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Chapter 181-87 WAC

Last Update: 3/29/21


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF181-87-010Public policy goals of chapter.
HTMLPDF181-87-015Accountability for acts of unprofessional conduct.
HTMLPDF181-87-020Applicability of chapter to private conduct.
HTMLPDF181-87-025Exclusivity of chapter.
HTMLPDF181-87-035Education practitioner—Definition.
HTMLPDF181-87-050Misrepresentation or falsification in the course of professional practice.
HTMLPDF181-87-055Alcohol or controlled substance abuse.
HTMLPDF181-87-060Disregard or abandonment of generally recognized professional standards.
HTMLPDF181-87-062Digital communication.
HTMLPDF181-87-065Abandonment of contract for professional services.
HTMLPDF181-87-070Unauthorized professional practice.
HTMLPDF181-87-080Sexual misconduct with students.
HTMLPDF181-87-085Furnishing alcohol or controlled substance to students.
HTMLPDF181-87-090Improper remunerative conduct.
HTMLPDF181-87-093Failure to assure the transfer of student record information or student records.
HTMLPDF181-87-095Failure to file a complaint.
181-87-030Prospective application of chapter and amendments. [WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-030, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-030, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.] Repealed by WSR 21-08-022, filed 3/29/21, effective 4/29/21. Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.410 RCW.



The authority for this chapter is RCW 28A.410.010 which authorizes the professional educator standards board to establish, publish, and enforce rules determining eligibility for and certification of personnel employed in the common schools of this state. This authority is supplemented by RCW 28A.410.090 which authorizes the revocation and suspension of certificates, as well as reprimands, for unprofessional conduct. (Note: RCW 28A.195.010 (3)(a) requires most private school classroom teachers to hold appropriate Washington state certification with few exceptions.)
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.410 RCW. WSR 21-08-022, § 181-87-003, filed 3/29/21, effective 4/29/21. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210. WSR 06-14-010, § 181-87-003, filed 6/22/06, effective 7/23/06. WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-003, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-003, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]



The sole purpose of this chapter is to set forth policies and procedures related to reprimand, suspension, and revocation actions respecting certification of education practitioners in the state of Washington for acts of unprofessional conduct. It is recognized that grounds for the discharge, nonrenewal of contracts, or other adverse change in contract status affecting the employment contracts of education practitioners are broader than stated herein. The grounds set forth as unprofessional conduct in this chapter shall not limit discharge, nonrenewal of contracts, or other employment action by employers of education practitioners.
[WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-005, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-005, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]


Public policy goals of chapter.

The public policy goals of this chapter are as follows:
(1) To protect the health, safety, and general welfare of students within the state of Washington.
(2) To assure the citizens of the state of Washington that education practitioners are accountable for acts of unprofessional conduct.
(3) To define and provide notice to education practitioners within the state of Washington of the acts of unprofessional conduct for which they are accountable under the provisions of chapter 181-86 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.410 RCW. WSR 21-08-022, § 181-87-010, filed 3/29/21, effective 4/29/21. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210. WSR 06-14-010, § 181-87-010, filed 6/22/06, effective 7/23/06. WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-010, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-010, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]


Accountability for acts of unprofessional conduct.

Any educational practitioner who commits an act of unprofessional conduct proscribed within this chapter may be held accountable for such conduct under the provisions of chapter 181-86 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.410 RCW. WSR 21-08-022, § 181-87-015, filed 3/29/21, effective 4/29/21. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210. WSR 06-14-010, § 181-87-015, filed 6/22/06, effective 7/23/06. WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-015, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-015, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]



Applicability of chapter to private conduct.

As a general rule, the provisions of this chapter shall not be applicable to the private conduct of an education practitioner except where the education practitioner's role as a private person is not clearly distinguishable from the role as an education practitioner and the fulfillment of professional obligations.
[WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-020, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-020, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]


Exclusivity of chapter.

No act, for the purpose of this chapter, is defined as an act of unprofessional conduct unless it is included in this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.410 RCW. WSR 21-08-022, § 181-87-025, filed 3/29/21, effective 4/29/21. WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-025, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-025, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]


Education practitionerDefinition.

