Chapter 50.24 RCW



HTMLPDF 50.24.010Payment of contributionsAmount of wages subject to taxWages paid by employers making payments in lieu of contributions not remuneration.
HTMLPDF 50.24.014Financing special unemployment assistanceFinancing the employment security department's administrative costsAccountsContributions.
HTMLPDF 50.24.015WagesDeemed paid when contractually due.
HTMLPDF 50.24.020Authority to compromise.
HTMLPDF 50.24.030Contributions erroneously paid to United States or another state.
HTMLPDF 50.24.040Interest on delinquent contributions.
HTMLPDF 50.24.050Lien for contributions generally.
HTMLPDF 50.24.060Lien in event of insolvency or dissolution.
HTMLPDF 50.24.070Order and notice of assessment.
HTMLPDF 50.24.080Jeopardy assessment.
HTMLPDF 50.24.090Distraint, seizure, and sale.
HTMLPDF 50.24.100Distraint procedure.
HTMLPDF 50.24.110Notice and order to withhold and deliver.
HTMLPDF 50.24.115WarrantAuthorizedFilingLienEnforcement.
HTMLPDF 50.24.120Collection by civil action.
HTMLPDF 50.24.125Collection by civil actionCollection of delinquent payments in lieu of contributions from political subdivisions or instrumentalities thereof.
HTMLPDF 50.24.130Contractor's and principal's liability for contributionsExceptions.
HTMLPDF 50.24.140Collection remedies cumulative.
HTMLPDF 50.24.150Contribution adjustments and refunds.
HTMLPDF 50.24.160Election of coverage.
HTMLPDF 50.24.170Joint accounts.
HTMLPDF 50.24.180Injunction proceedings.
HTMLPDF 50.24.190Limitation of actions.
HTMLPDF 50.24.200Chargeoff of uncollectible accounts.
HTMLPDF 50.24.210Contributions due and payable upon termination or disposal of businessSuccessor liability.
HTMLPDF 50.24.220Client employer liabilityCollection.
HTMLPDF 50.24.230Corporate or limited liability company officers, members, and ownersPersonal liability.

Payment of contributionsAmount of wages subject to taxWages paid by employers making payments in lieu of contributions not remuneration.

Contributions shall accrue and become payable by each employer (except employers as described in RCW 50.44.010 who have properly elected to make payments in lieu of contributions and those employers who are required to make payments in lieu of contributions) for each calendar year in which the employer is subject to this title at the rate established pursuant to chapter 50.29 RCW.
In each rate year, the amount of wages subject to tax for each individual shall be one hundred fifteen percent of the amount of wages subject to tax for the previous year rounded to the next lower one hundred dollars, except that the amount of wages subject to tax in any rate year shall not exceed eighty percent of the "average annual wage for contributions purposes" for the second preceding calendar year rounded to the next lower one hundred dollars. However, the amount subject to tax shall be twenty-four thousand three hundred dollars for rate year 2000.
In making computations under this section and RCW 50.29.010, wages paid based on services for employers making payments in lieu of contributions shall not be considered remuneration. Moneys paid from the fund, based on services performed for employers who make payments in lieu of contributions, which have not been reimbursed to the fund as of any June 30 shall be deemed an asset of the unemployment compensation fund, to the extent that such moneys exceed the amount of payments in lieu of contributions which the commissioner has previously determined to be uncollectible: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That the amount attributable to employment with the state shall also include interest as provided for in RCW 50.44.020.
Contributions shall become due and be paid by each employer to the treasurer for the unemployment compensation fund in accordance with such regulations as the commissioner may prescribe, and shall not be deducted, in whole or in part, from the remuneration of individuals in employment of the employer. Any deduction in violation of the provisions of this section shall be unlawful.
In the payment of any contributions, a fractional part of a cent shall be disregarded unless it amounts to one-half cent or more, in which case it shall be increased to one cent.


Reviser's note: Referendum Measure No. 53 was rejected by the voters at the November 2002 election. This section has been returned to the status existing before its amendment by 2002 c 149.
Application2000 c 2 ss 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, and 12-15: See note following RCW 50.22.150.
Conflict with federal requirementsSeverabilityEffective date2000 c 2: See notes following RCW 50.04.355.
Conflict with federal requirementsSeverabilityEffective dates1984 c 205: See notes following RCW 50.20.120.
Effective datesConstruction1977 ex.s. c 33: See notes following RCW 50.04.030.
ConstructionCompliance with federal act1971 c 3: See RCW 50.44.080.
Effective date1970 ex.s. c 2: See note following RCW 50.04.020.

Financing special unemployment assistanceFinancing the employment security department's administrative costsAccountsContributions.

