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296-150I-0410  <<  296-150I-3000 >>   End of Chapter

PDFWAC 296-150I-3000

Penalties, fees, and refunds.

(1) Monetary penalties for infractions listed in WAC 296-150I-0210 may be assessed for each violation of chapter 43.22A RCW in the following amount:
(a) Failure to have a certified installer on the installation site whenever installation work is being performed:
First Final Violation
Each Additional Final Violation
(b) Failure to correct all nonconforming aspects of the installation identified by the local enforcement agency or by an authorized representative of the department within thirty days of issuance of notice of the same:
First Final Violation
Second Final Violation
Third Final Violation
Each Additional Final Violation
(c) Failure by a certified installer to affix a certification tag to an installed manufactured or mobile home:
First Final Violation
Second Final Violation
Third Final Violation
Each Additional Final Violation
(d) Transfer of certification tag(s) from a certified installer to another certified installer without prior written approval of the department:
First Final Violation
Each Additional Final Violation
(e) Transfer of certification tag(s) from a certified installer to a noncertified installer:
First Final Violation to Each Contractor in Violation
Each Additional Final Violation to Each Contractor in Violation
Fees and Refunds
The following fees are payable to the department in advance:
Installer test and certification
Homeowner test and approval
Manufactured home installation inspector test and certificate
Certification renewal
Continuing education class
Retake failed examination and training at scheduled class
Manufactured home installer training manual (on thumb drive)
Installer certification tag
L&I manufactured home installation inspection permit*
See WAC 296-150M-3000 for fee
Only available when L&I has an interagency agreement with the local enforcement agency in accordance with WAC 296-150I-0370.
(2) The department shall refund fees paid for training and certification or certification renewal as a manufactured home installer if the application is denied for failure of the applicant to comply with the requirements of chapter 43.22A RCW or these rules.
(3) If an applicant has paid fees to attend training or to take an examination and is unable to attend the scheduled training or examination, the applicant may:
(a) Change to another scheduled training and examination; or
(b) Request a refund.
(4) An applicant who fails the examination shall not be entitled to a refund.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 43.22 and 43.22A RCW. WSR 24-21-131, s 296-150I-3000, filed 10/22/24, effective 1/1/25; WSR 23-21-084, § 296-150I-3000, filed 10/17/23, effective 12/1/23; WSR 22-19-074, § 296-150I-3000, filed 9/20/22, effective 11/1/22; WSR 22-01-193, § 296-150I-3000, filed 12/21/21, effective 1/31/22; WSR 21-07-126, § 296-150I-3000, filed 3/23/21, effective 4/23/21. Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.27, 70.87, 43.22, and 43.22A RCW. WSR 18-24-102, § 296-150I-3000, filed 12/4/18, effective 1/4/19. Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.22A RCW. WSR 17-23-173, § 296-150I-3000, filed 11/21/17, effective 1/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.22A RCW and 2009 c 464 [564]. WSR 10-06-043, § 296-150I-3000, filed 2/23/10, effective 4/1/10. Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.22A RCW and 2007 c 432. WSR 08-12-040, § 296-150I-3000, filed 5/30/08, effective 6/30/08.]