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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Conway (2019-20)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
ESB 6239 Docs af Public works projects C 255 L 20 03/31/2020 Conway
ESB 6626 Docs af Military spouse liaison C 328 L 20 04/02/2020 Conway
SB 5036 Docs f# Metro. park district comm'rs S Rules X 01/13/2020 Conway HB 1092(C 198 L 19)
SB 5125 Docs fd Businesses & professions S Rules X 01/13/2020 Conway HB 1176(C 442 L 19)
SB 5350 Docs fo Optional life annuity C 189 L 19 04/29/2019 Conway HB 1413(H Rules X)
SB 5360 Docs afo Retirement system defaults C 313 L 19 PV 05/08/2019 Conway HB 1308(H subst for)
SB 5373 Docs f# Health care employees S Labor & Commer 01/18/2019 Conway
SB 5374 Docs f Rest and meal periods S Labor & Commer 01/18/2019 Conway
SB 5430 Docs f Postretirement options S Ways & Means 01/21/2019 Conway HB 1388(H Approps)
SB 5546 Docs f Enhanced 211 drug line S Health & Long 01/23/2019 Conway
SB 5661 Docs fo Survivorship benefit options S Rules X 03/18/2019 Conway HB 1408(C 102 L 19)
SB 5767 Docs fo Public accounting services S Labor & Commer 01/31/2019 Conway HB 1208(C 71 L 19)
SB 5818 Docs Problem gambling task force S Labor & Commer 02/04/2019 Conway HB 1880(H subst for)
SB 5878 Docs f Railroad employee work hours S Labor & Commer 02/08/2019 Conway HB 1842(H Rules R)
SB 5920 Docs f# Pension & disability boards S Rules X 02/24/2020 Conway HB 2051(C 107 L 20)
SB 5921 Docs Community respite services S Health & Long 02/15/2019 Conway
SB 5922 Docs Community services/dev. dis. S Health & Long 02/15/2019 Conway
SB 6119 Docs f#o Money laundering proceeds C 62 L 20 03/18/2020 Conway HB 2280(H Approps)
SB 6120 Docs fo Gambling/nonprofit orgs C 150 L 20 03/25/2020 Conway HB 2281(H Rules C)
SB 6219 Docs fo WSP retirement/index def. S Rules X 02/24/2020 Conway HB 2340(H Rules 3C)
SB 6357 Docs f# Pull-tab dollar limit C 70 L 20 03/18/2020 Conway HB 2492(H Rules C)
SB 6367 Docs f Bargaining/judicial assist. S Labor & Commer 01/15/2020 Conway
SB 6383 Docs fo Retirement strategy funds C 160 L 20 03/25/2020 Conway HB 2341(H Rules C)
SB 6456 Docs DOC employee interest arb. S Labor & Commer 01/17/2020 Conway HB 2763(C 89 L 20)
SB 6535 Docs Cargo handling equipment S Transportation 01/21/2020 Conway HB 2828(H Rules R)
SB 6559 Docs f College grant award maximum S Ways & Means 02/06/2020 Conway HB 2917(H Approps)
SB 6563 Docs f School-based health centers S Rules X 02/24/2020 Conway
SB 6594 Docs Health system transparency S Health & Long 01/23/2020 Conway
SB 6629 Docs DNR & LCB interest arb. S Labor & Commer 01/28/2020 Conway
SB 6687 Docs LCB & parks interest arb. S Labor & Commer 02/11/2020 Conway
SSB 5400 Docs fo PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase S Rules 3 03/12/2020 Conway EHB 1390(C 329 L 20)
SSB 5416 Docs o Gambling self-exclusion S Rules X 03/18/2019 Conway HB 1302(H subst for)
SSB 5748 Docs a Military installation infra. C 404 L 19 05/13/2019 Conway
SSB 5766 Docs Prevailing rate of wages S Rules X 03/18/2019 Conway HB 1743(C 29 L 19)
SSB 6053 Docs f# Wage liens S Ways & Means 01/29/2020 Conway
SSB 6340 Docs Auto dealer products S Rules X 02/24/2020 Conway HB 2374(H subst for)
SSB 6393 Docs f Cannabis industry workplaces S Ways & Means 02/07/2020 Conway HB 2361(H Commerce & Gam)

Total Count: 37

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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