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Help With Abbreviations (2025-26)

Action Abbreviations

1st ReadingFirst reading
2nd ReadingSecond reading
2nd ReadSCalOn second reading suspension calendar
3rd ReadingThird reading
adheresAdheres to its position on a bill in dispute
adh/H concurSenate adheres to its position/asks House to concur
adh/S concurHouse adheres to its position/asks Senate to concur
AdoptedResolution adopted
Adopted 3rdAdopted on third reading
Adopted / RuleAdopted by Rules Committee
AmendedBill has been amended
ask H recedeSenate asks House to recede
ask S recedeHouse asks Senate to recede
Before SenatePlaced before Senate
C * L *Chapter * of Laws of * year
C * L * E *Chapter * of Laws of * year of * Special Session
concur partConcurs in certain amendments, refuses to concur in others
concurredConcurred in amendment(s) from other house
confirmMajority; do confirm
ConfirmSGA confirmed
Confirm CalPlaced on Confirmation Calendar
Del to GovDelivered to Governor
DNPDo Not Pass
DNP*SDo Not Pass * Substitute
DNSDo Not Substitute
DPDo Pass
DP w/oADo Pass without amendments by *
DPADo Pass with amendment(s)
DP*SDo Pass * Substitute
DP*SADo Pass with amendment(s) to * Substitute
Failed 3rdFailed on third reading
Failed FPFailed on final passage
Filed Sec/StFiled with the Secretary of State
FloorCommittee relieved of further consideration
Gov no actionNo gubernatorial action
Gov part vetoPartially vetoed by Governor
Gov signedSigned by Governor
Gov vetoedVetoed by Governor
HeldHeld for further consideration
In disputeBill in dispute
Indef postpdIndefinitely postponed
ind/posMajority; indefinitely postpone
insistsInsists on its position on a bill in dispute
ins/confInsists on its position and asks for conference
ins/H recedeSenate insists on its position/asks House to recede
ins/S recedeHouse insists on its position/asks Senate to recede
no confirmMajority; do not confirm
Not adoptedResolution not adopted
Not confirmSGA not confirmed
Not subst forSubstitute bill not substituted
Notice reconNotice given to reconsider vote on third reading
Out of orderRuled out of order
Passed 3rdPassed third reading
Passed FPPassed on final passage
PrefiledPrefiled for introduction
Pres signedSigned by President of the Senate
recede partRecedes from certain amendments/refuses to recede from
recededReceded from position on bill in dispute
ref con/confRefuses to concur/asks for conference
ref concurRefuses to concur in other house's amendment(s)
ref recedeRefuses to recede from position on bill in dispute
ref rec/confRefuses to recede from position/requests conference
refuses confRefuses request for conference
ref/H recedeSenate refuses to concur/asks House to recede
ref/S recedeHouse refuses to concur/asks Senate to recede
ref& *Majority; refer to * committee
ResignedAppointee resigned; appointment withdrawn
Ret to GovReturned to Governor
Rules 2Passed to Rules committee for second reading -- Senate
Rules 2 GMade eligible to be placed on second reading -- Senate
Rules 3Passed to Rules committee for third reading -- Senate
Rules 3COn Rules Consideration list for third reading -- House
Rules 3GMade eligible to be placed on third reading -- Senate
Rules COn Rules Consideration list for second reading -- House
Rules ROn Rules Review list for second reading -- House
Spkr signedSigned by Speaker of the House
Subst forSubstitute bill adopted
Term expiredAppointee's term expired; appointment withdrawn
Veto overrideVeto overridden
Veto sustainVeto sustained
w/o RecMajority; without recommendation

House Committee Abbreviations (2025-26)

Agriculture & Natural Resources
Capital Budget
Civil Rights & Judiciary
Community Safety
Consumer Protection & Business
Early Learning & Human Services
Environment & Energy
Health Care & Wellness
Labor & Workplace Standards
Local Government
Postsecondary Education & Workforce
State Government & Tribal Relations
Technology, Economic Development, & Veterans

Total Count: 19

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Senate Committee Abbreviations (2025-26)

