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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Brown (2017-18)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SSB 5475 Docs f Small modular reactors tax S Energy, Enviro 01/08/2018 Brown
E2SSB 5866 Docs f# Tax court, creating S Rules X 01/08/2018 Brown
ESSB 5470 Docs af Geothermal exploration C 259 L 17 05/08/2017 Brown
ESSB 5777 Docs f# Municipal gen. business lic. S Rules X 02/22/2018 Brown
SB 5156 Docs f Motorcycle helmet use S Transportation 01/13/2017 Brown HB 1803(H Trans)
SB 5232 Docs f Hydroelectric generation/BPA S Energy, Enviro 01/08/2018 Brown HB 1360(H Tech & Econ D)
SB 5319 Docs fd Radioactive waste management S Rules X 02/22/2018 Brown HB 1252(H Cap Budget)
SB 5467 Docs Nuclear energy as alt energy S Energy, Enviro 01/08/2018 Brown
SB 5468 Docs Nuclear energy/st. strategy S Energy, Enviro 01/08/2018 Brown
SB 5621 Docs f Econ devel & transp projects S Rules X 01/08/2018 Brown
SB 5736 Docs f Nutrition programs C 287 L 17 05/10/2017 Brown
SB 6138 Docs Food stamp fraud/SOL S Law & Justice 01/09/2018 Brown
SB 6348 Docs f Marijuana businesses S Labor & Commer 01/12/2018 Brown
SB 6349 Docs f Real estate appraisers S Labor & Commer 01/12/2018 Brown
SB 6481 Docs f Sales tax deferral/manufact. S Ways & Means 01/19/2018 Brown
SB 6499 Docs f# Business ecosystems S Econ Developme 01/19/2018 Brown
SB 6568 Docs Pasco, etc./regionalization S EL/K-12 01/26/2018 Brown
SB 6631 Docs Small modular reactors S Energy, Enviro 03/08/2018 Brown
SJR 8209 Docs Tax court S Rules X 01/08/2018 Brown
SR 8688 Docs Kris Watkins S Adopted 01/25/2018 Brown
SSB 5051 Docs f State land lease provisions C 56 L 17 04/19/2017 Brown
SSB 5443 Docs f Fiscal notes S Rules X 02/22/2018 Brown
SSB 5560 Docs f Wine auctions/special permit S Labor & Commer 01/08/2018 Brown HB 1718(C 250 L 17)
SSB 5642 Docs f Job creation incentive pilot S Rules X 01/08/2018 Brown
SSB 5779 Docs af Behavioral health/prmry care C 226 L 17 PV 05/05/2017 Brown
SSB 5788 Docs Construction contracts S Rules X 03/21/2017 Brown HB 1574(H Judiciary)
SSB 6343 Docs f Energy workers task force S Rules 3 03/08/2018 Brown
SSB 6350 Docs Geothermal resources S Ways & Means 02/01/2018 Brown
SSB 6452 Docs af Child mental health consult C 288 L 18 03/27/2018 Brown
SSB 6514 Docs af Higher ed. behavioral health C 293 L 18 03/27/2018 Brown HB 2513(H Approps)

Total Count: 30

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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