PDFWAC 106-116-521
Monetary penalties.
(1) The monetary penalties to be assessed for violations of these regulations shall be those detailed in WAC 106-116-603.
(2) The chief of public safety and police services or designee will cause:
(a) These regulations or a reasonable condensation thereof to be prominently displayed in the public safety and police services department.
(b) The amount of the monetary penalty to be written on the parking-violation notices served on alleged violators.
(c) Removal or immobilization of vehicles at owner's expense when infractions remain unpaid.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.10.528 and 28B.35.120(12). WSR 04-17-067, § 106-116-521, filed 8/12/04, effective 9/12/04; WSR 98-23-022, § 106-116-521, filed 11/9/98, effective 12/10/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.10.528, 28B.10.560 and 28.35.120. WSR 94-10-049 (Order CWU AO 72), § 106-116-521, filed 5/2/94, effective 6/2/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.19.050 and 28B.35.120. WSR 81-08-010 (Order 46), § 106-116-521, filed 3/23/81; WSR 80-11-027 (Order 45), § 106-116-521, filed 8/14/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.19.050 and 28B.40.120. WSR 78-02-023 (Order 37), § 106-116-521, filed 1/13/78; Order 24, § 106-116-521, filed 7/30/75; Order 19, § 106-116-521, filed 8/22/74; Order 15, § 106-116-521, filed 8/17/73.]