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Members of the 69th Legislature 2025-2026
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Name |
District |
Position |
Party |
Name AbbarnoPeter Rep. Peter Abbarno | District 20 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name AbellHunter Rep. Hunter Abell | District 7 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name AlvaradoEmily Senator Emily Alvarado | District 34 | Position | Party D |
Name BarkisAndrew Rep. Andrew Barkis | District 2 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name BarnardStephanie Rep. Stephanie Barnard | District 8 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name BatemanJessica Senator Jessica Bateman | District 22 | Position | Party D |
Name BergApril Rep. April Berg | District 44 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name BergquistSteve Rep. Steve Bergquist | District 11 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name BernbaumAdam Rep. Adam Bernbaum | District 24 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name BerryLiz Rep. Liz Berry | District 36 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name BoehnkeMatt Senator Matt Boehnke | District 8 | Position | Party R |
Name BraunJohn Senator John Braun | District 20 | Position | Party R |
Name BronoskeDan Rep. Dan Bronoske | District 28 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name BurnettBrian Rep. Brian Burnett | District 12 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name CaldierMichelle Rep. Michelle Caldier | District 26 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name CallanLisa Rep. Lisa Callan | District 5 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name ChapmanMike Senator Mike Chapman | District 24 | Position | Party D |
Name ChaseRob Rep. Rob Chase | District 4 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name ChristianLeonard Senator Leonard Christian | District 4 | Position | Party R |
Name ClevelandAnnette Senator Annette Cleveland | District 49 | Position | Party D |
Name ConnorsApril Rep. April Connors | District 8 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name ConwaySteve Senator Steve Conway | District 29 | Position | Party D |
Name CorryChris Rep. Chris Corry | District 15 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name CortesAdrian Senator Adrian Cortes | District 18 | Position | Party D |
Name CortesJulio Rep. Julio Cortes | District 38 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name CoutureTravis Rep. Travis Couture | District 35 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name DavisLauren Rep. Lauren Davis | District 32 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name DentTom Rep. Tom Dent | District 13 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name DhingraManka Senator Manka Dhingra | District 45 | Position | Party D |
Name DoglioBeth Rep. Beth Doglio | District 22 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name DonaghyBrandy Rep. Brandy Donaghy | District 44 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name DozierPerry Senator Perry Dozier | District 16 | Position | Party R |
Name DuerrDavina Rep. Davina Duerr | District 1 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name DufaultJeremie Rep. Jeremie Dufault | District 15 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name DyeMary Rep. Mary Dye | District 9 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name EngellAndrew Rep. Andrew Engell | District 7 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name EntenmanDebra Rep. Debra Entenman | District 47 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name EslickCarolyn Rep. Carolyn Eslick | District 39 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name FarivarDarya Rep. Darya Farivar | District 46 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name FeyJake Rep. Jake Fey | District 27 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name FitzgibbonJoe Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon | District 34 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name FortunatoPhil Senator Phil Fortunato | District 31 | Position | Party R |
Name FosseMary Rep. Mary Fosse | District 38 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name FrameNoel Senator Noel Frame | District 36 | Position | Party D |
Name GildonChris Senator Chris Gildon | District 25 | Position | Party R |
Name GoehnerKeith Senator Keith Goehner | District 12 | Position | Party R |
Name GoodmanRoger Rep. Roger Goodman | District 45 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name GrahamJenny Rep. Jenny Graham | District 6 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name GregersonMia Rep. Mia Gregerson | District 33 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name GriffeyDan Rep. Dan Griffey | District 35 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name HackneyDavid Rep. David Hackney | District 11 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name HansenDrew Senator Drew Hansen | District 23 | Position | Party D |
Name HarrisPaul Senator Paul Harris | District 17 | Position | Party R |
Name HasegawaBob Senator Bob Hasegawa | District 11 | Position | Party D |
Name HillNatasha Rep. Natasha Hill | District 3 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name HolyJeff Senator Jeff Holy | District 6 | Position | Party R |
Name HuntVictoria Rep. Victoria Hunt | District 5 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name JacobsenCyndy Rep. Cyndy Jacobsen | District 25 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name JinkinsLaurie Rep. Laurie Jinkins | District 27 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name KauffmanClaudia Senator Claudia Kauffman | District 47 | Position | Party D |
Name KeatonMichael Rep. Michael Keaton | District 25 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name KingCurtis Senator Curtis King | District 14 | Position | Party R |
Name KlickerMark Rep. Mark Klicker | District 16 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name KlobaShelley Rep. Shelley Kloba | District 1 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name KrishnadasanDeborah Senator Deborah Krishnadasan | District 26 | Position | Party D |
Name LeavittMari Rep. Mari Leavitt | District 28 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name LekanoffDebra Rep. Debra Lekanoff | District 40 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name LeyJohn Rep. John Ley | District 18 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name LiiasMarko Senator Marko Liias | District 21 | Position | Party D |
Name LovelettLiz Senator Liz Lovelett | District 40 | Position | Party D |
Name LovickJohn Senator John Lovick | District 44 | Position | Party D |
Name LowSam Rep. Sam Low | District 39 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name MacEwenDrew Senator Drew MacEwen | District 35 | Position | Party R |
