PDFWAC 308-91-040
General provisions.
(1) Can carriers separate their apportionable vehicles into more than one fleet? Yes, carriers may separate their apportionable vehicles into two or more fleets.
(2) How must I display my cab card? The original paper cab card, a legible paper copy, or a legible electronic image must be carried in or on the vehicle to which it has been issued. If you have renewed for a subsequent registration year but are still operating in the current registration year, you are required to carry both cab cards.
(3) Are photocopies of the cab card acceptable? Yes, a photocopy of the original cab card is acceptable provided the copy is legible.
(4) May my proportional registration credentials be transferred? Yes, vehicle license plates and validation tabs may be transferred when moving the vehicles from one fleet to another fleet for the same registrant. Cab card(s) cannot be transferred under any circumstance.
(5) When must I surrender my proportional registration credentials? Cab card(s) must be surrendered in order to receive license fee credit unless the supplement is filed electronically.
(6) Under what circumstances may Washington license fees be adjusted? For any unpaid invoices, Washington license fees may be adjusted, in one-twelfth increments, if reasonable cause has been established. Reasonable cause may be considered as the demise of the registrant, destruction of a vehicle, theft or other cause the department determines otherwise acceptable. Washington license fees may also be adjusted by audit.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.87.010. WSR 19-08-065, § 308-91-040, filed 3/29/19, effective 4/29/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110 and 46.87.010. WSR 16-03-071, § 308-91-040, filed 1/19/16, effective 2/19/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.87.010. WSR 00-01-150, § 308-91-040, filed 12/21/99, effective 1/21/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.87.010(2). WSR 94-13-012, § 308-91-040, filed 6/2/94, effective 7/3/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110 and 46.87.010(2). WSR 90-16-072, § 308-91-040, filed 7/30/90, effective 9/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.87.080, 46.87.130, 46.87.140, 88.44.060 [82.44.060], 46.87.010(2) and 82.44.100. WSR 89-07-035 (Order PFT 89-03), § 308-91-040, filed 3/10/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.87.010(2), 46.01.110 and chapters 46.87 and 46.85 RCW. WSR 88-06-061 (Order PFT 8803), § 308-91-040, filed 3/2/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. WSR 84-02-019 (Order 739 DOL), § 308-91-040, filed 12/28/83.]