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332-160-050  <<  332-160-060 >>   332-160-070

PDFWAC 332-160-060

Multiple proposals for the same geographic feature.

How will the committee process multiple proposals for the same geographic feature? When the committee has received multiple proposals relating to the same geographic feature, the committee may, in its discretion, delay deliberation on a proposal so as to make simultaneous deliberations and one recommendation. Once the committee recommends approval of a proposal, the committee will not consider other proposals for the same geographic feature unless the board refers the proposal back to the committee for further consideration. The board may, in its discretion, either approve a proposal or refer the proposal to the committee for one recommendation in consideration of all proposals for a geographic feature.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.293. WSR 16-15-074, ยง 332-160-060, filed 7/19/16, effective 8/19/16.]