Name MacriNicole Rep. Nicole Macri | District 43 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name ManjarrezDeb Rep. Deb Manjarrez | District 14 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name MarshallMatt Rep. Matt Marshall | District 2 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name McClintockStephanie Rep. Stephanie McClintock | District 18 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name McCuneJim Senator Jim McCune | District 2 | Position | Party R |
Name McEntireJoel Rep. Joel McEntire | District 19 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name MenaSharlett Rep. Sharlett Mena | District 29 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name MendozaGloria Rep. Gloria Mendoza | District 14 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name MorganMelanie Rep. Melanie Morgan | District 29 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name MuzzallRon Senator Ron Muzzall | District 10 | Position | Party R |
Name NanceGreg Rep. Greg Nance | District 23 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name NoblesT'wina Senator T'wina Nobles | District 28 | Position | Party D |
Name ObrasEdwin Rep. Edwin Obras | District 33 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name OrcuttEd Rep. Ed Orcutt | District 20 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name OrmsbyTimm Rep. Timm Ormsby | District 3 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name Ortiz-SelfLillian Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self | District 21 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name OrwallTina Senator Tina Orwall | District 33 | Position | Party D |
Name ParshleyLisa Rep. Lisa Parshley | District 22 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name PaulDave Rep. Dave Paul | District 10 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name PedersenJamie Senator Jamie Pedersen | District 43 | Position | Party D |
Name PennerJoshua Rep. Joshua Penner | District 31 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name PetersonStrom Rep. Strom Peterson | District 21 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name PolletGerry Rep. Gerry Pollet | District 46 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name RamelAlex Rep. Alex Ramel | District 40 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name RamosBill Senator Bill Ramos | District 5 | Position | Party D |
Name ReedJulia Rep. Julia Reed | District 36 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name ReevesKristine Rep. Kristine Reeves | District 30 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name RiccelliMarcus Senator Marcus Riccelli | District 3 | Position | Party D |
Name RichardsAdison Rep. Adison Richards | District 26 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name RobinsonJune Senator June Robinson | District 38 | Position | Party D |
Name RudeSkyler Rep. Skyler Rude | District 16 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name RuleAlicia Rep. Alicia Rule | District 42 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name RyuCindy Rep. Cindy Ryu | District 32 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name SalahuddinOsman Rep. Osman Salahuddin | District 48 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name SaldañaRebecca Senator Rebecca Saldaña | District 37 | Position | Party D |
Name SalomonJesse Senator Jesse Salomon | District 32 | Position | Party D |
Name SantosSharon Tomiko Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos | District 37 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name SchmickJoe Rep. Joe Schmick | District 9 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name SchmidtSuzanne Rep. Suzanne Schmidt | District 4 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name SchoeslerMark Senator Mark Schoesler | District 9 | Position | Party R |
Name ScottShaun Rep. Shaun Scott | District 43 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name ShaversClyde Rep. Clyde Shavers | District 10 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name ShewmakeSharon Senator Sharon Shewmake | District 42 | Position | Party D |
Name ShortShelly Senator Shelly Short | District 7 | Position | Party R |
Name SimmonsTarra Rep. Tarra Simmons | District 23 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name SlatterVandana Senator Vandana Slatter | District 48 | Position | Party D |
Name SpringerLarry Rep. Larry Springer | District 45 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name StanfordDerek Senator Derek Stanford | District 1 | Position | Party D |
Name StearnsChris Rep. Chris Stearns | District 47 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name SteeleMike Rep. Mike Steele | District 12 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name StokesbaryDrew Rep. Drew Stokesbary | District 31 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name StonierMonica Jurado Rep. Monica Jurado Stonier | District 49 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name StreetChipalo Rep. Chipalo Street | District 37 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name StuebeDavid Rep. David Stuebe | District 17 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name TaylorJamila Rep. Jamila Taylor | District 30 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name ThaiMy-Linh Rep. My-Linh Thai | District 41 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name TharingerSteve Rep. Steve Tharinger | District 24 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name ThomasBrianna Rep. Brianna Thomas | District 34 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name TimmonsJoe Rep. Joe Timmons | District 42 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name TorresNikki Senator Nikki Torres | District 15 | Position | Party R |
Name TrudeauYasmin Senator Yasmin Trudeau | District 27 | Position | Party D |
Name ValdezJavier Senator Javier Valdez | District 46 | Position | Party D |
Name VolzMike Rep. Mike Volz | District 6 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name WagonerKeith Senator Keith Wagoner | District 39 | Position | Party R |
Name WalenAmy Rep. Amy Walen | District 48 | Position 2 | Party D |
Name WalshJim Rep. Jim Walsh | District 19 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name WarnickJudy Senator Judy Warnick | District 13 | Position | Party R |
Name WatersKevin Rep. Kevin Waters | District 17 | Position 1 | Party R |
Name WellmanLisa Senator Lisa Wellman | District 41 | Position | Party D |
Name WilsonClaire Senator Claire Wilson | District 30 | Position | Party D |
Name WilsonJeff Senator Jeff Wilson | District 19 | Position | Party R |
Name WylieSharon Rep. Sharon Wylie | District 49 | Position 1 | Party D |
Name YbarraAlex Rep. Alex Ybarra | District 13 | Position 2 | Party R |
Name ZahnJanice Rep. Janice Zahn | District 41 | Position 1 | Party D |