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Chapter 388-450 WAC

|Show DispositionsLast Update: 12/10/24


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF388-450-0005How does the department decide if I own a type of income and if this income is available to meet my needs?
HTMLPDF388-450-0010The department takes some or all of your time-loss benefits if you get cash assistance while waiting for your claim to be processed.
HTMLPDF388-450-0015What types of income are not used by the department to figure out my benefits?
HTMLPDF388-450-0025What is unearned income?
HTMLPDF388-450-0030What is earned income?
HTMLPDF388-450-0035Educational benefits.
HTMLPDF388-450-0040Native American benefits and payments.
HTMLPDF388-450-0045How do we count income from employment and training programs?
HTMLPDF388-450-0050How does your participation in the community jobs program affect your cash assistance and basic food benefits?
HTMLPDF388-450-0055How does needs-based assistance from other agencies or organizations count against my benefits?
HTMLPDF388-450-0065GiftsCash and noncash.
HTMLPDF388-450-0070When do we count a child's income?
HTMLPDF388-450-0080What is self-employment income?
HTMLPDF388-450-0085Does the department count all of my self-employment income to determine if I am eligible for benefits?
HTMLPDF388-450-0095Allocating incomeGeneral.
HTMLPDF388-450-0100Allocating incomeDefinitions.
HTMLPDF388-450-0105Allocating the income of financially responsible persons included in the assistance unit.
HTMLPDF388-450-0106How does the department count income if someone cannot get assistance because of their immigration status?
HTMLPDF388-450-0112Does the department allocate the income of an ABD cash client to legal dependents?
HTMLPDF388-450-0113Does the department allocate income of a housing and essential needs (HEN) referral client to legal dependents?
HTMLPDF388-450-0120Does the department allocate the income of financially responsible parents to a pregnant or parenting minor?
HTMLPDF388-450-0130Does the department allocate the income of a nonapplying spouse to a caretaker relative?
HTMLPDF388-450-0137Does the department allocate income of an ineligible spouse to an ABD cash client?
HTMLPDF388-450-0138Does the department allocate income of an ineligible spouse to a housing and essential needs (HEN) referral client?
HTMLPDF388-450-0140How does the income of an ineligible assistance unit member affect my eligibility and benefits for basic food?
HTMLPDF388-450-0145Income of a person who is not a member of a food assistance unit.
HTMLPDF388-450-0155How does being a sponsored immigrant affect my eligibility for cash and food assistance programs?
HTMLPDF388-450-0156When am I exempt from deeming?
HTMLPDF388-450-0160How does the department decide how much of my sponsor's income to count against my benefits?
HTMLPDF388-450-0162How does the department count my income to determine if my assistance unit is eligible and how does the department calculate the amount of my cash and basic food benefits?
HTMLPDF388-450-0165Gross earned income limit for TANF/SFA.
HTMLPDF388-450-0170Does the department provide an earned income deduction for households that receive TANF/SFA, RCA, and PWA to work?
HTMLPDF388-450-0177Does the department provide an earned income deduction for the ABD cash program?
HTMLPDF388-450-0178Does the department provide an earned income deduction for housing and essential needs (HEN) referral applicants and recipients?
HTMLPDF388-450-0185What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?
HTMLPDF388-450-0190How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?
HTMLPDF388-450-0195Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?
HTMLPDF388-450-0200Will the medical expenses of elderly persons or individuals with disabilities in my assistance unit be used as an income deduction for basic food?
HTMLPDF388-450-0215How does the department estimate my assistance unit's income to determine my eligibility and benefits?
HTMLPDF388-450-0225How are my assistance unit's benefits calculated for the first month I am eligible for cash assistance?
HTMLPDF388-450-0230What income does the department count in the month I apply for basic food when my assistance unit is destitute?
HTMLPDF388-450-0245When are my benefits suspended?