Chapter 29B.50 RCW



HTMLPDF 29B.50.010Registration of lobbyists.
HTMLPDF 29B.50.020Code of conductVerificationPenalty.
HTMLPDF 29B.50.030Photograph and informationPublication.
HTMLPDF 29B.50.040Exemption from registration and reporting.
HTMLPDF 29B.50.050Reporting by lobbyistsRules.
HTMLPDF 29B.50.060Notification to person named in report.
HTMLPDF 29B.50.070Special reportsLobbyistsLate contributions or large totals.
HTMLPDF 29B.50.080Reports by employers of registered lobbyists, other persons.
HTMLPDF 29B.50.090Legislative activities of state agencies, other units of government, elective officials, employees.
HTMLPDF 29B.50.100Grass roots lobbying campaigns.
HTMLPDF 29B.50.110Employment of legislators, board or commission members, or state employeesStatement, contents.
HTMLPDF 29B.50.120Employment of unregistered persons.
HTMLPDF 29B.50.130Lobbyists' duties, restrictionsPenalties for violations.

Registration of lobbyists. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

(1) Before lobbying, or within 30 days after being employed as a lobbyist, whichever occurs first, unless exempt under RCW 29B.50.040, a lobbyist shall register by filing with the commission a lobbyist registration statement, in such detail as the commission shall prescribe, that includes the following information:
(a) The lobbyist's name, permanent business address, electronic contact information, and any temporary residential and business addresses in Thurston county during the legislative session;
(b) The name, address and occupation or business of the lobbyist's employer;
(c) The duration of the lobbyist's employment;
(d) The compensation to be received for lobbying, the amount to be paid for expenses, and what expenses are to be reimbursed;
(e) Whether the lobbyist is employed solely as a lobbyist or whether the lobbyist is a regular employee performing services for the lobbyist's employer which include but are not limited to the influencing of legislation;
(f) The general subject or subjects to be lobbied;
(g) A written authorization from each of the lobbyist's employers confirming such employment;
(h) The name, address, and electronic contact information of the person who will have custody of the accounts, bills, receipts, books, papers, and documents required to be kept under this title;
(i) If the lobbyist's employer is an entity (including, but not limited to, business and trade associations) whose members include, or which as a representative entity undertakes lobbying activities for, businesses, groups, associations, or organizations, the name and address of each member of such entity or person represented by such entity whose fees, dues, payments, or other consideration paid to such entity during either of the prior two years have exceeded *five hundred dollars or who is obligated to or has agreed to pay fees, dues, payments, or other consideration exceeding *five hundred dollars to such entity during the current year;
(j) An attestation that the lobbyist has read and completed a training course provided under RCW 44.04.390 regarding the legislative code of conduct and any policies related to appropriate conduct adopted by the senate or the house of representatives.
(2) Any lobbyist who receives or is to receive compensation from more than one person for lobbying shall file a separate notice of representation for each person. However, if two or more persons are jointly paying or contributing to the payment of the lobbyist, the lobbyist may file a single statement detailing the name, business address, and occupation of each person paying or contributing and the respective amounts to be paid or contributed.
(3) Whenever a change, modification, or termination of the lobbyist's employment occurs, the lobbyist shall file with the commission an amended registration statement within one week of the change, modification, or termination.
(4) Each registered lobbyist shall file a new registration statement, revised as appropriate, on the second Monday in January of each odd-numbered year. Failure to do so terminates the lobbyist's registration.
[ 2024 c 164 s 473. Prior: 2019 c 469 s 2; 2019 c 428 s 29; 2010 c 204 s 801; 1987 c 201 s 1; 1982 c 147 s 10; 1973 c 1 s 15 (Initiative Measure No. 276, approved November 7, 1972). Formerly RCW 42.17A.600, 42.17.150.]


*Reviser's note: The dollar amounts in this section may have been adjusted for inflation by rule of the commission adopted under the authority of RCW 29B.20.050. For current dollar amounts, see WAC 390-20-150.
IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
Effective date2019 c 469 ss 2 and 3: "Sections 2 and 3 of this act take effect December 31, 2019." [ 2019 c 469 s 5.]
FindingEffective date2019 c 428: See notes following RCW 29B.20.110.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Effective dateConstruction1973 c 1: See notes following RCW 29B.05.010.

