective 10/9/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020
296-18A-470Disputes. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095. WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), § 296-18-470 (codified as WAC 296-18A-470), filed 8/13/85.] Repealed by WSR 00-18-078, filed 9/1/00, effective 6/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030, 51.32.095, 51.36.100, 51.36.110.
296-18A-480Responsibilities. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. WSR 90-14-009, § 296-18A-480, filed 6/25/90, effective 8/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.120(3) and 51.32.095. WSR 88-21-022 (Order 88-24), § 296-18A-480, filed 10/10/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.040.030 [ 51.04.030]. WSR 87-08-004 (Order 87-09), § 296-18A-480, filed 3/20/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095. WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), § 296-18-480 (codified as WAC 296-18A-480), filed 8/13/85.] Repealed by WSR 00-18-078, filed 9/1/00, effective 6/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030, 51.32.095, 51.36.100, 51.36.110.
296-18A-490Billing for vocational services. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095, 51.04.030, 51.36.100 and 51.36.110. WSR 87-10-072 (Order 87-15), § 296-18A-490, filed 5/6/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095. WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), § 296-18-490 (codified as WAC 296-18A-490), filed 8/13/85.] Repealed by WSR 00-18-078, filed 9/1/00, effective 6/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030, 51.32.095, 51.36.100, 51.36.110.
296-18A-500Self-insurers. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. WSR 90-14-009, § 296-18A-500, filed 6/25/90, effective 8/1/90; WSR 88-12-096 (Order 88-07), § 296-18A-500, filed 6/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095. WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), § 296-18-500 (codified as WAC 296-18A-500), filed 8/13/85.] Repealed by WSR 00-18-078, filed 9/1/00, effective 6/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030, 51.32.095, 51.36.100, 51.36.110.
296-18A-510Vocational rehabilitation counselor qualifications. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. WSR 90-14-009, § 296-18A-510, filed 6/25/90, effective 8/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095. WSR 87-10-073 (Order 87-16), § 296-18A-510, filed 5/6/87; WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), § 296-18-510 (codified as WAC 296-18A-510), filed 8/13/85.] Repealed by WSR 00-18-078, filed 9/1/00, effective 6/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030, 51.32.095, 51.36.100, 51.36.110.
296-18A-515Period of registration. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. WSR 90-14-009, § 296-18A-515, filed 6/25/90, effective 8/1/90.] Repealed by WSR 00-18-078, filed 9/1/00, effective 6/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030, 51.32.095, 51.36.100, 51.36.110.
296-18A-520Job modification assistance. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. WSR 90-14-009, § 296-18A-520, filed 6/25/90, effective 8/1/90. Statutory Authority: Chapters 51.08 and 51.32 RCW. WSR 88-14-011 (Order 88-13), § 296-18A-520, filed 6/24/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.32.095. WSR 85-17-022 (Order 85-20), § 296-18-520 (codified as WAC 296-18A-520), filed 8/13/85.] Repealed by WSR 00-18-078, filed 9/1/00, effective 6/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030, 51.32.095, 51.36.100, 51.36.110.
Chapter 296-19
296-19-010General order. [Rule, filed 4/10/62; Rules, filed 12/2/60 and 3/6/61.] Repealed by WSR 84-06-018 (Order 84-3), filed 2/29/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1).
Chapter 296-21A
296-21A-010General information and instructions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-010, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-011Footnotes. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-011, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-013Special services and reports. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-013, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-014Unlisted service or procedure. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-014, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-01401Special report. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-01401, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-035Independent medical examinations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-035, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-037Examination reports. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-037, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-040Independent medical examinations examiner. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-040, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-045Independent medical examinations two or more examiners. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-045, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-046Immunization injections. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-046, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-047Therapeutic or diagnostic injections. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-047, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-050Psychiatric services. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-050, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-0501Biofeedback rules. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-0501, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-0502Biofeedback. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-0502, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-057Monitoring services. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-057, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-062Eye. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-062, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-064Ear. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-064, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-066Cardiovascular. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-066, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-070Pulmonary. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-070, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-075Allergy and clinical immunology. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-075, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-080Neurology and neuromuscular. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-080, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-086Chemotherapy administration. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-086, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-090Special dermatological procedures. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-090, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-095Physical medicine. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-095, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-125Anesthesia. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-125, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-128Special services and billing procedures—Anesthesia. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-128, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-21A-130Calculation of total anesthesia values. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-21A-130, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
Chapter 296-22
296-22-010General information and instructions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-010, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-17-038, § 296-22-010, filed 8/16/91, effective 9/16/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-010, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-03-005 (Order 86-47), § 296-22-010, filed 1/8/87; WSR 86-20-074 (Order 86-36), § 296-22-010, filed 10/1/86, effective 11/1/86; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-010, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-010, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-010, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-010, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-010, filed 1/30/74; Order 70-12, § 296-22-010, filed 12/1/70, effective 1/1/71; Order 68-7, § 296-22-010, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-015,296-22-045, 296-22-046, 296-22-047, 296-22-048, 296-22-049, 296-22-050, 296-22-055, 296-22-056, 296-22-057, 296-22-058, 296-22-059, 296-22-060, 296-22-065, 296-22-070, 296-22-075, 296-22-076, 296-22-077, 296-22-078, 296-22-085, 296-22-086, 296-22-090, 296-22-101, 296-22-102, 296-22-117, 296-22-121, 296-22-126, 296-22-127, 296-22-128, 296-22-256, 296-22-320, 296-22-335, 296-22-366, 296-22-376, 296-22-380, and 296-22-400. [Order 68-7, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by Order 74-7, filed 1/30/74.
296-22-016Footnotes. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-016, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-016, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-017Unlisted service or procedure. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-017, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-017, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-017, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-017, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 76-34, § 296-22-017, filed 11/24/76, effective 1/1/77.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-01701Special report. [Order 76-34, § 296-22-01701, filed 11/24/76, effective 1/1/77.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-020Skin, subcutaneous and areolar tissues. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-020, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-020, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-020, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-020, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-020, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-020, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-021Excision—Debridement. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-021, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-021, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-021, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-021, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-021, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-021, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-021, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-021, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-021, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-022Introduction. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-022, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-022, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-022, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-022, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-022, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-022, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-022, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-022, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-023Repair. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-023, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-023, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-023, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-023, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-023, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-023, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-023, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-023, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-024Repair—Complex. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-024, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-024, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-024, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-024, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-024, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-024, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-024, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-024, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-025Free skin grafts. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-025, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-025, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-025, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-025, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-025, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-025, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-025, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-025, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-025, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-025, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-026Burns, local treatment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-026, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-026, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-026, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-026, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-026, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-026, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-026, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-027Destruction. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-027, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-027, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-027, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-027, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-027, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-027, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-027, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-030Breast. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-030, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-030, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-030, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-030, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-030, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-030, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-030, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-031Breast. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-031, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-031, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-031, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-031, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-031, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-031, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-031, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-031, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-035Musculoskeletal system. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-035, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-035, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-035, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-035, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-035, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-036General. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-036, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-036, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-036, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-036, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-036, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-036, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-036, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-037Excision. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-037, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-037, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-037, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-037, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-037, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-037, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-037, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-037, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-038Introduction or removal. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-038, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-038, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-038, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-038, filed 7/23/87; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-038, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-038, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-038, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-038, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-039Reimplantation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-039, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-039, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-039, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-039, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-039, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-039, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-039, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-040Grafts (or implants). [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-040, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-040, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-040, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-040, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-040, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-040, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-040, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-040, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-042Head. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-042, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-042, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-042, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-042, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-042, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-042, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-042, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-042, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-042, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-051Neck (soft tissues) and thorax. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-051, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-051, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-051, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-051, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-051, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-051, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-051, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-052Back and flank. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-052, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-052, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-052, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-053Spine (vertebral column). [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-053, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-053, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-053, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-053, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-053, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-053, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-053, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-053, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-053, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-061Abdomen. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-061, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-061, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-061, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-061, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-061, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-061, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-061, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-061, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-063Shoulder. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-063, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-063, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-063, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-063, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-063, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-063, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-063, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-063, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-063, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-067Humerus (upper arm) and elbow. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-067, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-067, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-067, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-067, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-067, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-067, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-067, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-067, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-067, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-071Forearm and wrist. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-071, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-071, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-071, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-071, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-071, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-071, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-071, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-071, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-071, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-073Hand and fingers. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-073, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-073, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-073, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-073, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-073, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-073, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-073, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-073, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-073, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-079Pelvis and hip joint. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-079, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-079, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-079, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-079, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-079, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-079, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-079, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-082Femur (thigh region) and knee joint. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-082, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-082, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-082, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-082, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-082, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-082, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-082, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-082, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 76-34, § 296-22-082, filed 11/24/76, effective 1/1/77; Order 75-39, § 296-22-082, filed 11/28/75, effective 1/1/76; Order 74-7, § 296-22-082, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-087Leg (tibia and fibula) and ankle joint. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-087, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-087, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-087, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-087, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-087, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-087, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030, and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-087, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-087, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-091Foot. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-091, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-091, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-091, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-091, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-091, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-091, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-091, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-091, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-091, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-095Application of casts and strapping. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-095, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-095, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-095, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-095, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-095, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-095, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-097Arthroscopy. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-097, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-097, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-097, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-097, filed 7/23/87.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-100Respiratory system. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-100, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-100, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-100, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-100, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-100, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-100, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-100, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-100, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-100, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-105Accessory sinuses. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-105, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-105, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-105, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-105, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-105, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-105, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-105, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-105, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-105, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-110Larynx. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-110, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-110, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-110, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-110, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-110, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-110, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-110, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-110, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-115Trachea and bronchi. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-115, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-115, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-115, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-115, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-115, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-115, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-115, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-115, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-115, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-115, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-116Lungs and pleura. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-116, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-116, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-116, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-116, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-116, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-116, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-116, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-116, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-116, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-120Heart and pericardium. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-120, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-120, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-120, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-120, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-120, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-120, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-120, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-120, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-120, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-120, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-125Arteries and veins. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-125, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-125, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-125, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-125, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-125, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-125, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-125, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-125, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-125, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-130Spleen. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-130, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-130, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-130, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-130, filed 7/23/87; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-130, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-130, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-130, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-130, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-132Bone marrow transplantation services. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-132, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-132, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-132, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-135Lymph nodes and lymphatic channels. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-135, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-135, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-135, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-135, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-135, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-135, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-135, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-135, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-135, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-140Mediastinum. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-140, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-140, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-140, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-140, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-140, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-140, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-140, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-140, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-141Diaphragm. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-141, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-141, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-141, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-141, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-141, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-141, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-141, filed 1/30/74. Formerly WAC 296-22-070 (part).] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-145Mouth. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-145, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-145, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; Order 74-7, § 296-22-145, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-145, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-146Lips. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-146, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-146, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-146, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-146, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-146, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-146, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-146, filed 1/30/74. Formerly WAC 296-22-145 (part).] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-147Vestibule of mouth. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-147, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-147, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-147, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-147, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-147, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-147, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-150Tongue, floor of mouth. