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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Braun (2023-24)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SSB 5851 Docs Holocaust and genocide edu. S Rules X 02/15/2024 Braun HB 2037(H subst for)
E2SSB 5635 Docs f# Victims' rights S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Braun
ESSB 5299 Docs f# Law enf. officer protection S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Braun
ESSB 5850 Docs Chronically absent students S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Braun HB 2146(H Education)
ESSB 6031 Docs f Student transp. allocation S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Braun
SB 5079 Docs f Tuition establishment date C 9 L 23 03/30/2023 Braun
SB 5084 Docs fd Self-insured pensions/fund C 110 L 23 04/20/2023 Braun HB 1558(H Approps)
SB 5099 Docs f Estate tax/extraordinary rev S Ways & Means 01/09/2023 Braun
SB 5240 Docs fd Unemployment ins. appeals S Rules X 01/17/2024 Braun HB 1656(C 85 L 23)
SB 5262 Docs f# Cemetery district filings S Loc Gov, Land 01/16/2023 Braun
SB 5416 Docs Building code classif. S State Govt & E 01/17/2023 Braun HB 1409(H Local Govt)
SB 5478 Docs f# Bridge jumping signs S Rules X 03/10/2023 Braun HB 1004(C 54 L 23)
SB 5510 Docs Vehicle inspection backlog S Transportation 01/23/2023 Braun
SB 5511 Docs K-12 education funding S EL/K-12 01/23/2023 Braun
SB 5585 Docs f Mental health professionals S Health & Long 01/26/2023 Braun
SB 5638 Docs Lake and beach districts S Loc Gov, Land 01/31/2023 Braun
SB 5686 Docs f# Senior citizens local tax S Loc Gov, Land 02/03/2023 Braun HB 1702(H Local Govt)
SB 5734 Docs f ABLE accounts S Ways & Means 02/09/2023 Braun
SB 5741 Docs f# Housing gap voucher pilot S Housing 02/13/2023 Braun HB 1817(H Housing)
SB 5852 Docs f Special education safety net C 127 L 24 03/15/2024 Braun HB 1973(H Education)
SB 5886 Docs fd Firefighter safety funding C 31 L 24 03/13/2024 Braun HB 1986(H Rules 3C)
SB 6028 Docs fd Unemployment overpayments S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Braun HB 1975(C 8 L 24)
SB 6030 Docs f# ADU tax exemptions S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Braun
SB 6033 Docs Ceremonial open carry S Rules X 02/15/2024 Braun
SB 6041 Docs False information/ethics S State Govt & E 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6046 Docs Sexual abuse claims S Law & Justice 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6048 Docs f Special education ombuds S Ways & Means 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6049 Docs Learning recovery S EL/K-12 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6051 Docs Manslaughter/substances S Law & Justice 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6093 Docs College admission criteria S Higher Ed & Wo 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6096 Docs Schools/state funding assist S EL/K-12 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6102 Docs In-state resident enrollment S Higher Ed & Wo 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6103 Docs Free speech info./higher ed. S Higher Ed & Wo 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6104 Docs Free speech policy/higher ed S Higher Ed & Wo 01/09/2024 Braun
SB 6280 Docs f Veteran parking privileges S Transportation 01/19/2024 Braun
SB 6284 Docs Impact fees S Ways & Means 01/22/2024 Braun HB 2451(H Local Govt)
SB 6285 Docs f# Use of impact fees S Ways & Means 01/22/2024 Braun HB 2450(H Local Govt)
SCR 8415 Docs Yakima Valley redistricting S State Govt & E 01/16/2024 Braun
SR 8634 Docs People of Iran S Adopted 04/04/2023 Braun
SR 8635 Docs Bill Russell S Adopted 04/06/2023 Braun
SSB 5248 Docs Tutoring & extended learning S Ways & Means 02/08/2023 Braun HB 1710(H Approps)
SSB 5261 Docs f Cemetery authority deadlines C 185 L 23 04/25/2023 Braun
SSB 5381 Docs Legislators/letters C 226 L 23 05/01/2023 Braun
SSB 5579 Docs Hydrofluorocarbons/supply S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Braun
SSB 5609 Docs f# Housing approval S Ways & Means 02/14/2023 Braun
SSB 5649 Docs af# Floodproofing improvements C 187 L 24 03/19/2024 Braun
SSB 6029 Docs Detached ADUs S Rules X 02/15/2024 Braun
SSB 6032 Docs Religious schools/law enf. S Rules X 02/15/2024 Braun
SSB 6099 Docs a Tribal opioid account C 210 L 24 03/19/2024 Braun
SSB 6195 Docs Vehicle inspection backlog S Rules X 02/15/2024 Braun

Total Count: 50

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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