(1)(a) A separate and identifiable account to provide for the financing of special programs to assist the unemployed is established in the administrative contingency fund. All money in this account shall be expended solely for the purposes of this title and for no other purposes whatsoever, except as provided in subsection (4) of this section. Contributions to this account shall accrue and become payable by each employer, except employers as described in RCW 50.44.010 and 50.44.030 who have properly elected to make payments in lieu of contributions, taxable local government employers as described in RCW 50.44.035, and those employers who are required to make payments in lieu of contributions, at a basic rate of two one-hundredths of one percent. The amount of wages subject to tax shall be determined under RCW 50.24.010.
(b) A separate and identifiable account is established in the administrative contingency fund for financing the employment security department's administrative costs under RCW 50.22.150 and 50.22.155 and the costs under RCW 50.22.150(11) and 50.22.155 (1)(m) and (2)(m). All money in this account shall be expended solely for the purposes of this title and for no other purposes whatsoever. Contributions to this account shall accrue and become payable by each employer, except employers as described in RCW 50.44.010 and 50.44.030 who have properly elected to make payments in lieu of contributions, taxable local government employers as described in RCW 50.44.035, those employers who are required to make payments in lieu of contributions, those employers described under RCW 50.29.025(1)(d), and those qualified employers assigned rate class 20 or rate class 40, as applicable, under RCW 50.29.025, at a basic rate of one one-hundredth of one percent. The amount of wages subject to tax shall be determined under RCW 50.24.010. Any amount of contributions payable under this subsection (1)(b) that exceeds the amount that would have been collected at a rate of four one-thousandths of one percent must be deposited in the account created in (a) of this subsection.
(2)(a) Contributions under this section shall become due and be paid by each employer under rules as the commissioner may prescribe, and shall not be deducted, in whole or in part, from the remuneration of individuals in the employ of the employer. Any deduction in violation of this section is unlawful.
(b) In the payment of any contributions under this section, a fractional part of a cent shall be disregarded unless it amounts to one-half cent or more, in which case it shall be increased to one cent.
(3) If the commissioner determines that federal funding has been increased to provide financing for the services specified in chapter 50.62 RCW, the commissioner shall direct that collection of contributions under this section be terminated on the following January 1st.
(4) During the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium, moneys in the account in subsection (1)(a) of this section may be appropriated for poverty reduction programs that coordinate employment, training, education, and other existing systems designed to assist low-income individuals attain self-sufficiency.


Effective date2023 c 475: See note following RCW 16.76.030.
IntentConflict with federal requirementsEffective date2021 c 2: See notes following RCW 50.04.323.
Effective date2016 sp.s. c 36: See note following RCW 18.20.430.
Contingent effective date2011 c 4 ss 7-15: See note following RCW 50.20.099.
Conflict with federal requirements2011 c 4: See note following RCW 50.29.021.
FindingsIntent2009 c 566: "(1) The legislature finds that:
(a) This is a time of great economic difficulty for the residents of Washington state;
(b) Education and training provides opportunity for unemployed workers and economically disadvantaged adults to move into living wage jobs and is of critical importance to the current and future prosperity of the residents of Washington state;
(c) Community and technical college workforce training programs, private career schools and colleges, and Washington state apprenticeship and training council-approved apprenticeship programs provide effective and efficient pathways for people to enter high-demand occupations while also meeting the needs of the economy;
(d) The identification of high-demand occupations needs to be based on reliable labor market research; and
(e) Workforce development councils are in a position to provide funding for economically disadvantaged adults and unemployed workers to access training.
(2) Consistent with the intent of the workforce investment act adult and dislocated worker program provisions of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009, the legislature intends that individuals who are eligible for services under the workforce investment act adult and dislocated worker programs, or are receiving or have exhausted entitlement to unemployment compensation benefits be provided the opportunity to enroll in training programs to prepare for a high-demand occupation." [ 2009 c 566 s 1.]
Effective date2009 c 566: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [May 19, 2009]." [ 2009 c 566 s 8.]
Severability2007 c 327: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 2007 c 327 s 5.]
Conflict with federal requirements2007 c 327: "If any part of this act is found to be in conflict with federal requirements that are a prescribed condition to the allocation of federal funds to the state or the eligibility of employers in this state for federal unemployment tax credits, the conflicting part of this act is inoperative solely to the extent of the conflict, and the finding or determination does not affect the operation of the remainder of this act. Rules adopted under this act must meet federal requirements that are a necessary condition to the receipt of federal funds by the state or the granting of federal unemployment tax credits to employers in this state." [ 2007 c 327 s 6.]
Effective date2007 c 327: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect July 1, 2007." [ 2007 c 327 s 7.]
Retroactive application2006 c 13 ss 8-22: See note following RCW 50.04.293.
Conflict with federal requirementsPart headings not lawSeverability2006 c 13: See notes following RCW 50.20.120.
Conflict with federal requirementsSeverabilityEffective date2003 2nd sp.s. c 4: See notes following RCW 50.01.010.
Application2000 c 2 ss 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, and 12-15: See note following RCW 50.22.150.
Conflict with federal requirementsSeverabilityEffective date2000 c 2: See notes following RCW 50.04.355.
Construction1998 c 346: "This act shall not be construed as affecting any right or cause of action asserted in Washington State Legislature v. State of Washington (Thurston county superior court cause no. 98-2-00105-1)." [ 1998 c 346 s 912.]
Severability1998 c 346: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1998 c 346 s 914.]
Effective date1998 c 346: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [April 3, 1998]." [ 1998 c 346 s 915.]
FindingIntent1998 c 161: See note following RCW 50.20.140.
Conflict with federal requirements1994 c 187: "If any part of this act is found to be in conflict with federal requirements that are a prescribed condition to the allocation of federal funds to the state or the eligibility of employers in this state for federal unemployment tax credits, the conflicting part of this act is hereby declared to be inoperative solely to the extent of the conflict, and such finding or determination shall not affect the operation of the remainder of this act. The rules under this act shall meet federal requirements that are a necessary condition to the receipt of federal funds by the state or the granting of federal unemployment tax credits to employers in this state." [ 1994 c 187 s 6.]
Effective dates, applicabilityConflict with federal requirementsSeverability1993 c 483: See notes following RCW 50.04.293.
Conflict with federal requirementsSeverability1987 c 171: See notes following RCW 50.62.010.
Conflict with federal requirementsSeverability1985 ex.s. c 5: See notes following RCW 50.62.010.

