Stream Name | Quadrangle Name and Size | Legal Description |
(1) | Anderson Creek | Index 15 | From the Snoqualmie National Forest boundary (Sec.24, T27N, R9E) downstream to mouth at Skykomish River (same section). |
(2) | Ashton Creek | Fortson 7 1/2 | From confluence of Ashton Creek and unnamed creek (Sec.20, T32N, R9E) downstream to mouth at Squire Creek (Sec.8, same township). |
(3) | Barclay Creek | Baring 7 1/2 | From the Snoqualmie National Forest boundary (Sec.25, T27N, R10E) downstream to mouth at Skykomish River South Fork (Sec.34, same township), excluding the part within Snoqualmie National Forest. |
(4) | Boulder River | Granite Falls 15 Oso 15 | From the Mt. Baker National Forest boundary (Sec.19, T32N, R8E) downstream to mouth at Stillaguamish River (Sec.9, T32N, R8E), excluding the part within Mt. Baker National Forest. |
(5) | Brooks Creek | Oso 15 | Beginning where Brooks Creek is crossed by unimproved dirt road (Sec.9, 32N, R7E) downstream to mouth at Stillaguamish River North Fork (same section). |
(6) | Canyon Creek | Granite Falls 15 | From the Mt. Baker National Forest boundary (Sec.25, T31N, R7E) downstream to mouth at Stillaguamish River South Fork (Sec.12, T30N, R6E). |
(7) | Dan Creek | Darrington 7 1/2 | From Mt. Baker National Forest boundary (Sec.8, T32N, R10E) downstream to mouth at Sauk River (same section). |
(8) | Deer Creek (Cont.) | Oso 15 | From the Skagit County line (Sec.5, T32N, R7E) downstream to mouth at Stillaguamish River North Fork (Sec.17, T32N, R7E). |
(9) | Dubuque Creek | Everett 15 Snohomish 7 1/2 | From confluence of Dubuque Creek and Panther Creek (Sec.22, T29N, R6E) downstream to mouth at Pilchuck River (Sec.21, same township). |
(10) | Elk Creek | Index 15 | Beginning at Snoqualmie National Forest boundary (Sec.3, T28N, R10E) downstream, to mouth at Sultan River (Sec.30, T29N, R10E), excluding Snoqualmie National Forest land. |
(11) | Elwell Creek | Sultan 7 1/2 | From confluence of Elwell Creek and Youngs Creek (Sec.24, T27N, R7E) downstream to mouth at Skykomish River (Sec.12, same township). |
(12) | French Creek | Everett 15 Snohomish 7 1/2 | From confluence of French Creek and unnamed creek (Sec.27, T28N, R6E) downstream to mouth at Snohomish River (Sec.30, same township). |
(13) | French Creek | Oso 15 | From Mt. Baker National Forest boundary (Sec.16, T32N, R8E) downstream to mouth at Stillaguamish River (Sec.10, same township) excluding Mt. Baker National Forest land. |
(14) | Jim Creek | Granite Falls 15 Arlington East 7 1/2 | From U.S. Naval Reservation boundary (Sec.31, T32N, R7E) downstream to mouth at Stillaguamish River South Fork (Sec.7, T31N, R6E). |
(15) | Little Pilchuck Creek | Lake Stevens 7 1/2 Snohomish 7 1/2 | From confluence of Little Pilchuck Creek and unnamed creek (Sec.22, T30N, R6E) downstream to mouth (Sec.21, T29N, R6E) at Pilchuck River. |
(16) | May Creek | Index 15 | From the Snoqualmie National Forest boundary (Sec.3, T27N, R9E) downstream to mouth at Wallace River (Sec.36, T28N, R8E). |
(17) | McCoy Creek | Monroe 15 Sultan 7 1/2 | From confluence of McCoy Creek and unnamed creek (Sec.17, T27N, R8E) downstream to mouth at Skykomish River (Sec.7, same township). |
(18) | Montague Creek | Oso 15 | From confluence of Montague Creek and unnamed creek (Sec.14, T32N, R7E) downstream to mouth at Stillaguamish River North Fork (Sec.10, same township). |
(19) | Mud Lake Outlet | Granite Falls 15 | From an approximate point (SE1/4 of SE1/4, Sec.33, T31N, R7E) downstream to mouth at Canyon Creek (Sec.3, T30N, R7E). |
(20) | North Creek | Everett 15 Bothell 7 1/2 | From confluence of North Creek and unnamed creek (Sec.19, T27N, R5E) downstream to King County line (Sec.32, same township). |
