Chapter 9.01 RCW



HTMLPDF 9.01.055Citizen immunity if aiding officer, scopeWhen.
HTMLPDF 9.01.110Omission, when not punishable.
HTMLPDF 9.01.120Civil remedies preserved.
HTMLPDF 9.01.130Sending letter, when complete.
HTMLPDF 9.01.160Application to existing civil rights.
HTMLPDF 9.01.210Financial, accounting services to cannabis industry.


Conviction of lesser crime: RCW 10.61.010.
Employment of prisoners by county sheriff: RCW 36.28.100.
Forfeiture or impeachment rights preserved: RCW 42.04.040.
Former acquittal or conviction: Chapter 10.43 RCW.
Indians, jurisdiction in criminal and civil causes: Chapter 37.12 RCW.
Intent to defraud, proof: RCW 10.58.040.
Juvenile offenders, commitment: Chapters 13.04, 13.34 RCW.
Neglect of duty by public officer: RCW 42.20.100.
Presumption of innocence: RCW 10.58.020.
Prosecuting attorneys, duties in general: Chapter 36.27 RCW.
Self-incrimination: RCW 10.52.090.

Citizen immunity if aiding officer, scopeWhen.

Private citizens aiding a police officer, or other officers of the law in the performance of their duties as police officers or officers of the law, shall have the same civil and criminal immunity as such officer, as a result of any act or commission for aiding or attempting to aid a police officer or other officer of the law, when such officer is in imminent danger of loss of life or grave bodily injury or when such officer requests such assistance and when such action was taken under emergency conditions and in good faith.


Immunity from liability for certain types of medical care: RCW 4.24.300.

Omission, when not punishable.

No person shall be punished for an omission to perform an act when such act has been performed by another acting in his or her behalf, and competent to perform it.

Civil remedies preserved.

The omission to specify or affirm in this act any liability to any damages, penalty, forfeiture or other remedy, imposed by law, and allowed to be recovered or enforced in any civil action or proceeding, for any act or omission declared punishable herein, shall not affect any right to recover or enforce the same.
[ 1909 c 249 s 44; RRS s 2296.]