WagesDeemed paid when contractually due.

For the purposes of liability for, collection of, and assessment of contributions, wages shall be deemed paid when such wages are contractually due but are unpaid because of the refusal or inability of the employer to make such payment.


Effective date1973 1st ex.s. c 158: See note following RCW 50.08.020.

Authority to compromise.

The commissioner may compromise any claim for contributions, interest, or penalties due and owing from an employer, and any amount owed by an individual because of benefit overpayments existing or arising under this title in any case where collection of the full amount due and owing, whether reduced to judgment or otherwise, would be against equity and good conscience.
Whenever a compromise is made by the commissioner in the case of a claim for contributions, interest, or penalties, whether reduced to judgment or otherwise, there shall be placed on file in the office of the unemployment compensation division a statement of the amount of contributions, interest, and penalties imposed by law and claimed due, attorneys' fees and costs, if any, a complete record of the compromise agreement, and the amount actually paid in accordance with the terms of the compromise agreement. Whenever a compromise is made by the commissioner in the case of a claim of a benefit overpayment, whether reduced to judgment or otherwise, there shall be placed on file in the office of the unemployment compensation division a statement of the amount of the benefit overpayment, attorneys' fees and costs, if any, a complete record of the compromise agreement, and the amount actually paid in accordance with the terms of the compromise agreement.
If any such compromise is accepted by the commissioner, within such time as may be stated in the compromise or agreed to, such compromise shall be final and conclusive and except upon showing of fraud or malfeasance or misrepresentation of a material fact the case shall not be reopened as to the matters agreed upon. In any suit, action, or proceeding, such agreement or any determination, collection, payment, adjustment, refund, or credit made in accordance therewith shall not be annulled, modified, set aside, or disregarded.


Conflict with federal requirements2013 c 122: "If any part of this act is found to be in conflict with federal requirements that are a prescribed condition to the allocation of federal funds to the state or the eligibility of employers in this state for federal unemployment tax credits, the conflicting part of this act is inoperative solely to the extent of the conflict, and the finding or determination does not affect the operation of the remainder of this act. Rules adopted under this act must meet federal requirements that are a necessary condition to the receipt of federal funds by the state or the granting of federal unemployment tax credits to employers in this state." [ 2013 c 122 s 2.]
Effective date2013 c 122: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [May 3, 2013]." [ 2013 c 122 s 4.]
Retroactive application2013 c 122: "Section 1 of this act applies retroactively to January 1, 2013." [ 2013 c 122 s 5.]
Conflict with federal requirementsEffective datesConstruction1983 1st ex.s. c 23: See notes following RCW 50.04.073.
Effective date1955 c 286: "The provisions of section 5 of this act shall not become effective until the 3rd day of July, 1955." [ 1955 c 286 s 17.]

Contributions erroneously paid to United States or another state.

Payments of contributions erroneously paid to an unemployment compensation fund of another state or to the United States government which should have been paid to this state and which thereafter shall be refunded by such other state or the United States government and paid by the employer to this state, shall be deemed to have been paid to this state and to have filed contribution reports thereon at the date of payment to the United States government or such other state.
[ 1953 ex.s. c 8 s 15; 1949 c 214 s 19; 1945 c 35 s 91; Rem. Supp. 1949 s 9998-229.]

Interest on delinquent contributions.