(21) | Olney Creek | Index 15 | From Snoqualmie National Forest boundary (Sec.6, T28N, R9E) downstream to mouth at Wallace River (Sec.36, T28N, R8E). |
22) | Pilchuck Creek (Cont.) | Clear Lake 15 Arlington West 7 1/2 | From Skagit County line (Sec.4, T32N, R5E) downstream to mouth at Stillaguamish River (Sec.6, T31N, R5E). |
(23) | Pilchuck River | Index 15 Lake Stevens 7 1/2 Snohomish 7 1/2 Monroe 15 Granite Falls 15 | From the Snoqualmie National Forest boundary (Sec.23, T29N, R8E) downstream to mouth at Snohomish River (Sec.19, T28N, R6E). |
(24) | Portage Creek | Arlington West 7 1/2 | From confluence of Portage Creek and unnamed creek (Sec.7, T31N, R5E) downstream to mouth at South Slough of the Stillaguamish River (Sec.12, T31N, R4E). |
(25) | Proctor Creek | Index 15 | From the Snoqualmie National Forest boundary (Sec.15, T27N, R9E) downstream to mouth at Skykomish River (Sec.10, same township). |
(26) | Quilceda Creek | Marysville 7 1/2 | From confluence of Quilceda Cr. and Middle Fork (Sec.9, T30N, R5E) downstream to mouth at Ebbey Slough of Possession Sound (Sec.31, T30N, R5E) excluding federal lands. |
(27) | Rollins Creek | Oso 15 | From confluence of Rollins Creek and unnamed creek (Sec.1, T32N, R7E) downstream to mouth at Stillaguamish River North Fork (Sec.12, same township). |
(28) | Sauk River* | Silverton* 15 Darrington 7 1/2 | From Mt. Baker National Forest boundary (Sec.36, T32N, R9E) downstream to Snohomish County and Skagit County line (Sec.5, T32N, R10E). The 1,000 cfs MAF point is at Mt. Baker N. F. boundary. |
(29) | Skykomish River* | Index* 15 Sultan 7 1/2 Monroe 7 1/2 | From confluence of North Fork and South Fork of Skykomish River (Sec.19, T27N, R10E) downstream to mouth at Snohomish River (Sec.16, T27N, R6E) excluding all federal land. The 1,000 cfs MAF point begins at confluence of North and South Fork Skykomish River. |
(30) | Skykomish River (N. Fk.)* | Index* 15 | Beginning at SW1/4 (Sec.20, T28N, R11E) downstream to mouth at Skykomish River (Sec.19, T27N, R10E) excluding those shores within federal lands. The 1,000 cfs MAF point begins at east section line (Sec.16, T27N, R10E). |
(31) | Skykomish River (South Fork) (Cont.)* | Baring 7 1/2 Index 15 | From King County line (Sec.34, T27N, R10E) downstream to mouth at Skykomish River (Sec.19, same township) excluding all federal land. The flow exceeds 1,000 cfs MAF at King County line. |
(32) | Snohomish River* | Everett 15 Maltby* 7 1/2 Snohomish 7 1/2 Everett 7 1/2 Marysville 7 1/2 | From confluence of Skykomish River and Snoqualmie River (Sec.16, T27N, R6E) downstream to mouth at Possession Sound (Sec.7, T29N, R5E). The flow exceeds 1,000 cfs MAF at confluence of Skykomish River and Snoqualmie River. |
(33) | Snoqualmie River* (Cont.) | Monroe 15 Maltby 7 1/2 Monroe 7 1/2 | From the King County line (Sec.31, T27N, R7E) downstream to mouth at Snohomish River (Sec.16, T27N, R6E). The flow exceeds 1,000 cfs MAF at King County line. |
(34) | Squire Creek | Silverton 15 Fortson 7 1/2 | From the Mt. Baker National Forest boundary (Sec.27, T32N, R9E) downstream to mouth at Stillaguamish River N. Fork (Sec.8, same township). |
(35) | Stevens Creek | Lake Stevens 7 1/2 Snohomish 7 1/2 | From confluence of Stevens Creek and Catherine Creek (Sec.8, T29N, R6E) downstream to mouth at Little Pilchuck Creek (Sec.16, same township). |
(36) | Stilla- guamish River* | Arlington East* 7 1/2 Arlington West 7 1/2 Stanwood 7 1/2 | From confluence of South Fork and North Fork of Stillaguamish River (Sec. 2, T31N, R5E) downstream to mouth at Port Susan in Puget Sound (Sec.12, T31N, R3E). The flow exceeds 1,000 cfs MAF at confluence of N. Fork and South Fork Stillaguamish River. |