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-150, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-150, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-150, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-150, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-150, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-150, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-150, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-150, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-155Teeth and gums. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-155, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-155, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-155, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-155, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-155, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-155, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-155, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-160Palate, uvula. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-160, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-160, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-160, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-160, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-160, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-160, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-160, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-160, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-165Salivary glands and ducts. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-165, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-165, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-165, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-165, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-165, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-165, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-165, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-170Pharynx, adenoids and tonsils. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-170, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-170, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-170, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-170, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-170, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-170, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-170, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-180Esophagus. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-180, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-180, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-180, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-180, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-180, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-180, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-180, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-180, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-180, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-190Stomach. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-190, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-190, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-190, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-190, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-190, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-190, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-190, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-190, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-190, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-190, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-195Intestines (except rectum). [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-195, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-195, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-195, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-195, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-195, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-195, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-195, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-195, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-195, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-200Meckel's diverticulum and the mesentery. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-200, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-200, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-200, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-200, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-200, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-200, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-200, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-205Appendix. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-205, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-205, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-205, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-205, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-205, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-205, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-210Rectum. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-210, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-210, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-210, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-210, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-210, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-210, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-210, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-210, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-215Anus. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-215, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-215, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-215, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-215, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-215, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-215, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-215, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-215, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-220Liver. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-220, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-220, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-220, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-220, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-220, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-220, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-220, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-220, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-220, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-225Biliary tract. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-225, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-225, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-225, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-225, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-225, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-225, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-225, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-225, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-225, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-230Pancreas. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-230, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-230, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-230, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-230, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-230, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-230, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-230, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-230, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-230, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-235Abdomen, peritoneum and omentum. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-235, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-235, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-235, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-235, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-235, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-235, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-235, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-235, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-235, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-235, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-245Kidney. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-245, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-245, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-245, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-245, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-245, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-245, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-245, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-245, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-245, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-250Ureter. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-250, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-250, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-250, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-250, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-250, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-250, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-250, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-250, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-255Bladder. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-255, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-255, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-255, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-255, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-255, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-255, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-255, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-255, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-255, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-255, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-260Urethra. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-260, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-260, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-260, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-260, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-260, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-260, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-260, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-260, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-265Penis. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-265, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-265, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-265, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-265, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-265, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-265, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-265, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-265, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-265, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-270Testis. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-270, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-270, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-270, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-270, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-270, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-270, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-275Epididymis. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-275, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-275, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-275, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-275, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-275, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-275, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-280Tunica vaginalis. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-280, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-280, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-280, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-280, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-280, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-285Scrotum. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-285, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-285, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-285, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-285, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-285, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-285, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-285, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-290Vas deferens. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-290, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-290, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-290, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-290, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-290, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-290, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-295Spermatic cord. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-295, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-295, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-295, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-295, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-295, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-300Seminal vesicles. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-300, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-300, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-300, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-300, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-300, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-305Prostate. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-305, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-305, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-305, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-305, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-305, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-305, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-305, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-305, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-306Intersex surgery. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-306, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(2), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-306, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-307Perineum. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-307, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-307, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-307, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-307, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-307, filed 1/30/74. Formerly WAC 296-22-335.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-310Vulva and introitus. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-310, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-310, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-310, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-310, filed 7/23/87; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-310, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-310, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-310, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-310, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-315Vagina. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-315, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-315, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-315, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-315, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-315, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-315, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-315, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-315, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-315, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-325Cervix uteri. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-325, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-325, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-325, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-325, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-325, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-325, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-325, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-325, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-330Corpus uteri. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-330, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-330, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-330, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-330, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-330, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-330, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-330, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-330, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-330, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-333Oviduct. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-333, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-333, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-333, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-333, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-333, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-333, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-333, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-333, filed 1/30/74.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-337Ovary. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-337, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-337, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-337, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-337, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-337, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-337, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-337, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-337, filed 1/30/74. Formerly WAC 296-22-320.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-340Maternity care and delivery. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-340, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-340, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-340, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-340, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-340, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-340, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-340, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-340, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-340, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-340, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-350Thyroid gland. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-350, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-350, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-350, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-350, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-350, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-350, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-350, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-350, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-350, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-355Parathyroid, thymus, adrenal glands and carotid body. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-355, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-355, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-355, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-355, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-355, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-355, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-355, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-355, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-365Skull, meninges, and brain. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-365, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-365, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-365, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-365, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-365, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-365, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-365, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-365, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-365, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-365, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-370Spine and spinal cord. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-370, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-370, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-370, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-370, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-370, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-370, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-370, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-370, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-370, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-370, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-375Extracranial nerves, peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-375, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-375, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-375, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-375, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-375, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-375, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-375, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-375, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-375, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-375, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-405Eyeball. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-405, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-405, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-405, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-405, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-405, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-405, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-405, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-405, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-405, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-410Anterior segment—Cornea. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-410, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-410, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-410, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-410, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-410, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-410, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-410, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-410, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-413Anterior segment—Anterior chamber. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-413, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-413, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-413, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-413, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-413, filed 1/30/74. Formerly WAC 296-22-405 (part) and 296-22-415.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-415Anterior segment—Anterior sclera. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-415, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-415, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-415, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-415, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-415, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-415, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-420Anterior segment—Iris, ciliary body. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-420, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-420, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-420, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-420, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-420, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-420, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-425Anterior segment—Lens. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-425, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-425, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-425, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-425, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-425, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-425, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-425, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-425, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-425, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-427Posterior segment—Vitreous. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-427, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-427, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-427, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-427, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-427, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-427, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-427, filed 1/30/74. Formerly WAC 296-22-425.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-430Posterior segment—Retinal detachment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-430, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-430, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-430, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-430, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-430, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-430, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-430, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-430, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-435Ocular adnexa—Extraocular muscles. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-435, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-435, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-435, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-435, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-435, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-435, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-435, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-440Ocular adnexa—Orbit. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-440, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-440, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-440, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-440, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-440, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-440, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-440, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-445Ocular adnexa—Eyelids. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-445, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-445, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-445, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-445, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-445, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-445, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-445, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-445, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-450Ocular adnexa—Conjunctiva. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-450, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-450, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-450, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-450, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-450, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-450, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-455Ocular adnexa—Lacrimal system. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-455, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-455, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-455, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-455, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-455, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-455, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-455, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-465External ear. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-465, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-465, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-465, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-465, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-465, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-465, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-465, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-465, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-470Middle ear. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-470, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-470, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-470, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-470, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86; WSR 83-16-066 (Order 83-23), § 296-22-470, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 81-24-041 (Order 81-28), § 296-22-470, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-470, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-470, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-470, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
296-22-475Inner ear. [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4) and 51.04.030. WSR 92-24-066, § 296-22-475, filed 12/1/92, effective 1/1/93; WSR 91-07-008, § 296-22-475, filed 3/8/91, effective 5/1/91; WSR 89-17-039 (Order 89-09), § 296-22-475, filed 8/10/89, effective 9/10/89; WSR 87-16-004 (Order 87-18), § 296-22-475, filed 7/23/87; WSR 86-06-032 (Order 86-19), § 296-22-475, filed 2/28/86, effective 4/1/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(4), 51.04.030 and 51.16.120(3). WSR 80-18-055 (Order 80-25), § 296-22-475, filed 12/3/80, effective 3/1/81; Order 74-7, § 296-22-475, filed 1/30/74; Order 68-7, § 296-22-475, filed 11/27/68, effective 1/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 93-16-072, filed 8/1/93, effective 9/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.04.030 and 1993 c 159.
Chapter 296-25
296-25-005,296-25-010, 296-25-020, 296-25-030, 296-25-040, 296-25-050, 296-25-060, 296-25-070, 296-25-080, 296-25-090, 296-25-100, 296-25-110, 296-25-120, 296-25-130, 296-25-140, 296-25-200, 296-25-205, 296-25-210, 296-25-215, 296-25-220, 296-25-225, 296-25-230, 296-25-235, 296-25-240, 296-25-245, 296-25-250, 296-25-255, 296-25-260, 296-25-265, 296-25-270, 296-25-275, 296-25-280, 296-25-285, 296-25-290, 296-25-295, 296-25-300, 296-25-305, 296-25-310, 296-25-315, 296-25-320, 296-25-325, 296-25-330, 296-25-335, 296-25-340, 296-25-345, 296-25-350, 296-25-355, 296-25-360, 296-25-365, 296-25-370, 296-25-375, 296-25-380, 296-25-385, 296-25-390, 296-25-395, 296-25-400, 296-25-405, 296-25-410, 296-25-415, 296-25-420, 296-25-425, 296-25-430, 296-25-435, 296-25-440, 296-25-445, 296-25-450, 296-25-455, 296-25-460, 296-25-465, 296-25-470, 296-25-475, 296-25-480, 296-25-485, 296-25-490, 296-25-495, 296-25-500, 296-25-505, 296-25-510, 296-25-515, 296-25-520, 296-25-525, 296-25-530, 296-25-535, 296-25-540, 296-25-545, 296-25-550, 296-25-555, 296-25-560, 296-25-565, 296-25-570, 296-25-575, 296-25-580, 296-25-585, 296-25-590, 296-25-595, 296-25-600, 296-25-605, 296-25-610, 296-25-615, 296-25-620, 296-25-625, 296-25-630, 296-25-635, 296-25-640, 296-25-645, 296-25-650, 296-25-655, 296-25-660, 296-25-665, 296-25-670, 296-25-675, 296-25-680, 296-25-685, 296-25-690, 296-25-695, 296-25-700, 296-25-705, 296-25-710, 296-25-715, 296-25-720, 296-25-725, 296-25-730, 296-25-735, 296-25-740, 296-25-745, 296-25-750, 296-25-755, 296-25-760, 296-25-765, 296-25-770, 296-25-775, 296-25-780, 296-25-785, 296-25-790, 296-25-795, 296-25-800, 296-25-805, 296-25-810, 296-25-815, 296-25-820, 296-25-825, 296-25-830, 296-25-835, 296-25-840, 296-25-845, 296-25-850, 296-25-855, 296-25-860, 296-25-865, 296-25-870, 296-25-875, 296-25-880, 296-25-885, 296-25-890, 296-25-895, 296-25-900, 296-25-905, 296-25-910, 296-25-915, 296-25-920, 296-25-925, 296-25-930, 296-25-935, 296-25-940, 296-25-945, 296-25-950, 296-25-955, 296-25-960, 296-25-965, 296-25-970, 296-25-975. [Standards 1-152, filed 3/23/60.] Repeal of chapter 296-25 WAC was declared by Order 74-27, filed 5/7/74 to be effective upon the effective date of amendments to chapter 296-24 WAC set forth as part of this order. See chapter 296-24 WAC.