Code of conductVerificationPenalty. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

(1) A lobbyist who is registered under RCW 29B.50.010 before December 31, 2019, is required to update the lobbyist's registration materials to include the attestation required by RCW 29B.50.010(1)(j) by December 31, 2019.
(2) The commission shall revoke the registration of any lobbyist registered under RCW 29B.50.010 who does not comply with subsection (1) of this section.
(3) The commission may not impose any other penalty on a lobbyist registered under RCW 29B.50.010 for failure to comply with subsection (1) of this section.
(4) The commission shall collaborate with the chief clerk of the house of representatives and the secretary of the senate to develop a process to verify that lobbyists who submit an attestation under RCW 29B.50.010(1)(j) have completed the training course provided under RCW 44.04.390.


IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.

Photograph and informationPublication. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

Each lobbyist shall at the time the lobbyist registers submit electronically to the commission a recent photograph of the lobbyist of a size and format as determined by rule of the commission, together with the name of the lobbyist's employer, the length of the lobbyist's employment as a lobbyist before the legislature, a brief biographical description, and any other information the lobbyist may wish to submit not to exceed 50 words in length. The photograph, information, and attestation submitted under RCW 29B.50.010(1)(j) shall be published by the commission on its website.


IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
Effective date2019 c 469 ss 2 and 3: See note following RCW 29B.50.010.
FindingEffective date2019 c 428: See notes following RCW 29B.20.110.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Effective date1995 c 397: See note following RCW 29B.40.020.

Exemption from registration and reporting. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

The following persons and activities are exempt from registration and reporting under RCW 29B.50.010, 29B.50.050, and 29B.50.100:
(1) Persons who limit their lobbying activities to appearing before public sessions of committees of the legislature, or public hearings of state agencies;
(2) Activities by lobbyists or other persons whose participation has been solicited by an agency under RCW 34.05.310(2);
(3) News or feature reporting activities and editorial comment by working members of the press, radio, digital media, or television and the publication or dissemination thereof by a newspaper, book publisher, regularly published periodical, radio station, digital platform, or television station;
(4) Persons who lobby without compensation or other consideration for acting as a lobbyist, if the person makes no expenditure for or on behalf of any member of the legislature or elected official or public officer or employee of the state of Washington in connection with such lobbying. The exemption contained in this subsection is intended to permit and encourage citizens of this state to lobby any legislator, public official, or state agency without incurring any registration or reporting obligation provided they do not exceed the limits stated above. Any person exempt under this subsection (4) may at the person's option register and report under this title;
(5) Persons who restrict their lobbying activities to no more than four days or parts of four days during any three-month period and whose total expenditures during such three-month period for or on behalf of any one or more members of the legislature or state elected officials or public officers or employees of the state of Washington in connection with such lobbying do not exceed *twenty-five dollars. The commission shall adopt rules to require disclosure by persons exempt under this subsection or their employers or entities which sponsor or coordinate the lobbying activities of such persons if it determines that such regulations are necessary to prevent frustration of the purposes of this title. Any person exempt under this subsection (5) may at the person's option register and report under this title;
(6) The governor;
(7) The lieutenant governor;
(8) Except as provided by RCW 29B.50.090(1), members of the legislature;
(9) Except as provided by RCW 29B.50.090(1), persons employed by the legislature for the purpose of aiding in the preparation or enactment of legislation or the performance of legislative duties;
(10) Elected officials, and officers and employees of any agency reporting under RCW 29B.50.090(5).


*Reviser's note: The dollar amounts in this section may have been adjusted for inflation by rule of the commission adopted under the authority of RCW 29B.20.050. For current dollar amounts, see WAC 390-20-150.
IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
FindingEffective date2019 c 428: See notes following RCW 29B.20.110.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Effective date1995 c 397: See note following RCW 29B.40.020.
Effective date1977 ex.s. c 313: See note following RCW 29B.25.010.
Effective dateConstruction1973 c 1: See notes following RCW 29B.05.010.

