PDFRCW 19.27A.025
Nonresidential buildings—Minimum standards—Amendments.
(1) The minimum state energy code for new and renovated nonresidential buildings, as specified in this chapter, shall be the Washington state energy code, 1986 edition, as amended. The state building code council may, by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW, RCW 19.27.031, and RCW 19.27.032, 19.27.033, and 19.27.034, amend that code's requirements for new nonresidential buildings provided that:
(a) Such amendments increase the energy efficiency of typical newly constructed nonresidential buildings; and
(b) Any new measures, standards, or requirements adopted must be technically feasible, commercially available, and developed to yield the lowest overall cost to the building owner and occupant while meeting the energy reduction goals established under RCW 19.27A.160.
(2) In considering amendments to the state energy code for nonresidential buildings, the state building code council shall establish and consult with a technical advisory group in accordance with RCW 19.27.033 including representatives of appropriate state agencies, local governments, general contractors, building owners and managers, design professionals, utilities, and other interested and affected parties.
(3) Decisions to amend the Washington state energy code for new nonresidential buildings shall be made prior to December 15th of any year and shall not take effect before the end of the regular legislative session in the next year. Any disputed provisions within an amendment presented to the legislature shall be approved by the legislature before going into effect. A disputed provision is one which was adopted by the state building code council with less than a two-thirds vote of the voting members. Substantial amendments to the code shall be adopted no more frequently than every three years except as allowed in RCW 19.27.031 and RCW 19.27.032.
(4) When amending a code under this section, the state building code council shall not in any way prohibit, penalize, or discourage the use of gas for any form of heating, or for uses related to any appliance or equipment, in any building.
[ 2025 c 1 s 7 (Initiative Measure No. 2066, approved November 5, 2024); 2024 c 170 s 4; 2019 c 285 s 17; 1991 c 122 s 3.]
Findings—2025 c 1 (Initiative Measure No. 2066): See note following RCW 80.28.110.
Findings—Severability—1991 c 122: See notes following RCW 80.04.250.