PDFWAC 246-337-111
Food and nutrition services.
Meals must meet resident nutritional needs, and are stored, prepared and served in accordance with chapter 246-215 WAC.
The licensee shall:
(1) Provide food and dietary services managed by a person knowledgeable in food services, and, when needed, consultative services provided by a registered dietician.
(2) Post current food handlers permits in the kitchen.
(3) Provide at least three meals at regular intervals without more than fourteen hours between the last meal of the day and the first meal of the next day.
(4) Consider age, gender, developmental age, activities and health conditions when developing meals.
(5) Make reasonable accommodations for cultural and religious preferences.
(6) Notify appropriate staff of any resident with food allergies or other medical conditions, symptoms of allergic reactions to watch for, and emergency measures to take if allergic reactions occur.
(7) Provide modified diets, nutrient supplements and concentrates to residents if prescribed or indicated by an authorized health care prescriber or registered dietician.
(8) Allow sufficient time for residents to consume meals.
(9) Require all staff and residents who perform food preparation for group consumption have a current food and beverage service worker's permit and be medically screened and cleared to perform food preparation. All residents who do not perform food preparation for group consumption but who work in the kitchen do not need a food and beverage worker's permit, but must be oriented and supervised by staff with a current food and beverage worker permit at all times when working in the kitchen.
(10) Date, make available, and conspicuously post menus at least one week in advance.
(11) Keep records of all food served, including substitutions for at least three months.
(12) Prepare food on-site or have food provided by a licensed food establishment under chapter 246-215 WAC, Food and Drug Administration, or United States Department of Agriculture, with which the RTF has a signed contract or agreement and a written plan of action should food be in an unacceptable condition.
(13) Use commercial appliances if the kitchen provides meals for more than sixteen residents. A licensed RTF with sixteen or fewer residents may use domestic or home-type kitchen appliances. Domestic and home-type equipment must meet sanitation requirements of chapter 246-215 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71.12.670. WSR 18-06-092, ยง 246-337-111, filed 3/6/18, effective 4/16/18.]