If contributions are not paid on the date on which they are due and payable as prescribed by the commissioner, the whole or part thereof remaining unpaid shall bear interest at the rate of one percent per month or fraction thereof from and after such date until payment plus accrued interest is received by him or her. The date as of which payment of contributions, if mailed, is deemed to have been received may be determined by such regulations as the commissioner may prescribe. Interest collected pursuant to this section shall be paid into the administrative contingency fund. Interest shall not accrue on contributions from any estate in the hands of a receiver, executor, administrator, trustee in bankruptcy, common law assignee, or other liquidating officer subsequent to the date when such receiver, executor, administrator, trustee in bankruptcy, common law assignee, or other liquidating officer qualifies as such, but contributions accruing with respect to employment of persons by any receiver, executor, administrator, trustee in bankruptcy, common law assignee, or other liquidating officer shall become due and shall draw interest in the same manner as contributions due from other employers. Where adequate information has been furnished the department and the department has failed to act or has advised the employer of no liability or inability to decide the issue, interest may be waived.


Conflict with federal requirementsSeverabilityEffective date1987 c 111: See notes following RCW 50.12.220.
Effective date1973 1st ex.s. c 158: See note following RCW 50.08.020.

Lien for contributions generally.

The claim of the employment security department for any contributions, interest, or penalties not paid when due, shall be a lien prior to all other liens or claims and on a parity with prior tax liens against all property and rights to property, whether real or personal, belonging to the employer. In order to avail itself of the lien hereby created, the department shall file with any county auditor where property of the employer is located a statement and claim of lien specifying the amount of delinquent contributions, interest, and penalties claimed by the department. From the time of filing for record, the amount required to be paid shall constitute a lien upon all property and rights to property, whether real or personal, in the county, owned by the employer or acquired by him or her. The lien shall not be valid against any purchaser, holder of a security interest, mechanic's lien, or judgment lien creditor until notice thereof has been filed with the county auditor. This lien shall be separate and apart from, and in addition to, any other lien or claim created by, or provided for in, this title. When any such notice of lien has been so filed, the commissioner may release the same by filing a certificate of release when it shall appear that the amount of delinquent contributions, interest, and penalties have been paid, or when such assurance of payment shall be made as the commissioner may deem to be adequate. Fees for filing and releasing the lien provided herein may be charged to the employer and may be collected from the employer utilizing the remedies provided in this title for the collection of contributions.


Severability1981 c 302: See note following RCW 19.76.100.
Effective date1973 1st ex.s. c 158: See note following RCW 50.08.020.
Penalties for late reports or contributions: RCW 50.12.220.

Lien in event of insolvency or dissolution.

In the event of any distribution of an employer's assets pursuant to an order of any court, including any receivership, probate, legal dissolution, or similar proceeding, or in case of any assignment for the benefit of creditors, composition, or similar proceeding, contributions, interest, or penalties then or thereafter due shall be a lien upon all the assets of such employer. Said lien will be prior to all other liens or claims except prior tax liens, other liens provided by this title, and claims for remuneration for services of not more than two hundred and fifty dollars to each claimant earned within six months of the commencement of the proceeding. The mere existence of a condition of insolvency or the institution of any judicial proceeding for legal dissolution or of any proceeding for distribution of assets shall cause such a lien to attach without action on behalf of the commissioner or the state. In the event of an employer's adjudication in bankruptcy, judicially confirmed extension proposal, or composition, under the federal bankruptcy act of 1898, as amended, contributions, interest, or penalties then or thereafter due shall be entitled to such priority as provided in that act, as amended.


Conflict with federal requirementsEffective datesConstruction1983 1st ex.s. c 23: See notes following RCW 50.04.073.

Order and notice of assessment.

At any time after the commissioner shall find that any contributions, interest, or penalties have become delinquent, the commissioner may issue an order and notice of assessment specifying the amount due, which order and notice of assessment shall be served upon the delinquent employer in the manner prescribed for the service of a summons in a civil action, or using a method by which the mailing can be tracked or the delivery can be confirmed. Failure of the employer to receive such notice or order whether served or mailed shall not release the employer from any tax, or any interest or penalties thereon.


Conflict with federal requirementsSeverabilityEffective date1987 c 111: See notes following RCW 50.12.220.
Commencement of actions: Chapter 4.28 RCW.

Jeopardy assessment.

If the commissioner shall have reason to believe that an employer is insolvent or if any reason exists why the collection of any contributions accrued will be jeopardized by delaying collection, he or she may make an immediate assessment thereof and may proceed to enforce collection immediately, but interest and penalties shall not begin to accrue upon any contributions until the date when such contributions would normally have become delinquent.

Distraint, seizure, and sale.

If the amount of contributions, interest, or penalties assessed by the commissioner by order and notice of assessment provided in this title is not paid within ten days after the service or mailing of the order and notice of assessment, the commissioner or his or her duly authorized representative may collect the amount stated in said assessment by the distraint, seizure, and sale of the property, goods, chattels, and effects of said delinquent employer. There shall be exempt from distraint and sale under this section such goods and property as are exempt from execution under the laws of this state.


Executions: Chapter 6.17 RCW.
Personal exemptions, generally: Chapter 6.15 RCW.

Distraint procedure.

