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246-243-195  <<  246-243-200 >>   246-243-203

PDFWAC 246-243-200

Records required at temporary job sites.

Each licensee conducting radiographic operations at a temporary site shall have copies of the following documents and records available at that site for inspection by the department:
(1) Appropriate license;
(2) Operating and emergency procedures;
(3) Applicable regulations;
(4) Survey records required pursuant to WAC 246-243-190 for the period of operation at the site;
(5) Direct reading dosimeter records for the period of operation at the site;
(6) The latest radiation survey instrument calibration record and leak test record for specific devices in use at the site;
(7) The latest calibration record for alarm rate meters and operability checks of pocket dosimeters or electronic personal dosimeters as required by WAC 246-243-150;
(8) Utilization records for each radiographic exposure device dispatched from that location as required by WAC 246-243-110;
(9) Records of equipment problems identified in daily checks of equipment as required by WAC 246-243-120;
(10) Records of alarm system and entrance control checks required by WAC 246-243-220, if applicable;
(11) The shipping papers for the transportation of radioactive materials; and
(12) When operating under reciprocity pursuant to WAC 246-232-040, a copy of the NRC or agreement state license authorizing the use of radioactive material.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050 and 70.98.110. WSR 16-13-054, § 246-243-200, filed 6/10/16, effective 7/11/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. WSR 00-08-013, § 246-243-200, filed 3/24/00, effective 4/24/00; WSR 94-01-073, § 246-243-200, filed 12/9/93, effective 1/9/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050 and 70.98.080. WSR 91-15-112 (Order 184), § 246-243-200, filed 7/24/91, effective 8/24/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040. WSR 91-02-049 (Order 121), recodified as § 246-243-200, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. WSR 81-01-011 (Order 1570), § 402-36-153, filed 12/8/80.]