Reporting by lobbyistsRules. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

(1) Any lobbyist registered under RCW 29B.50.010 and any person who lobbies shall file electronically with the commission monthly reports of the lobbyist's or person's lobbying activities. The reports shall be made in the form and manner prescribed by the commission and must be signed by the lobbyist. The monthly report shall be filed within 15 days after the last day of the calendar month covered by the report.
(2) The monthly report shall contain:
(a) The totals of all expenditures for lobbying activities made or incurred by the lobbyist or on behalf of the lobbyist by the lobbyist's employer during the period covered by the report. Expenditure totals for lobbying activities shall be segregated according to financial category, including compensation; food and refreshments; living accommodations; advertising; travel; contributions; and other expenses or services. Each individual expenditure of more than *twenty-five dollars for entertainment shall be identified by date, place, amount, and the names of all persons taking part in the entertainment, along with the dollar amount attributable to each person, including the lobbyist's portion.
(b) In the case of a lobbyist employed by more than one employer, the proportionate amount of expenditures in each category incurred on behalf of each of the lobbyist's employers.
(c) An itemized listing of each contribution of money or of tangible or intangible personal property, whether contributed by the lobbyist personally or delivered or transmitted by the lobbyist, to any candidate, elected official, or officer or employee of any agency, or any political committee supporting or opposing any ballot proposition, or for or on behalf of any candidate, elected official, or officer or employee of any agency, or any political committee supporting or opposing any ballot proposition. All contributions made to, or for the benefit of, any candidate, elected official, or officer or employee of any agency, or any political committee supporting or opposing any ballot proposition shall be identified by date, amount, and the name of the candidate, elected official, or officer or employee of any agency, or any political committee supporting or opposing any ballot proposition receiving, or to be benefited by each such contribution.
(d) The subject matter of proposed legislation or other legislative activity or rule making under chapter 34.05 RCW, the state administrative procedure act, and the state agency considering the same, which the lobbyist has been engaged in supporting or opposing during the reporting period, unless exempt under RCW 29B.50.040(2).
(e) A listing of each payment for an item specified in RCW 42.52.150(5) in excess of *fifty dollars and each item specified in RCW 42.52.010(9) (d) and (f) made to a state elected official, state officer, or state employee. Each item shall be identified by recipient, date, and approximate value of the item.
(f) The total expenditures paid or incurred during the reporting period by the lobbyist for lobbying purposes, whether through or on behalf of a lobbyist or otherwise, for (i) political advertising as defined in RCW 29B.10.410; and (ii) public relations, telemarketing, polling, or similar activities if the activities, directly or indirectly, are intended, designed, or calculated to influence legislation or the adoption or rejection of a rule, standard, or rate by an agency under the administrative procedure act. The report shall specify the amount, the person to whom the amount was paid, and a brief description of the activity.
(3) Lobbyists are not required to report the following:
(a) Unreimbursed personal living and travel expenses not incurred directly for lobbying;
(b) Any expenses incurred for the lobbyist's own living accommodations;
(c) Any expenses incurred for the lobbyist's own travel to and from hearings of the legislature;
(d) Any expenses incurred for telephone, and any office expenses, including rent and salaries and wages paid for staff and secretarial assistance.
(4) The commission may adopt rules to vary the content of lobbyist reports to address specific circumstances, consistent with this section. Lobbyist reports are subject to audit by the commission.


*Reviser's note: The dollar amounts in this section may have been adjusted for inflation by rule of the commission adopted under the authority of RCW 29B.20.050. For current dollar amounts, see WAC 390-20-150.
IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
FindingEffective date2019 c 428: See notes following RCW 29B.20.110.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Effective date1995 c 397 s 33: "Section 33 of this act takes effect September 1, 1995." [ 1995 c 397 s 36.]
Legislative intent1990 c 139: See note following RCW 29B.50.100.
Effective date1989 c 175: See note following RCW 34.05.010.
Effective date1977 ex.s. c 313: See note following RCW 29B.25.010.
Effective dateConstruction1973 c 1: See notes following RCW 29B.05.010.

