(1) You must make sure that every shelter in the camp provides protection against the elements.
(2) You must make sure each dwelling unit:
(a) Has at least seventy square feet of floor space for the first occupant and at least fifty square feet of floor space for each additional occupant;
(b) That is designated a family unit has a separate sleeping area for children over six years old;
(c) With designated sleeping room(s) has at least fifty square feet of floor space in the sleeping room for each occupant;
(d) Has at least a seven-foot ceiling;
(e) Has windows covering a total area equal to at least one-tenth of the floor area with at least one-half of which can be opened for ventilation;
(f) Has each exterior opening screened with 16-mesh material;
(g) Has screen doors with self-closing devices.
(3) You must make sure that the floors of each shelter are constructed of wood, asphalt, or concrete.
(a) Floors must be kept in good repair.
(b) If wooden floors are used, they must be:
(i) Elevated one foot above ground level at all points to prevent dampness and to permit free air circulation;
(ii) Smooth and tight.
Note: | You may "bank" around outside walls with earth or other suitable material to guard against extreme low temperatures. |
(4) You must provide beds, cots, or bunks, and suitable storage facilities such as wall lockers for clothing and personal articles in every sleeping room.
(a) Beds must be at least thirty-six inches away from other beds, both side to side and end to end.
(b) The frame of the bed must keep mattresses at least twelve inches off the floor.
(c) Double-deck bunks must be spaced at least forty-eight inches away from other beds, both side to side and end to end.
(d) The minimum clear space between lower and upper bunks must be at least twenty-seven inches.
(e) Triple-deck bunks are not allowed.
(5) You must provide equipment that adequately heats the living area whenever the camp is used during cold weather.
Note: | All heating, cooking, and water heating equipment must meet state and local ordinances, codes, and regulations concerning installation. |