As used in this chapter, the term "education practitioner" means any certificate holder licensed under Title 181 WAC of the professional educator standards board to serve as a certificated employee, or any person serving in a position for which certification is required under Title 181 WAC of the professional educator standards board.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.410 RCW. WSR 21-08-022, § 181-87-035, filed 3/29/21, effective 4/29/21. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210. WSR 06-14-010, § 181-87-035, filed 6/22/06, effective 7/23/06. WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-035, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-035, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]



As used in this chapter, the term "student" means the following:
(1) Any student who is under the supervision, direction, or control of the education practitioner.
(2) Any student enrolled in any school or school district served by the education practitioner.
(3) Any student enrolled in any school or school district while attending a school related activity at which the education practitioner is performing professional duties.
(4) Any former student who is under eighteen years of age and who has been under the supervision, direction, or control of the education practitioner. Former student, for the purpose of this section, includes but is not limited to drop outs, graduates, and students who transfer to other districts or schools.
[WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-040, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-040, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]



As used in this chapter, the term "colleague" includes a certificated educator or any individual employed on a permanent or temporary basis.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.410 RCW. WSR 21-08-022, § 181-87-045, filed 3/29/21, effective 4/29/21. WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-045, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-045, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]



Misrepresentation or falsification in the course of professional practice.

Any falsification or deliberate misrepresentation, including omission, of a material fact by an education practitioner concerning any of the following is an act of unprofessional conduct:
(1) Statement of professional qualifications.
(2) Application or recommendation for professional employment, promotion, certification, or an endorsement.
(3) Application or recommendation for college or university admission, scholarship, grant, academic award, or similar benefit.
(4) Representation of completion of inservice or continuing education credit hours.
(5) Evaluations or grading of students and/or personnel.
(6) Financial or program compliance reports submitted to state, federal, or other governmental agencies.
(7) Information submitted in the course of an official inquiry by the superintendent of public instruction related to the following:
(a) Good moral character or personal fitness.
(b) Acts of unprofessional conduct.
(8) Information submitted in the course of an investigation by a law enforcement agency or by child protective services regarding school related criminal activity.
(9) Assessments leading to certification.
(10) An education practitioner who aids, encourages, and/or abets another educator in any falsification or deliberate misrepresentation, including omission, of a material fact in conjunction with the acts listed above commits misrepresentation in the course of professional practice.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.410 RCW. WSR 12-23-028, § 181-87-050, filed 11/13/12, effective 12/14/12. WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-050, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-050, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]


Alcohol or controlled substance abuse.

Unprofessional conduct includes:
(1) Being under the influence, as defined in RCW 46.61.506, of alcohol, marijuana or of a controlled substance, as defined in chapter 69.50 RCW, on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity involving students, following:
(a) Notification to the education practitioner by their employer of concern regarding alcohol or substance abuse affecting job performance;
(b) A recommendation by the employer that the education practitioner seek counseling or other appropriate and available assistance; and
(c) The education practitioner has had a reasonable opportunity to obtain such assistance.
(2) The possession, use, or consumption on school premises or at a school sponsored activity of a Schedule 1 controlled substance, as defined by the state pharmacy quality assurance commission, or a Schedule 2 controlled substance, as defined by the state pharmacy quality assurance commission, without a prescription authorizing such use.
(3) The consumption of an alcoholic beverage on school premises or at a school sponsored activity involving students if such consumption is contrary to written policy of the school district or school building.
(4) The possession of marijuana or marijuana-infused product on school premises or at a school sponsored activity involving students if such possession violates Washington law or is contrary to written policy of the school district or school building.
(5) The use or consumption of marijuana or marijuana-infused product on school premises or at a school sponsored activity.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.410 RCW. WSR 21-08-022, § 181-87-055, filed 3/29/21, effective 4/29/21. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210, 2013 c 3, and 2013 c 19. WSR 14-21-056, § 181-87-055, filed 10/8/14, effective 11/8/14. WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-055, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-055, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]


Disregard or abandonment of generally recognized professional standards.

Any performance of professional practice in flagrant disregard or clear abandonment of generally recognized professional standards in the course of any of the following professional practices is an act of unprofessional conduct:
(1) Assessment, treatment, instruction, or supervision of students.
(2) Employment or evaluation of personnel.
(3) Management of moneys or property.
[WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-060, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-060, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]


Digital communication.

(1) Unprofessional conduct includes inappropriate digital communication with a student including, but not limited to: Cell phone, text messaging, email, instant messaging, blogging, or other social media or social network communication.
(2) Factors that may be considered in assessing whether the communication is inappropriate include, but are not limited to:
(a) The nature, purpose, timing, and amount of the communication;
(b) The subject matter of the communication;
(c) Whether the communication was made openly, or the educator attempted to conceal the communication;
(d) Whether the communication could be reasonably interpreted as soliciting sexual contact or a romantic relationship, was sexually explicit, or involved discussion of the sexual history, activities, or preferences of either the educator or the student.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.410 RCW. WSR 21-08-022, § 181-87-062, filed 3/29/21, effective 4/29/21.]