(37) | Stilla- guamish River (N.F.) (Cont.)* | Fortson 7 1/2 Oso* 15 Clear Lake 15 Arlington East 7 1/2 Arlington West 7 1/2 | From Snohomish County line (Sec.3, T32N, R9E) downstream to mouth at Stillaguamish River South Fork (Sec.2, T31N, R5E). The 1,000 cfs MAF point begins at mouth of Boulder Creek (Sec.9, T32N, R8E). |
(38) | Stilla- guamish River (South Fork)* | Silverton 15 Granite Falls* 15 Lake Stevens 7 1/2 Arlington 7 1/2 | From Mt. Baker National Forest boundary (Sec.19, T30N, R10E) downstream to mouth at Stillaguamish River North Fork (Sec.2, T31N, R5E). The 1,000 cfs MAF point begins at mouth of Cranberry Creek (Sec.12, T30N, R7E). Exclude federal lands. |
(39) | Stony Creek | Silverton 15 | From an approximate point (NE1/4 of NW1/4 Sec.18, T29N, R10E) downstream to mouth at Williamson Creek (Sec.12, T29N, R9E) excluding all federal land. |
(40) | Sultan River | Monte Cristo 7 1/2 Sultan 7 1/2 Monroe 15 Index 15 | Beginning at Snoqualmie National Forest boundary (Sec.22, T29N, R10E) downstream to mouth at Skykomish River (Sec.6, T27N, R8E) excluding all federal lands. |
(41) | Sultan River (N. Fork of South Fork) | Index 15 | From confluence of Sultan River North Fork of South Fork and unnamed creek (Sec.7, T28N, R10E) downstream to mouth at Sultan River (Sec.28, T29N, R9E) excluding all federal land. |
(42) | Swamp Creek | Edmonds 15 Edmonds E. 7 1/2 Bothell 7 1/2 | From confluence of Swamp Creek and unnamed creek (Sec.26, T27N, R4E) downstream to King County line (Sec.35, same township). |
(43) | Unnamed Tributary to French Creek | Everett 15 Snohomish 7 1/2 | From confluence of unnamed tributary to French Creek and unnamed creek (NW1/4 of Sec.34, T28N, R6E) downstream to mouth at French Creek (Sec.20, same township). |
(44) | Wallace River | Index 15 Sultan 7 1/2 | From the Snoqualmie National Forest boundary (Sec.25, T28N, R9E) downstream to mouth at Skykomish River (Sec.4, T27N, R8E). |
(45) | Wallace River (N. Fk.) | Index 15 | From confluence of North Fork Wallace River and unnamed creek (Sec.28, T28N, R9E) downstream to mouth at Wallace River (Sec.33, same township). |
(46) | Williamson Creek | Silverton 15 Index 15 | Beginning at Snoqualmie National Forest boundary (Sec.6, T29N, R10E) downstream to mouth at Sultan River (Sec.24, T29N, R9E) excluding all federal lands. |
(47) | Woods Creek | Monroe 15 Monroe 7 1/2 | From confluence of Woods Creek and unnamed creek (Sec.26, T29N, R7E) downstream to mouth at Skykomish River (Sec.12, T27N, R6E). |
(48) | Woods Creek (W. Fk.) | Monroe 15 Monroe 7 1/2 | From confluence of Carpenter Creek and Woods Creek West Fork (Sec.5, T28N, R7E) downstream to mouth at Woods Creek (Sec.33, same township). |
(49) | Worthy Creek | Granite Falls 15 | From confluence of Worthy Creek and unnamed creek (Sec.26, T30N, R7E) downstream to mouth at Pilchuck River (Sec.2, T29N, R7E). |
(50) | Youngs Creek | Monroe 15 Sultan 7 1/2 | From an approximate point (NE1/4 of SE1/4 Sec.34, T27N, R8E) downstream to mouth at Elwell Creek (Sec.24, T27N, R7E). |
(51) | Suiattle River* | Huckleberry Mtn.* 7 1/2 Prairie Mtn. 7 1/2 | From the east section (Sec.20, T32N, R12E) downstream to Skagit-Snohomish County line (Sec.5, T32N, R11E). Exclude federal lands. The flow is 1000 cfs MAF at east section line (Sec.20, T32N, R12E). |
(52) | Beckler River | Evergreen Mtn. 7 1/2 | From the west section line (Sec.8, T27N, R12E) downstream to Snohomish-King County line (Sec.32, T27N, R12E). Exclude federal lands. |
(53) | Rapid River | Captain Point 7 1/2 Evergreen Mtn. 7 1/2 | From east section line (Sec.13, T27N, R12E) downstream to Beckler River (Sec.29, T27N, R12E). Exclude federal lands. |