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392-153-033  <<  392-153-035 >>   392-153-040

PDFWAC 392-153-035

Course scheduling requirements.

(1) Any portion of a traffic safety education course may be taught after regular school hours or on Saturdays, as well as on regular school days or as a summer school course.
(2) Students shall not have more than two hours of classroom and one hour laboratory instruction in any twenty-four hour period. Where simulation and/or off-street multiple car driving ranges are utilized, up to one additional hour per day is allowed.
(3) The minimum course of instruction is thirty hours of classroom instruction, six hours of driving experience and four hours of driving observation time. Break time shall not be included in clock hours. Four hours of simulation instruction may be substituted for up to one hour driving experience. Two hours of multiple car off-street driving range time may be substituted for up to one hour of driving experience.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.220 RCW and RCW 46.20.100. WSR 07-09-051, § 392-153-035, filed 4/12/07, effective 9/1/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.290. WSR 06-08-043, § 392-153-035, filed 3/30/06, effective 4/30/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 28A.220 and 46.82 RCW. WSR 01-16-003, § 392-153-035, filed 7/18/01, effective 8/18/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.81.020. WSR 80-09-027 (Order 80-24), § 392-153-035, filed 7/9/80; Order 13-76, § 392-153-035, filed 12/21/76; Order 7-75, § 392-153-035, filed 12/22/75. Formerly WAC 392-50-060.]