Notification to person named in report. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

(1) When a listing or a report of contributions is made to the commission under RCW 29B.50.050(2)(c), a copy of the listing or report must be given to the candidate, elected official, professional staff member of the legislature, or officer or employee of an agency, or a political committee supporting or opposing a ballot proposition named in the listing or report.
(2) If a state elected official or a member of the official's immediate family is identified by a lobbyist in a lobbyist report as having received from the lobbyist an item specified in RCW 42.52.150(5) or 42.52.010(9) (d) or (f), the lobbyist shall transmit to the official a copy of the completed form used to identify the item in the report at the same time the report is filed with the commission.
[ 2024 c 164 s 478; 2010 c 204 s 805; 1993 c 2 s 32 (Initiative Measure No. 134, approved November 3, 1992). Formerly RCW 42.17A.620, 42.17.172.]


IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Short title1993 c 2: See note following RCW 29B.40.010.

Special reportsLobbyistsLate contributions or large totals. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

Any lobbyist registered under RCW 29B.50.010, any person who lobbies, and any lobbyist's employer making a contribution or an aggregate of contributions to a single entity that is one thousand dollars or more during a special reporting period, as specified in RCW 29B.25.140, before a primary or general election shall file one or more special reports in the same manner and to the same extent that a contributing political committee must file under RCW 29B.25.140.


IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Effective date2001 c 54: See note following RCW 29B.25.130.

Reports by employers of registered lobbyists, other persons. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

(1) Every employer of a lobbyist registered under this title during the preceding calendar year and every person other than an individual who made contributions aggregating to more than *sixteen thousand dollars or independent expenditures aggregating to more than *eight hundred dollars during the preceding calendar year shall file with the commission on or before the last day of February of each year a statement disclosing for the preceding calendar year the following information:
(a) The name of each state elected official and the name of each candidate for state office who was elected to the office and any member of the immediate family of those persons to whom the person reporting has paid any compensation in the amount of eight hundred dollars or more during the preceding calendar year for personal employment or professional services, including professional services rendered by a corporation, partnership, joint venture, association, union, or other entity in which the person holds any office, directorship, or any general partnership interest, or an ownership interest of 10 percent or more, the value of the compensation in accordance with the reporting provisions set out in RCW 29B.55.030(3), and the consideration given or performed in exchange for the compensation.
(b) The name of each state elected official, successful candidate for state office, or members of the official's or candidate's immediate family to whom the person reporting made expenditures, directly or indirectly, either through a lobbyist or otherwise, the amount of the expenditures and the purpose for the expenditures. For the purposes of this subsection, "expenditure" shall not include any expenditure made by the employer in the ordinary course of business if the expenditure is not made for the purpose of influencing, honoring, or benefiting the elected official, successful candidate, or member of his immediate family, as an elected official or candidate.
(c) The total expenditures made by the person reporting for lobbying purposes, whether through or on behalf of a registered lobbyist or otherwise.
(d) All contributions made to a political committee supporting or opposing a candidate for state office, or to a political committee supporting or opposing a statewide ballot proposition. Such contributions shall be identified by the name and the address of the recipient and the aggregate amount contributed to each such recipient.
(e) The name and address of each registered lobbyist employed by the person reporting and the total expenditures made by the person reporting for each lobbyist for lobbying purposes.
(f) The names, offices sought, and party affiliations of candidates for state offices supported or opposed by independent expenditures of the person reporting and the amount of each such expenditure.
(g) The identifying proposition number and a brief description of any statewide ballot proposition supported or opposed by expenditures not reported under (d) of this subsection and the amount of each such expenditure.
(h) Any other information the commission prescribes by rule.
(2)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, an employer of a lobbyist registered under this title shall file a special report with the commission if the employer makes a contribution or contributions aggregating more than one hundred dollars in a calendar month to any one of the following: A candidate, elected official, officer or employee of an agency, or political committee. The report shall identify the date and amount of each such contribution and the name of the candidate, elected official, agency officer or employee, or political committee receiving the contribution or to be benefited by the contribution. The report shall be filed on a form prescribed by the commission and shall be filed within 15 days after the last day of the calendar month during which the contribution was made.
(b) The provisions of (a) of this subsection do not apply to a contribution that is made through a registered lobbyist and reportable under RCW 29B.40.080.
[ 2024 c 164 s 480; 2019 c 428 s 33; 2010 c 204 s 807; 1993 c 2 s 27 (Initiative Measure No. 134, approved November 3, 1992); 1990 c 139 s 4; 1987 c 423 s 2; 1984 c 34 s 6; 1975 1st ex.s. c 294 s 11; 1973 c 1 s 18 (Initiative Measure No. 276, approved November 7, 1972). Formerly RCW 42.17A.630, 42.17.180.]


