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136-300-080  <<  136-300-090 >>   End of Chapter

PDFWAC 136-300-090

Submittal of annual report.

The county road administration board shall prepare and distribute to all counties standard reporting forms for use by the county engineer to annually summarize the pavement preservation and maintenance management activities, both CAPA and non-CAPA funded, in his or her county. For all CAPA-funded work, the report will require a specific listing of roads improved including a definition of scope of work and the amount of CAPA funds expended, as well as a listing of the county's share of CAPA funds used for maintenance management and pavement management.
At any time prior to April 1st of the year following, the county engineer shall, in conjunction with the annual construction report required by WAC 136-16-050 submit an annual summary of pavement preservation activities on the entire paved collector and arterial road system. This report shall be on the approved forms or in an equivalent format.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 36.78 RCW. WSR 14-17-035, § 136-300-090, filed 8/13/14, effective 9/13/14. Statutory Authority: Chapter 36.79 RCW. WSR 06-11-067, § 136-300-090, filed 5/12/06, effective 6/12/06; WSR 99-01-021, § 136-300-090, filed 12/7/98, effective 1/7/99.]