Beginning of Chapter  <<  73.24.020 >>   73.24.030

Contract for care of veterans' plot at Olympia.

The director of the department of enterprise services is hereby authorized and directed to contract with Olympia Lodge No. 1, F.& A.M., a corporation for the improvement and perpetual care of the state veterans' plot in the Masonic cemetery at Olympia; such care to include the providing of proper curbs and walks, cultivating, reseeding and fertilizing grounds, repairing and resetting the bases and monuments in place on the ground, leveling grounds, and transporting and setting headstones for graves of persons hereafter buried on the plot.


Effective datePurpose2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following RCW 43.19.003.
Cemeteries, endowment and nonendowment care: Chapters 68.40, 68.44 RCW.
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