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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Lovelett (2023-24)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
ESB 5309 Docs f Petroleum transportation/tax S Ways & Means 01/08/2024 Lovelett
ESSB 5334 Docs f# Affordable housing funding S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Lovelett
ESSB 5371 Docs af Orca vessel protection C 452 L 23 PV 05/15/2023 Lovelett HB 1145(H Ag&Nr)
ESSB 6039 Docs af Geothermal energy resources C 350 L 24 03/28/2024 Lovelett HB 2129(H Env & Energy)
ESSB 6061 Docs f# Housing development/SEPA S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Lovelett
SB 5310 Docs fd Workers' comp. providers S Rules X 03/10/2023 Lovelett HB 1197(C 171 L 23)
SB 5312 Docs f# Clean energy/residential S Loc Gov, Land 01/12/2023 Lovelett
SB 5553 Docs f# Temporary emergency shelters C 47 L 23 04/06/2023 Lovelett
SB 5567 Docs f#o Vol. firefighter pensions S Ways & Means 01/25/2023 Lovelett EHB 1336(C 73 L 23)
SB 5612 Docs f# Cultural access programs/tax S Loc Gov, Land 01/30/2023 Lovelett HB 1575(C 179 L 23)
SB 5688 Docs f#d Public lands/carbon seq. S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Lovelett
SB 5692 Docs Enrichment levy authority S EL/K-12 02/03/2023 Lovelett HB 1244(H Rules X)
SB 5990 Docs f# Env. justice/SEPA projects S Environment, E 01/08/2024 Lovelett HB 2070(H Approps)
SB 5991 Docs f Industrial insurance/duties S Labor & Comm 01/08/2024 Lovelett HB 2168(H Labor & Workpl)
SB 6005 Docs f# Solid waste management S Environment, E 01/08/2024 Lovelett HB 2049(H Rules X)
SB 6185 Docs # PTBA governing body members S Transportation 01/11/2024 Lovelett HB 2191(H subst for)
SB 6231 Docs Hostile architecture S Loc Gov, Land 01/15/2024 Lovelett
SSB 5203 Docs f#e Climate change/planning S Ways & Means 02/10/2023 Lovelett HB 1181(H subst for)
SSB 5570 Docs f Energy efficiency loans S Ways & Means 01/22/2024 Lovelett
SSB 5613 Docs f# Rural public facilities/tax S Ways & Means 02/15/2023 Lovelett HB 1267(H subst for)
SSB 5651 Docs f# GMA/equity and env. justice S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Lovelett HB 1723(H Local Govt)

Total Count: 21

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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