Chapter 19.28.630 RCW Dispositions



19.28.005  Definitions.
[2000 c 238 § 103; 1993 c 275 § 1; 1988 c 81 § 1; 1986 c 156 § 1; 1983 c 206 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.006 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.015  Disputes regarding local regulations — Arbitration — Appeal.
[1988 c 81 § 2; 1983 c 206 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.021 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.020  Methods, standards generally.
[1935 c 169 § 1, part; RRS § 8307-1, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.010.

19.28.030  Material and equipment standards generally.
[1935 c 169 § 1, part; RRS § 8307-1, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.010.

19.28.040  Cities may impose higher standards.
[1935 c 169 § 1, part; RRS § 8307-1, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.010.

19.28.050  Waterworks — Consent for connection to pipes.
[1935 c 169 § 1, part; RRS § 8307-1, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.010.

19.28.060  Rules, regulations, and standards.
[1993 c 275 § 3; 1988 c 81 § 3; 1986 c 156 § 3; 1983 c 206 § 4; 1965 ex.s. c 117 § 2; 1935 c 169 § 10; RRS § 8307-10.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.031 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.065  Electrical board.
[2000 c 238 § 3; 1988 c 81 § 4; 1984 c 287 § 56; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34 § 60; 1969 ex.s. c 71 § 1; 1963 c 207 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.311 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 2.

19.28.070  Enforcement — State electrical inspectors — Qualifications — Salaries and expenses.
[1997 c 309 § 4; 1986 c 156 § 4; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34 § 61; 1967 c 88 § 1; 1935 c 169 § 3; RRS § 8307-3. Formerly RCW 19.28.080, 19.28.090, 19.28.100, 19.28.110.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.321 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 2.

19.28.080  Electrical inspectors, state — Appointment.
[1935 c 169 § 3, part; RRS § 8307-3, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.070.

19.28.090  Electrical inspectors, state — Salaries and expenses.
[1935 c 169 § 3, part; RRS § 8307-3, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.070.

19.28.100  Electrical inspectors, state — Temporary inspectors — Payment.
[1935 c 169 § 3, part; RRS § 8307-3, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.070.

19.28.110  Electrical inspectors, state — Responsibility of state for payment limited.
[1935 c 169 § 3, part; RRS § 8307-3, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.070.

19.28.120  License required — General or specialty licenses — Fees — Application — Bond or cash deposit.
[1998 c 279 § 4; 1992 c 217 § 2; 1986 c 156 § 5; 1983 c 206 § 5; 1975 1st ex.s. c 195 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 92 § 1; 1974 ex.s. c 188 § 1; 1971 ex.s. c 129 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 71 § 2; 1969 c 30 § 1. Prior: 1967 ex.s. c 15 § 1; 1967 c 88 § 2; 1965 ex.s. c 117 § 3; 1963 c 207 § 2; 1959 c 325 § 1; 1935 c 169 § 4; RRS § 8307-4; prior: 1919 c 204 §§ 1, 2. Formerly RCW 19.28.130, 19.28.140, 19.28.150, 19.28.160, 19.28.170.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.041 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.123  Examinations — Fees.
[1996 c 147 § 6; 1988 c 81 § 5; 1986 c 156 § 6; 1984 c 287 § 57; 1977 ex.s. c 79 § 1; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34 § 62; 1975 1st ex.s. c 195 § 2; 1975 1st ex.s. c 92 § 2; 1974 ex.s. c 188 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.051 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.125  Electrical contractors — Designee of firm to take administrator's examination — Certificate duration, denial, renewal, nontransferable — Administrator's duties.
[1996 c 241 § 3; 1988 c 81 § 6; 1986 c 156 § 7; 1983 c 206 § 6; 1975 1st ex.s. c 195 § 3; 1975 1st ex.s. c 92 § 3; 1974 ex.s. c 188 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.061 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.130  License — Application.
[1935 c 169 § 4, part; RRS § 8307-4, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.120.

19.28.140  License — Scope.
[1935 c 169 § 4, part; RRS § 8307-4, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.120.

