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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Braun (2017-18)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2ESB 5867 Docs f Personal care by family C 34 L 17 E3 07/07/2017 Braun
2SSB 6539 Docs State trust land management S Rules X 02/22/2018 Braun
ESB 5097 Docs fd Chehalis board appointments C 27 L 17 04/17/2017 Braun HB 1150(G ov vetoed)
ESB 5111 Docs f#d Capital gains excise tax S Failed FP 04/21/2017 Braun HB 1730(H Finance)
ESB 5113 Docs fd B&O tax/education S Failed 3rd 04/21/2017 Braun HB 1550(H Finance)
ESSB 5048 Docs afd Operating budget S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun HB 1067(H Approps)
ESSB 5456 Docs Unpaid accounts S Rules X 02/22/2018 Braun HB 1145(H Judiciary)
ESSB 5875 Docs Education reform revisions S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun
ESSB 5898 Docs f Public assist. eligibility C 21 L 17 E3 07/06/2017 Braun
SB 5047 Docs d Operating sup budget 2017 S Ways & Means 01/11/2017 Braun HB 1068(H Approps)
SB 5112 Docs fd Tax preferences S Ways & Means 01/12/2017 Braun HB 1549(H Finance)
SB 5114 Docs Quarterly revenue forecasts S Rules X 03/17/2017 Braun
SB 5125 Docs f Real estate/contractors C 59 L 17 04/19/2017 Braun HB 1137(H Bus & Fin Svcs)
SB 5127 Docs fd Carbon pollution tax S Rules X 02/22/2018 Braun HB 1555(H Finance)
SB 5304 Docs Electrical rules review S Labor & Commer 01/08/2018 Braun HB 1430(H Labor & Workpl)
SB 5439 Docs f# Coal electricity conversion S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun
SB 5630 Docs fd High-technology research tax S Ways & Means 02/01/2017 Braun HB 1894(H Finance)
SB 5664 Docs f Fed. forestlands/ed. funding S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun
SB 5791 Docs f Public disclosure commission S Rules X 03/17/2017 Braun
SB 5798 Docs f Rules, yearly expiration S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun
SB 5868 Docs Human services T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5869 Docs Human services T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5870 Docs Health care T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5871 Docs Health care T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5872 Docs Public safety T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5873 Docs Criminal justice T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5874 Docs Natural resources T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5876 Docs Education T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5877 Docs Education T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5878 Docs Revenue T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5879 Docs Revenue T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5880 Docs State government T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5881 Docs State government T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5882 Docs Fiscal matters T.O. S Ways & Means 03/14/2017 Braun
SB 5895 Docs Budget stabilization approps S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun
SB 5899 Docs Training partnership/DSHS S Ways & Means 03/21/2017 Braun
SB 5902 Docs f STEM enrollments S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun
SB 5904 Docs f# Convicted persons S Law & Justice 03/22/2017 Braun
SB 5971 Docs Fiscal matters T.O. S Ways & Means 06/29/2017 Braun
SB 5972 Docs Fiscal matters T.O. S Ways & Means 06/29/2017 Braun
SB 5973 Docs Fiscal matters T.O. S Ways & Means 06/29/2017 Braun
SB 6242 Docs f# Residential prop valuation S Ways & Means 01/10/2018 Braun
SB 6243 Docs Embedment-style anchors S Ag/Water/Natur 01/10/2018 Braun
SB 6244 Docs House of rep/member election S State Govt/Tri 01/10/2018 Braun
SB 6286 Docs f SEBB board membership S Ways & Means 01/11/2018 Braun HB 2655(H Approps)
SB 6393 Docs fd L&I annual investment return C 282 L 18 03/27/2018 Braun HB 2762(H Rules R)
SB 6420 Docs Criminal justice S Law & Justice 01/17/2018 Braun
SB 6509 Docs f Correctional cost savings S Rules 2 02/02/2018 Braun
SB 6524 Docs Special education funding S EL/K-12 01/22/2018 Braun
SB 6537 Docs Fed. forestlands/ed. funding S EL/K-12 01/23/2018 Braun
SB 6538 Docs Projects of statewide signif S Econ Developme 01/23/2018 Braun
SB 6540 Docs Medicaid waiver S Health & Long 01/23/2018 Braun
SB 6541 Docs Rules, yearly expiration S State Govt/Tri 01/23/2018 Braun
SB 6543 Docs f Comm & tech college tuition S Higher Ed & Wo 01/23/2018 Braun
SB 6616 Docs Education funding reform S Ways & Means 02/22/2018 Braun
SJR 8206 Docs Right to hunt and fish S Ag/Water/Natur 01/08/2018 Braun
SJR 8212 Docs f Homestead property tax exem. S Ways & Means 01/10/2018 Braun
SR 8699 Docs George Washington/Centralia S Adopted 02/27/2018 Braun
SSB 5295 Docs d Shared leave/pregnancy S Rules X 02/22/2018 Braun HB 1434(H subst for)
SSB 5296 Docs fd Six months/vacation leave S State Govt/Tri 01/08/2018 Braun HB 1521(H subst for)
SSB 5362 Docs f Comm transp services/unempl S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun HB 1575(H Labor & Workpl)
SSB 5438 Docs f# Impact statements/two years S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun HB 1086(H subst for)
SSB 5607 Docs f# Education S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun
SSB 5670 Docs f Workers' comp./settlements S Rules X 03/17/2017 Braun HB 1755(H subst for)
SSB 5827 Docs Lodging tax revenues S Rules X 03/17/2017 Braun
SSB 5844 Docs f Citizen commission/tax prefs S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun
SSB 5883 Docs Operating budget C 1 L 17 E3 PV 06/30/2017 Braun
SSB 5900 Docs f Unfunded actuarial liability S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun
SSB 5901 Docs f Early child ed. eligibility C 22 L 17 E3 07/06/2017 Braun
SSB 5914 Docs f# Labor org dues collect. fee S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun
SSB 5915 Docs f State gov. central services S Rules X 01/08/2018 Braun
SSB 6468 Docs Behavioral health facilities S Rules 03/08/2018 Braun

Total Count: 72

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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