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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Wellman (2019-20)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SSB 5141 Docs f# School resource officers S Rules X 01/13/2020 Wellman
2SSB 5315 Docs d Student support staff S Rules X 02/24/2020 Wellman
2SSB 5317 Docs School safety & well-being S Rules X 03/18/2019 Wellman HB 1216(H subst for)
2SSB 5511 Docs afe Broadband service C 365 L 19 05/13/2019 Wellman HB 1498(H subst for)
2SSB 5607 Docs f Dual language learning S Rules 3 03/12/2020 Wellman HB 1322(H Approps)
2SSB 6117 Docs fo Special education S Rules 3 03/12/2020 Wellman HB 2258(H Approps)
E2SSB 5091 Docs af Special education funding C 387 L 19 05/13/2019 Wellman
E2SSB 5327 Docs fe Career connected learning S Rules X 01/13/2020 Wellman HB 1336(H Approps)
E2SSB 5497 Docs af# Immigrants in the workplace C 440 L 19 05/21/2019 Wellman HB 1815(H Rules X)
ESSB 5313 Docs afd School levies C 410 L 19 05/21/2019 Wellman
ESSB 5984 Docs f Dissolution/doc. language S Rules 3 03/12/2020 Wellman
ESSB 6189 Docs a SEBB coverage eligibility C 8 L 20 03/17/2020 Wellman
SB 5068 Docs fo State learning standards S Rules X 03/18/2019 Wellman HB 1120(H Rules R)
SB 5070 Docs fo Bilingual educators S EL/K-12 01/14/2019 Wellman HB 1468(H Approps)
SB 5086 Docs f School surplus technology S EL/K-12 01/14/2019 Wellman
SB 5087 Docs f Language competency grants S Ways & Means 02/18/2019 Wellman
SB 5088 Docs af Computer science/high school C 180 L 19 04/29/2019 Wellman
SB 5105 Docs fo Education reporting S EL/K-12 01/14/2019 Wellman HB 1151(H subst for)
SB 5142 Docs Corporate boards/women S Law & Justice 01/14/2019 Wellman
SB 5307 Docs fd Treasurer/public works board S State Govt/Tri 01/17/2019 Wellman HB 1285(H Rules 3C)
SB 5312 Docs fo Special ed. appropriations S EL/K-12 01/17/2019 Wellman HB 1093(H Approps)
SB 5314 Docs f#o Capital gains tax/prop. tax S Ways & Means 01/17/2019 Wellman HB 1172(H Finance)
SB 5316 Docs f School enrichment levies S EL/K-12 01/17/2019 Wellman
SB 5375 Docs fd Capital budget/public art S Rules X 01/13/2020 Wellman HB 1318(C 240 L 19)
SB 5427 Docs fo Dual credit programs S EL/K-12 01/21/2019 Wellman HB 1164(H Education)
SB 5448 Docs CTE/alt. learning exp. prgs. S EL/K-12 01/21/2019 Wellman HB 1304(H subst for)
SB 5466 Docs fo School district levies S EL/K-12 01/22/2019 Wellman
SB 5606 Docs Pub. school language access S EL/K-12 01/24/2019 Wellman HB 1130(H subst for)
SB 5736 Docs f Special ed. funding alloc. S Ways & Means 01/30/2019 Wellman
SB 5756 Docs fd Delegation of inspection S Labor & Commer 01/30/2019 Wellman HB 1486(C 165 L 19)
SB 5973 Docs f State tax structure S Ways & Means 02/22/2019 Wellman HB 2117(H Rules X)
SB 6100 Docs fo Background checks/education S Rules 3 03/12/2020 Wellman HB 2259(C 22 L 20)
SB 6101 Docs fo Dyslexia early screening S Rules 3 03/12/2020 Wellman HB 2290(H Rules R)
SB 6102 Docs fo School bus stop signals C 95 L 20 03/19/2020 Wellman
SB 6103 Docs fo Educational reporting C 61 L 20 03/18/2020 Wellman
SB 6132 Docs f Learning assistance program S Rules 3 03/12/2020 Wellman HB 2717(H Education)
SB 6243 Docs f Recreational fishing rules S Ag/Water/Natur 01/14/2020 Wellman
SB 6244 Docs f Insurance coverage sublimits S Financial Inst 01/14/2020 Wellman
SB 6449 Docs f Suicide prevention/ID cards S Rules X 02/24/2020 Wellman HB 2589(H subst for)
SB 6479 Docs f Optional benefits/schools S Rules X 02/24/2020 Wellman HB 2458(C 231 L 20)
SB 6522 Docs Courts/arrests S Law & Justice 01/20/2020 Wellman HB 2567(H subst for)
SB 6615 Docs fo School staff funding S EL/K-12 01/27/2020 Wellman HB 2897(H Approps)
SB 6619 Docs f# Drinking water chemicals S Environment, E 01/27/2020 Wellman
SSB 5066 Docs o School district elections S Rules X 03/18/2019 Wellman
SSB 5089 Docs af Early learning access C 409 L 19 05/21/2019 Wellman
SSB 5090 Docs f Wage and salary information S Rules X 03/18/2019 Wellman
SSB 5146 Docs fo High school graduation reqs S Ways & Means 02/22/2019 Wellman HB 1121(H Education)
SSB 5465 Docs o Public education funding S Ways & Means 02/22/2019 Wellman
SSB 5548 Docs o High school diploma pathways S Rules X 03/18/2019 Wellman
SSB 5683 Docs f#e Family supports S Ways & Means 02/14/2019 Wellman HB 1771(H Approps)
SSB 5801 Docs Teacher postretirement empl. S Rules X 03/18/2019 Wellman
SSB 6256 Docs fo Heating oil insurance C 310 L 20 04/02/2020 Wellman HB 2424(H Rules R)
SSB 6257 Docs o Underground storage tanks C 156 L 20 03/25/2020 Wellman HB 2475(H Approps)
SSB 6521 Docs f Innovative learning pilot C 353 L 20 04/03/2020 Wellman
SSB 6547 Docs d Infants and toddlers program S Ways & Means 02/07/2020 Wellman HB 2787(H subst for)
SSJR 8201 Docs o School district bonds S Rules 3 04/28/2019 Wellman HJR 4203(H Education)

Total Count: 56

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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