19.28.150  Licensee's bond — Amount — Surety.
[1935 c 169 § 4, part; RRS § 8307-4, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.120.

19.28.160  Licensee's bond — Approval by attorney general.
[1935 c 169 § 4, part; RRS § 8307-4, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.120.

19.28.170  Licensee's bond — Conditions.
[1935 c 169 § 4, part; RRS § 8307-4, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.120.

19.28.180  Licensee's bond — Action on — Priorities — Cash deposit, payment from.
[1986 c 156 § 8; 1969 ex.s. c 71 § 3; 1965 ex.s. c 117 § 4; 1935 c 169 § 5; RRS § 8307-5. Prior: 1919 c 204 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.071 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.190  Actions — Local permits — Proof of licensure.
[1986 c 156 § 9; 1935 c 169 § 6; RRS § 8307-6.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.081 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.200  Licensing — Exemptions.
[1998 c 98 § 1; 1992 c 240 § 1; 1980 c 30 § 15; 1935 c 169 § 11; RRS § 8307-11.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.091 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.210  Inspections — Notice to repair and change — Disconnection — Entry — Concealment — Accessibility — Connection to utility — Permits, fees — Limitation.
[1996 c 241 § 4; 1992 c 240 § 2; 1989 c 344 § 1; 1988 c 81 § 7; 1983 c 206 § 7; 1971 ex.s. c 129 § 2; 1969 ex.s. c 71 § 4; 1967 c 88 § 3; 1965 ex.s. c 117 § 5; 1963 c 207 § 3; 1959 c 325 § 2; 1935 c 169 § 8; RRS § 8307-8. Formerly RCW 19.28.220, 19.28.230, 19.28.240.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.101 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.220  Inspections — Disconnection by department authorized.
[1935 c 169 § 8, part; RRS § 8307-8, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.210.

19.28.230  Inspections — Work not to be concealed until inspected.
[1935 c 169 § 8, part; RRS § 8307-8, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.210.

19.28.240  Inspections — Utilities must require inspection certificate.
[1935 c 169 § 8, part; RRS § 8307-8, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.210.

19.28.250  Inspection reports.
[1983 c 206 § 8; 1935 c 169 § 9; RRS § 8307-9.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.331 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 2.

19.28.260  Nonconforming installations — Disputes — Reference to board.
[1988 c 81 § 8; 1983 c 206 § 9; 1935 c 169 § 2; RRS § 8307-2.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.111 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.270  Electrical board of appeals — Qualifications — Vacancies — Quorum — Compensation — Travel expenses — Decisions final.
[1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34 § 63; 1935 c 169 § 12; RRS § 8307-12. Formerly RCW 19.28.280, 19.28.290.]
Repealed by 1983 c 206 § 23.

19.28.280  Electrical board of appeals — Quorum — Decision final.
[1935 c 169 § 12, part; RRS § 8307-12, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.270.

19.28.290  Electrical board of appeals — Compensation.
[1935 c 169 § 12, part; RRS § 8307-12, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.270.

19.28.300  Board — Request for ruling — Fee — Costs.
[1988 c 81 § 9; 1983 c 206 § 10; 1935 c 169 § 13; RRS § 8307-13.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.121 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.310  Revocation or suspension of license — Grounds — Appeal to board — Fee — Costs.
[2000 c 238 § 4; 1997 c 58 § 844; 1996 c 241 § 5; 1988 c 81 § 10; 1986 c 156 § 10; 1983 c 206 § 11; 1935 c 169 § 7; RRS § 8307-7. Formerly RCW 19.28.320.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.341 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 2.

19.28.320  Revocation or suspension — Appeal to board.
[1935 c 169 § 7, part; RRS § 8307-7, part.]
Now codified in RCW 19.28.310.

19.28.330  Electrical license fund.
[1988 c 81 § 11; 1979 ex.s. c 67 § 1; 1935 c 169 § 18; RRS § 8307-18.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.351 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 2.

19.28.340  Liability for injury or damage.
[2000 c 238 § 5; 1935 c 169 § 16; RRS § 8307-16.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.361 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 2.

