Renewal of certificate or license—Recertification standards.
(1) The director may renew any certification or license issued under authority of this chapter subject to the recertification standards identified in subsection (2) of this section or an examination requiring new knowledge that may be required to apply pesticides.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, all individuals licensed under this chapter shall meet the recertification standards identified in (a) or (b) of this subsection, every five years, in order to qualify for continuing licensure.
(a) Licensed pesticide applicators may qualify for continued licensure through accumulation of recertification credits.
(i) Private applicators shall accumulate a minimum of twenty department-approved credits every five years with no more than ten credits allowed per year;
(ii) Limited private applicators shall accumulate a minimum of eight department-approved credits every five years. All credits must be applicable to the control of weeds with at least one-half of the credits directly related to weed control and the remaining credits in topic areas indirectly related to weed control, such as the safe and legal use of pesticides;
(iii) Rancher private applicators shall accumulate a minimum of twelve department-approved credits every five years;
(iv) All other license types established under this chapter shall accumulate a minimum of forty department-approved credits every five years with no more than fifteen credits allowed per year.
(b) Certified pesticide applicators may qualify for continued licensure through meeting the examination requirements necessary to become licensed in those areas in which the licensee operates.
(3) At the termination of a licensee's five-year recertification period, the director may waive the requirements identified in subsection (2) of this section if the licensee can demonstrate that he or she is meeting comparable recertification standards through another state or jurisdiction or through a federal environmental protection agency approved government agency plan.
Effective date—2004 c 100: See note following RCW 17.21.020.