PDFRCW 19.285.070
Reporting and public disclosure.
(1) On or before June 1, 2012, and annually thereafter, each qualifying utility shall report to the department on its progress in the preceding year in meeting the targets established in RCW 19.285.040, including expected electricity savings from the biennial conservation target, expenditures on conservation, actual electricity savings results, the utility's annual load for the prior two years, the amount of megawatt-hours needed to meet the annual renewable energy target, the amount of megawatt-hours of each type of eligible renewable resource acquired, the type and amount of renewable energy credits acquired, and the percent of its total annual retail revenue requirement invested in the incremental cost of eligible renewable resources and the cost of renewable energy credits. For each year that a qualifying utility elects to demonstrate alternative compliance under RCW 19.285.040(2) (d) or (i) or 19.285.050(1), it must include in its annual report relevant data to demonstrate that it met the criteria in that section. A qualifying utility may submit its report to the department in conjunction with its annual obligations in chapter 19.29A RCW.
(2) A qualifying utility that is an investor-owned utility shall also report all information required in subsection (1) of this section to the commission, and all other qualifying utilities shall also make all information required in subsection (1) of this section available to the auditor.
(3) A qualifying utility shall also make reports required in this section available to its customers.
[ 2007 c 1 s 7 (Initiative Measure No. 937, approved November 7, 2006).]