29A.56.630  <<  29a.56.640 >>   29A.56.650

Certificate of nomination—Requisites.

A certificate evidencing nominations made at a convention must:
(1) Be in writing;
(2) Contain the name of each person nominated, his or her residence, the office for which he or she is named, and a sworn statement from both nominees giving their consent to the nomination;
(3) Identify the minor political party or the independent candidate on whose behalf the convention was held;
(4) Be verified by the oath of the presiding officer and secretary;
(5) Be accompanied by a nominating petition or petitions bearing the signatures and addresses of at least one thousand registered voters of the state of Washington;
(6) Contain proof of publication of the notice of calling the convention; and
(7) Be submitted to the secretary of state not later than the first Friday of August.
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