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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Fortunato (2017-18)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
ESB 5316 Docs a RCW provisions not needed C 25 L 17 E3 07/06/2017 Fortunato
ESSB 5671 Docs Gambling/nonprofit orgs S Rules X 01/08/2018 Fortunato
ESSB 5781 Docs f Banquets/charity & nonprofit S Labor & Commer 01/08/2018 Fortunato
SB 5384 Docs f#d Rec. access/private lands S Rules X 03/21/2017 Fortunato HB 1464(H subst for)
SB 5414 Docs # Paratransit services S Transportation 01/24/2017 Fortunato
SB 5442 Docs fo Boating safety programs S Rules 3 03/08/2018 Fortunato HB 1604(H Rules R)
SB 5523 Docs RCW provisions not needed S Rules X 03/21/2017 Fortunato
SB 5535 Docs f Eighty years old/prop. tax S Ways & Means 01/27/2017 Fortunato
SB 5536 Docs f Hunter education training S Rules X 01/08/2018 Fortunato HB 1900(H Trans)
SB 5561 Docs Minors/health info. discl. S Health & Long 01/08/2018 Fortunato
SB 5562 Docs School district waivers S EL/K-12 01/27/2017 Fortunato
SB 5563 Docs f# Truancy law costs S Human Svcs/Cor 01/08/2018 Fortunato
SB 5564 Docs f# Vehicle taxation S Transportation 01/27/2017 Fortunato
SB 5603 Docs Highway projects/local ords S Transportation 01/31/2017 Fortunato
SB 5617 Docs Ecology policies enforcement S Energy, Enviro 01/08/2018 Fortunato HB 1455(H Environment)
SB 5932 Docs New counties S State Govt/Tri 01/08/2018 Fortunato
SB 5938 Docs f# Local income tax prohibition S Ways & Means 05/15/2017 Fortunato HB 2212(H Finance)
SB 5946 Docs TESC privatization S Higher Ed & Wo 01/08/2018 Fortunato
SB 5985 Docs f Plumbers S Labor & Commer 01/08/2018 Fortunato
SB 5986 Docs f Plumber training S Labor & Commer 01/08/2018 Fortunato
SB 6019 Docs f Tolling passes/sales tax S Ways & Means 01/08/2018 Fortunato
SB 6069 Docs Structural deficient bridges S Energy, Enviro 01/08/2018 Fortunato
SB 6070 Docs a Motorcycle parking methods S Rules 03/08/2018 Fortunato
SB 6071 Docs Abortion facility notices S Health & Long 01/08/2018 Fortunato
SB 6455 Docs Towing expenses/insurance S Fin Inst/Ins 01/18/2018 Fortunato HB 2827(H Bus & Fin Svcs)
SB 6504 Docs Passing vehicle on the right S Transportation 01/22/2018 Fortunato
SB 6513 Docs f# First responder sales tax ex S Ways & Means 01/22/2018 Fortunato
SB 6558 Docs I-405 traffic flow study S Transportation 01/25/2018 Fortunato
SB 6559 Docs Midwife fees S Health & Long 01/25/2018 Fortunato
SB 6572 Docs Natural disaster emerg prep S State Govt/Tri 01/29/2018 Fortunato
SB 6579 Docs Birth centers S Health & Long 01/30/2018 Fortunato
SB 6622 Docs Schools/active shooter resp. S Law & Justice 03/01/2018 Fortunato
SJR 8204 Docs Individual income tax prohib S Failed 3rd 03/07/2017 Fortunato HJR 4207(H Finance)
SR 8633 Docs Fraternal Order of Eagles S Adopted 04/17/2017 Fortunato
SR 8680 Docs Sons of Italy in America S Adopted 02/15/2018 Fortunato
SSB 5350 Docs Adjud. proceeding deadlines S Law & Justice 01/08/2018 Fortunato
SSB 5534 Docs Housing allowance/schools S Rules X 03/21/2017 Fortunato
SSB 5616 Docs Adminstrative rules & policy S Ways & Means 02/17/2017 Fortunato HB 1658(H State Govt, El)
SSB 5892 Docs RTA capital project reauth. S Rules X 01/08/2018 Fortunato
SSB 6332 Docs f Productivity board S Ways & Means 01/25/2018 Fortunato
SSB 6443 Docs Joint self-insurance prgs. S Rules X 02/22/2018 Fortunato HB 2843(H Approps)

Total Count: 41

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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