Completion of interconnection process.
The interconnection process is complete and the generating facility can begin operation when:
(1) The interconnection customer and the electric company execute an interconnection agreement;
(2) The interconnection customer provides, and the electrical company issues written approval for, a certificate of completion demonstrating:
(a) The receipt of any required electrical and building permits, and installation in compliance with electrical and local building codes;
(b) Installation in compliance with the technical requirements for interconnection in this chapter;
(c) Inspection and approval of the system by the electrical inspector having jurisdiction over the installation.
(3) All required agreements with the balancing area authority having jurisdiction, and all agreements covering the purchase, sale or transport of electricity and provision of any ancillary services have been completed and signed by all parties;
(4) Witness test. If required by the electrical company, a representative of the electrical company witnesses and approves the operation of the generating facility in accordance with the requirements of this chapter; and
(5) All requirements and conditions of the interconnection agreement have been satisfied and permission granted by the electrical company to proceed with commercial operation.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
80.01.040 and
80.04.160. WSR 13-15-089 (Docket UE-112133, General Order R-571), § 480-108-050, filed 7/18/13, effective 8/18/13; WSR 07-20-059 (Docket UE-060649, General Order 545), § 480-108-050, filed 9/27/07, effective 10/28/07; WSR 06-07-017 (Docket No. UE-051106, General Order No. R-528), § 480-108-050, filed 3/6/06, effective 4/6/06.]