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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Eslick (2019-20)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
EHB 2216 Docs Sports boards maximum bet H Rules 3C 03/12/2020 Eslick
EHB 2501 Docs f Multiuse roadway safety acct H Rules 3C 03/12/2020 Eslick SB 6403(S Rules 3)
ESHB 2625 Docs f# Local parks funding options H Rules 3C 03/12/2020 Eslick
HB 1020 Docs f County road admin. board C 22 L 19 04/17/2019 Eslick
HB 1103 Docs Smoke detection devices H ConsPro&Bus 01/14/2019 Eslick SB 5284(S subst for)
HB 1248 Docs Firework sales in December H ConsPro&Bus 01/17/2019 Eslick
HB 1669 Docs # Fire district powers H Rules X 01/21/2020 Eslick SB 5670(S subst for)
HB 1670 Docs # Fire district bid limits H Rules X 01/21/2020 Eslick SB 5671(S Local Governme)
HB 1699 Docs f# Deannexation/parks & rec. H Rules X 01/21/2020 Eslick
HB 1709 Docs Death penalty H Public Safety 01/29/2019 Eslick SB 5364(S Law & Justice)
HB 2217 Docs Cottage food product labels C 171 L 20 03/27/2020 Eslick
HB 2218 Docs Cottage food sales cap H Rules 3C 03/12/2020 Eslick
HB 2219 Docs f Sports pool boards/WSGC H Commerce & Gam 01/13/2020 Eslick
HB 2599 Docs fd Multiple handicaps, children C 122 L 20 03/25/2020 Eslick SB 6362(S Rules X)
HB 2626 Docs Vaccination exemption H HC/Wellness 01/16/2020 Eslick
HR 4623 Docs Oso landslide H Adopted 03/15/2019 Eslick
SHB 1371 Docs Parks benefit districts H Finance 02/08/2019 Eslick SB 5680(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1875 Docs Ag. crop damage by wildlife H Approps 02/22/2019 Eslick
SHB 2883 Docs f Adolescent behavioral health C 185 L 20 03/27/2020 Eslick SB 6634(S Behavioral Hea)

Total Count: 19

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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