PDFWAC 314-60-080
Requests for public records.
An individual may request a public record orally or in writing. The LCB encourages all public records requests be submitted in writing. Public records requests may be sent to the LCB via email at publicrecords@lcb.wa.gov.
(1) A form for public records requests prescribed by the LCB is available at its main office and on its website at lcb.wa.gov. A written request or public records request form must be submitted or presented to the public records officer or designee and may be sent to the LCB via email at publicrecords@lcb.wa.gov. The request should include the following information:
(a) The name, organization, mailing address, telephone number, and email address of the requestor;
(b) The date and time of day of the request;
(c) Identification of the public records sought, in a form or description adequate for the public records officer to identify and locate the records;
(d) If the matter requested is referenced within the current index maintained by the board, a reference to the requested record as described; and
(e) The address where copies of the record are to be mailed or emailed, or notification that the requestor wants to examine the record at the LCB.
(2) If the public records officer or designee accepts a request other than in writing, they will confirm receipt of the information and the substance of the request in writing.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030. WSR 24-23-002, s 314-60-080, filed 11/6/24, effective 12/7/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030 and 2015 c 70. WSR 24-16-064, § 314-60-080, filed 7/31/24, effective 8/31/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030 and 69.50.342. WSR 22-23-054, § 314-60-080, filed 11/9/22, effective 12/10/22. Statutory Authority: RCW 42.56.120, 34.05.220, 42.56.040, 66.08.030, and 66.08.050. WSR 18-05-006, § 314-60-080, filed 2/7/18, effective 3/10/18. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030, 34.05.220, and 42.56.40 [ 42.56.040]. WSR 09-07-070, § 314-60-080, filed 3/13/09, effective 4/13/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030. WSR 94-03-060, § 314-60-080, filed 1/14/94, effective 2/14/94; Order 56, § 314-60-080, filed 5/31/77, effective 7/1/77; Order 22, § 314-60-080, filed 4/17/73, effective 5/18/73.]