Chapter 296-26
296-26-010Definitions. [Rule .60.010, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-020Administration. [Rule .60.020, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-030Water supply. [Rule .60.030, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-040Sewage and liquid waste disposal—Existing and new construction. [Rule .60.040, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-050Plumbing—Existing and new construction. [Rule .60.050, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-060Refuse disposal—Existing and new construction. [Rule .60.060, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-070Rodent and insect control—Existing and new construction. [Rule .60.070, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-080Location and maintenance—Existing and new construction. [Rule .60.080, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-090Construction and maintenance of dwelling units. [Rule .60.090, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-100Ventilation. [Rule .60.100, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-110Heating—Existing and new construction. [Rule .60.110, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-120Lighting. [Rule .60.120, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-130Toilet, handwashing, bathing, and laundry facilities—Existing and new construction. [Rule .60.130, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-140Foodhandling facilities—Existing and new construction. [Rule .60.140, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-150Beds and bedding—Existing and new construction. [Rule .60.150, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-160Supervision and responsibility. [Rule .60.160, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-170Communicable disease. [Rule .60.170, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
296-26-180Effective date. [Rule .60.180, filed 3/29/61.] Repealed by Order 75-10, filed 4/4/75.
Chapter 296-28
Reviser's note: Later promulgation, see chapter 296-860 WAC.
296-28-001Foreword. [Foreword, filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 02-17-106, filed 8/21/02, effective 10/1/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050.
296-28-005Beginning of order. [Opening paragraphs, filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 02-17-106, filed 8/21/02, effective 10/1/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050.
296-28-010Exemptions. [Exemptions section, filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 02-17-106, filed 8/21/02, effective 10/1/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050.
296-28-015Definitions. [Section 1, filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 02-17-106, filed 8/21/02, effective 10/1/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050.
296-28-020Overhead clearances. [Section 2, filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 02-17-106, filed 8/21/02, effective 10/1/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050.
296-28-025Side clearances. [Section 3, filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 02-17-106, filed 8/21/02, effective 10/1/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050.
296-28-030Track clearances. [Section 4, filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 02-17-106, filed 8/21/02, effective 10/1/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050.
296-28-035Marking of cars. [Section 5, filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 02-17-106, filed 8/21/02, effective 10/1/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050.
296-28-040Operation of excess dimension loads. [Section 6, filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 02-17-106, filed 8/21/02, effective 10/1/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050.
296-28-045Narrow gauge railroads transporting freight cars. [Section 7, filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 02-17-106, filed 8/21/02, effective 10/1/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050.
296-28-050Illustrations. [Illustrations, filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 02-17-106, filed 8/21/02, effective 10/1/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050.
Chapter 296-38
296-38-010General requirements. [Rule 1.010, filed 8/26/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-38-020Equipment—Machinery. [Rule 2.010, filed 8/26/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-38-030Fire protection and prevention. [Rule 3.010, filed 8/26/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-38-040General working conditions. [Rules 4.010-4.040, filed 8/26/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-38-050Illumination. [Rule 5.010, filed 8/26/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
Chapter 296-40
296-40-010,296-40-015, 296-40-020, 296-40-030, 296-40-035, 296-40-040, 296-40-045, 296-40-050, 296-40-055, 296-40-060, 296-40-065, 296-40-070, 296-40-075, 296-40-080, 296-40-085, 296-40-090, 296-40-095, 296-40-100, 296-40-105, 296-40-110, 296-40-115, 296-40-120, 296-40-125, 296-40-130, 296-40-135, 296-40-140, 296-40-145, 296-40-150, 296-40-155, 296-40-160, 296-40-165, 296-40-170, 296-40-175, 296-40-180, 296-40-185, 296-40-190, 296-40-195, 296-40-200, 296-40-205, 296-40-210, 296-40-215, 296-40-220, 296-40-225, 296-40-230, 296-40-235, 296-40-240, 296-40-245, 296-40-250, 296-40-255, 296-40-260, 296-40-265, 296-40-270, 296-40-275, 296-40-280, 296-40-285, 296-40-290, 296-40-295, 296-40-300, 296-40-310, 296-40-320, 296-40-330, 296-40-350, 296-40-360, 296-40-365, 296-40-370, 296-40-375, 296-40-380, 296-40-385, 296-40-390, 296-40-395, 296-40-400, 296-40-410, 296-40-415, 296-40-420, 296-40-425, 296-40-430, 296-40-435, 296-40-440, 296-40-450, 296-40-460, 296-40-470, 296-40-480, 296-40-490, 296-40-500, 296-40-510, 296-40-520, 296-40-530, 296-40-540, 296-40-550, 296-40-560, 296-40-570, 296-40-580, 296-40-590, 296-40-600, 296-40-610, 296-40-620, 296-40-630, 296-40-640, 296-40-650, 296-40-660, 296-40-665, 296-40-670, 296-40-675, 296-40-680, 296-40-685, 296-40-690, 296-40-695, 296-40-700, 296-40-705, 296-40-710, 296-40-715, 296-40-720, 296-40-725, 296-40-730, 296-40-735, 296-40-740, 296-40-745, 296-40-750, 296-40-755, 296-40-760, 296-40-765, 296-40-770, 296-40-780, 296-40-790, 296-40-795, 296-40-800, 296-40-810, 296-40-820, 296-40-825, 296-40-830, 296-40-835, 296-40-840, 296-40-845, 296-40-850, 296-40-855, 296-40-860, 296-40-865, 296-40-870, 296-40-875, 296-40-880, 296-40-890, Appendix 1 Traffic control signs; Appendix 2 Sheet piling, shoring and bracing; and Appendix 3 Scaffolds. [Book entitled "Safety Standards for Construction Work" chapter 296-40 WAC, filed 3/23/60.] Repealed by Order 74-26, filed 5/7/74. For later promulgation, see chapter 296-155 WAC.
296-40-412[Order 74-1, filed 1/8/74.] Repealed by Order 74-26, filed 5/7/74 before codification in the Washington Administrative Code, see chapter 296-155 WAC, Safety standards for construction work adopted by Order 74-26, filed 5/7/74.
Chapter 296-41
Chapter 296-42
296-42-010Application, scope and permits for variations from orders. [§ I, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-020Definitions. [§ 2, filed 1/11/63 and 1/15/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-030Accident prevention program. [Rules 3.010-3.030, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-040First aid. [Rule 4.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-050Fire and explosions—Smoking, matches, lighters. [Rule 5.010, filed 1/11/63 and 1/15/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-060Fire and explosions—Fire protection and firefighting equipment. [Rule 5.020, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-070Fire and explosions—Cleaning oils. [Rule 5.030, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-080Fire and explosions—Static electricity. [Rule 5.040, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-090Fire and explosions—Spontaneous ignition. [Rule 5.050, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-100Fire and explosions—Fire permits. [Rule 5.060, filed 1/11/63 and 1/15/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-110Fire and explosions—Surge tanks. [Rule 5.070, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-120Fire and explosions—Flammable waste gases or vapors. [Rule 5.080, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-130Fire and explosions—Transfer of light oils by air displacement. [Rule 5.090, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-140Fire and explosions—Steam hose. [Rule 5.100, filed 1/11/63 and 1/15/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-150Dangerous exposure. [Rules 6.010 and 6.020, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-160Enclosed and confined spaces—Ventilation. [Rule 7.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-170Enclosed and confined spaces—Confined spaces. [Rule 7.020, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-180Escape exits. [Rule 8.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-200Tanks—Stationary tanks. [Rule 9.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-210Tanks—Stationary tank maintenance. [Rule 9.020, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-220Tanks—Diversion and retaining walls. [Rule 9.030, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-230Gas and vapor testing. [Rule 10.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-240Opening and blinding pipe lines and equipment—Opening pipe lines and equipment. [Rule 11.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-250Opening and blinding pipe lines and equipment—Blinding of pipe lines and equipment. [Rule 11.020, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-260Hazardous commodities—General. [Rule 12.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-270Hazardous commodities—Corrosives. [Rule 12.020, filed 1/11/63 and 1/15/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-280Hazardous commodities—Leaded gasoline stationary tanks. [Rule 12.030, filed 1/11/63 and 1/15/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-290Drainage. [Rule 13.010, filed 1/11/63 and 1/15/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-300Agitation and heating of liquids in tanks. [Rule 14.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-310Process equipment maintenance—General. [Rule 15.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-320Process equipment maintenance—Condenser and cooling boxes. [Rule 15.020, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-330Pumps, pipe lines and valves—Pumps. [Rule 16.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-340Pumps, pipe lines and valves—Pipe lines and piping. [Rule 16.020, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-350Pumps, pipe lines and valves—Valves. [Rule 16.030, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-360Equipment leakage and breakage—Leakage control. [Rule 17.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-370Equipment leakage and breakage—Gage glasses. [Rule 17.020, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-380Equipment identification. [Rule 18.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-390Gas compressors and engines—Gas compressor or gas processing plant protection. [Rule 19.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-400Gas compressors and engines—Gas compressors. [Rule 19.020, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-410Gas compressors and engines—Stationary internal combustion engines. [Rule 19.030, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-420Loading and unloading facilities and operations—Loading platforms. [Rule 20.010, filed 1/11/63 and 1/15/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-430Loading and unloading facilities and operations—Loading and unloading operations. [Rule 20.020, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-440Loading and unloading facilities and operations—Liquefied petroleum gases—Loading and unloading. [Rule 20.030, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-450Laboratories and pilot plants. [Rule 21.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-460Wharves. [Rule 22.010, filed 1/11/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
296-42-470Bulk distributing plants. [Rule 23.010, filed 1/11/63 and 1/15/63.] Repealed by Order 76-28, filed 9/28/76.
Chapter 296-43
Reviser's note: Later promulgation, see chapter 296-46B WAC.
296-43-010Heating cables—General. [Rules (part), filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 09-10-072, filed 5/5/09, effective 6/5/09. Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-43-020Heating cables—Maximum wattage and temperature. [Rules (part), filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 09-10-072, filed 5/5/09, effective 6/5/09. Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-43-030Heating cables—Permissible installation methods in buildings. [Rules (part), filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 09-10-072, filed 5/5/09, effective 6/5/09. Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-43-040Heating cables—Thermal insulation. [Rules (part), filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 09-10-072, filed 5/5/09, effective 6/5/09. Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-43-050Heating cables—Elements installed in tanks, troughs, or pipe lines containing liquids. [Rules (part), filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 09-10-072, filed 5/5/09, effective 6/5/09. Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-43-060Heating element in soil or sand. [Rules (part), filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 09-10-072, filed 5/5/09, effective 6/5/09. Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-43-070Heating element imbedded in driveways. [Rules (part), filed 4/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 09-10-072, filed 5/5/09, effective 6/5/09. Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW.