*Reviser's note: The dollar amounts in this section may have been adjusted for inflation by rule of the commission adopted under the authority of RCW 29B.20.050. For current dollar amounts, see WAC 390-05-400 and 390-20-150.
IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
FindingEffective date2019 c 428: See notes following RCW 29B.20.110.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Short title1993 c 2: See note following RCW 29B.40.010.
Legislative intent1990 c 139: See note following RCW 29B.50.100.
Effective dateConstruction1973 c 1: See notes following RCW 29B.05.010.

Legislative activities of state agencies, other units of government, elective officials, employees. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

(1) The house of representatives and the senate shall report annually: The total budget; the portion of the total attributed to staff; and the number of full-time and part-time staff positions by assignment, with dollar figures as well as number of positions.
(2) Unless authorized by subsection (3) of this section or otherwise expressly authorized by law, no public funds may be used directly or indirectly for lobbying. However, this does not prevent officers or employees of an agency from communicating with a member of the legislature on the request of that member; or communicating to the legislature, through the proper official channels, requests for legislative action or appropriations that are deemed necessary for the efficient conduct of the public business or actually made in the proper performance of their official duties. This subsection does not apply to the legislative branch.
(3) Any agency, not otherwise expressly authorized by law, may expend public funds for lobbying, but such lobbying activity shall be limited to (a) providing information or communicating on matters pertaining to official agency business to any elected official or officer or employee of any agency or (b) advocating the official position or interests of the agency to any elected official or officer or employee of any agency. Public funds may not be expended as a direct or indirect gift or campaign contribution to any elected official or officer or employee of any agency. For the purposes of this subsection, "gift" means a voluntary transfer of any thing of value without consideration of equal or greater value, but does not include informational material transferred for the sole purpose of informing the recipient about matters pertaining to official agency business. This section does not permit the printing of a state publication that has been otherwise prohibited by law.
(4) No elective official or any employee of his or her office or any person appointed to or employed by any public office or agency may use or authorize the use of any of the facilities of a public office or agency, directly or indirectly, in any effort to support or oppose an initiative to the legislature. "Facilities of a public office or agency" has the same meaning as in RCW 29B.45.010 and 42.52.180. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to the following activities:
(a) Action taken at an open public meeting by members of an elected legislative body to express a collective decision, or to actually vote upon a motion, proposal, resolution, order, or ordinance, or to support or oppose an initiative to the legislature so long as (i) any required notice of the meeting includes the title and number of the initiative to the legislature, and (ii) members of the legislative body or members of the public are afforded an approximately equal opportunity for the expression of an opposing view;
(b) A statement by an elected official in support of or in opposition to any initiative to the legislature at an open press conference or in response to a specific inquiry;
(c) Activities that are part of the normal and regular conduct of the office or agency;
(d) Activities conducted regarding an initiative to the legislature that would be permitted under RCW 29B.45.010 and 42.52.180 if conducted regarding other ballot measures.
