Chapter 10.46.050 RCW Dispositions



10.46.010  Trial within sixty days.
[1909 c 249 § 60; Code 1881 § 772; RRS § 2312.]
Repealed by 1984 c 76 § 29.

10.46.030  Defendants in capital cases — Copy of indictment — List of jurors — Subpoenas.
[1891 c 28 § 44; Code 1881 § 1038; 1873 p 230 § 218; 1854 p 114 § 82; RRS § 2091.]
Repealed by 1985 c 68 § 1.

10.46.040  Defendants charged with felony — Copy of indictment.
[1891 c 28 § 45; Code 1881 § 1039; 1873 p 230 § 219; 1854 p 115 § 83; RRS § 2092.]
Repealed by 1984 c 76 § 29.

10.46.050  Defendant's right to counsel, compulsory process for witnesses.
[1909 c 249 § 55; RRS § 2307. Prior: 1891 c 28 § 90; Code 1881 § 766; 1877 p 205 § 2.]
Repealed by 1984 c 76 § 29.

10.46.090  Nolle prosequi.
[1909 c 249 § 62; Code 1881 § 775; RRS § 2314.]
Repealed by 1984 c 76 § 29.

10.46.100  Separate trials.
[1919 c 16 § 1; 1891 c 28 § 71; Code 1881 § 1091; 1873 p 237 § 252; 1854 p 120 § 116; RRS § 2161.]
Repealed by 1984 c 76 § 29.

10.46.120  Personal presence of defendant.
[Code 1881 § 1086; 1873 p 237 § 247; 1854 p 119 § 109; RRS § 2145.]
Repealed by 1984 c 76 § 29.

10.46.130  Trials permissible in defendant's absence.
[Code 1881 § 1087; 1873 p 237 § 248; 1854 p 119 § 110; RRS § 2146.]
Repealed by 1984 c 76 § 29.

10.46.140  Responsibility of children.
[1909 c 249 § 5; RRS § 2257.]
Now codified as RCW 9.01.111.

10.46.150  Duress as a defense.
[1909 c 249 § 4; RRS § 2256.]
Now codified as RCW 9.01.112.

10.46.155  Duress of married woman no defense.
[1909 c 249 § 3; RRS § 2255.]
Now codified as RCW 9.01.113.

10.46.160  Intoxication no defense.
[1909 c 249 § 6; RRS § 2258.]
Now codified as RCW 9.01.114.

10.46.170  Mistake in charge — Holding defendant.
[Code 1881 § 1093; 1873 p 238 § 254; 1854 p 120 § 118; RRS § 2163.]
Repealed by 1984 c 76 § 29.

10.46.180  Mistake in charge or venue — Discharge of jury.
[1891 c 28 § 73; Code 1881 § 1095; 1873 p 238 § 256; 1854 p 120 § 120; RRS § 2165.]
Repealed by 1984 c 76 § 29.

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