Chapter 296-44
Reviser's note: Later promulgation, see chapter 296-45 WAC.
296-44-005Preface. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-005, filed 7/25/86; Preface (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-010Definitions of special terms. [§ 1, filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-011Definitions of special terms applicable to this chapter. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-011, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-013Purpose and scope. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-013, filed 7/25/86; § 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-015Lines constructed prior to these rules. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-015, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-016Applicability. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-016, filed 7/25/86; § 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-017References. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-017, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-019Applicability of rules—To construction and reconstruction of lines. [§ 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-022Applicability of rules—Restoration of clearances. [§ 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-023Grounding methods for electric supply and communication facilities. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-023, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-02301Purpose. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-02301, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-02305Scope. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-02305, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-02309Point of connection of grounding conductor. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-02309, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-02315Grounding conductor and means of connection. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-02315, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-02319Grounding electrodes. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-02319, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-02323Method of connection to electrode. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-02323, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-02329Ground resistance. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-02329, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-02335Separation of grounding conductors. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-02335, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-02349Grounding methods for telephone and other communication apparatus on circuits exposed to supply lines or lightning. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-02349, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-025Applicability of rules—Lines constructed prior to these rules. [§ 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-028Applicability of rules—Reconstruction or alteration. [§ 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-031Applicability of other standards. [§ 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-034Design, construction and maintenance. [§ 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-035Rules for the installation and maintenance of electric supply stations and equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-035, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-03505Purpose. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-03505, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-03509Scope. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-03509, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-037Limiting conditions specified. [§ 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-040Waiving of rules. [§ 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-041Protective arrangements in electric supply stations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-041, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-04105General requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-04105, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-04109Illumination. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-04109, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-04125Floor, floor openings, passageways, stairs. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-04125, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-04129Exits. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-04129, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-04135Fire extinguishing equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-04135, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-043Exemptions or modifications. [§ 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-046Emergency. [§ 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-049Saving clause. [§ 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-051Installation and maintenance of equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-051, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-05105General requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-05105, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-05109Inspections. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-05109, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-05115Guarding shaft ends, pulleys, belts and suddenly moving parts. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-05115, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-05119Protective grounding. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-05119 filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-05125Guarding live parts. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-05125, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-05129Working space about electric equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-05129, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-05131Equipment for work on energized parts. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-05131, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-05135Classified locations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-05135, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-05141Identification. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-05141, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-052Cooperation to avoid conflicts. [§ 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-055Joint use of poles. [§ 2 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-058Rules covering methods of protective grounding of circuits, equipment, and lightning arresters for stations, lines, and utilization equipment—Scope. [§ 9 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-061Rules covering methods of protective grounding of circuits, equipment, and lightning arresters for stations, lines, and utilization equipment—Point of attachment of grounding conductor. [§ 9 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-064Grounding conductor. [§ 9 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-065Rotating equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-065, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-06505Speed control and stopping devices. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-06505, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-06511Motor control. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-06511, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-06517Mobile hydrogen equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-06517, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-067Ground connections. [Rule 93C (codified as subsection (4)), filed 10/30/64, effective 12/1/64; Subsections A through D (codified as (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5)), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58; Rule 93C, § 9 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-070Method. [Subsection D (codified as (4)), filed 10/30/64, effective 12/1/64; Subsections A through C (codified as (1), (2), (3)), § 9 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58; Rule 94D, § 9 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-073Ground resistance. [§ 9 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-074Storage batteries. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-074, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-07405General. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-07405, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-07411Location. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-07411, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-07417Ventilation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-07417, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-07423Racks. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-07423, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-07427Floors in battery areas. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-07427, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-07433Illumination for battery areas. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-07433, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-07439Service facilities. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-07439, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-076Separate grounding conductors and grounds. [Subsection B (codified as (2)), filed 10/30/64, effective 12/1/64; Subsections A and B (codified as (1) and (3)), § 9 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58; Rule 96B, § 9 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-079Protective arrangements of stations and substations—Scope of the rules. [§ 10 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-082Protective arrangements of stations and substations—General requirements. [§ 10 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-085Protective arrangements of stations and substations—Illumination. [§ 10 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-086Transformers and regulators. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-086, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-08605Current-transformer secondary circuits protection when exceeding 600 volts. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-08605, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-08611Grounding secondary circuits of instrument transformers. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-08611, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-08619Location and arrangement of power transformers and regulators. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-08619, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-088Protective arrangements of stations and substations—Floors, floor openings, passageways, stairs. [§ 10 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-091Protective arrangements of stations and substations—Exits. [§ 10 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-094Protective arrangements of stations and substations—Firefighting apparatus. [§ 10 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-097Protective arrangements of stations and substations—Oil-filled apparatus. [§ 10 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-098Conductors. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-098, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-09805Electrical protection. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-09805, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-09811Mechanical protection. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-09811, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-09819Isolation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-09819, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-09826Conductor terminations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-09826, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-100Protective arrangements of equipment—General requirement. [§ 11 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-103Protective arrangements of equipment—Inspections. [§ 11 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-106Protective arrangements of equipment—Guarding shaft ends, pulleys, and belts, and suddenly moving parts. [§ 11 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-109Protective arrangements of equipment—Protective grounding. [§ 11 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-110Circuit breakers, reclosers, switches and fuses. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-110, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-11005Arrangement. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-11005, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-11021Application. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-11021, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-11029Circuit breakers, reclosers and switches containing oil. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-11029, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-11035Switches and disconnecting devices. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-11035, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-11041Disconnection of fuses. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-11041, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-112Protective arrangements of equipment—Guarding live parts. [§ 11 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-115Protective arrangements of equipment—Working space about electric equipment. [§ 11 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-118Protective arrangements of equipment—Hazardous locations. [§ 11 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-121Protective arrangements of equipment—Shielding of equipment from deteriorating agencies. [§ 11 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-124Protective arrangements of equipment—Identification. [§ 11 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-125Switchgear and metal enclosed bus. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-125, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-12505Switchgear assemblies. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-12505, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-12515Metal enclosed bus. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-12515, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-127Rotating equipment (this includes generators, motors, motor-generators, and converters)—Speed-control and stopping devices. [§ 12 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-130Rotating equipment (this includes generators, motors, motor-generators, and converters)—Guards for live parts. [§ 12 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-133Rotating equipment (this includes generators, motors, motor-generators, and converters)—Grounding machine frames. [§ 12 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-134Surge arresters. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-134, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-13405General requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-13405, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-13415Indoor locations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-13415, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-13421Grounding conductors. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-13421, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-13431Installation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-13431, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-136Rotating equipment (this includes generators, motors, motor-generators, and converters)—Deteriorating agencies. [§ 12 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-139Rotating equipment (this includes generators, motors, motor-generators, and converters)—Motors. [§ 12 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-142Storage batteries—General. [§ 13 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-145Storage batteries—Isolation. [§ 13 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-148Storage batteries—Ventilation. [§ 13 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-151Storage batteries—Insulation. [§ 13 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-154Storage batteries—Racks and trays. [§ 13 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-157Storage batteries—Floors. [§ 13 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-160Storage batteries—Wiring in battery rooms. [§ 13 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-163Storage batteries—Guarding live parts in battery rooms. [§ 13 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-166Storage batteries—Illumination for battery rooms enclosing batteries of the nonsealed type. [§ 13 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-169Transformers, induction regulators, rheostats, ground detectors, and similar equipment—Current-transformer secondary circuits. [§ 14 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-170Safety rules for the installation and maintenance of overhead electric supply and communication lines. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-170, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-17005Purpose. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-17005, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-17017Scope. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-17017, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-17029Application of rules. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-17029, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-172Transformers, induction regulators, rheostats, ground detectors, and similar equipment—Grounding secondary circuits of instrument transformers. [§ 14 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-175Transformers, induction regulators, rheostats, ground detectors, and similar equipment—Grounding transformer cases. [§ 14 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-178Transformers, induction regulators, rheostats, ground detectors, and similar equipment—Location and arrangement of power transformers. [§ 14 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-181Transformers, induction regulators, rheostats, ground detectors, and similar equipment—Resistance devices. [§ 14 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-182General requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-182, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-18205Referenced sections. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-18205, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-18225Induced voltages. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-18225, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-18239Accessibility. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-18239, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-18250Inspection and tests of lines and equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-18250, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-18261Grounding of circuits, supporting structures, and equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-18261, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-18273Arrangement of switches. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-18273, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-184Transformers, induction regulators, rheostats, ground detectors, and similar equipment—Ground detectors. [§ 14 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-187Conductors—Electrical protection. [§ 15 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-190Conductors—Precaution against mechanical and thermal damage. [§ 15 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-193Conductors—Isolation. [§ 15 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-194Relations between various classes of lines. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-194, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-19405Relative levels. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-19405, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-19421Avoidance of conflict. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-19421, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-19433Joint use of structures. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-19433, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-196Conductors—Guarding conductors. [§ 15 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-199Conductors—Guarding in hazardous locations. [§ 15 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-202Conductors—Taping ends and joints. [§ 15 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-205Conductors—Wiring for illumination. [§ 15 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-208Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches, and controllers—Accessible and indicating. [§ 16 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-211Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches, and controllers—Oil switches. [§ 16 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-212Clearances. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-212, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-21209General. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-21209, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-21221Clearances of supporting structures from other objects. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-21221, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-21230Vertical clearance of wires, conductors, cables, and live parts of equipment above ground, rails, or water. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-21230, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-21241Clearances between wires, conductors, and cables carried on different supporting structures. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-21241, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-21253Clearance of wires, conductors, and cables from buildings, bridges, rail cars, swimming pools, and other installations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-21253, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-21265Clearance for wires, conductors, or cables carried on the same supporting structure. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-21265, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-21273Climbing space. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-21273, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-21279Working space. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-21279, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-21287Vertical clearance between certain communication and supply facilities located on the same structure. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-21287, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-21295Clearances of vertical and lateral conductors from other wires and surfaces on the same support. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-21295, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-214Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches, and controllers—Where switches are required. [§ 16 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-217Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches, and controllers—Switches or other grounding devices. [§ 16 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-220Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches, and controllers—Capacity of switches and disconnectors. [§ 16 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-223Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches, and controllers—Where fuses or automatic circuit-breakers are required. [§ 16 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-226Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches, and controllers—Disconnection of fuses before handling. [§ 16 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-229Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches, and controllers—Arcing or suddenly moving parts. [§ 16 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-232Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches, and controllers—Grounding noncurrent-carrying metal parts. [§ 16 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-235Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches, and controllers—Guarding live parts of switches, fuses, and automatic circuit-breakers. [§ 16 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-238Switchboards—Location and accessibility. [§ 17 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-241Switchboards—Material and illumination. [§ 17 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-242Grades of construction. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-242, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-24205General. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-24205, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-24213Application of grades of construction to different situations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-24213, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-24221Grades of construction for conductors. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-24221, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-24233Grades of construction for line supports. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-24233, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-244Switchboards—Necessary equipment. [§ 17 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-247Switchboards—Arrangement and identification. [§ 17 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-250Switchboards—Spacings and barriers against short-circuit. [§ 17 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-253Switchboards—Switchboard grounding. [§ 17 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-256Switchboards—Guarding live parts on switchboards. [§ 17 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-259Switchboards—Instrument cases. [§ 17 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-262Lightning arresters—Location. [§ 18 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-263Loading for Grades B, C, and D. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-263, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-26309General loading requirements and maps. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-26309, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-26321Conductor loading. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-26321, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-26333Loads upon line supports. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-26333, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-265Lightning arresters—Connecting wires. [§ 18 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-268Lightning arresters—Grounding frames and cases of lightning arresters. [§ 18 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-271Lightning arresters—Guarding live and arcing parts. [§ 18 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-274Nature of rules—Minimum requirements. [§ 20 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-277General requirements applying to overhead and underground lines—Design and construction. [§ 21 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-278Strength requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-278, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-27809Preliminary assumptions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-27809, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-27821Grades B and C construction. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-27821, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-27833Grade D construction. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-27833, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-27847Grade N construction. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-27847, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-280General requirements applying to overhead and underground lines—Installation and maintenance. [§ 21 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-283General requirements applying to overhead and underground lines—Accessibility. [§ 21 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-286General requirements applying to overhead and underground lines—Inspection and tests of lines and equipment. [§ 21 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-289General requirements applying to overhead and underground lines—Isolation and guarding. [§ 21 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-292General requirements applying to overhead and underground lines—Grounding of circuits and equipment. [§ 21 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-295General requirements applying to overhead and underground lines—Arrangement of switches. [§ 21 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-29501Line insulation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-29501, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-29509Application of rule. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-29509, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-29515Material and marking. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-29515, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-29523Ratio of flashover to puncture voltage. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-29523, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-29529Insulation level. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-29529, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-29539Factory tests. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-29539, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-29541Special insulator applications. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-29541, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-29551Protection against arcing and other damage. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-29551, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-29563Mechanical strength of insulators. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-29563, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-29572Aerial cable systems. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-29572, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-298Relations between various classes of lines—Relative levels. [§ 22 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-301Relations between various classes of lines—Avoidance of conflict. [§ 22 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-304Relations between various classes of lines—Joint use of poles by supply and communication circuits. [§ 22 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-307Relations between various classes of lines—Separate pole lines. [§ 22 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-310Clearances—General. [§ 23 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-313Clearances—Horizontal clearances of supporting structures from other objects. [§ 23 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-316Clearances—Vertical clearance of wires above ground or rails. [§ 23 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-317Miscellaneous requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-317, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-31709Structures for overhead lines. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-31709, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-31719Tree trimming. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-31719, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-31729Guying and bracing. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-31729, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-31738Insulators in guys attached to supporting structures. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-31738, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-31749Span-wire insulators. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-31749, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-31757Overhead conductors. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-31757, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-31765Equipment on supporting structures. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-31765, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-31772Communications protective requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-31772, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-31783Circuits of one class used exclusively in the operation of circuits of another class. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-31783, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-31792Electric railway construction. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-31792, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-319Clearances—Wire-crossing clearances. [§ 23 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-322Clearances—Clearances of conductors of one line from other conductors and structures. [Tables 4 and 5, filed 10/30/64, effective 12/1/64; § 23 (part), Tables 4 and 5, filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-325Clearances—Minimum line conductor clearances and separations at supports. [Subsections (1)(b)(ii) and (1)(c)(ii), filed 10/30/64, effective 12/1/64; § 23 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-328Clearances—Climbing space. [§ 23 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-331Clearances—Working space. [§ 23 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-334Clearances—Vertical separation between line conductors, cables, and equipment located at different levels on the same pole or structure. [§ 23 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-337Clearances—Clearances of vertical and lateral conductors from other wires and surfaces on the same support. [§ 23 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-340Grades of construction—General. [§ 24 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-343Grades of construction—Application of grades of construction to different situations. [§ 24 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-346Grades of construction—Grades of construction for conductors. [§ 24 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-349Grades of construction—Grades of supporting structures. [§ 24 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-350Safety rules for the installation and maintenance of underground electric-supply and communication lines. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-350, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-35009Purpose. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-35009, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-35021Scope. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-35021, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-352Loading for Grades B, C, and D—General loading map. [§ 25 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-355Loading for Grades B, C, and D—Conductor loading. [§ 25 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-358Loading for Grades B, C, and D—Loads upon line supports. [§ 25 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-361Strength requirements—Preliminary assumptions. [§ 26 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-364Strength requirements—Grades B and C construction. [§ 26 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-365General requirements applying to underground lines. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-365, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-36518Installation and maintenance. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-36518, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-36527Accessibility. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-36527, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-36539Inspection and tests of lines and equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-36539, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-36551Grounding of circuits and equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-36551, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-36563Communication protective requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-36563, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-36575Induced voltage. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-36575, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050, [49.17].060.
296-44-367Strength requirements—Grade D construction. [§ 26 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-370Strength requirements—Grade N construction. [§ 26 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-373Line insulators—Application of rule. [§ 27 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-376Line insulators—Material and marking. [§ 27 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-379Line insulators—Electrical strength of insulators in strain position. [§ 27 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-382Line insulators—Ratio of flash-over to puncture voltage. [§ 27 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-385Line insulators—Test voltages. [§ 27 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-386Underground conduit systems. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-386, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-38609Location. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-38609, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-38628Excavation and backfill. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-38628, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-38641Ducts and joints. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-38641, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-38653Manholes, handholes and vaults. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-38653, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-388Line insulators—Factory tests. [§ 27 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-391Line insulators—Selection of insulators. [§ 27 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-394Line insulators—Protection against arcing. [§ 27 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-397Line insulators—Compliance with WAC 296-44-394 at crossings. [§ 27 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-398Supply cable. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-398, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-39809General. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-39809, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-39823Sheaths and jackets. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-39823, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-39842Shielding. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-39842, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-39855Cable accessories and joints. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-39855, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-400Miscellaneous requirements—Supporting structures for overhead lines. [§ 28 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-403Miscellaneous requirements—Tree trimming. [§ 28 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-406Miscellaneous requirements—Guying. [§ 28 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-409Miscellaneous requirements—Insulators in guys attached to poles and towers. [§ 28 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-412Miscellaneous requirements—Span-wire insulators. [§ 28 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-413Cable in underground structures. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-413, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-41309General. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-41309, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-41321Installation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-41321, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-41333Grounding and bonding. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-41333, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-41341Fireproofing. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-41341, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-41359Communication cables containing special supply circuits. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-41359, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-415Miscellaneous requirements—Overhead conductors. [§ 28 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-418Miscellaneous requirements—Equipment on poles. [§ 28 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-421Miscellaneous requirements—Protection for exposed overhead communication lines. [§ 28 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-424Miscellaneous requirements—Circuits of one class used exclusively in the operation of circuits of another class. [§ 28 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-425Direct buried cable. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-425, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-42509General. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-42509, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-42521Location and routing. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-42521, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-42533Clearances from other underground structures (sewers, water lines, fuel lines, building foundations, steam lines, other supply or communication conductors not in random separation, etc.). [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-42533, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-42541Installation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-42541, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-42559Random separation—Additionall requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-42559, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-427Miscellaneous requirements—Overhead electric railway construction. [§ 28 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-430Rules for underground lines (see also WAC 296-44-424 (2)(b))—Location. [§ 29 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-433Rules for underground lines (see also WAC 296-44-424 (2)(b))—Construction of duct and cable systems. [§ 29 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-436Rules for underground lines (see also WAC 296-44-424 (2)(b))—Construction of manholes. [§ 29 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-439Rules for underground lines (see also WAC 296-44-424 (2)(b))—Location of cables. [§ 29 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-440Risers. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-440, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-44009General. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 89-11-035 (Order 89-03), § 296-44-44009, filed 5/15/89, effective 6/30/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-44009, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-44021Installation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-44021, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-44033Pole risers—Additional requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-44033, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-44047Pad-mounted installations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-44047, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-442Rules for underground lines (see also WAC 296-44-424 (2)(b))—Protection and separation of conductors buried in earth. [§ 29 (part), Rule 294, filed 10/30/64, effective 12/1/64; § 29 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-445Rules for underground lines (see also WAC 296-44-424 (2)(b))—Protection of conductors in duct systems and manholes. [§ 29 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-448Rules for underground lines (see also WAC 296-44-424 (2)(b))—Guarding of live parts in manholes. [§ 29 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-451Rules for underground lines (see also WAC 296-44-424 (2)(b))—Construction at risers from underground. [§ 29 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-452Supply cable terminations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-452, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-45209General. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-45209, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-45219Support at terminations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-45219, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-45231Identification. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-45231, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-45243Separations and clearances in enclosures or vaults. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-45243, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-45257Grounding. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-45257, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-454Rules for underground lines (see also WAC 296-44-424 (2)(b))—Identification of conductors. [§ 29 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-457Rules for underground lines (see also WAC 296-44-424 (2)(b))—Identification of apparatus connected in multiple. [§ 29 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-460Installation and maintenance of electric utilization equipment—General requirements—Scope. [§ 30 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-463Installation and maintenance of electric utilization equipment—General requirements. [§ 30 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-466Installation and maintenance of electric utilization equipment—Reference to other codes. [§ 30 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-467Equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-467, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-46709General. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-46709, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-46733Design. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-46733, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-46739Location in underground structures. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-46739, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-46747Installation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-46747, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-46755Grounding. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-46755, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-46761Identification. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-46761, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-469Installation and maintenance of electric utilization equipment—Grounding. [§ 30 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-472Installation and maintenance of electric utilization equipment—Working spaces about electric equipment. [§ 30 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-478Installation and maintenance of electric utilization equipment—Guarding or isolating live parts. [§ 30 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-481Installation and maintenance of electric utilization equipment—Hazardous locations. [§ 30 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-484Installation and maintenance of electric utilization equipment—Protection by disconnection. [§ 30 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-487Installation and maintenance of electric utilization equipment—Identification of equipment. [§ 30 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-490Conductors—Electrical protection. [§ 31 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-491Installation in tunnels. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-491, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-49109General. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-49109, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-49121Environment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), § 296-44-49121, filed 7/25/86.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-493Conductors—Protective covering. [§ 31 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-496Conductors—Identification of conductors and terminals. [§ 31 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-499Conductors—Guarding and isolating conductors. [§ 31 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-502Conductors—Guarding in damp or hazardous locations. [§ 31 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-505Conductors—Precautions against excessive inductance and eddy currents. [§ 31 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-508Conductors—Splicing and taping. [§ 31 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-511Conductors—Uninsulated conductors. [§ 31 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-514Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches and controllers—General requirements for switches. [§ 32 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-517Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches and controllers—Hazardous locations. [§ 32 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-520Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches and controllers—Where switches are required. [§ 32 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-523Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches and controllers—Character of switches and disconnectors. [§ 32 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-526Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches and controllers—Disconnection of fuses and thermal cut-outs before handling. [§ 32 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-529Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches and controllers—Arcing or suddenly moving parts. [§ 32 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-532Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches and controllers—Grounding noncurrent-carrying metal parts. [§ 32 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-535Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches and controllers—Guarding live parts. [§ 32 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-538Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches and controllers—Inclosed air-break switches (not including snap switches). [§ 32 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-541Fuses, circuit-breakers, switches and controllers—Control equipment. [§ 32 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-544Switchboards and panelboards—Accessibility and convenient attendance. [§ 33 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-547Switchboards and panelboards—Location and illumination. [§ 33 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-550Switchboards and panelboards—Arrangement and identification. [§ 33 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-553Switchboards and panelboards—Spacing, barriers and covers. [§ 33 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-556Switchboards and panelboards—Grounding frames. [§ 33 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-559Switchboards and panelboards—Guarding current-carrying parts. [§ 33 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-562Switchboards and panelboards—Fuses on switchboards. [§ 33 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-565Switchboards and panelboards—Panelboards. [§ 33 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-568Motors and motor-driven machinery—Control devices. [§ 34 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-571Motors and motor-driven machinery—Hazardous locations. [§ 34 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-574Motors and motor-driven machinery—Deteriorating agencies. [§ 34 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-577Motors and motor-driven machinery—Guards for live parts. [§ 34 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-580Motors and motor-driven machinery—Grounding machine frames. [§ 34 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-583Motors and motor-driven machinery—Protecting moving parts. [§ 34 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-586Electric furnaces, storage batteries, transformers, and lightning arresters—Protection from burns. [§ 35 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-589Electric furnaces, storage batteries, transformers, and lightning arresters—Grounding of furnace frames. [§ 35 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-592Electric furnaces, storage batteries, transformers, and lightning arresters—Guarding live parts. [§ 35 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-595Electric furnaces, storage batteries, transformers, and lightning arresters—Storage batteries. [§ 35 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-598Electric furnaces, storage batteries, transformers, and lightning arresters—Transformers. [§ 35 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-601Electric furnaces, storage batteries, transformers, and lightning arresters—Lightning arresters. [§ 35 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-604Lighting fixtures and signs—Fixtures. [§ 36 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-607Lighting fixtures and signs—Receptacle for convenience outlet. [§ 36 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-610Lighting fixtures and signs—Exposed live parts. [§ 36 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-613Lighting fixtures and signs—Signs. [§ 36 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-616Lighting fixtures and signs—Connectors for signs. [§ 36 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-619Lighting fixtures and signs—Lamps in series circuits. [§ 36 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-622Lighting fixtures and signs—Safe access to arc lamps. [§ 36 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-625Portable appliances, cables and connectors, and insect eliminators (not including those for communication systems)—Insulation. [§ 37 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-628Portable appliances, cables and connectors, and insect eliminators (not including those for communication systems)—Grounding of frames. [§ 37 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-631Portable appliances, cables and connectors, and insect eliminators (not including those for communication systems)—Cable connectors. [§ 37 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-634Portable appliances, cables and connectors, and insect eliminators (not including those for communication systems)—Identified conductors, cords, and connectors. [§ 37 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-637Portable appliances, cables and connectors, and insect eliminators (not including those for communication systems)—Use of portables and pendants. [§ 37 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-640Portable appliances, cables and connectors, and insect eliminators (not including those for communication systems)—Portable outdoor equipment of more than 750 volts between conductors. [§ 37 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-643Portable appliances, cables and connectors, and insect eliminators (not including those for communication systems)—Insect eliminators. [§ 37 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-646Electrically operated industrial locomotives, cars, cranes, hoists, and elevators—Guarding live and moving parts. [§ 38 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-649Electrically operated industrial locomotives, cars, cranes, hoists, and elevators—Grounding noncurrent-carrying parts. [§ 38 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-652Electrically operated industrial locomotives, cars, cranes, hoists, and elevators—Control of energy supply to cars, cranes, and industrial locomotives. [§ 38 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-655Control of movement of industrial locomotives, cars, cranes, and elevators. [§ 38 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-658Control of movement of industrial locomotives, cars, cranes, and elevators—Subway and car lighting. [§ 38 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-661Telephone and other communication apparatus on circuits exposed to supply lines or lightning—Protective requirements. [§ 39 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-664Telephone and other communication apparatus on circuits exposed to supply lines or lightning—Guarding current-carrying parts. [§ 39 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-667Telephone and other communication apparatus on circuits exposed to supply lines or lightning—Grounding. [§ 39 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-670Rules for radio and T.V. installations—Scope. [§ 50, filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-673Classification of radio stations. [§ 51, filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007(Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-676Antenna and counterpoise installation—Application of rules. [§ 52 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-679Antenna and counterpoise installation—General requirements. [§ 52 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-682Antenna and counterpoise installation—Locations to be avoided. [§ 52 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-685Antenna and counterpoise installation—Ordinary construction of antenna systems. [§ 52 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-688Antenna and counterpoise installation—Special construction of antenna systems. [§ 52 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-691Antenna and counterpoise installation—Guarding of antennas. [§ 52 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-694Antenna and counterpoise installation—Supply circuits as antennas or grounds. [§ 52 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-697Lead-in conductors—Application of rules. [§ 53 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-700Lead-in conductors—Material. [§ 53 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-703Lead-in conductors—Size. [§ 53 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-706Lead-in conductors—Installation of lead-in conductor. [§ 53 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-709Construction at building entrance—Application of rules. [§ 54 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-712Construction at building entrance—Entrance. [§ 54 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-715Construction at building entrance—Creepage and air-gap distance. [§ 54 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-718Construction at building entrance—Mechanical protection of bushings. [§ 54 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-721Protective devices—Application of rules. [§ 55 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-724Protective devices—Receiving stations. [§ 55 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-727Protective devices—Low-power transmitting stations. [§ 55 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-730Protective and operating grounding conductors—Application of rules. [§ 56 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-733Protective and operating grounding conductors—General. [§ 56 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-736Protective and operating grounding conductors—Material and size. [§ 56 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-739Protective and operating grounding conductors—Installation of grounding conductors. [§ 56 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-742Grounds and ground connections—Application of rules. [§ 57 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-745Grounds and ground connections—Grounds. [§ 57 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-748Grounds and ground connections—Attachment to pipes. [§ 57 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-751Grounds and ground connections—Attachment to driven pipes, rods, or buried plates. [§ 57 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-754Connection to power supply lines—Application of rules. [§ 58 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-757Connection to power supply lines—Receiving stations and low-power transmitting stations. [§ 58 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-760Batteries—Application of rules. [§ 59 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-763Batteries—Care in handling. [§ 59 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-766Batteries—Portable batteries. [§ 59 (part), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 86-16-007 (Order 86-26), filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050.
296-44-850Pole lines that overbuild or underbuild existing pole lines. [Rule 34, filed 8/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-855High potential lines overbuilding telephone, telegraph, or signal wires. [Rule 35, filed 8/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-860Crossings over railroads, street railroads, telephone, telegraph, signal or other power lines—General requirements. [Rule 36, subsections 1-16, filed 8/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-865Crossings over railroads, street railroads, telephone, telegraph, signal or other power lines—Loads. [Rule 36, subsections 17-23, filed 8/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-870Crossings over railroads, street railroads, telephone, telegraph, signal or other power lines—Factors of safety. [Rule 36, subsections 24-37, filed 8/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-875Crossings over railroads, street railroads, telephone, telegraph, signal or other power lines—Working unit stresses. [Rule 36, subsections 38-41, filed 8/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-880Crossings over railroads, street railroads, telephone, telegraph, signal or other power lines—Clearance. [Rule (part), (codified as WAC 296-44-880), filed 8/3/61.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-88001Figure 1—Ground wire clearance. [Figure 1, (codified as WAC 296-44-88001), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-88002Figure 2—Basic wire crossing clearance. [Figure 2, (codified as WAC 296-44-88002), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-88003Figure 5—Clearances above ground for underground risers and horizontal clearance of poles from hydrants, curbs and railroads. [Figure 5, (codified as WAC 296-44-88003), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-88004Illustration—Working space. [Illustration, (codified as WAC 296-44-88004), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-88005Figures 6.A - 9.A—Clearances. [Figures 6.A - 9.A, (codified as WAC 296-44-88005), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-88006Figure—Climbing space. [Figure, (codified as WAC 296-44-88006), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-88007Illustration—Climbing space. [Illustration, (codified as WAC 296-44-88007), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-88008Illustration—Climbing space. [Illustration, (codified as WAC 296-44-88008), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-88009Illustration—Footnote 7 of Table 11—Climbing space. [Illustration, (codified as WAC 296-44-88009), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-88010Figure 11.A—Minimum vertical separation between horizontal crossarms. [Figure 11.A, (codified as WAC 296-44-88010), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-44-88011Illustration—Climbing space—Location and spacing of crossarms. [Illustration, (codified as WAC 296-44-88011), filed 3/23/60, effective 12/1/58.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
Chapter 296-46
Reviser's note: Later promulgation, see chapter 296-46A WAC.
296-46-010,296-46-020, 296-46-030, 296-46-040, 296-46-050, 296-46-060. [Filed 9/22/60, effective 12/1/60.] Repealed by Order 69-2, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.
296-46-090Foreword. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 99-05-052, § 296-46-090, filed 2/12/99, effective 3/15/99; WSR 97-24-033, § 296-46-090, filed 11/25/97, effective 12/29/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-090, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-090, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93; WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-090, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-100Approval for conductors and equipment. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-100, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-110Marking of disconnecting means. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-110, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-110, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-110, filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), § 296-46-110, filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81; WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-110, filed 1/31/78; Order 74-43, § 296-46-110, filed 12/19/74; Order 72-7, § 296-46-110, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, § 296-46-110, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-115Definitions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), § 296-46-115, filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81.] Repealed by WSR 83-23-053 (Order 83-32), filed 11/14/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.120 and 19.28.510.
