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PDFWAC 194-50-060

ASHRAE Standard 100, 2018Section 6Operations and maintenance requirements.

6.3 Operation and maintenance (O&M) Implementation. The O&M program shall be implemented in accordance with Normative Annex L.
Exception to 6.3:O&M programs developed and implemented by the building's serving utility or local government and approved as equivalent or more stringent by the AHJ may be used as an alternative to the requirement in Section 6.3. Where local government programs are more stringent than applicable utility programs, local government programs shall be selected over utility programs.
6.6.1 When HVAC, domestic hot-water heating, or refrigeration equipment or appliances are replaced, the replacement equipment shall meet all applicable energy efficiency requirements in the federal equipment standards, state equipment standards, and the applicable building code.
Exception to 6.6.1 - Not adopted. When lighting equipment is replaced, the replacement equipment shall meet all applicable energy efficiency requirements in the federal equipment standards, state equipment standards and in the applicable building code. Implementation of more efficient equipment shall be evaluated and included as specified for the capital management plan, Section
Exception to The existing installed lighting power may proportionally increase when the current light levels are below those recommended in the IES Lighting Handbook 4 or latest version of the Washington State Energy Code.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.210. WSR 24-16-041, § 194-50-060, filed 7/30/24, effective 8/30/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.210 and 19.27A.250. WSR 24-03-033, § 194-50-060, filed 1/8/24, effective 2/8/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.210. WSR 20-22-059, § 194-50-060, filed 10/30/20, effective 11/30/20.]
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