Abandonment of contract for professional services.

Any permanent abandonment, constituting a substantial violation without good cause, of one of the following written contracts to perform professional services for a private school or a school or an educational service district is an act of unprofessional conduct:
(1) An employment contract, excluding any extracurricular or other specific activity within such contract or any supplementary contract.
(2) Professional service contract.
[WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-065, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-065, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]


Unauthorized professional practice.

(1) Any act performed without good cause that materially contributes to one of the following unauthorized professional practices is an act of unprofessional practice.
(a) The intentional employment of a person to serve as an employee in a position for which certification is required by rules of the professional educator standards board when such person does not possess, at the time of commencement of such responsibility, a valid certificate to hold the position for which such person is employed.
(b) The assignment or delegation in a school setting of any responsibility within the scope of the authorized practice of nursing, physical therapy, or occupational therapy to a person not licensed to practice such profession unless such assignment or delegation is otherwise authorized by law, including the rules of the appropriate licensing board.
(c) The practice with an expired, lapsed, suspended, surrendered, or revoked certificate in a position for which certification is required under Title 181 WAC of the professional educator standards board.
(d) The failure of an education practitioner to abide by the conditions within an agreement, executed under WAC 181-86-160, to not continue or to accept education employment.
(e) The failure of an education practitioner to comply with any condition, limitation, or other order or decision entered under chapter 181-86 WAC.
(2) For the purpose of this section, good cause includes, but is not limited to, exigent circumstances where immediate action is necessary to protect the health, safety, or general welfare of a student, colleague, or other affected person.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.410 RCW. WSR 21-08-022, § 181-87-070, filed 3/29/21, effective 4/29/21. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210. WSR 06-14-010, § 181-87-070, filed 6/22/06, effective 7/23/06. WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-070, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.010. WSR 97-21-075, § 180-87-070, filed 10/17/97, effective 11/17/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-070, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]


Sexual misconduct with students.

As used in this chapter, "sexual misconduct with students" means:
(1) Unprofessional conduct includes the commission by an education practitioner of any sexually exploitive act with or to a student including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) Any sexual advance, verbal or physical;
(b) Sexual intercourse as defined in RCW 9A.44.010;
(c) Indecent exposure as defined in RCW 9A.88.010;
(d) Sexual contact, i.e., the intentional touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a student except to the extent necessary and appropriate to attend to the hygienic or health needs of the student;
(e) Engaging in sexual grooming of a student, such as befriending and/or establishing a connection with a student or a student's family to lower the student's inhibitions for the purpose of a sexual relationship.
(2) The provisions of this section shall not apply if at the time of the sexual conduct the participants are married to each other.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.410 RCW. WSR 21-08-022, § 181-87-080, filed 3/29/21, effective 4/29/21. WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-080, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-080, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]


Furnishing alcohol or controlled substance to students.

Unprofessional conduct includes the illegal furnishing of alcohol or a controlled substance, as defined in chapter 69.50 RCW, to any student by an education practitioner.
[WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-085, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-085, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]


Improper remunerative conduct.

Any deliberate act in the course of professional practice which requires or pressures students to purchase equipment, supplies, or services from the education practitioner in a private remunerative capacity is an act of unprofessional conduct.
[WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-090, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-090, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]


Failure to assure the transfer of student record information or student records.

The failure of a principal or other certificated chief administrator of a public school building to make a good faith effort to assure compliance with RCW 28A.225.330 by establishing, distributing, and monitoring compliance with written procedures that are reasonably designed to implement the statute shall constitute an act of unprofessional conduct.
[WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-093, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.010, 28A.225.330(3) and 1995 c 311. WSR 96-08-012, § 180-87-093, filed 3/25/96, effective 4/25/96.]


Failure to file a complaint.

The intentional or knowing failure of an educational service district superintendent, a district superintendent, or a chief administrator of a private school to file a complaint under WAC 181-86-110 regarding the lack of good moral character or personal fitness of an education practitioner or the commission of an act of unprofessional conduct by an education practitioner is an act of unprofessional conduct.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.410 RCW. WSR 21-08-022, § 181-87-095, filed 3/29/21, effective 4/29/21. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210. WSR 06-14-010, § 181-87-095, filed 6/22/06, effective 7/23/06. WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-87-095, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-075, § 180-87-095, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]