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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Bateman (2021-22)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 1157 Docs f# Housing supply H Rules 3C 03/10/2022 Bateman SB 5390(S Ways & Means)
HB 1046 Docs f Community solar programs H Env & Energy 01/11/2021 Bateman
HB 1058 Docs f# Cultural access programs/tax H Finance 01/11/2021 Bateman
HB 1167 Docs fo Thurston superior court C 63 L 21 04/16/2021 Bateman
HB 1350 Docs Limited equity coop. housing H Finance 01/22/2021 Bateman
HB 1610 Docs f OT licensure compact H HC/Wellness 01/10/2022 Bateman SB 5518(C 152 L 22)
HB 1645 Docs f Assisted living payments H Approps 01/10/2022 Bateman
HB 1853 Docs Cosmetic products/chemicals H Env & Energy 01/10/2022 Bateman SB 5703(S subst for)
HR 4636 Docs The Evergreen State College H Adopted 01/27/2022 Bateman
HR 4658 Docs Women in the military H Adopted 02/25/2022 Bateman
SHB 1052 Docs Group insurance contracts C 13 L 22 03/11/2022 Bateman
SHB 1218 Docs af Long-term care residents C 159 L 21 05/03/2021 Bateman
SHB 1646 Docs af Dementia action collab. C 120 L 22 03/24/2022 Bateman
SHB 1675 Docs f Dialysate & dialysis devices C 23 L 22 03/11/2022 Bateman SB 5507(S Health & Long)
SHB 1782 Docs f#e Middle housing near transit H Rules C 02/22/2022 Bateman SB 5670(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1992 Docs Vacation leave accrual H Rules C 02/22/2022 Bateman

Total Count: 16

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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