PDFRCW 19.27A.045
Maintaining energy code for residential structures.
(1) The state building code council shall maintain the state energy code for residential structures in a status which is consistent with the state's interest as set forth in section 1, chapter 2, Laws of 1990. In maintaining the Washington state energy code for residential structures, beginning in 1996 the council shall review the Washington state energy code every three years. After January 1, 1996, by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW, RCW 19.27.031, and RCW 19.27.032, 19.27.033, and 19.27.034, the council may amend any provisions of the Washington state energy code to increase the energy efficiency of newly constructed residential buildings. Decisions to amend the Washington state energy code for residential structures shall be made prior to December 1st of any year and shall not take effect before the end of the regular legislative session in the next year.
(2) When amending a code under this section, the state building code council shall not in any way prohibit, penalize, or discourage the use of gas for any form of heating, or for uses related to any appliance or equipment, in any building.
[ 2025 c 1 s 8 (Initiative Measure No. 2066, approved November 5, 2024); 2024 c 170 s 5; 1990 c 2 s 5.]
Findings—2025 c 1 (Initiative Measure No. 2066): See note following RCW 80.28.110.
Findings—Severability—1990 c 2: See notes following RCW 19.27A.015.