Effect1909 c 249: "The repeal or abrogation by this act of any existing law shall not revive any former law heretofore repealed, nor affect any right already existing or accrued or any action or proceeding already taken, except as in this act provided; nor does it repeal any private statute or statute affecting civil rights or liabilities not expressly repealed." [ 1909 c 249 s 50.] "this act" (chapter 249, Laws of 1909) has been codified as follows: RCW 9.01.010- 9.01.050, 9.01.060, 9.01.070, 9.01.090- 9.01.114, 9.01.120, 9.01.130, 9.01.150- 9.01.190, 9.02.010- 9.02.050, 9.04.020, 9.04.030, 9.05.010- 9.05.050, 9.05.150, 9.05.160, 9.08.010- 9.08.040, 9.09.010- 9.09.060, 9.11.010- 9.11.050, 9.12.010- 9.12.020, 9.15.010, 9.15.020, 9.16.010- 9.16.070, 9.16.100- 9.16.150, 9.18.010- 9.18.110, 9.19.010- 9.19.050, 9.22.010- 9.22.030, 9.23.010, 9.24.010- 9.24.050, 9.26.010, 9.26.020, 9.27.010- 9.27.100, 9.30.010- 9.30.050, 9.31.010- 9.31.090, 9.33.010- 9.33.060, 9.34.010, 9.34.020, 9.37.010- 9.37.040, 9.38.010- 9.38.030, 9.38.050, 9.40.010- 9.40.040, 9.41.180, 9.41.230- 9.41.260, 9.44.010- 9.44.080, 9.45.010- 9.45.060, 9.45.070- 9.45.120, 9.45.150- 9.45.170, 9.47.080- 9.47.100, 9.47.120, 9.47.130, 9.48.010- 9.48.170, 9.51.010- 9.51.060, 9.52.030, 9.52.040, 9.54.010, 9.54.060- 9.54.110, 9.54.120, 9.54.130, 9.55.010, 9.55.020, 9.58.010- 9.58.090, 9.58.110, 9.58.120, 9.59.010- 9.59.050, 9.61.010- 9.61.070, 9.62.010, 9.62.020, 9.65.010- 9.65.030, 9.66.010- 9.66.050, 9.68.010, 9.68.020, 9.68.030, 9.69.010- 9.69.090, 9.72.010- 9.72.110, 9.73.010, 9.73.020, 9.75.010, 9.75.020, 9.76.020- 9.76.050, 9.79.010- 9.79.120, 9.80.010- 9.80.050, 9.82.010- 9.82.030, 9.83.010, 9.83.060, 9.86.020, 9.86.030, 9.87.010, 9.91.010, 9.91.070- 9.91.090, 9.92.010- 9.92.060, 9.92.080- 9.92.120, 10.01.060, 10.01.110, 10.19.010, 10.37.020, 10.43.010, 10.43.030- 10.43.050, 10.46.010, 10.46.050, 10.46.090, 10.52.030, 10.52.060, 10.52.090, 10.58.020, 10.58.040, 10.61.010, 19.60.010- 19.60.060, 22.32.010- 22.32.050, 26.04.240, 26.28.060, 26.28.070, 36.28.100, 40.16.010- 40.16.030, 42.04.040, 42.20.010- 42.20.100, 49.44.020- 49.44.080, 59.12.230, 66.44.230- 66.44.250, 68.08.100, 68.08.110, 68.08.140, 68.24.190, 69.40.030- 69.40.050, 70.54.010, 70.54.020, 70.54.050, 70.54.070, 70.54.080, 70.74.270- 70.74.300, 71.08.010, 71.08.020, 76.04.220, 81.40.100, 81.48.010, 81.48.020, 81.48.060, 81.56.150, 81.56.160, 81.60.070, 88.08.020, 88.08.030, 88.08.050, 88.08.060.

Sending letter, when complete.

Whenever any statute makes the sending of a letter criminal, the offense shall be deemed complete from the time it is deposited in any post office or other place, or delivered to any person, with intent that it shall be forwarded; and the sender may be proceeded against in the county wherein it was so deposited or delivered, or in which it was received by the person to whom it was addressed.
[ 1909 c 249 s 22; RRS s 2274.]

Application to existing civil rights.

Nothing in this act shall be deemed to affect any civil right or remedy existing at the time when it shall take effect, by virtue of the common law or of the provision of any statute.
[ 1909 c 249 s 43; RRS s 2295.]


Reviser's note: For "this act," see note following RCW 9.01.120.

Financial, accounting services to cannabis industry.

(1) A person or entity that receives deposits, extends credit, conducts funds transfers, transports cash or financial instruments on behalf of a financial institution, or provides other financial services for a cannabis producer, cannabis processor, or cannabis retailer authorized under chapter 69.50 RCW or for a qualifying patient, health care professional, or designated provider authorized under chapter 69.51A RCW, does not commit a crime under any Washington law solely by virtue of receiving deposits, extending credit, conducting funds transfers, transporting cash or other financial instruments, or providing other financial services for the person.
(2) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Cannabis" has the meaning provided in RCW 69.50.101; and
(b) "Person or entity" means a financial institution as defined in RCW 30A.22.040, an armored car service operating under a permit issued by the utilities and transportation commission that has been contracted by a financial institution, or a person providing financial services pursuant to a license issued under chapter 18.44, 19.230, or 31.04 RCW.
(3) A certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm, which practices public accounting as defined in RCW 18.04.025, does not commit a crime solely for providing professional accounting services as specified in RCW 18.04.025 for a cannabis producer, cannabis processor, or cannabis retailer authorized under chapter 69.50 RCW.


IntentFinding2022 c 16: See note following RCW 69.50.101.