PDFWAC 246-290-640
Determination of GWI sources.
(1) Until the department has made a source GWI determination, the purveyor shall monitor in accordance with the requirements for groundwater sources in WAC 246-290-300 or as directed by the department and provide follow-up in accordance with WAC 246-290-320.
(2) The purveyor, after being notified by the department that one or more of the system sources have been classified as potential GWI, may elect to seek approval from the department to modify the potential GWI source to mitigate surface water influences prior to compliance with subsection (3) of this section, and if so, shall:
(a) Complete a project report, for departmental approval, that describes the proposed source-related modifications, including the schedule for their completion and an explanation of why the source should be reclassified upon completion of the source modifications; and
(b) Demonstrate compliance, if directed by the department, with the requirements of subsection (3) of this section upon completion of the source-related modifications.
(3) The purveyor using a source identified as a potential GWI shall provide to the department all information necessary to determine whether the source is under direct surface water influence. Information shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) Site-specific source water quality data, including temperature, conductivity, or other appropriate parameters as determined by the department;
(b) Documentation of source construction characteristics;
(c) Documentation of hydrogeology;
(d) Distance to surface water; and
(e) Water quality results from nearby surface water(s), including temperature, conductivity, and/or other appropriate parameters as determined by the department.
(4) Upon a determination by the department that one or more potential GWI source(s) being used are in hydraulic connection to a surface water, the purveyor shall:
(a) Secure the services of a professional engineer to direct further evaluation and actions regarding the source;
(b) Provide disinfection treatment of the source in accordance with WAC 246-290-451; and
(c) Provide microscopic particulate analyses (MPA) results for review by the department based upon a sampling plan approved by the department.
(5) A purveyor notified by the department that one or more GWI sources are in use shall:
(a) Within ninety days of notification submit a project report to the department that includes an implementation schedule for compliance with the treatment techniques specified in Part 6 of this chapter;
(b) Notify consumers served by the system; and
(c) Comply with the applicable requirements of WAC 246-290-670.
(6) After completion of the requirements in subsection (3) of this section, the purveyor may modify a GWI source to mitigate direct surface influence. In such cases, the purveyor shall:
(a) Include in a project report, for submittal to the department for approval, a description of the proposed approaches and schedule for source modification; and
(b) Comply again with subsection (3) of this section upon completion of source modifications to be considered for source reclassification.
(7) The department may reevaluate a groundwater source for direct surface influence, if conditions impacting source classification have changed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050 and 70.119A.080. WSR 10-20-068, § 246-290-640, filed 9/29/10, effective 11/1/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.02.050 [43.20.050]. WSR 99-07-021, § 246-290-640, filed 3/9/99, effective 4/9/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050. WSR 93-08-011 (Order 352B), § 246-290-640, filed 3/25/93, effective 4/25/93.]