19.28.350  Violations of RCW 19.28.010 through 19.28.360 — Schedule of penalties — Appeal.
[1996 c 147 § 7; 1988 c 81 § 12; 1986 c 156 § 11; 1983 c 206 § 12; 1980 c 30 § 16; 1935 c 169 § 14; RRS § 8307-14.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.131 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.360  RCW 19.28.210 inapplicable in certain cities and towns, electricity supply agency service areas, and rights-of-way of state highways.
[1986 c 156 § 12; 1967 ex.s. c 97 § 1; 1963 c 207 § 4; 1959 c 325 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.141 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.370  RCW 19.28.010 through 19.28.380 inapplicable to telegraph or telephone companies exercising certain functions.
[1980 c 30 § 17; 1959 c 325 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.151 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.380  RCW 19.28.010 through 19.28.380 inapplicable within rights-of-way of state highways if equal or better standards enforced.
[1980 c 30 § 18; 1965 ex.s. c 170 § 35.]
Repealed by 1986 c 156 § 18. Later enactment, see RCW 19.28.360.

19.28.390  Devices for diagnosis or treatment of disease or injury — Compliance with chapter.
[1981 c 57 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.371 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 2.

19.28.500  Definitions.
[1980 c 30 § 1.]
Repealed by 1983 c 206 § 23. Later enactment, see RCW 19.28.005.

19.28.510  Certificate of competency required — Electrical training certificate — Fee — Verification and attestation of training hours.
[1997 c 309 § 1; 1996 c 241 § 6; 1983 c 206 § 13; 1980 c 30 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.161 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.515  Electrical trainee hours — Audit — Rules — Confidentiality.
[1996 c 241 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.171 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.520  Application for certificate of competency.
[1997 c 309 § 2; 1980 c 30 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.181 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.530  Certificate of competency — Eligibility for examination — Rules.
[1997 c 309 § 3; 1988 c 81 § 13; 1983 c 206 § 14; 1980 c 30 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.191 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.540  Examination — Contents — Times — Fees — Certification of results.
[1996 c 147 § 8; 1988 c 81 § 14; 1986 c 156 § 13; 1983 c 206 § 15; 1980 c 30 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.201 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.550  Certificate of competency — Issuance — Renewal — Continuing education — Fees — Effect.
[1996 c 241 § 7; 1993 c 192 § 1; 1986 c 156 § 14; 1983 c 206 § 16; 1980 c 30 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.211 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.560  Persons engaged in trade or business on July 16, 1973.
[1980 c 30 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.221 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.570  Temporary permits.
[1986 c 156 § 15; 1983 c 206 § 17; 1980 c 30 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.231 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.580  Revocation of certificate of competency — Grounds — Procedure.
[1997 c 58 § 845; 1988 c 81 § 15; 1983 c 206 § 18; 1980 c 30 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.241 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.590  Board of electrical examiners — Duties under RCW 19.28.510 through 19.28.620.
[1983 c 206 § 19; 1980 c 30 § 10.]
Repealed by 1986 c 156 § 18. Later enactment, see RCW 19.28.123.

19.28.600  Powers and duties of director — Administration of RCW 19.28.510 through 19.28.620 by the department.
[1983 c 206 § 20; 1980 c 30 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.251 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.610  Exemptions from RCW 19.28.510 through 19.28.620.
[1998 c 98 § 2; 1994 c 157 § 1; 1992 c 240 § 3; 1986 c 156 § 16; 1983 c 206 § 21; 1980 c 30 § 12.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.261 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.620  Violations of RCW 19.28.510 through 19.28.620 — Schedule of penalties — Appeal.
[1996 c 147 § 9; 1988 c 81 § 16; 1986 c 156 § 17; 1983 c 206 § 22; 1980 c 30 § 13.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.271 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 102.

19.28.630  Denial of renewal of certificate or license for outstanding penalties — Notice — Appeal — Hearing.
[1996 c 241 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 19.28.381 pursuant to 2000 c 238 § 2.

19.28.900  Severability-1935 c 169.
[1935 c 169 § 17.]
Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.

19.28.911  Severability-1983 c 206.
[1983 c 206 § 24.]
Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.

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