296-46-120Workmanship. [Order 72-7, § 296-46-120, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, § 296-46-120, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-130Classification or definition of occupancies. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-130, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-130, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-130, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-130, filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), § 296-46-130, filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81; Order 72-7, § 296-46-130, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, § 296-46-130, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-140Plan review for educational, institutional or health care facilities and other buildings. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-140, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-140, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-140, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93; WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-140, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-140, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-140, filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), § 296-46-140, filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81; WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-140, filed 1/31/78; Order 74-43, § 296-46-140, filed 12/19/74; Order 72-7, § 296-46-140, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, § 296-46-140, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-150Wiring methods for designated building occupancies. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-150, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93; WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-150, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-150, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-150, filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), § 296-46-150, filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81; WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-150, filed 1/31/78; Order 75-25, § 296-46-150, filed 8/4/75; Order 74-43, § 296-46-150, filed 12/19/74; Order 72-7, § 296-46-150, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, § 296-46-150, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 97-12-016, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600.
296-46-155Wiring methods for designated building occupancies. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-155, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-160Service requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-160, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-160, filed 7/17/84; Order 69-2, § 296-46-160, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 90-19-015, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600.
296-46-165Service ampacity. [Order 72-7, § 296-46-165, filed 6/7/72.] Repealed by Order 74-43, filed 12/19/74.
296-46-170Clearance of service drop for single family or duplex residences. [Order 69-2, § 296-46-170, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-180Meter installation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-180, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-180, filed 7/17/84; Order 74-43, § 296-46-180, filed 12/19/74; Order 69-2, § 296-46-180, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-190Current transformers. [Order 69-2, § 296-46-190, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-200Service entrance conductors. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-200, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-200, filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-200, filed 1/31/78; Order 74-43, § 296-46-200, filed 12/19/74; Order 73-7, § 296-46-200, filed 5/17/73; Order 69-2, § 296-46-200, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 90-19-015, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600.
296-46-210Service entrance cable. [Order 69-2, § 296-46-210, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-21008Branch circuits. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-21008, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-21008, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93; WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-21008, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-21052Receptacles. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-21052, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98; WSR 97-24-033, § 296-46-21052, filed 11/25/97, effective 12/29/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-21052, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-21052, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93; WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-21052, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-220Branch circuit and feeder calculations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-220, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93; WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-220, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-220, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-220, filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-220, filed 1/31/78; Order 72-7, § 296-46-220, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, § 296-46-220, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-225Outside branch circuits and feeders. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-225, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-225, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-225, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-230Service entrance. [Order 74-43, § 296-46-230, filed 12/19/74; Order 72-7, § 296-46-230, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, § 296-46-230, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-23001Service requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-23001, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-23028Service or other masts. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-23028, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-23028, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-23028, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-23040Service conductors. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 99-05-052, § 296-46-23040, filed 2/12/99, effective 3/15/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-23040, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93; WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-23040, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-23062Service equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-23062, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-23062, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93; WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-23062, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-240Service mast. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-240, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-240, filed 7/17/84; Order 69-2, § 296-46-240, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 90-19-015, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600.
296-46-242Transformer neutral grounding. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-242, filed 1/31/78.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-244Utility conductor limitations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-244, filed 1/31/78.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-250Safe wiring label. [Order 69-2, § 296-46-250, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), filed 1/31/78. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-260Direct burial cable. [Order 75-25, § 296-46-260, filed 8/4/75; Order 72-7, § 296-46-260, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, § 296-46-260, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by Order 74-43, filed 12/19/74 and later adopted, as amended, by Order 75-25, filed 8/4/75. Repealed by WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), filed 1/31/78. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-265Conductors of different systems. [Order 74-43, § 296-265 (codified as WAC 296-46-265), filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), filed 1/31/78. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-270Metallic plumbing lines. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-270, filed 1/31/78; Order 69-2, § 296-46-270, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-280Garbage disposal, waste disposal or waste compactor appliances and dishwasher circuits. [Order 72-7, § 296-46-280, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, § 296-46-280, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-290Range circuit. [Order 69-2, § 296-46-290, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-300Water heaters. [Order 75-25, § 296-46-300, filed 8/4/75; Order 74-43, § 296-46-300, filed 12/19/74; Order 69-2, § 296-46-300, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-30001Support of raceways and cables in suspended ceilings. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-30001, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-30001, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-30001, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-310Clothes dryers. [Order 69-2, § 296-46-310, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by Order 72-7, filed 6/7/72.
296-46-316Duct bank conductor ampacities. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-316, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93; WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-316, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 88-15-063 (Order 88-14), § 296-46-316, filed 7/18/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-316, filed 5/1/87.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-320Electric heating. [Order 74-43, § 296-46-320, filed 12/19/74; Order 73-7, § 296-46-320, filed 5/17/73; Order 72-7, § 296-46-320, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, § 296-46-320, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), filed 1/31/78. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-324Knob-and-tube wiring. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-324, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-330Bathroom receptacles. [Order 69-2, § 296-46-330, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by Order 72-7, filed 6/7/72.
296-46-335Unfinished areas. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), § 296-46-335, filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81; Order 74-43, § 296-46-335, filed 12/19/74; Order 72-7, § 296-46-335, filed 6/7/72.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-336Nonmetallic cable systems. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-336, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-340Recreation room. [Order 69-2, § 296-46-340, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by Order 74-43, filed 12/19/74.
296-46-348Electrical metallic tubing. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-348, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 86-18-041 (Order 86-23), § 296-46-348, filed 8/29/86.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-350Emergency systems. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-350, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-350, filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), § 296-46-350, filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81; WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-350, filed 1/31/78; Order 72-7, § 296-46-350, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, § 296-46-350, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 90-19-015, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600.
296-46-355Mobile home connections. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), § 296-46-355, filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-360Amusement rides or structures, carnivals, circuses, and similar traveling shows. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-360, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-360, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93; WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-360, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 86-18-041 (Order 86-23), § 296-46-360, filed 8/29/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-360, filed 7/17/84; Order 69-2, § 296-46-360, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-365Concerts, motion picture productions, stage shows, and similar shows. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-365, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-370Boxes and fittings. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 99-05-052, § 296-46-370, filed 2/12/99, effective 3/15/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-370, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-370, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-370, filed 7/17/84; Order 75-25, § 296-46-370, filed 8/4/75; Order 72-7, § 296-46-370, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, § 296-46-370, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-380Rockcrushers. [Order 69-2, § 296-46-380, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-390Woodworking plants. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-390, filed 1/31/78; Order 69-2, § 296-46-390, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-400Mobile homes. [Order 69-2, § 296-46-400, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), filed 1/31/78. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-401License fee. [Order 71-17, § 296-46-401, filed 12/7/71.] Repealed by WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), filed 1/31/78. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-40101Administrator fees. [Order 74-43, § 296-46-401, (codified as WAC 296-46-40101), filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-402Fees. [Order 75-25, § 296-46-402, filed 8/4/75; Order 74-43, § 296-46-402, filed 12/19/74; Order 71-17, § 296-36-402 (codified as WAC 296-46-402), filed 12/7/71.] Repealed by WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), filed 1/31/78. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-410Conductor termination. [Order 69-2, § 296-46-410, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by Order 72-7, filed 6/7/72.
296-46-420Nonmetallic cable systems—Ground-fault circuit interrupter protection—Knob and tube wiring. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 88-15-063 (Order 88-14), § 296-46-420, filed 7/18/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-420, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-420, filed 7/17/84; Order 69-2, § 296-46-420, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 90-19-015, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600.
296-46-422Water heater circuit. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-422, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-422, filed 5/1/87.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-424Residential occupancies, ground fault circuit interrupters. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), § 296-46-424, filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81; WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-424, filed 1/31/78; Order 75-25, § 296-46-424, filed 8/4/75.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-425Construction sites. [Order 74-43, § 296-46-425, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), filed 1/31/78. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-426Bonding agricultural structures and equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-426, filed 1/31/78; Order 74-43, § 296-46-426, filed 1/3/75.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-450Grounded neutral conductor. [Order 69-2, § 296-46-450, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), filed 1/31/78. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-45001Transformers. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-45001, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-460Terminating immediately inside an outside building wall. [Order 75-25, § 296-46-460, filed 8/4/75; Order 72-7, § 296-46-460, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, § 296-46-460, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), filed 1/31/78. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-480Location of pad-mounted transformers. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-480, filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-480, filed 1/31/78; Order 69-2, § 296-46-480, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-490Location of total underground transformers. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060. WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), § 296-46-490, filed 7/17/84; Order 69-2, § 296-46-490, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-492Electrical license and administrator certificate designation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-492, filed 1/31/78.] Repealed by WSR 83-23-053 (Order 83-32), filed 11/14/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.120 and 19.28.510.
296-46-493Electrical contractor license and administrator certificate fees. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060 and 19.28.210. WSR 82-18-036 (Order 82-29), § 296-46-493, filed 8/26/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-493, filed 1/31/78.] Repealed by WSR 83-23-053 (Order 83-32), filed 11/14/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.120 and 19.28.510.
296-46-495Electrical work permits and fees. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 99-05-052, § 296-46-495, filed 2/12/99, effective 3/15/99; WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-495, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-495, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93; WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-495, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-495, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060 and 19.28.210. WSR 85-20-065 (Order 85-16), § 296-46-495, filed 9/27/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-495, filed 1/31/78.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-500Electrical advisory board. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), § 296-46-500, filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81; WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-500, filed 1/31/78; Order 74-43, § 296-46-500, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-50002On-site sewage disposal systems. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 99-05-052, § 296-46-50002, filed 2/12/99, effective 3/15/99; WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-50002, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-501Board of electrical examiners. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), § 296-46-501, filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-506Responsibilities of electrical contractors administrator certificate holders—Revocation of certificates—Appeals. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), § 296-46-506, filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81.] Repealed by WSR 83-23-053 (Order 83-32), filed 11/14/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.120 and 19.28.510.
296-46-510Definitions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-510, filed 1/31/78; Order 74-43, § 296-46-510, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-514Gasoline dispensing and service stations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-514, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-514, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93; WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-514, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-514, filed 5/1/87.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-515Officers. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-515, filed 1/31/78; Order 74-43, § 296-46-515, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-517Health care facilities. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-517, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 93-06-072, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600.
296-46-520Internal management. [Order 74-43, § 296-46-520, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-525Board duties. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-525, filed 1/31/78; Order 74-43, § 296-46-525, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060.
296-46-530Hearings. [Order 74-43, § 296-46-530, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 83-23-053 (Order 83-32), filed 11/14/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.120 and 19.28.510.