The commissioner, upon making a distraint, shall seize the property and shall make an inventory of the property distrained, a copy of which shall be mailed to the owner of such property or personally delivered to him or her, and shall specify the time and place when said property shall be sold. A notice specifying the property to be sold and the time and place of sale shall be posted in at least two public places in the county wherein the seizure has been made. The time of sale shall be not less than ten nor more than twenty days from the date of posting of such notices. Said sale may be adjourned from time to time at the discretion of the commissioner, but not for a time to exceed in all sixty days. Said sale shall be conducted by the commissioner or his or her authorized representative who shall proceed to sell such property by parcel or by lot at a public auction, and who may set a minimum price to include the expenses of making a levy and of advertising the sale, and if the amount bid for such property at the sale is not equal to the minimum price so fixed, the commissioner or his or her representative may declare such property to be purchased by the employment security department for such minimum price. In such event the delinquent account shall be credited with the amount for which the property has been sold. Property acquired by the employment security department as herein prescribed may be sold by the commissioner or his or her representative at public or private sale, and the amount realized shall be placed in the unemployment compensation trust fund.
In all cases of sale, as aforesaid, the commissioner shall issue a bill of sale or a deed to the purchaser and said bill of sale or deed shall be prima facie evidence of the right of the commissioner to make such sale and conclusive evidence of the regularity of his or her proceeding in making the sale, and shall transfer to the purchaser all right, title, and interest of the delinquent employer in said property. The proceeds of any such sale, except in those cases wherein the property has been acquired by the employment security department, shall be first applied by the commissioner in satisfaction of the delinquent account, and out of any sum received in excess of the amount of delinquent contributions, interest, and penalties the administration fund shall be reimbursed for the costs of distraint and sale. Any excess which shall thereafter remain in the hands of the commissioner shall be refunded to the delinquent employer. Sums so refundable to a delinquent employer may be subject to seizure or distraint in the hands of the commissioner by any other taxing authority of the state or its political subdivisions.

Notice and order to withhold and deliver.

The commissioner is hereby authorized to issue to any person, firm, corporation, political subdivision, or department of the state, a notice and order to withhold and deliver property of any kind whatsoever when the commissioner has reason to believe that there is in the possession of such person, firm, corporation, political subdivision, or department, property which is due, owing, or belonging to any person, firm, or corporation upon whom the department has served a benefit overpayment assessment or a notice and order of assessment for unemployment compensation contributions, interest, or penalties. The effect of a notice to withhold and deliver shall be continuous from the date such notice and order to withhold and deliver is first made until the liability is satisfied or becomes unenforceable because of a lapse of time.
The notice and order to withhold and deliver shall be served by the sheriff or the sheriff's deputy of the county wherein the service is made, using a method by which the mailing can be tracked or the delivery can be confirmed, or by any duly authorized representative of the commissioner. Any person, firm, corporation, political subdivision, or department upon whom service has been made is hereby required to answer the notice within twenty days exclusive of the day of service, under oath and in writing, and shall make true answers to the matters inquired of in the notice.
In the event there is in the possession of any such person, firm, corporation, political subdivision, or department, any property which may be subject to the claim of the employment security department of the state, such property shall be delivered forthwith to the commissioner or the commissioner's duly authorized representative upon demand to be held in trust by the commissioner for application on the indebtedness involved or for return, without interest, in accordance with final determination of liability or nonliability, or in the alternative, there shall be furnished a good and sufficient bond satisfactory to the commissioner conditioned upon final determination of liability.
Should any person, firm, or corporation fail to make answer to an order to withhold and deliver within the time prescribed herein, it shall be lawful for the court, after the time to answer such order has expired, to render judgment by default against such person, firm, or corporation for the full amount claimed by the commissioner in the notice to withhold and deliver, together with costs.


Conflict with federal requirementsEffective dates1990 c 245: See notes following RCW 50.04.030.
Conflict with federal requirementsSeverabilityEffective date1987 c 111: See notes following RCW 50.12.220.


Whenever any order and notice of assessment or jeopardy assessment shall have become final in accordance with the provisions of this title the commissioner may file with the clerk of any county within the state a warrant in the amount of the notice of assessment plus interest, penalties, and a filing fee under RCW 36.18.012(10). The clerk of the county wherein the warrant is filed shall immediately designate a superior court cause number for such warrant, and the clerk shall cause to be entered in the judgment docket under the superior court cause number assigned to the warrant, the name of the employer mentioned in the warrant, the amount of the tax, interest, penalties, and filing fee and the date when such warrant was filed. The aggregate amount of such warrant as docketed shall become a lien upon the title to, and interest in all real and personal property of the employer against whom the warrant is issued, the same as a judgment in a civil case duly docketed in the office of such clerk. Such warrant so docketed shall be sufficient to support the issuance of writs of execution and writs of garnishment in favor of the state in the manner provided by law in the case of civil judgment, wholly or partially unsatisfied. The clerk of the court shall be entitled to a filing fee under RCW 36.18.012(10), which shall be added to the amount of the warrant, and charged by the commissioner to the employer or employing unit. A copy of the warrant shall be mailed to the employer or employing unit using a method by which the mailing can be tracked or the delivery can be confirmed within five days of filing with the clerk.


