43.06.110  <<  43.06.115 >>   43.06.120

PDFRCW 43.06.115

Militarily impacted areaDeclaration by governor.

(1) The governor may, by executive order, after consultation with or notification of the executive-legislative committee on economic development created by *chapter . . . (Senate Bill No. 5300), Laws of 1993, declare a community to be a "military impacted area." A "military impacted area" means a community or communities, as identified in the executive order, that experience serious social and economic hardships because of a change in defense spending by the federal government in that community or communities.
(2) If the governor executes an order under subsection (1) of this section, the governor shall establish a response team to coordinate state efforts to assist the military impacted community. The response team may include, but not be limited to, one member from each of the following agencies: (a) The department of commerce; (b) the department of social and health services; (c) the employment security department; (d) the state board for community and technical colleges; (e) the student achievement council; and (f) the department of transportation. The governor may appoint a response team coordinator. The governor shall seek to actively involve the impacted community or communities in planning and implementing a response to the crisis. The governor may seek input or assistance from the community diversification advisory committee, and the governor may establish task forces in the community or communities to assist in the coordination and delivery of services to the local community. The state and community response shall consider economic development, human service, and training needs of the community or communities impacted.
[ 2012 c 229 s 583; 1998 c 245 s 47; 1996 c 186 s 505; 1995 c 399 s 61; 1993 c 421 s 2.]


*Reviser's note: Senate Bill No. 5300 was vetoed.
Effective date2012 c 229 ss 101, 117, 401, 402, 501 through 594, 601 through 609, 701 through 708, 801 through 821, 902, and 904: See note following RCW 28B.77.005.
FindingsIntentPart headings not lawEffective date1996 c 186: See notes following RCW 43.330.904.
FindingIntent1993 c 421: "The legislature finds that military base expansions, closures, and defense procurement contract cancellations may have extreme economic impacts on communities and firms. The legislature began to address this concern in 1990 by establishing the community diversification program in the department of community development. While this program has helped military dependent communities begin the long road to diversification, base expansions or closures or major procurement contract reductions in the near future will find these communities unable to respond adequately, endangering the health, safety, and welfare of the community. The legislature intends to target emergency state assistance to military dependent communities significantly impacted by defense spending. The emergency state assistance and the long-term strategy should be driven by the impacted community and consistent with the state plan for diversification required under RCW 43.63A.450(4)." [ 1993 c 421 s 1.]