Agriculture & Natural Resources
Business, Financial Services & Trade
Early Learning & K-12 Education
Environment, Energy & Technology
Health & Long-Term Care
Higher Education & Workforce Development
Human Services
Labor & Commerce
Law & Justice
Local Government
State Government, Tribal Affairs & Elections
Ways & Means

Total Count: 15

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Document Extension Abbreviations

When you retrieve the text of a bill, or bill report, you may see one of the following extensions on the document name. The convention for document names is the bill number plus one of the extensions. Bills as originally introduced do not have an extension. Examples: 1001.E, 1003-S.PL. Initiatives are named INITIATIVE 111 or INITIATIVE 600.

second engrossment
House bill report
passed legislature
Senate bill report
signed by Governor - session law

Amendments are named according to the following example:
1001-S AMH SMIT JONE 1. AMH or AMS indicates a House or Senate amendment. The next four letters indicate the sponsor of the amendment, in this case, Representative Smith. The following four letters indicate the staff person who prepared the amendment, in this example, staff person Jones. The last number indicates the amendment set.

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Document Naming Conventions

Abbreviation Stands For
1008HB 1008
1008.EEngrossed HB 1008
1008 HBRHouse Bill Report for HB 1008
1008.PLHB 1008 as it Passed the Legislature
1008 SBRSenate Bill Report for HB 1008
1008.SLSession Law version of HB 1008
1008-SSubstitute HB 1008
1008-S AMCAdopted Conference Amendment on Substitute HB 1008 (See note in the first amendment example.)
1008-S AMHAmendments by the House on Substitute HB 1008 (See note in the first amendment example.)
1008-S AMSAmendments by the Senate on Substitute HB 1008 (See note in the first amendment example.)
1008-S2.E2Second Engrossed Second Substitute HB 1008
COM 2005-011House list of bills reported by standing committee (# is the session year followed by legislative day)
GREEN SHEETList of bills that have been moved to the second step in the Senate Rules Committee
INITIATIVE 601Initiative 601
INTRO 2005-001House list of bills to be introduced (# is the year followed by the legislative day)
INTRODUCTIONS 2005-01-13Senate list of bills introduced on January 13, 2005
PREFILED 2005-12-20House list of prefiled bills as of December 20, 2005
PREFILED SENATE 2005-12-27    Senate list of prefiled bills as of December 27, 2005
RCW 1.08.010 or RCW 1.08Revised Code of Washington, RCW 1.08.010 or display all sections found under Title 1, Chapter 8
RULES CON 2005-011House Rules consideration report
RULES REVIEWList of bills that have been reported out of House committee and referred to the House Rules Committee
STANDING 2005-01-14Senate list of bills reported by standing committees on January 14, 2005
WAC 388-01-070 or WAC 388-01Washington Administrative Code, Section 388-01-070, or display all sections found under Title 388, Chapter 1 (Note: Use WSL Search to access current WAC sections)
WHITE SHEETList of bills that have been reported out of Senate committee and referred to the Senate Rules Committee

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Legislative Types of Bills and Document Ranges

Abbreviation Stands For Bill # Range Description
HB House Bill 1000-3999 Bills propose to amend, add, or repeal statutes.
SB Senate Bill 5000-7999
HJM House Joint Memorial 4000-4199 Memorials express the Legislature's concern, usually to the President and the U.S. Congress, about an issue, for example, asking the federal government to fund a program.
SJM Senate Joint Memorial 8000-8199
HJR House Joint Resolution 4200-4399 Joint resolutions propose to amend the state constitution.
SJR Senate Joint Resolution 8200-8399
HCR House Concurrent Resolution 4400-4599 Concurrent resolutions relate to the internal operation of the Legislature, in which one house concurs in the action of the other; they may originate in either house.
SCR Senate Concurrent Resolution 8400-8599
HR House Resolution 4600-4999 Resolutions are typically used to commemorate or congratulate, or to adopt rules for the body. They pertain to one body only.
SR Senate Resolution 8600-8999
SGA Senate Gubernatorial Appointment 9000-9999 Designation by the Governor to fill an office or position; this is a Senate-only function.

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