Conflict with federal requirementsEffective datesConstruction1983 1st ex.s. c 23: See notes following RCW 50.04.073.
Effective date1975 1st ex.s. c 228: See note following RCW 50.04.355.

Collection by civil action.

(1) If after due notice, any employer defaults in any payment of contributions, interest, or penalties, the amount due may be collected by civil action in the name of the state, and the employer adjudged in default shall pay the cost of such action. Any lien created by this title may be foreclosed by decree of the court in any such action. Civil actions brought under this title to collect contributions, interest, or penalties from an employer shall be heard by the court at the earliest possible date and shall be entitled to preference upon the calendar of the court over all other civil actions except petitions for judicial review under this title and cases arising under the industrial insurance laws of this state.
(2) Any employing unit which is not a resident of this state and which exercises the privilege of having one or more individuals perform service for it within this state, and any resident employing unit which exercises that privilege and thereafter removes from this state, shall be deemed thereby to appoint the secretary of state as its agent and attorney for the acceptance of process in any action under this title. In instituting such an action against any such employing unit the commissioner shall cause such process or notice to be filed with the secretary of state and such service shall be sufficient service upon such employing unit, and shall be of the same force and validity as if served upon it personally within this state: PROVIDED, That the commissioner shall forthwith send notice of the service of such process or notice, together with a copy thereof, by registered mail, return receipt requested, to such employing unit at its last known address and such return receipt, the commissioner's affidavit of compliance with the provisions of this section, and a copy of the notice of service shall be appended to the original of the process filed in the court in which such action is pending.
(3) The courts of this state shall in the manner provided in subsections (1) and (2) of this section entertain actions to collect contributions, interest, or penalties for which liability has accrued under the employment security law of any other state or of the federal government.


Civil procedure: Title 4 RCW.
Industrial insurance: Title 51 RCW.

Collection by civil actionCollection of delinquent payments in lieu of contributions from political subdivisions or instrumentalities thereof.

Delinquent payments in lieu of contributions due the unemployment compensation fund and interest and penalties may be recovered from any of the political subdivisions of this state or any instrumentality of a political subdivision of this state by civil action. The governor is authorized to deduct the amount of delinquent payments in lieu of contributions and interest and penalties from any moneys payable by the state to said political subdivisions or instrumentalities and pay such moneys to the commissioner for deposit in the appropriate account.


ConstructionCompliance with federal act1971 c 3: See RCW 50.44.080.

Contractor's and principal's liability for contributionsExceptions.

No employing unit which contracts with or has under it any contractor or subcontractor who is an employer under the provisions of this title shall make any payment or advance to, or secure any credit for, such contractor or subcontractor or on account of any contract or contracts to which said employing unit is a party unless such contractor or subcontractor has paid contributions, due or to become due for wages paid or to be paid by such contractor or subcontractor for personal services performed pursuant to such contract or subcontract, or has furnished a good and sufficient bond acceptable to the commissioner for payment of contributions, interest, and penalties. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall render said employing unit directly liable for such contributions, interest, and penalties and the commissioner shall have all of the remedies of collection against said employing unit under the provisions of this title as though the services in question were performed directly for said employing unit.
For the purposes of this section, a contractor registered under chapter 18.27 RCW or licensed under chapter 19.28 RCW shall not be responsible for any contributions for the work of any subcontractor if:
(1) The subcontractor is currently engaging in a business which is registered under chapter 18.27 RCW or licensed under chapter 19.28 RCW;
(2) There is no other person, firm or corporation doing the same work at the same time on the same project except two or more persons, firms or corporations may contract and do the same work at the same time on the same project if each person, firm or corporation has employees;
(3) The subcontractor has a principal place of business which would be eligible for a business deduction for internal revenue service tax purposes other than that furnished by the contractor for which the business has contracted to furnish services;
(4) The subcontractor maintains a separate set of books or records that reflect all items of income and expenses of the business; and
(5) The subcontractor has contracted to perform:
(a) The work of a contractor as defined in RCW 18.27.010; or
(b) The work of installing wires or equipment to convey electric current or installing apparatus to be operated by such current as it pertains to the electrical industry as described in chapter 19.28 RCW.


SeverabilityConflict with federal requirements1982 1st ex.s. c 18: See notes following RCW 50.12.200.
Effective date1973 1st ex.s. c 158: See note following RCW 50.08.020.
Music or entertainment services purchasers, liability for unpaid contributions: RCW 50.04.148.

Collection remedies cumulative.

Remedies given to the state under this title for the collection of contributions, interest, or penalties shall be cumulative and no action taken by the commissioner or his or her duly authorized representative, the attorney general, or any other officer shall be construed to be an election on the part of the state or any of its officers to pursue any remedy to the exclusion of any other.
[ 2010 c 8 s 13033; 1979 ex.s. c 190 s 12; 1945 c 35 s 102; Rem. Supp. 1945 s 9998-240. Prior: 1943 c 127 s 10.]

