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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Conway (2017-18)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SSB 5577 Docs Incapacitated persons/rights S Rules X 01/25/2018 Conway
ESB 6230 Docs f# Port district prof personnel C 251 L 18 03/23/2018 Conway
ESSB 6137 Docs f Vehicle manuf. & dealers C 296 L 18 03/27/2018 Conway EHB 2439(H Rules 3C)
SB 5190 Docs f#o Gambling/org. membership S Rules X 01/25/2018 Conway HB 1274(C 133 L 17)
SB 5215 Docs Urban growth area annexation S Local Governme 01/17/2017 Conway HB 1681(H Environment)
SB 5274 Docs afo WSPRS salary definition C 181 L 17 05/04/2017 Conway HB 1707(H Approps)
SB 5275 Docs fo PERS to PSERS transfers S Ways & Means 01/19/2017 Conway HB 1709(C 143 L 17)
SB 5355 Docs f Telemedicine/injured workers S Health & Long 01/08/2018 Conway
SB 5359 Docs a Military licensing/report C 184 L 17 05/04/2017 Conway HB 1978(H Comm Dev, Hous)
SB 5409 Docs f Historic auto. museums tax S Rules X 01/25/2018 Conway HB 1577(H Finance)
SB 5447 Docs fo Office of pub. guardianship S Rules X 02/22/2018 Conway HB 1139(H Judiciary)
SB 5639 Docs f Alt. student assessments S Rules X 02/22/2018 Conway
SB 5640 Docs f Tech. college diploma prgs C 93 L 17 04/20/2017 Conway HB 1733(H Hi Ed)
SB 5650 Docs Safe streets pilot project S Law & Justice 02/01/2017 Conway HB 1557(H Approps)
SB 5743 Docs fd WISHA penalties S Rules X 02/22/2018 Conway HB 1953(H subst for)
SB 5942 Docs e School siting/GMA S EL/K-12 05/26/2017 Conway HB 2216(H Environment)
SB 6108 Docs Military/transp. planning S Local Governme 01/08/2018 Conway
SB 6210 Docs fo Tribal schools/retirement C 257 L 18 03/23/2018 Conway HB 2490(H Approps)
SB 6232 Docs f Hearing instruments/L&I S Labor & Commer 01/10/2018 Conway HB 2591(H Labor & Workpl)
SB 6256 Docs f Canada/accounting firms S Rules X 02/22/2018 Conway HB 2468(C 224 L 18)
SB 6258 Docs Metro. park district comm'rs S Rules X 02/22/2018 Conway HB 2628(H Rules 3C)
SB 6270 Docs f Disability comp SS offset S Rules X 02/22/2018 Conway
SB 6289 Docs f School substitutes/2008 ERF S Ways & Means 01/11/2018 Conway HB 2379(H Approps)
SB 6320 Docs f Performing arts/leasehold tx S Ways & Means 01/12/2018 Conway
SB 6326 Docs f Maritime prevailing wages S Labor & Commer 01/12/2018 Conway HB 2742(H Rules C)
SB 6331 Docs f Gambling addiction S Rules X 02/22/2018 Conway EHB 2332(H Rules 3C)
SB 6461 Docs f Employee benefits/SEBB S Ways & Means 01/18/2018 Conway HB 2755(H Approps)
SB 6479 Docs f# Guardians/train & monitor S Law & Justice 01/19/2018 Conway HB 2923(H Judiciary)
SB 6483 Docs Education funding reform S EL/K-12 01/19/2018 Conway
SR 8684 Docs Deputy Daniel McCartney S Adopted 01/24/2018 Conway
SSB 5492 Docs Responsible bidder criteria S Rules X 02/22/2018 Conway HB 1673(H subst for)
SSB 5493 Docs f# Prevailing rate of wage C 248 L 18 03/23/2018 Conway HB 1674(H Rules 3C)
SSB 5651 Docs f# Siting of schools S Rules X 03/17/2017 Conway
SSB 6214 Docs f PTSD/law enf. & firefighters C 264 L 18 03/23/2018 Conway
SSB 6340 Docs afo PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase C 151 L 18 03/21/2018 Conway HB 2511(H Rules R)
SSB 6456 Docs Military installations/devel S Ways & Means 02/02/2018 Conway HB 2341(H Environment)
SSB 6457 Docs Real estate appraisals S Rules X 02/22/2018 Conway HB 2629(H Judiciary)
SSB 6515 Docs SVP release review S Rules X 02/22/2018 Conway
SSB 6526 Docs Noncompetition agreements S Rules X 02/22/2018 Conway

Total Count: 39

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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