Certain aircraft to carry survival kit—Contents—Misdemeanor to operate without—Exceptions.
(1) Any aircraft used to carry persons or property for compensation, or any aircraft that is rented or leased without a pilot shall be equipped with a survival kit consisting of those items prescribed by the department of transportation, which shall include, at least the following: (a) A tube tent or similar sheltering device; (b) a horn, whistle, or similar audible device capable of emitting a signal one-quarter of a mile; (c) a mirror; (d) matches; (e) a candle and/or another fire-starting device; and (f) survival instruction.
(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate such aircraft without such a survival kit: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That nothing in this section shall apply to: (a) Instructional flights by an air school, with the exception of solo flights by students; (b) aircraft owned by and exclusively in the service of the United States government; (c) aircraft registered under the laws of a foreign country; (d) aircraft owned by the manufacturer thereof while being operated for test or experimental purposes, or for the purpose of training crews for purchasers of the aircraft; and (e) aircraft used by any air carrier or supplemental air carrier operating in accordance with the provisions of a certificate of public conveyance and necessity under the provisions of the federal aviation act of 1958, Public Law 85-726, as amended.
[ 1987 c 273 s 2.]