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284-55-125  <<  284-55-150 >>   284-55-155

PDFWAC 284-55-150

Filing requirements and premium adjustments.

(1) For medicare supplement insurance policies initially sold to residents of this state on or after January 1, 1989:
(a) Within ninety days of the effective date of this rule, every insurer required to file its medicare supplement insurance policy forms with the commissioner shall file with the commissioner new medicare supplement insurance policy forms which eliminate any duplication of medicare supplement benefits with benefits provided by medicare and which provide a clear description of the policy or contract benefit; and
(b) The filing required under this subsection shall provide for loss ratios which are at least as favorable to the insured as the minimum loss ratio standards established by WAC 284-55-115.
(2) Annually, beginning with changes to be effective January 1, 1990, as soon as practicable, but not less than sixty days prior to the annual effective date of the changes required by the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988, every insurer providing medicare supplement insurance policies in this state shall file with the commissioner, in accordance with the applicable filing procedures of this state:
(a) Policy forms necessary to accomplish the medicare supplement insurance modifications necessary to eliminate benefit duplications with medicare, such forms providing a clear description of the medicare supplement benefits provided by the policy or contract; and
(b) Appropriate premium adjustments necessary to produce complying loss ratios originally anticipated for the applicable policies or contracts and such supporting documents necessary in the opinion of the commissioner to justify the adjustments.
(3) Every insurer providing medicare supplement insurance or benefits to a resident of this state shall make such premium adjustments as are necessary to produce an expected loss ratio under such policy or contract as will conform with the minimum loss ratio standards of WAC 284-55-115.
(4) No premium adjustment which would modify the loss ratio experience under the policy, other than the adjustments described in this section, may be made with respect to a policy at any time other than upon its renewal or anniversary date.
(5) Premium adjustments shall be in the form of refunds or premium credits and shall be made no later than upon renewal if a credit is given, or within sixty days of the renewal or anniversary date if a refund is provided to the premium payer.
(6) For purposes of rate making and requests for rate increases, all individual medicare supplement policy forms of an insurer are considered "similar policy forms" including forms no longer being marketed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060 (3)(a) and 48.66.050. WSR 89-11-096 (Order R 89-7), § 284-55-150, filed 5/24/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060 (3)(a) and 48.30.010(2). WSR 88-22-061 (Order R 88-9), § 284-55-150, filed 11/1/88.]