(5) Each state agency, county, city, town, municipal corporation, quasi-municipal corporation, or special purpose district that expends public funds for lobbying shall file with the commission, except as exempted by (d) of this subsection, quarterly statements providing the following information for the quarter just completed:
(a) The name of the agency filing the statement;
(b) The name, title, and job description and salary of each elected official, officer, or employee who lobbied, a general description of the nature of the lobbying, and the proportionate amount of time spent on the lobbying;
(c) A listing of expenditures incurred by the agency for lobbying including but not limited to travel, consultant or other special contractual services, and brochures and other publications, the principal purpose of which is to influence legislation;
(d) For purposes of this subsection, "lobbying" does not include:
(i) Requests for appropriations by a state agency to the office of financial management pursuant to chapter 43.88 RCW nor requests by the office of financial management to the legislature for appropriations other than its own agency budget requests;
(ii) Recommendations or reports to the legislature in response to a legislative request expressly requesting or directing a specific study, recommendation, or report by an agency on a particular subject;
(iii) Official reports including recommendations submitted to the legislature on an annual or biennial basis by a state agency as required by law;
(iv) Requests, recommendations, or other communication between or within state agencies or between or within local agencies;
(v) Any other lobbying to the extent that it includes:
(A) Telephone conversations or preparation of written correspondence;
(B) In-person lobbying on behalf of an agency of no more than four days or parts thereof during any three-month period by officers or employees of that agency and in-person lobbying by any elected official of such agency on behalf of such agency or in connection with the powers, duties, or compensation of such official. The total expenditures of nonpublic funds made in connection with such lobbying for or on behalf of any one or more members of the legislature or state elected officials or public officers or employees of the state of Washington may not exceed fifteen dollars for any three-month period. The exemption under this subsection (5)(d)(v)(B) is in addition to the exemption provided in (d)(v)(A) of this subsection;
(C) Preparation or adoption of policy positions.
The statements shall be in the form and the manner prescribed by the commission and shall be filed within one month after the end of the quarter covered by the report.
(6) In lieu of reporting under subsection (5) of this section, any county, city, town, municipal corporation, quasi municipal corporation, or special purpose district may determine and so notify the public disclosure commission that elected officials, officers, or employees who, on behalf of any such local agency, engage in lobbying reportable under subsection (5) of this section shall register and report such reportable lobbying in the same manner as a lobbyist who is required to register and report under RCW 29B.50.010 and 29B.50.050. Each such local agency shall report as a lobbyist employer pursuant to RCW 29B.50.080.
(7) The provisions of this section do not relieve any elected official or officer or employee of an agency from complying with other provisions of this title, if such elected official, officer, or employee is not otherwise exempted.
(8) The purpose of this section is to require each state agency and certain local agencies to report the identities of those persons who lobby on behalf of the agency for compensation, together with certain separately identifiable and measurable expenditures of an agency's funds for that purpose. This section shall be reasonably construed to accomplish that purpose and not to require any agency to report any of its general overhead cost or any other costs that relate only indirectly or incidentally to lobbying or that are equally attributable to or inseparable from nonlobbying activities of the agency.
The public disclosure commission may adopt rules clarifying and implementing this legislative interpretation and policy.


IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Effective date1995 c 397: See note following RCW 29B.40.020.
Effective date1977 ex.s. c 313: See note following RCW 29B.25.010.
Effective dateConstruction1973 c 1: See notes following RCW 29B.05.010.

Grass roots lobbying campaigns. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

(1) Any person who has made expenditures, not reported by a registered lobbyist under RCW 29B.50.050 or by a candidate or political committee under RCW 29B.25.070 or 29B.25.090, exceeding *one thousand dollars in the aggregate within any three-month period or exceeding *five hundred dollars in the aggregate within any one-month period in presenting a campaign to the public, a substantial portion of which is intended, designed, or calculated primarily to solicit, urge, or encourage the public to influence legislation, shall register and report, as provided in subsection (2) of this section, as a sponsor of a grass roots lobbying campaign.
(2)(a) The sponsor shall register by filing with the commission a registration statement:
(i) Within 24 hours of the initial presentation of the campaign to the public during the period:
(A) Beginning on the 30th day before a regular legislative session convenes and continuing through the date of final adjournment of that session; or
(B) Beginning on the date that a special legislative session has been called or 30 days before the special legislative session is scheduled to convene, whichever is later, and continuing through the date of final adjournment of that session; or
(ii) Within five business days of the initial presentation of the campaign to the public during any other period.
(b) The registration must show, in such detail as the commission shall prescribe:
(i) The sponsor's name, address, and business or occupation and employer, and, if the sponsor is not an individual, the names, addresses, and titles of the controlling persons responsible for managing the sponsor's affairs;
(ii) The names, addresses, and business or occupation and employer of all persons organizing and managing the campaign, or hired to assist the campaign, including any public relations or advertising firms participating in the campaign, and the terms of compensation for all such persons;
(iii) Each source of funding for the campaign of $25 or more, including:
(A) General treasury funds. The name and address of each business, union, group, association, or other organization using general treasury funds for the campaign; however, if such entity undertakes a special solicitation of its members or other persons for the campaign, or it otherwise receives funds for the campaign, that entity shall report pursuant to (b)(ii) of this subsection; and
(B) Special solicitations and other funds. The name, address, and, for individuals, occupation and employer, of a person whose funds were used to pay for the campaign, along with the amount;
(iv) The purpose of the campaign, including the specific legislation, rules, rates, standards, or proposals that are the subject matter of the campaign;
(v) The totals of all expenditures made or incurred to date on behalf of the campaign segregated according to financial category, including but not limited to the following: Advertising, segregated by media, and in the case of large expenditures (as provided by rule of the commission), by outlet; contributions; entertainment, including food and refreshments; office expenses including rent and the salaries and wages paid for staff and secretarial assistance, or the proportionate amount paid or incurred for lobbying campaign activities; consultants; and printing and mailing expenses; and
(vi) Such other information as shall be required by the commission by rule in conformance with the policies and purposes of this title.
(3) Every sponsor who has registered under this section shall file monthly reports with the commission by the 10th day of the month for the activity during the preceding month. The reports shall update the information contained in the sponsor's registration statement and in prior reports and shall show contributions received and totals of expenditures made during the month, in the same manner as provided for in the registration statement.
(4) When the campaign has been terminated, the sponsor shall file a notice of termination with the final monthly report. The final report shall state the totals of all contributions and expenditures made on behalf of the campaign, in the same manner as provided for in the registration statement.
(5)(a) Any advertising or other mass communication produced as part of a campaign must include the following disclosures:
(i) All written communications shall include the sponsor's name and address. All radio and television communications shall include the sponsor's name. The use of an assumed name for the sponsor is unlawful;
(ii) If the sponsor is a political committee established, maintained, or controlled directly, or indirectly through the formation of one or more political committees, by an individual, corporation, union, association, or other entity, the communication must include the full name of that individual or entity; and
(iii) If the communication costs $1,000 or more, the communication must include:
(A) The statement "Top Five Contributors," followed by a listing of the names of each of the five largest sources of funding of $1,000 or more, as reported under subsection (2)(b) of this section, during the 12-month period preceding the date on which the advertisement is initially to be published or otherwise presented to the public; and
(B) If one of the "Top Five Contributors" listed includes a political committee, the statement "Top Three Donors to PAC Contributors," followed by a listing of the names of the three individuals or entities other than political committees making the largest aggregate contributions to political committees using the same methodology as provided in RCW 29B.30.100(2).
(b) Abbreviations may be used to describe entities required to be listed under (a) of this subsection if the full name of the entity has been clearly spoken previously during the communication. The information required by (a) of this subsection shall:
(i) In a written communication:
(A) Appear on the first page or fold of the written advertisement or communication in at least 10-point type, or in type at least 10 percent of the largest size type used in a written communication directed at more than one voter, such as a billboard or poster, whichever is larger;
(B) Not be subject to the half-tone or screening process; and
(C) Be set apart from any other printed matter. No text may be before, after, or immediately adjacent to the information required by (a) of this subsection; or
(ii) In a communication transmitted via television or another medium that includes a visual image or audio:
(A) Be clearly spoken; or
(B) Appear in print and be visible for at least four seconds, appear in letters greater than four percent of the visual screen height on a solid black background on the entire bottom one-third of the television or visual display screen, or bottom one-fourth of the screen if the sponsor does not have or is otherwise not required to list its top five contributors, and have a reasonable color contrast with the background.
(6) The commission is authorized to adopt rules, as needed, to prevent ways to circumvent the purposes of the required disclosures in this section or otherwise in conformance with the policies and purposes of this title.
[ 2024 c 164 s 482; 2023 c 413 s 1; 2010 c 204 s 809; 1990 c 139 s 5; 1985 c 367 s 10; 1973 c 1 s 20 (Initiative Measure No. 276, approved November 7, 1972). Formerly RCW 42.17A.640, 42.17.200.]


