PDFWAC 16-302-055
Responsibilities when participating in the seed certification program.
All participants in the seed certification program must:
(1) Maintain the genetic purity and identity during seeding, growing, harvesting, and postharvest storage, and ensure reasonable precaution is taken to control contaminating crops and varieties, noxious weeds, and seed-borne diseases.
(2) Prevent seed crop and lot mixture when harvesting.
(3) Identify the seed crop as it is delivered to the processor with the assigned field number or numbers.
(4) Clean the seed crop at a seed conditioner approved by the department under WAC 16-302-125. A list of approved seed conditioners may be obtained from the department seed program.
(5) Comply with standards and procedures for seed certification under the authority of chapter 15.49 RCW and rules adopted thereunder.
(6) Prior to planting, comply with the quarantine provisions under chapter 16-301 WAC.
(7) Harvest of seed before a field inspection by the certifying agency causes forfeitures of both the application and field inspection fees, and completion of certification.
(8) Failure of seed growers to comply with the seed laws and rules is cause for the department to deny certification of seed under the provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 15.49.005, 15.49.081, 15.49.310, 15.49.370(3), and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 14-20-050, § 16-302-055, filed 9/25/14, effective 10/26/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 15.49.005, 15.49.081, 15.49.310, 15.49.370(3) and chapter 17.24 RCW. WSR 00-24-077, § 16-302-055, filed 12/4/00, effective 1/4/01.]