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Chapter 246-780 WAC

|Show DispositionsLast Update: 10/15/10


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF246-780-001What is the purpose of the farmers' market nutrition program?
HTMLPDF246-780-020How does an applicant farmers' market become authorized to participate in the farmer's market nutrition program?
HTMLPDF246-780-022What is expected of an authorized farmers' market?
HTMLPDF246-780-025How does an applicant grower become authorized to participate in the farmers' market nutrition program?
HTMLPDF246-780-026How does an applicant farm store become authorized to participate in the farmers' market nutrition program?
HTMLPDF246-780-028What is expected of an authorized grower or an authorized farm store?
HTMLPDF246-780-030What kind of foods can clients buy with farmers' market nutrition program checks?
HTMLPDF246-780-040What happens if an authorized farmers' market, authorized grower or authorized farm store does not comply with FMNP requirements?
HTMLPDF246-780-060How does an authorized farmers' market, authorized grower, an authorized farm store or an applicant appeal a department decision?
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