*Reviser's note: The dollar amounts in this section may have been adjusted for inflation by rule of the commission adopted under the authority of RCW 29B.20.050. For current dollar amounts, see WAC 390-20-150.
IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Legislative intent1990 c 139: "The provisions of this act which repeal the reporting requirements established by chapter 423, Laws of 1987 for registered lobbyists and employers of lobbyists are not intended to alter, expand, or restrict whatsoever the definition of "lobby" or "lobbying" contained in RCW 42.17.020 as it existed prior to the enactment of chapter 423, Laws of 1987." [ 1990 c 139 s 1.]
Effective dateConstruction1973 c 1: See notes following RCW 29B.05.010.

Employment of legislators, board or commission members, or state employeesStatement, contents. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

If any person registered or required to be registered as a lobbyist, or any employer of any person registered or required to be registered as a lobbyist, employs a member or an employee of the legislature, a member of a state board or commission, or a full-time state employee, and that new employee remains in the partial employ of the state, the new employer must file within 15 days after employment a statement with the commission, signed under oath, setting out the nature of the employment, the name of the person employed, and the amount of pay or consideration.
[ 2024 c 164 s 483; 2010 c 204 s 810; 1973 c 1 s 21 (Initiative Measure No. 276, approved November 7, 1972). Formerly RCW 42.17A.645, 42.17.210.]


IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Effective dateConstruction1973 c 1: See notes following RCW 29B.05.010.

Employment of unregistered persons. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

It is a violation of this title for any person to employ for pay or any consideration, or pay or agree to pay any consideration to, a person to lobby who is not registered under this title except upon the condition that such a person must register as a lobbyist as provided by this title.
[ 2024 c 164 s 484; 2010 c 204 s 811; 1973 c 1 s 22 (Initiative Measure No. 276, approved November 7, 1972). Formerly RCW 42.17A.650, 42.17.220.]


IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Effective dateConstruction1973 c 1: See notes following RCW 29B.05.010.

Lobbyists' duties, restrictionsPenalties for violations. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

(1) A person required to register as a lobbyist under RCW 29B.50.010 shall substantiate financial reports required to be made under this title with accounts, bills, receipts, books, papers, and other necessary documents and records. All such documents must be obtained and preserved for a period of at least five years from the date of filing the statement containing such items and shall be made available for inspection by the commission at any time. If the terms of the lobbyist's employment contract require that these records be turned over to the lobbyist's employer, responsibility for the preservation and inspection of these records under this subsection shall be with such employer.
(2) A person required to register as a lobbyist under RCW 29B.50.010 shall not:
(a) Engage in any lobbying activity before registering as a lobbyist;
(b) Knowingly deceive or attempt to deceive a legislator regarding the facts pertaining to any pending or proposed legislation;
(c) Cause or influence the introduction of a bill or amendment to that bill for the purpose of later being employed to secure its defeat;
(d) Knowingly represent an interest adverse to the lobbyist's employer without full disclosure of the adverse interest to the employer and obtaining the employer's written consent;
(e) Exercise any undue influence, extortion, or unlawful retaliation upon any legislator due to the legislator's position or vote on any pending or proposed legislation;
(f) Enter into any agreement, arrangement, or understanding in which any portion of the lobbyist's compensation is or will be contingent upon the lobbyist's success in influencing legislation.
(3) A violation by a lobbyist of this section shall be cause for revocation of the lobbyist's registration, and may subject the lobbyist and the lobbyist's employer, if the employer aids, abets, ratifies, or confirms the violation, to other civil liabilities as provided by this title.
[ 2024 c 164 s 485; 2019 c 428 s 34; 2010 c 204 s 812; 1987 c 201 s 2; 1982 c 147 s 14; 1973 c 1 s 23 (Initiative Measure No. 276, approved November 7, 1972). Formerly RCW 42.17A.655, 42.17.230.]


IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
FindingEffective date2019 c 428: See notes following RCW 29B.20.110.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Effective dateConstruction1973 c 1: See notes following RCW 29B.05.010.