Contribution adjustments and refunds.

No later than three years after the date on which any contributions, interest, or penalties have been paid, an employer who has paid such contributions, interest, or penalties may file with the commissioner a petition in writing for an adjustment thereof in connection with subsequent contribution payments or for a refund thereof when such adjustment cannot be made. If the commissioner upon an ex parte consideration shall determine that such contributions, interest, penalties, or portion thereof were erroneously collected, he or she shall allow such employer to make an adjustment thereof without interest in connection with subsequent contribution payments by him or her, or if such adjustment cannot be made, the commissioner shall refund said amount without interest from the unemployment compensation fund: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That after June 20, 1953, that refunds of interest on delinquent contributions or penalties shall be paid from the administrative contingency fund upon warrants issued by the treasurer under the direction of the commissioner. For like cause and within the same period, adjustment or refund may be made on the commissioner's own initiative. If the commissioner finds that upon ex parte consideration he or she cannot readily determine that such adjustment or refund should be allowed, he or she shall deny such application and notify the employer in writing.

Election of coverage.

Except as provided in RCW 50.04.165, any employing unit for which services that do not constitute employment as defined in this title are performed may file with the commissioner a written election that all such services performed by any distinct class or group of individuals or by all individuals in its employment in one or more distinct establishments or places of business shall be deemed to constitute employment for all the purposes of this title for at least two calendar years. Upon the written approval of such election by the commissioner, such services shall be deemed to constitute employment subject to this title on and after the date stated in the approval. Services covered under this section shall cease to be deemed employment as of January 1st of any calendar year subsequent to the two-calendar year period, only if the employing unit files with the commissioner before January 15th of that year a written application for termination of coverage. Services for which an employing unit may elect coverage include, but are not limited to, maritime service as described in RCW 50.04.170.


Conflict with federal requirements2013 c 75: "If any part of this act is found to be in conflict with federal requirements that are a prescribed condition to the allocation of federal funds to the state or the eligibility of employers in this state for federal unemployment tax credits, the conflicting part of this act is inoperative solely to the extent of the conflict, and the finding or determination does not affect the operation of the remainder of this act. Rules adopted under this act must meet federal requirements that are a necessary condition to the receipt of federal funds by the state or the granting of federal unemployment tax credits to employers in this state." [ 2013 c 75 s 3.]
Effective date2007 c 146 ss 5, 6, and 10-12: See note following RCW 50.04.310.
Conflict with federal requirementsSeverability2007 c 146: See notes following RCW 50.04.080.
Effective dates1977 ex.s. c 292: See note following RCW 50.04.116.
ConstructionCompliance with federal act1971 c 3: See RCW 50.44.080.
Severability1951 c 265: See note following RCW 50.98.070.
Corporate officers, election of coverage: RCW 50.04.165.

Joint accounts.

(1) The commissioner shall prescribe regulations for the establishment, maintenance, and dissolution of joint accounts by two or more employers, and shall, in accordance with such regulations and upon application by two or more employers to establish such account, or to merge their several individual accounts in a joint account, maintain such joint account as if it constituted a single employer's account.
(2) Joint accounts may not be established for professional employer organizations, as defined in RCW 50.04.298, or third-party payers, as defined in RCW 50.04.248, and their clients.
[ 2007 c 146 s 17; 1945 c 35 s 105; Rem. Supp. 1945 s 9998-243. Prior: 1941 c 253 s 5.]


Conflict with federal requirementsSeverability2007 c 146: See notes following RCW 50.04.080.

Injunction proceedings.

Any employer who shall be delinquent in the payment of contributions, interest, or penalties may be enjoined upon the suit of the state of Washington from continuing in business in this state or employing persons herein until the delinquent contributions, interest, and penalties shall have been paid, or until the employer shall have furnished a good and sufficient bond in a sum equal to double the amount of contributions, interest, and penalties already delinquent, plus such further sum as the court shall deem adequate to protect the department in the collection of contributions, interest, and penalties which will become due from such employer during the next ensuing calendar year, said bond to be conditioned upon payment of all contributions, interest, and penalties due and owing within thirty days after the expiration of the next ensuing calendar year or at such earlier date as the court may fix.
Action pursuant to the provisions of this section may be instituted in the superior court of any county of the state wherein the employer resides, has its principal place of business, or where it has anyone performing services for it, whether or not such services constitute employment.
[ 1979 ex.s. c 190 s 14; 1945 c 35 s 106; Rem. Supp. 1945 s 998-244. Prior: 1943 c 127 s 10; 1941 c 253 s 11.]

Limitation of actions.

