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The 2025 Regular Session of the 69th Legislature | March 13, 2025 | 60th day
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Regular Calendar for 3/11/2025
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Bill No.
Floor Action
Action Date
1VoteASB 5554f # 2ndHistoric landmark desig.Salomon/Salomon2
2VoteSB 5500f c2ndChild care reimburse. ratesWellman/Alvarado5
3VoteSJM 8009f 2ndJoe Mentor memorial overpassLiias/MacEwen8
4VoteSB 5330f 2ndSpiked drink testingSaldaña/Dhingra10
5VoteSB 5410f c2ndVeteran parking privilegesLiias/Braun13
6VoteSB 5304f c2ndHomelessness/tribal collegesNobles/Kauffman15
7VoteSB 5563f c2ndHorse racingKauffman/Fortunato18
8VoteAE2SSB 5263f 2ndSpecial education fundingWellman/Pedersen2248-0-0-13/12
9VoteSB 5324f c2ndPrior auth. APIs/healthCleveland/Cleveland29
10VoteASB 5470f # 2ndDetached ADUsBateman/Goehner31
11VoteSB 5514f # c2ndClean buildings standardShewmake/Shewmake35
12VoteSB 5423f c2ndDigital electronics/repairShewmake/Stanford39
13VoteSB 5067f # 2ndImpaired drivingDhingra/Lovick43
14VoteASB 5060$ f # c2ndLaw enf. hiring grantsDhingra/Holy48
15VoteSCR 84032ndLegislators, deceasedRiccelli0
16VoteSB 5266f c2ndEarly release petitionsWilson, C./Frame53
17VoteSB 5433f c2ndDOC employee bargainingSaldaña/Ramos59
18VoteSB 5548f c2ndWorkers' compensationSaldaña/Shewmake62
19VoteSB 5700f c2ndMedical cannabis databaseSaldaña/King67
20VoteASB 5496f c2ndHome buying by entitiesBateman/Alvarado68
21VoteSB 5371f c2ndWine & spirit sales limitsSaldaña/MacEwen74
22VoteSB 5659f # 2ndHousing shortage/local shareBateman/Goehner76
23VoteASB 5488f c2ndDCYF/financial stabilityWilson, C./Alvarado79
24VoteASB 5290f # 2ndControlled subs. dismissalDhingra/Salomon84
25VoteSB 5614f # 2ndImpact feesBateman/Salomon87
26VoteSB 5095f c2ndSchool construction debtWellman/Dhingra92
27VoteSB 5112f c2ndPrescribing psychologistsCleveland/Bateman96
28VoteSB 5225f # 2ndCandidate filingValdez/MacEwen101
29VoteSSB 5469f 2ndRental housing marketBateman/Salomon10429-19-0-13/12
30VoteASB 5502f c2ndRecycling & waste reductionShewmake/Robinson107
31VoteSB 5536f 2ndProperty distrib./divorceDhingra/Fortunato11746-2-0-13/12
32VoteASB 5600f # c2ndTNCs/large-scale eventsSaldaña/Alvarado119
33VoteASB 5052f # 2ndLaw enf. juvenile contactWilson, C./Salomon124
34VoteSB 51332ndSentencing guide/caregiversDhingra/Wilson, C.127
35VoteSSB 5182f 2ndIncarcerated parentsWilson, C./Nobles12942-6-0-13/12
36VoteSB 5188f # 2ndBroadband repair loansShewmake/Wellman13146-2-0-13/12
37VoteAESB 5206f 2ndCannabis advertisingSaldaña/MacEwen13439-9-0-13/12
38VoteSB 5234f # 2ndSnowmobile registration feesRobinson/Shewmake139
39VoteSSB 52452ndLegislature oath of officeValdez/Krishnadasan14143-4-0-23/12
40VoteSSB 5252f # 2ndAssembly halls/property taxRobinson/Shewmake14347-1-0-13/12
41VoteASB 5272f # c2ndSchool safety/penaltiesWellman/Lovick145
42VoteSB 5319f # c2ndSurface mine reclamationChapman/Shewmake14828-20-0-13/12
43VoteAE2SSB 5355f 2ndHigher education safetyNobles/Orwall15048-0-0-13/12
44VoteAESSB 5357f c2ndActuarial pension fundingRobinson/Conway15548-0-0-13/12
45VoteSSB 5394f c2ndDDA no-paid servicesWilson, C./Robinson15848-0-0-13/12
46VoteAESSB 5403f 2ndDirect cannabis salesSaldaña/Saldaña16041-7-0-13/12
47VoteSSB 5534f # 2ndSpring blade knivesDhingra/Fortunato16346-2-0-13/12
48VoteSB 5581f c2ndSafe system approach strat.Liias/Shewmake16629-19-0-13/12
49VoteSB 5583f 2ndFishing and hunting licensesChapman/Liias172
50VoteAESSB 5611f # 2ndLand use permitting workloadSalomon/Salomon17648-0-0-13/12
51VoteAESSB 5628f c2ndLead in cookwareShewmake/Harris18048-0-0-13/12
52VoteAE2SSB 5651f # 2ndGarnishment exemption amountDhingra/Alvarado18338-10-0-13/12
53VoteAESSB 5708f c2ndOnline services/minorsKauffman/Frame18736-12-0-13/12
54VoteAESSB 5752f 2ndChild care & early dev.Robinson/Wilson, C.19932-16-0-13/12
55VoteSSB 5758f # 2ndCannabis licensees/distanceSaldaña/Saldaña20631-17-0-13/12
56VoteSB 5761f c2ndDependency/attorney appt.Robinson/Frame208
57VoteASB 5769f 2ndTransition to kindergartenRobinson/Wellman211
58VoteSB 5772f 2ndStudent enrollmentRobinson/Hansen213
59VoteSSB 5030f # 2ndVital records accessWellman/Wilson, C.21643-4-0-23/12
60VoteAE2SSB 5061f # 2ndPublic works wagesSaldaña/Conway21935-13-0-13/12
61VoteSSB 5163f # c2ndChild fatalitiesWilson, C./Orwall22348-0-0-13/12
62VoteSSB 5374f # 2ndTransportation/tribal rep.Liias/Kauffman22748-0-0-13/12
63VoteAESSB 5484f c2ndTow truck payments/indigentLiias/Chapman23047-0-0-23/12
64VoteSB 5637f c2ndMedia literacy & civic ed.Wellman/Fortunato23348-0-0-13/12
65VoteSB 5647f 2ndAffordable housing/REETRobinson/Alvarado235
66VoteSB 5649f # c2ndSupply chain competitivenessLiias/Liias23848-0-0-13/12
67VoteSB 5697f # c2ndSocial services/property taxRobinson/Slatter24041-7-0-13/12
68VoteSSB 5738f # c2ndRetired employees/workRobinson/Wellman24241-7-0-13/12
* CO = Calendar Order. This is the order in which bills were put onto the calendar from the Rules Committee

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