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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Mullet (2021-22)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SSB 5315 Docs f Captive insurance C 281 L 21 05/12/2021 Mullet
2SSB 5720 Docs af Student financial literacy C 238 L 22 03/30/2022 Mullet
ESSB 5459 Docs f Payment card processing/B&O S Rules 3 03/10/2022 Mullet
SB 5048 Docs o Reinsurance agreements C 138 L 21 04/26/2021 Mullet
SB 5312 Docs f Transit-oriented development S Rules 3 03/10/2022 Mullet
SB 5400 Docs Fed. home loan bank rights S Business, Fina 02/02/2021 Mullet
SB 5402 Docs Property tax deferral/COVID S Ways & Means 02/02/2021 Mullet HB 1332(H subst for)
SB 5430 Docs af Advanced tuition payment prg C 248 L 21 05/10/2021 Mullet
SB 5443 Docs Charter school time frame S EL/K-12 02/10/2021 Mullet HB 1195(H Education)
SB 5468 Docs Controlled subst. possession S Law & Justice 03/01/2021 Mullet
SB 5474 Docs Agency data backup/disasters S Environment, E 03/17/2021 Mullet
SB 5475 Docs Controlled subst. possession S Law & Justice 03/22/2021 Mullet
SB 5541 Docs f Newspapers/B&O tax S Business, Fina 01/10/2022 Mullet HB 2111(H Finance)
SB 5602 Docs fo Service providers/financial C 49 L 22 03/11/2022 Mullet
SB 5611 Docs d Long-term care/veterans S Health & Long 01/10/2022 Mullet
SB 5623 Docs f Credit history/insurance S Business, Fina 01/10/2022 Mullet
SB 5724 Docs f Organ transport vehicles S Rules X 02/17/2022 Mullet
SB 5725 Docs e LCEDIR/tourism slogan S Rules X 02/07/2022 Mullet HB 1798(C 6 L 22)
SB 5916 Docs Ransomware protection S Environment, E 01/20/2022 Mullet
SB 5924 Docs fd Tax penalties S Ways & Means 01/21/2022 Mullet HB 2099(H subst for)
SB 5935 Docs Adult family homes/prop. tax S Health & Long 01/24/2022 Mullet HB 1789(H subst for)
SB 5957 Docs f Manufacturing B&O tax rate S Ways & Means 01/28/2022 Mullet
SB 5969 Docs Credit scores/insurance S Business, Fina 02/01/2022 Mullet
SSB 5030 Docs af School counseling programs C 174 L 21 05/03/2021 Mullet
SSB 5606 Docs A/C in adult family homes S Ways & Means 01/27/2022 Mullet
SSB 5642 Docs Affordable housing/REET S Ways & Means 02/03/2022 Mullet HB 1643(H subst for)
SSB 5719 Docs f Dual credit costs S Ways & Means 01/24/2022 Mullet
SSB 5770 Docs fd Convention economy grants S Ways & Means 01/26/2022 Mullet HB 1879(H Approps)
SSB 5810 Docs af Legal service plans C 3 L 23 04/12/2023 Mullet
SSB 5946 Docs LIBOR discontinuance S Rules 3 03/10/2022 Mullet
SSB 5964 Docs f# Local permit review process S Rules 3 03/10/2022 Mullet

Total Count: 31

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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