The commissioner shall commence action for the collection of contributions, interest, penalties, and benefit overpayments imposed by this title by assessment or suit within three years after a return is filed or notice of benefit overpayment is served. No proceedings for the collection of such amounts shall be begun after the expiration of such period.
In case of a false or fraudulent return with intent to evade contributions, interest, or penalties, or in the event of a failure to file a return, the contributions, interest, and penalties may be assessed or a proceeding in court for the collection thereof may be begun at any time.
[ 1979 ex.s. c 190 s 15; 1955 c 286 s 7. Prior: 1947 c 215 s 21, part; 1945 c 35 s 107, part; 1943 c 127 s 10, part; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 9998-245, part.]

Chargeoff of uncollectible accounts.

The commissioner may charge off as uncollectible and no longer an asset of the unemployment compensation fund or the administrative contingency fund, as the case may be, any delinquent contributions, interest, penalties, credits, or benefit overpayments if the commissioner is satisfied that there are no cost-effective means of collecting the contributions, interest, penalties, credits, or benefit overpayments.
[ 1989 c 78 s 1; 1979 ex.s. c 190 s 16; 1955 c 286 s 8. Prior: 1947 c 215 s 21, part; 1945 c 35 s 107, part; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 9998-245, part.]

Contributions due and payable upon termination or disposal of businessSuccessor liability.

Whenever any employer quits business, or sells out, exchanges, or otherwise disposes of the employer's business or stock of goods, any contributions payable under this title shall become immediately due and payable, and the employer shall, within ten days, make a return and pay the contributions due; and any person who becomes a successor to such business shall become liable for the full amount of the contributions and withhold from the purchase price a sum sufficient to pay any contributions due from the employer until such time as the employer produces a receipt from the employment security department showing payment in full of any contributions due or a certificate that no contribution is due and, if such contribution is not paid by the employer within ten days from the date of such sale, exchange, or disposal, the successor shall become liable for the payment of the full amount of contributions, and the payment thereof by such successor shall, to the extent thereof, be deemed a payment upon the purchase price, and if such payment is greater in amount than the purchase price the amount of the difference shall become a debt due such successor from the employer.
No successor may be liable for any contributions due from the person from whom that person has acquired a business or stock of goods if that person gives written notice to the employment security department of such acquisition and no assessment is issued by the department within one hundred eighty days of receipt of such notice against the former operator of the business and a copy thereof mailed to such successor.


Conflict with federal requirementsSeverabilityEffective dates1991 c 117: See notes following RCW 50.04.030.

Client employer liabilityCollection.

(1) The client employer of a professional employer organization is liable for the payment of any taxes, interest, or penalties due.
(2) The professional employer organization may collect and pay taxes due to the department for unemployment insurance coverage from its client employers in accordance with its professional employer agreement. If such payments have been made to the professional employer organization by the client employer, the department shall first attempt to collect the contributions due from the professional employer organization.
(3) To collect any contributions, penalties, or interest due to the department from the professional employer organization, the department must follow the procedures contained in chapter 50.24 RCW. If the amount of contributions, interest, or penalties assessed by the commissioner pursuant to chapter 50.24 RCW is not paid by the professional employer organization within ten days, then the commissioner may follow the collection procedures in chapter 50.24 RCW. After the ten-day period, if the professional employer organization has not paid the total amount owing, the commissioner may also pursue the client employer to collect what is owed using the procedures contained in chapter 50.24 RCW.


Report on implementation and impact2007 c 146 ss 8-12: See note following RCW 50.04.298.
Effective date2007 c 146 ss 5, 6, and 10-12: See note following RCW 50.04.310.
Conflict with federal requirementsSeverability2007 c 146: See notes following RCW 50.04.080.

Corporate or limited liability company officers, members, and ownersPersonal liability.

(1) Upon termination, dissolution, or abandonment of a corporate or limited liability company business, any officer, member, or owner who, having control or supervision of payment of unemployment tax contributions under RCW 50.24.010 or 50.24.014: (a) Willfully evades any contributions imposed under this title; (b) willfully destroys, mutilates, or falsifies any book, document, or record; or (c) willfully fails to truthfully account for, or makes under oath, any false statement relating to the financial condition of the corporation or limited liability company business, is personally liable for any unpaid contributions and interest and penalties on those contributions. For purposes of this section, "willfully" means an intentional, conscious, and voluntary course of action.
(2) Persons liable under subsection (1) of this section are liable only for contributions that became due during the period he or she had the control, supervision, responsibility, or duty to act for the corporation or limited liability company, plus interest and penalties on those contributions.
(3) Persons liable under subsection (1) of this section are exempt from liability if all of the assets of the corporation or limited liability company have been applied to its debts through bankruptcy or receivership.
(4) Any person having been issued a notice of assessment under this section is entitled to the appeal procedures under chapter 50.32 RCW.
(5) This section applies only when the employment security department determines that there is no reasonable means of collecting the contributions owed directly from the corporation or limited liability company.
(6) This section does not relieve the corporation or limited liability company of other tax liabilities under this title or impair other tax collection remedies afforded by law.
(7) Collection authority and procedures described in this chapter apply to collections under this section.


Conflict with federal requirementsSeverability2007 c 146: See notes following RCW 50.04.080.