296-46-535Appearance and practice before advisory board. [Order 74-43, § 296-46-535, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-540Solicitation of business unethical. [Order 74-43, § 296-46-540, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-545Standards of ethical conduct. [Order 74-43, § 296-46-545, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-550Appearance by former employee. [Order 74-43, § 296-46-550, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-55001Mobile or manufactured homes. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-55001, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 93-06-072, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600.
296-46-553Boat moorages, floating buildings, and similar installations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-553, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-555Former employee as expert witness. [Order 74-43, § 296-46-555, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-560Computation of time. [Order 74-43, § 296-46-560, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-565Administrative Procedure Act. [Order 74-43, § 296-46-565, filed 12/19/74.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-590Electric heating. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-590, filed 1/31/78.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-59005Appendix A—Residential heat loss tables. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-59005, filed 1/31/78. Formerly Appendix A.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-59010Appendix B—Outdoor design temperatures. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-59010, filed 1/31/78. Formerly Appendix B.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-600Electrical signs. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-600, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 86-18-041 (Order 86-23), § 296-46-600, filed 8/29/86.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-670Definitions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010, 19.28.060 and 19.28.250. WSR 94-01-005, § 296-46-670, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-680Electrical equipment associated with spas, hot tubs, swimming pools or hydromassage bathtubs. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-680, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-680, filed 5/1/87; WSR 86-18-041 (Order 86-23), § 296-46-680, filed 8/29/86.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-700Emergency systems. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-700, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-700, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93; WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-700, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-702Optional standby systems. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-702, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-710Identification of cables. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 93-06-072, § 296-46-710, filed 3/2/93, effective 4/2/93.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-725Class 2 and Class 3 cables. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-725, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-725, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-770Optical fiber cables. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-770, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1) and 19.28.600. WSR 90-19-015, § 296-46-770, filed 9/10/90, effective 10/11/90.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-900Appendix C—Drawing E-103. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-900, filed 1/31/78; Order 75-25, Appendix C—Drawing E-103 (codified as WAC 296-46-900), filed 8/4/75; Order 72-7, Appendix C, filed 6/7/72.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-905Appendix D—Drawing E-104. [Order 75-25, Appendix D (codified as WAC 296-46-905), filed 8/4/75; Order 72-7, Appendix D, filed 6/7/72.] Repealed by WSR 84-15-051 (Order 84-10), filed 7/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.010 and 19.28.060.
296-46-910Inspection fees. [Statutory Authority: Chapters 43.22, 18.27, 70.87 and 19.28 RCW. WSR 99-12-080, § 296-46-910, filed 5/28/99, effective 6/28/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.356 (1)(f). WSR 98-22-063, § 296-46-910, filed 11/2/98, effective 12/3/98. Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-910, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98; WSR 97-24-033, § 296-46-910, filed 11/25/97, effective 12/29/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-910, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1), 19.28.600 and 19.28.210(6). WSR 92-08-102, § 296-46-910, filed 4/1/92, effective 5/2/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060 and 19.28.210(6). WSR 90-17-041, § 296-46-910, filed 8/10/90, effective 9/10/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-910, filed 5/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060 and 19.28.210. WSR 85-20-065 (Order 85-16), § 296-46-910, filed 9/27/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.210. WSR 83-16-058 (Order 83-20), § 296-46-910, filed 8/2/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060 and 19.28.210. WSR 82-18-036 (Order 82-29), § 296-46-910, filed 8/26/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 81-06-037 (Order 81-5), § 296-46-910, filed 2/27/81, effective 4/1/81; WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), § 296-46-910, filed 1/31/78.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-915Electrical contractor license, administrator certificate and examination, and copy fees. [Statutory Authority: Chapters 43.22, 18.27, 70.87 and 19.28 RCW. WSR 99-12-080, § 296-46-915, filed 5/28/99, effective 6/28/99. Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-915, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98; WSR 97-24-033, § 296-46-915, filed 11/25/97, effective 12/29/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-915, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.010(1), 19.28.600, 19.28.120(2) and 19.28.510(2). WSR 92-08-102, § 296-46-915, filed 4/1/92, effective 5/2/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.120(2) and 19.28.510(2). WSR 90-17-041, § 296-46-915, filed 8/10/90, effective 9/10/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 86-18-041 (Order 86-23), § 296-46-915, filed 8/29/86.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-920Civil penalty. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-920, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, [19.28.]210(6), [19.28.]350 and [19.28.]600. WSR 97-12-016, § 296-46-920, filed 5/28/97, effective 6/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 87-10-030 (Order 87-07), § 296-46-920, filed 5/1/87; WSR 86-18-041 (Order 86-23), § 296-46-920, filed 8/29/86.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-930Electrical contractor license and administrator certificate designation. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 99-05-052, § 296-46-930, filed 2/12/99, effective 3/15/99; WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-930, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98; WSR 97-24-033, § 296-46-930, filed 11/25/97, effective 12/29/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 86-18-041 (Order 86-23), § 296-46-930, filed 8/29/86.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-935Exemptions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 93-03-048, § 296-46-935, filed 1/15/93, effective 2/15/93.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-940Electrical contractor license. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 99-05-052, § 296-46-940, filed 2/12/99, effective 3/15/99; WSR 98-12-042, § 296-46-940, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/30/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 86-18-041 (Order 86-23), § 296-46-940, filed 8/29/86.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-950Administrators certificate. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 99-05-052, § 296-46-950, filed 2/12/99, effective 3/15/99; WSR 97-24-033, § 296-46-950, filed 11/25/97, effective 12/29/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060, 19.28.600 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 86-18-041 (Order 86-23), § 296-46-950, filed 8/29/86.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
296-46-960Revocation or suspension of a contractor license or administrator certificate. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 97-24-033, § 296-46-960, filed 11/25/97, effective 12/29/97.] Repealed by WSR 01-01-097, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW.
Appendix AResidential heat loss tables. [Order 72-7, Appendix A—Residential heat loss tables, filed 6/7/72; Order 69-2, Appendix A—Electric heat loss calculation, filed 2/28/69, effective 4/1/69.] Repealed by WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), filed 1/31/78. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. Later promulgation, see WAC 296-46-59005.
Appendix BOutdoor design temperatures—Charts. [Order 72-7, Appendix B—Outdoor design temperatures—Charts, filed 6/7/72.] Repealed by WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), filed 1/31/78. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. Later promulgation, see WAC 296-46-59010.
Reviser's note: The 1978 Edition of National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70-1978) was adopted by the department of labor and industries on January 1, 1978. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.060. WSR 78-02-098 (Order 77-31), filed 1/31/78.]
Chapter 296-46A
Reviser's note: Later promulgation, see chapter 296-46B WAC.
296-46A-090Foreword. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-090, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-092General definitions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-092, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-095Inspection. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-095, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-100Approval for conductors and equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-100, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-102Industrial control panel inspection. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-102, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-104Traffic management systems. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238 and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-104, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-110Identification methods. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-110, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-130Classification or definition of occupancies. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-130, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-140Plan review for educational, institutional or health care facilities and other buildings. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-140, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-155Wiring methods for designated building occupancies. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-155, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-21052Tamper resistant receptacles. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-21052, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-215Feeders—Ground fault protection testing. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-215, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-220Branch circuit and feeder calculations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-220, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-22530More than one building or other structure. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-22530, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-23001Service requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-23001, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-23028Service or other masts. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-23028, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-23040Service conductors. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-23040, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-23062Service equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-23062, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-250Grounding and bonding. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-250, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-300Wiring methods. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-300, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-30011Support of raceways, cables, or boxes in suspended ceilings. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-30011, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-324Knob-and-tube wiring. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-324, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-348Electrical metallic tubing. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-348, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-365Concerts, motion picture productions, stage shows, and similar shows. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-365, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-370Boxes and fittings. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-370, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-41004Lighting fixtures. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-41004, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-41030Flexible cord connection pendant boxes and electric discharge fixtures. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-41030, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-422Water heater circuit. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-422, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-450Transformers. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-450, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-500Sewage disposal systems. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-500, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-514Dispensing and service stations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-514, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-517Health care facilities. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-517, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-550Mobile/manufactured homes. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-550, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-553Boat moorages, floating buildings, and similar installations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-553, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-600Electrical signs. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-600, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-680Electrical equipment associated with spas, hot tubs, swimming pools or hydromassage bathtubs. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-680, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-700Emergency systems. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-700, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-702Optional standby systems. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-702, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-900Electrical work permits and fees. [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-900, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-910Inspection fees. [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.350, 43.22.434, 43.22.480, 43.22.500, 18.27.040, 18.27.070, 18.27.075, 70.87.030, 19.28.041, 19.28.051, 19.28.101, 19.28.121, 19.28.161, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.341, 2001 c 7, 2002 c 249, and chapters 19.28, 43.22, 18.27, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 02-12-022, § 296-46A-910, filed 5/28/02, effective 6/28/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.350, 43.22.434, 43.22.480, 43.22.500, 18.27.070, 18.27.075, 70.87.030, 19.28.041, 19.28.051, 19.28.101, 19.28.121, 19.28.161, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.341, 2001 c 159, and chapters 43.22, 19.28, 18.27, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-12-035, § 296-46A-910, filed 5/29/01, effective 6/29/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-910, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061, 19.28.101, 19.28.131, 19.28.161, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.241, 19.28.251, 19.28.271, 19.28.311, 19.28.321, 19.28.400, 19.28.420, 19.28.490, 19.28.551, 2002 c 249, chapters 34.05 and 19.28 RCW.
296-46A-915Electrical/telecommunications contractor license, administrator certificate and examination, and copy fees. [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.350, 43.22.434, 43.22.480, 43.22.500, 18.27.040, 18.27.070, 18.27.075, 70.87.030, 19.28.041, 19.28.051, 19.28.101, 19.28.121, 19.28.161, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.341, 2001 c 7, 2002 c 249, and chapters 19.28, 43.22, 18.27, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 02-12-022, § 296-46A-915, filed 5/28/02, effective 6/28/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.350, 43.22.434, 43.22.480, 43.22.500, 18.27.070, 18.27.075, 70.87.030, 19.28.041, 19.28.051, 19.28.101, 19.28.121, 19.28.161, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.341, 2001 c 159, and chapters 43.22, 19.28, 18.27, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-12-035, § 296-46A-915, filed 5/29/01, effective 6/29/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.031, 19.28.551, 19.28.010, 19.28.101, 19.28.171, 19.28.191, 19.28.251, 19.28.470, 19.28.490, 67.42.050, 2000 c 238, and chapter 19.28 RCW. WSR 01-01-097, § 296-46A-915, filed 12/15/00, effective 1/18/01.] Repealed by WSR 03-09-111, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.28.006, 19.28.010, 19.28.031, 19.28.041, 19.28.061,