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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Van De Wege (2019-20)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SSB 5021 Docs af DOC/interest arbitration C 233 L 19 04/30/2019 Van De Wege HB 1042(H Rules X)
E2SSB 6515 Docs a Nursing facilities C 263 L 20 03/31/2020 Van De Wege
ESSB 5279 Docs f# Outdoor burning S Rules X 02/24/2020 Van De Wege
SB 5016 Docs Animal control/firearms S Rules X 02/24/2020 Van De Wege
SB 5447 Docs fd Dairy milk assessment fee S Rules X 01/13/2020 Van De Wege HB 1429(C 115 L 19)
SB 5468 Docs fd Weights and measures program S Rules X 03/18/2019 Van De Wege HB 1298(H subst for)
SB 5732 Docs fd Foundat. public health servs S Health & Long 01/30/2019 Van De Wege HB 1497(H subst for)
SB 5752 Docs Naturopathy S Health & Long 01/30/2019 Van De Wege HB 1630(H Rules C)
SB 5833 Docs f Dental assistants, etc. S Health & Long 02/06/2019 Van De Wege HB 1935(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5836 Docs f Nursing home rates/inflation S Ways & Means 02/06/2019 Van De Wege
SB 5863 Docs f Short-term accomodations S Human Svcs, Re 02/07/2019 Van De Wege
SB 5983 Docs f LEOFF 2 pension system S Ways & Means 03/12/2019 Van De Wege
SB 6069 Docs SUD treatment/transportation S Behavioral Hea 01/13/2020 Van De Wege
SB 6070 Docs f SUD treatment disclosures S Behavioral Hea 01/13/2020 Van De Wege
SB 6252 Docs fo Parks & rec. comm'n leases S Ways & Means 01/31/2020 Van De Wege HB 2601(C 123 L 20)
SB 6273 Docs f Protective marine bulkheads S Environment, E 01/14/2020 Van De Wege
SB 6291 Docs f Hearing instruments/children S Health & Long 01/15/2020 Van De Wege HB 2410(H HC/Wellness)
SB 6301 Docs f Surface water rights S Ag/Water/Natur 01/15/2020 Van De Wege
SB 6323 Docs f Engineers and land surveyors S Rules X 02/24/2020 Van De Wege HB 2833(C 47 L 20)
SB 6360 Docs Firefighting foam S Environment, E 01/15/2020 Van De Wege HB 2265(H subst for)
SB 6407 Docs Spinal manip. PT endorsement S Rules X 02/24/2020 Van De Wege HB 2482(H HC/Wellness)
SB 6438 Docs Public records act/judiciary S State Govt/Tri 01/16/2020 Van De Wege HB 2703(H State Govt & T)
SB 6573 Docs f# Basic ed funding/forestlands S EL/K-12 01/23/2020 Van De Wege HB 2791(H Approps)
SB 6671 Docs f# Tribal timber harvest tax S Ways & Means 02/07/2020 Van De Wege
SB 6681 Docs Energy code/residential S Environment, E 02/07/2020 Van De Wege HB 2667(H Local Govt)
SSB 5305 Docs Electric util wildland fires C 77 L 19 04/19/2019 Van De Wege HB 1334(H Rules X)
SSB 5443 Docs f Engineers and land surveyors S Rules X 01/13/2020 Van De Wege
SSB 5547 Docs f Marbled murrelet strategy S Ways & Means 02/22/2019 Van De Wege HB 1546(H Approps)
SSB 5578 Docs e Oil transportation safety S Ways & Means 02/08/2019 Van De Wege HB 1578(H subst for)
SSB 5623 Docs f Collective bargaining/dues S Rules X 03/18/2019 Van De Wege HB 1575(H subst for)
SSB 5996 Docs f Fires/prevent, suppress S Rules 04/28/2019 Van De Wege
SSB 6071 Docs d Fish and wildlife violations S Rules X 02/24/2020 Van De Wege HB 2571(H subst for)
SSB 6355 Docs Forest products/climate S Rules X 02/24/2020 Van De Wege HB 2528(H subst for)
SSB 6392 Docs f Local wine industry license C 210 L 20 03/27/2020 Van De Wege HB 2683(H Rules R)

Total Count: 34

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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